ReverseGeocodingTask task to a method - java

I grab a code from the android site that do the reverse geocoding (transfering a location from numbers to a text)
It's working fine but since my application has changed a bit I need to change this code into a normal method, right now it's an AsyncTask. It should get a Location and return a string.
This code is a bit strange to me so I need your help guys:
private class ReverseGeocodingTask extends AsyncTask<Location, Void, Void>
Context mContext;
public ReverseGeocodingTask(Context context)
mContext = context;
protected Void doInBackground(Location... params)
Geocoder geocoder = new Geocoder(mContext, Locale.getDefault());
Location loc = params[0];
List<Address> addresses = null;
try {
addresses = geocoder.getFromLocation(loc.getLatitude(), loc.getLongitude(), 1);
} catch (IOException e) {
// Update address field with the exception.
LocationService.this.address = e.toString();
if (addresses != null && addresses.size() > 0)
Address address = addresses.get(0);
// Format the first line of address (if available), city, and country name.
String addressText = String.format("%s, %s, %s",
address.getMaxAddressLineIndex() > 0 ? address.getAddressLine(0) : "",
// Update address field on UI.
// Message.obtain(mHandler, UPDATE_ADDRESS, addressText).sendToTarget();
LocationService.this.address = addressText;
return null;

You start by making a method like so
public String reverseGeocode(Location loc) {
change the line that grabs the first location, being the only one used, and remove it - you already have loc
//Location loc = params[0];
Then instead of setting the address to that location service, just return it:
//LocationService.this.address = addressText;
return addressText;
Splice those into the method, remove the unnecessary return statement at the end, and you're golden.
Upon a closer look I'm also seeing an exception you'll simply want to throw up the chain instead of handling inside this method. Let that get handled by whatever calls your method on a case-by-case basis: it's not a problem this method can solve.


Optimize the code which Copying AWS S3 objects into DB

I have written a code which fetched the S3 objects from AWS s3 using S3 sdk and stores the same in our DB, the only problem is the task is repeated for three different services, the only thing is changed is the instance of service class.
I have copy and pasted code in each service layer just to changes the instance for an instance.
The task is repeated for service classes VehicleImageService, MsilLayoutService and NonMsilLayoutService, every layer is having its own repository.
I am trying to identify a way to accomplish the same by placing that snippet in one place and on an runtime using Reflection API I wish to pass the correct instance and invoke the method, but I want to achieve the same using best industry practices and pattern. I.e. I want to refactor into generic methods for other services, so instance can be passed at runtime.
So kindly assist me on the same.
public void persistImageDetails() {"MsilVehicleLayoutServiceImpl::persistImageDetails::START");
String bucketKey = null; //common param
String modelCode = null;//common param
List<S3Object> objList = new ArrayList<>(); //common param
String bucketName = s3BucketDetails.getBucketName();//common param
String bucketPath = s3BucketDetails.getBucketPrefix();//common param
try {
//the layoutRepository object can be MSILRepository,NonMSILRepository and VehilceImageRepository
List<ModelCode> modelCodes = layoutRepository.findDistinctAllBy(); // this line need to take care of
List<String> modelCodePresent =
List<CommonPrefix> allKeysInDesiredBucket = listAllKeysInsideBucket(bucketName, bucketPath);//common param
synchDB(modelCodePresent, allKeysInDesiredBucket);
if (null != allKeysInDesiredBucket && !allKeysInDesiredBucket.isEmpty()) {
for (CommonPrefix commonPrefix : allKeysInDesiredBucket) {
bucketKey = commonPrefix.prefix();
modelCode = new File(bucketKey).getName();
if (modelCodePresent.contains(modelCode)) {"skipping iteration for {} model code", modelCode);
objList = s3Service.getBucketObjects(bucketName, bucketKey);
if (null != objList && !objList.isEmpty()) {
for (S3Object object : AppUtil.skipFirst(objList)) {
saveLayout(bucketName, modelCode, object);
}"MSIL Vehicle Layout entries has been successfully saved");
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("Error occured", e);
private void saveLayout(String bucketName, String modelCode, S3Object object) {"Inside saveLayout::Start preparing entity to persist");
String resourceUri = null;
MsilVehicleLayout vehicleLayout = new MsilVehicleLayout();// this can be MsilVehicleLayout. NonMsilVehicleLayout, VehicleImage
resourceUri = getS3ObjectURI(bucketName, object.key());
vehicleLayout.setS3PresignedExpDate(null);; //the layoutRepository object can be MSILRepository,NonMSILRepository and VehilceImageRepository"Exiting saveLayout::End entity saved");

