I have an application that uses a ton of String objects. One of my objects (lets call it Person) contains 9 of them. The data that is written to each String object is never written more than once, but will be read several times after. There will be several hundred thousand or so Person objects at a given time and many of these Person objects will share first name, last name, etc...
I am trying to think of immediate ways to reduce the amount memory that is consumed by the Person object but I am no expert when it comes to how Java manages its memory underneath.
Before I go down this rabbit hole, I would like to know what drawbacks there would be if I went down these paths and if it even make sense in the first place:
Using StringBuilder or StringBuffer solely because of the trimToSize() method which would allow me to reduce the number of allocated bytes used in the string.
Store the strings as byte[] array's and provide a getter that would convert the byte[] to String and a setter that would accept String and convert to byte[] - data is being read quite a bit, so would this be too expensive?
Create a hash table for (lets just say) "names" that would prevent duplicate allocations (using a pointer) for the same name over and over (there could be thousands of names with 10+ characters).
Before I pointlessly head down any of these roads, does it make sense to do? Maybe Java is already reducing String allocations and checking for duplicates?
I don't mind a good read either. I have found some documentation but nothing that explores to this depth.
Obviously StringBuilder and StringBuffer couldn't help in this case. String is immutable object, so these 2 classes were introduced for building Strings not for storing. Anyway you may (in most cases - must) use StringBuilder if you concatinate/insert chars in the middle/delete some chars from/of Strings
In my opinion, second option could led to increasing memory consuption because new String will be created when byte[] will be converted to String every time you need it.
Handwritten StringDeduplicator is very reasonable solution, especially if you are stuck with java 5,6,7.
Java 8/9 has String Deduplication option. By default, this option is disabled. To use this one in Java 8, you must enable the G1 garbage collector, while in Java 9 G1 is the default.
Regarding String Deduplication, see:
JEP 192: String Deduplication in G1
Java 8 Update 20 Release Notes
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Throughout my career I've often seen calls like this:
if( "".equals(foo) ) { //do stuff };
How is the empty string understood in terms of data in the lower-levels of Java?
Specifically, by "Lower-levels of Java" I'm referring to the actual contents of memory or some C/C++ construct being used to represent the "" sequence, rather than high-level implementations in Java.
I had previously checked the Java Language Specification which lead me to this, and noting that the "empty string" wasn't really given much more definition than that, this is then what led to the head-scratching.
I then ran javap on some various classes trying to tease out an answer through bytecode, but the behavior in regards to "How is the machine dealing with the sequence "" wasn't really any more clear. Having then excluded byte code and Java code I then posted the question here, hoping that someone would shed some light on the issue from a lower-level perspective.
There's no such thing as "the empty string character". A character is always a UTF-16 code unit, and there's no "empty" code unit. There's "an empty string" which is represented exactly the same way as any other string:
A char[] reference
An index into that char[]
A length
In this case, the length would be 0. The char[] reference could potentially be a reference to an empty char array, which could potentially be shared between all instance of String which have a length of 0.
(Code such as substring could be implemented by detecting 0-length requests and always returning the same reference to an empty string, but I'm not aware of implementations doing that.)
I need to write a function which will do the following functionalities
Note that this:
fqField.substring(quoteEnd+1, fqField.length());
uses the character array of the referenced string, rather than create a new string. That is, if I have a 100,000 character array and I take a 2 character substring of that, the substring will reference the original 100,000 chars. This is true even if you dispose of the reference to the original string.
If you do this:
new String(fqField.substring(quoteEnd+1, fqField.length()));
then this will create a new String, with a new underlying character array. You can then dispose of the original and you won't be consuming memory for the original.
The ArrayList "prefixes" which you're creating has the default size for a list. You could add a sensible size to it.
What about using char instead of String, is it an option for you to pass that as params?
How about making "prefixes" an array of String (or char) from the start, instead of making it an ArrayList first and converting it later.