List not Updating in android after String is spoken through SpeechRecognizer

So, i am creating a virtual assistant app which after listening to user suppose to update the ui and then take another input but it updating the ui at once and then listening and speaking at once and taking no input
messageHolder = "The Global text get from Recognizer";
private void sendChatMessage(boolean side){
if(side != true){
chatArrayAdapter.add(new ChatMessage(side,messageHolder));
startSpeechToText() -> get the result from the speechrecognizerIntent
private class SeprateQuery extends AsyncTask<String,String,query>{
protected query doInBackground(String... strings) {
String v_query = strings[0].toString();
Log.e("APP","String recieved inn seprateQuery and is"+v_query);
if(v_query.indexOf("create contact")!=-1){
v_query = v_query.replace("create contact ","");
return new query(4,v_query);
return new query(-1,"null");
protected void onPostExecute(query code) {
messageHolder = "Enter the name";
String name = messageHolder;
messageHolder = "Enter the number";
String contact = messageHolder;
is there any way i can perform the code in onPostExecute procedurally one by one instead ui updating at once without listening to users

is it possible to return "if condition satisfies return a list else return an error message" using a java method

I know that in Java a method can return only one return type... But if there is any possiblity to this, kindly let me know. From the below method I am trying to return a list if condition satisfies else i am trying to return an error message.
Here is my code:
#RequestMapping(value = "/getcompanies", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public List<CompanyMaster> getCompanies(#RequestBody UserDetails user) {
String OrgLoginId = user.getOrgLoginId();
String password = user.getuPassword();
String checkLoginId = null;
String uPassword = null;
String encPassword = null;
String loginId = null;
String checkAuthorized = null;
// String loginId=userService.getLoginId(OrgLoginId);
List<Object[]> CheckIdPassword = userService.checkLoginId(OrgLoginId);
List<Object[]> results = CheckIdPassword;
for (Object[] obj : results) {
checkLoginId = obj[0].toString();
if (null == obj[1]) {
uPassword = "";
} else {
uPassword = obj[1].toString();
loginId = obj[2].toString();
checkAuthorized = loginId.substring(0, 3);
if (null != password) {
MD5 md5 = new MD5();
encPassword = md5.getPassword(password);
if (checkLoginId == null) {
return "Incorrect loginId..Please enter valid loginId";
} else if (encPassword.equals(uPassword)) {
if (checkAuthorized.equals("STE")) {
List<CompanyMaster> companyList = userService.getCompanyList(OrgLoginId);
return companyList;
} else {
return "You are not Authorized";
} else {
return "Incorrect Password";
Yes its possible, create a custom Exception say 'MyAppException' and throw that exception with the error message you want.
Write your logic in a try{}catch block and throw the exception in catch so that the response has the error message
public List<CompanyMaster> getCompanies(#RequestBody UserDetails user) throws MyAppppException
//your logic which throws error
return companyList;
catch( final MyAppException we )
throw new MyAppException("User not found", HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND);
Refer this link
You can achieve this by creating a new presenter Class which contains List and status of type String and change the return type of getCompanies method to presenter class like
public CompaniesPresenter getCompanies()
And your CompaniesPresenter class should look like
public class CompaniesPresenter {
private List<CompanyMaster> companyMaster;
private string status;
//default constructor
public CompaniesPresenter(){
//parameterized constructor to return only string in exception case
public CompaniesPresenter(Stirng status){
this.status = status;
//parametirized constructor to return success case
public CompaniesPresenter(List<CompanyMaster> companyMaster, Stirng status){
this.companyMaster = companyMaster;
this.status = status;
//getters and setters
This is how your updated method lokks like
#RequestMapping(value = "/getcompanies", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public CompaniesPresenter getCompanies(#RequestBody UserDetails user) {
String OrgLoginId = user.getOrgLoginId();
String password = user.getuPassword();
String checkLoginId = null;
String uPassword = null;
String encPassword = null;
String loginId = null;
String checkAuthorized = null;
// String loginId=userService.getLoginId(OrgLoginId);
List<Object[]> CheckIdPassword = userService.checkLoginId(OrgLoginId);
List<Object[]> results = CheckIdPassword;
for (Object[] obj : results) {
checkLoginId = obj[0].toString();
if (null == obj[1]) {
uPassword = "";
} else {
uPassword = obj[1].toString();
loginId = obj[2].toString();
checkAuthorized = loginId.substring(0, 3);
if (null != password) {
MD5 md5 = new MD5();
encPassword = md5.getPassword(password);
if (checkLoginId == null) {
return new CompaniesPresenter("Incorrect loginId..Please enter valid loginId");
} else if (encPassword.equals(uPassword)) {
if (checkAuthorized.equals("STE")) {
List<CompanyMaster> companyList = userService.getCompanyList(OrgLoginId);
return new CompaniesPresenter(companyList,"success");
} else {
return new CompaniesPresenter("You are not Authorized");
} else {
return new CompaniesPresenter("Incorrect Password");
This is not tested please make sure for any compilation errors
vavr's Either class would be a good choice.
The usage of custom exception is most reasonable solution. However, creating custom exception for just one case is not ideal always.
Another solution is to return empty List from your method, check if the List is empty in your servlet (or wherever you are invoking this method from), and show error message there.
It seems like you want to return multiple error messages for different cases. In this case, custom exception is recommended solution. If you don't like custom exceptions, you can return List<Object> and populate error message as the first element in the list. In the place where this List is obtained, check if the first element is instanceOf String or CompanyMaster. Based on what it is, you can perform your operations. This is a weird but possible solution (only if you don't like custom exceptions).
You need to understand the problem first. You are mixing two things here, first authorization, does the user has correct privileges to get company details, second giving the company details itself. Let's understand the first problem when a user tries to access "/getcompanies" endpoint will you let him in if does not have access, in REST world your security model should take care of it. I would use spring security to achieve this. My recommendation would be to explore on "interceptor" and solve the problem of invalid user. This will make your other problem easy as your "/getcompanies" endpoint can focus only on getting the details and return it (SRP).