I found out the memory my program is increasing is because of the code below, currently I am reading a file that is about 7GB big, and I believe the one that would be stored in the hashset is lesson than 10M, but the memory my program keeps increasing to 300MB and then crashes because of OutofMemoryError. If it is the Hashset problem, which data structure shall I choose?
if(tagsStr!=null) {
if(tagsStr.contains("a")||tagsStr.contains("b")||tagsStr.contains("c")) {
} else {
if(maTable.contains(parentId)) {
//do sth else, no memories added here
You haven't really told us what you're doing, but:
If your file is currently in something like ASCII, each character you read will be one byte in the file or two bytes in memory.
Each string will have an object overhead - this can be significant if you're storing lots of small strings
If you're reading lines with BufferedReader (or taking substrings from large strings), each one may have a large backing buffer - you may want to use maTable.add(new String(postId)) to avoid this
Each entry in the hash set needs a separate object to keep the key/hashcode/value/next-entry values. Again, with a lot of entries this can add up
In short, it's quite possible that you're doing nothing wrong, but a combination of memory-increasing factors are working against you. Most of these are unavoidable, but the third one may be relevant.
You've either got a memory leak or your understanding of the amount of string data that you are storing is incorrect. We can't tell which without seeing more of your code.
The scientific solution is to run your application using a memory profiler, and analyze the output to see which of your data structures is using an unexpectedly large amount of memory.
If I was to guess, it would be that your application (at some level) is doing something like this:
String line;
while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
// search for tag in line
String tagStr = line.substring(pos1, pos2);
// code as per your example
This uses a lot more memory than you'd expect. The substring(...) call creates a tagStr object that refers to the backing array of the original line string. Your tag strings that you expect to be short actually refer to a char[] object that holds all characters in the original line.
The fix is to do this:
String tagStr = new String(line.substring(pos1, pos2));
This creates a String object that does not share the backing array of the argument String.
UPDATE - this or something similar is an increasingly likely explanation ... given your latest data.
To expand on another of Jon Skeet's point, the overheads of a small String are surprisingly high. For instance, on a typical 32 bit JVM, the memory usage of a one character String is:
String object header for String object: 2 words
String object fields: 3 words
Padding: 1 word (I think)
Backing array object header: 3 words
Backing array data: 1 word
Total: 10 words - 40 bytes - to hold one char of data ... or one byte of data if your input is in an 8-bit character set.
(This is not sufficient to explain your problem, but you should be aware of it anyway.)
Couldn't be it possible that the data read into memory (from the 7G file) is somehow not freed? Something ike Jon puts... ie. since strings are immutable every string read requires a new String object creation which might lead to out of memory if GC is not quick enough...
If the above is the case than you might insert some 'breakpoints' into your code/iteration, ie. at some defined points, issue gc and wait till it terminates.
Run your program with -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError. You'll then be able to use a memory analyser like MAT to see what is using up all of the memory - it may be something completely unexpected.
I used a variable with a lot of data in it, say String data.
I wanted to use a small part of this string in the following way:
this.smallpart = data.substring(12,18);
After some hours of debugging (with a memory visualizer) I found out that the objects field smallpart remembered all the data from data, although it only contained the substring.
When I changed the code into:
this.smallpart = data.substring(12,18)+"";
..the problem was solved! Now my application uses very little memory now!
How is that possible? Can anyone explain this? I think this.smallpart kept referencing towards data, but why?
How can I clear the big String then? Will data = new String(data.substring(0,100)) do the thing?
Doing the following:
data.substring(x, y) + ""
creates a new (smaller) String object, and throws away the reference to the String created by substring(), thus enabling garbage collection of this.
The important thing to realise is that substring() gives a window onto an existing String - or rather, the character array underlying the original String. Hence it will consume the same memory as the original String. This can be advantageous in some circumstances, but problematic if you want to get a substring and dispose of the original String (as you've found out).
Take a look at the substring() method in the JDK String source for more info.