Android Geocoder getFromLocationName fails with valid address

I'm trying to get latitude and longitude of specific addresses using
addressList = geoCoder.getFromLocationName(locationName, 1);
For most addresses this works just fine, but there are some valid addresses, like "Lentoasemantie 1, Vantaa", which returns empty array. The strange thing is that the valid addresses used to work 4 days ago, but not anymore while most of the addresses continue to work.
So, this looks like Google backend problem and I'm wondering should I report this to Google (where / how?) or switch away from using Geocoder, because it's inherently unreliable?
Geocoder Android API is not as efficient as the Google Maps Geocoding API so I suggest you to use this one instead of Geocoder.
You can find below the function to get location from address through Volley queue (For Lentoasemantie 1, Vantaa, it works) :
public void getLocationFromAddress(String address) {
String url = ""
+ Uri.encode(address) + "&sensor=true&key=API_KEY";
RequestQueue queue = Volley.newRequestQueue(this);
JsonObjectRequest stateReq = new JsonObjectRequest(Request.Method.GET, url, null, new Response.Listener<JSONObject>() {
public void onResponse(JSONObject response) {
JSONObject location;
try {
// Get JSON Array called "results" and then get the 0th
// complete object as JSON
location = response.getJSONArray("results").getJSONObject(0).getJSONObject("geometry").getJSONObject("location");
// Get the value of the attribute whose name is
// "formatted_string"
if (location.getDouble("lat") != 0 && location.getDouble("lng") != 0) {
LatLng latLng = new LatLng(location.getDouble("lat"), location.getDouble("lng"));
//Do what you want
} catch (JSONException e1) {
}, new Response.ErrorListener() {
public void onErrorResponse(VolleyError error) {
Log.d("Error.Response", error.toString());
// add it to the queue

Android : static String get Last Outgoing Call() method

I'd like to use the static String getLastOutgoingCall() method in order to pull the duration of the last outgoing phone call but I don't know how !
I'm a beginner with java programming (I usually program in c++)
The tutorials that I found use the ancient APIs and none of them use the method I'm talking about.
I hope I have not misinterpreted your question. If so, please let me know.
The method String getLastOutgoingCall (Context context) from android.provider.CallLog.Calls, according to the documentation, returns
The last phone number dialed (outgoing) or an empty string if none
exist yet.
So, you can't retrieve the last outgoing call duration using that method.
To get the last outgoing call duration, you can query the CallLog.Calls.CONTENT_URI to retrieve this info.
You can use a method like this:
public String getLastOutgoingCallDuration(final Context context) {
String output = null;
final Uri callog = CallLog.Calls.CONTENT_URI;
Cursor cursor = null;
try {
// Query all the columns of the records that matches "type=2"
// (outgoing) and orders the results by "date"
cursor = context.getContentResolver().query(callog, null,
CallLog.Calls.TYPE + "=" + CallLog.Calls.OUTGOING_TYPE,
null, CallLog.Calls.DATE);
final int durationCol = cursor
// Retrieve only the last record to get the last outgoing call
if (cursor.moveToLast()) {
// Retrieve only the duration column
output = cursor.getString(durationCol);
} finally {
// Close the resources
if (cursor != null) {
return output;
Note: To perform this query you will need to add the following permission to your manifest:
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_CALL_LOG" />
Edit based on your own answer:
You need to call the getLastOutgoingCallDuration() on the onCreate() method of your Activity:
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
setContentView(R.layout.main); // Here you need to set the name of your xml
TextView displayDuration;
displayDuration = (TextView) findViewById(;
String duration = getLastOutgoingCallDuration(this);
displayDuration.setText(output + "sec");