EDIT: To answer your supplementary question, constructing a new String from the substring will reduce your memory consumption, provided you bin any references to the original String.
NOTE (Jan 2013). The above behaviour has changed in Java 7u6. The flyweight pattern is no longer used and substring() will work as you would expect.
If you look at the source of substring(int, int), you'll see that it returns:
new String(offset + beginIndex, endIndex - beginIndex, value);
where value is the original char[]. So you get a new String but with the same underlying char[].
When you do, data.substring() + "", you get a new String with a new underlying char[].
Actually, your use case is the only situation where you should use the String(String) constructor:
String tiny = new String(huge.substring(12,18));
When you use substring, it doesn't actually create a new string. It still refers to your original string, with an offset and size constraint.
So, to allow your original string to be collected, you need to create a new string (using new String, or what you've got).
I think this.smallpart kept
referencing towards data, but why?
Because Java strings consist of a char array, a start offset and a length (and a cached hashCode). Some String operations like substring() create a new String object that shares the original's char array and simply has different offset and/or length fields. This works because the char array of a String is never modified once it has been created.
This can save memory when many substrings refer to the same basic string without replicating overlapping parts. As you have noticed, in some situations, it can keep data that's not needed anymore from being garbage collected.
The "correct" way to fix this is the new String(String) constructor, i.e.
this.smallpart = new String(data.substring(12,18));
BTW, the overall best solution would be to avoid having very large Strings in the first place, and processing any input in smaller chunks, aa few KB at a time.
In Java strings are imutable objects and once a string is created, it remains on memory until it's cleaned by the garbage colector (and this cleaning is not something you can take for granted).
When you call the substring method, Java does not create a trully new string, but just stores a range of characters inside the original string.
So, when you created a new string with this code:
this.smallpart = data.substring(12, 18) + "";
you actually created a new string when you concatenated the result with the empty string.
That's why.
As documented by jwz in 1997:
If you have a huge string, pull out a substring() of it, hold on to the substring and allow the longer string to become garbage (in other words, the substring has a longer lifetime) the underlying bytes of the huge string never go away.
Just to sum up, if you create lots of substrings from a small number of big strings, then use
String subtring = string.substring(5,23)
Since you only use the space to store the big strings, but if you are extracting a just handful of small strings, from losts of big strings, then
String substring = new String(string.substring(5,23));
Will keep your memory use down, since the big strings can be reclaimed when no longer needed.
That you call new String is a helpful reminder that you really are getting a new string, rather than a reference to the original one.
Firstly, calling java.lang.String.substring creates new window on the original String with usage of the offset and length instead of copying the significant part of underlying array.
If we take a closer look at the substring method we will notice a string constructor call String(int, int, char[]) and passing it whole char[] that represents the string. That means the substring will occupy as much amount of memory as the original string.
Ok, but why + "" results in demand for less memory than without it??
Doing a + on strings is implemented via StringBuilder.append method call. Look at the implementation of this method in AbstractStringBuilder class will tell us that it finally do arraycopy with the part we just really need (the substring).
Any other workaround??
this.smallpart = new String(data.substring(12,18));
this.smallpart = data.substring(12,18).intern();
Appending "" to a string will sometimes save memory.
Let's say I have a huge string containing a whole book, one million characters.
Then I create 20 strings containing the chapters of the book as substrings.
Then I create 1000 strings containing all paragraphs.
Then I create 10,000 strings containing all sentences.
Then I create 100,000 strings containing all the words.
I still only use 1,000,000 characters. If you add "" to each chapter, paragraph, sentence and word, you use 5,000,000 characters.
Of course it's entirely different if you only extract one single word from the whole book, and the whole book could be garbage collected but isn't because that one word holds a reference to it.
And it's again different if you have a one million character string and remove tabs and spaces at both ends, making say 10 calls to create a substring. The way Java works or worked avoids copying a million characters each time. There is compromise, and it's good if you know what the compromises are.