I'm trying to execute grunt tasks from within maven without needing to install Node.js or anything. This is because I wan't my artifact to be packaged by Jenkins and I can't install Node.js on that machine.
I know that it's easy with npm and a few commands to get it working, but I also think that it should be easy to integrate with maven, the problem is that I don't know where to start since I'm new to npm.
Yes, using the frontend-maven-plugin, you can compile Grunt projects via Maven (found via the NodeJS mailing list).
As the documentation points out, the plugin has the following features:
Let you keep your frontend and backend builds as separate as possible, by reducing the amount of interaction between them to the bare minimum; using only 1 plugin.
Let you use Node.js and its libraries in your build process without installing Node/NPM globally for your build system
Let you ensure that the version of Node and NPM being run is the same in every build environment
I've walked through the code and it's fairly simple. Thank goodness someone finally put this together; it's an elegant solution. The repository includes an example that uses a regular Gruntfile.js to invoke jshint analysis.
UPDATE 2014-09-19: This is no longer the most accurate answer - please take a look at some of the other answers below. It was accurate at the time when I answered the question, but there seems to have been a good deal of progress in this area since then.
I'm afraid you're out of luck. Grunt is built using node and needs to be installed using npm. You might be able to copy an existing installation of Grunt from another machine if you don't want to use npm, but will still use the grunt executable and all of its dependencies on your build server.
In addition to that, many of the Grunt tasks are implemented as Node.js modules, and you will have to install them as well. Again, you might be able to copy them from another server, where you've done the Node.js/Grunt installation, but at one point, you have to do it.
For running Grunt from Maven, your best bet is to use the Maven exec plugin and then execute the grunt executable from there.
As an alternative, there are several Maven plugins that allow you to do things similar to Grunt in a Java-based fashion. They require additional configuration not compatible with Grunt, so YMMV. One that I've used in the past is http://code.google.com/p/wro4j/, which comes with a Maven plugin as well: http://code.google.com/p/wro4j/wiki/MavenPlugin
Any particular reason why you can't install Node.js on your build server?
You can use grunt-maven-plugin. It allows you to easily integrate Grunt tasks into Maven build process. No dirty hacks.
This is what I use in my current project and it works just perfect.
Finally I ended up with this (which is close enough but doesn't solve the problem):
that installs locally the grunt-cli, but if I don't have installed node.js it's worthless. Although I try to install node.js locally there's the need to have installed python, g++ and make. So I'll go with the KISS solution: install grunt in the build server.
You might want to checkout http://jhipster.github.io/ : it's a Yeoman generator, that generates an application which has Maven, Grunt and Bower all working together.
It's a bit like your third option, but everything is configured for you, which isn't that easy. It's also generating the basic AngularJS and Java REST services for you
This is a full copy/paste solution which work in 2017 using frontend-maven-plugin for front build, and maven-war-plugin to build the war.
What it does ? install npm, bower grunt,and everything you need, then run npm install, bower install and finally grunt build.
You can remove/add replace the steps you want, for me it's a full 30 sec install/build library and project.
<!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/com.github.eirslett/frontend-maven-plugin -->
<!-- optional: you don't really need execution ids, but it looks
nice in your build log. -->
<id>install node and npm</id>
<!-- optional: default phase is "generate-resources" -->
<id>npm install</id>
<!-- optional: default phase is "generate-resources" -->
<id>bower install</id>
<!-- optional: The default argument is actually "install", so unless
you need to run some other bower command, you can remove this whole <configuration>
section. -->
<id>grunt build</id>
<!-- optional: the default phase is "generate-resources" -->
<!-- optional: if not specified, it will run Grunt's default task
(and you can remove this whole <configuration> section.) -->
<!-- Put the IDE's build output in a folder other than target, so that
IDE builds don't interact with Maven builds -->
Then you can Run as -> Maven build ..., with goal clean install and profile release
The first problem is that Maven is Java, but Grunt.js runs on the Node.js runtime. The easiest integration I ever achieved between the two involved the maven-exec-plugin. The maven-exec-plugin is capable of executing .sh/.bat/.cmd scripts, whichever are native to the OS you are using. So during a Maven build I would have the maven-exec-plugin execute a script named optimize-js.sh, for example, which would simply do something like “grunt release –force”, or whatever. The scripts can be made to do whatever. The important thing is to configure the maven-exec-plugin to execute them in the correct working directory. Of course, “grunt” and “node” need to be executable from the command-line.
If the problem is installing NodeJS on the Jenkins machine then you can use the NodeJS Jenkins plugin.
We're not using it with Maven (yet) but we've got grunt running.
Can be done with exec-maven-plugin.
Define a script and dependency to grunt-cli in your package.json:
"scripts": {
"build": "./node_modules/.bin/grunt install"
"devDependencies": {
"grunt-cli": "^1.2.0",
In your pom, add the commands to run:
It will now run on mvn package
I've inherited an application that only compiles and runs in Java 1.8. Because I don't want to make Java 1.8 the primary jvm on my machine, I felt that the best way to manage this was through Maven toolchains. Configuring the maven-compiler-plugin was pretty straight forward, but I also want to add the ability to execute the service via Maven in order to take advantage of the toolchain I have configured for 1.8.
The challenge is that I don't seem to be able to get the exec-maven-plugin to use the toolchain as documented. According to the documentation, I would think that the exec-maven-plugin would utilize the maven-toolchains-plugin as needed. However, in order to get exec:exec to use the right toolchain, I have to use:
mvn toolchains:toolchain exec:exec
This works, but the documentation leads me to think that the toolchain would be configured automatically without me needing to execute the toolchains:toolchain goal.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF8"?>
Additional Note: I also tried configuring the exec-maven-plugin to run on exec:java with the following configuration:
However this does not work, not even with mvn toolchains:toolchain exec:java.
Is there a way to configure this so that I only have to run mvn exec:exec, or mvn exec:java?
I think the answer is you must ensure that the toolchains plugin itself is part of your build. Or that's what the relevant documentation seems to say. (I see above you have that; what I'm saying is yes, that is required.)
For my team, I'd like to configure maven/eclipse build to automatically generate Java code from *.proto files (in a project that uses gRPC). Currently one needs to run mvn generate-source or mvn protobuf:compile (as in plugin usage page). Or what is the same add Run configuration to invoke maven goal compile.
Whenever Eclipse Maven project is refreshed (Alt+F5) or IDE is restarted, project is rebuilt but without what should appear in target/generated, thus turning project into red. So one need to generate and refresh project (F5). UPDATE Eclipse has needed source folders configured in .clathpath file.
As I know that should be m2e connector, but I could only find one https://github.com/masterzen/m2e-protoc-connector for the oldest Googles plugin com.google.protobuf.tools:maven-protoc-plugin, that is even not mentioned currently at https://github.com/grpc/grpc-java
We use exactly referenced/recommended
that is:
Linking to generated Java protobuf code in Eclipse
looked at this but that author was using other older, not supported now plugin : Eclipse build loop caused by protobuf generated code (related to Maven Project Builder)
P.P.S That plugin https://github.com/igor-petruk/protobuf-maven-plugin however has continuation as https://github.com/os72/protoc-jar-maven-plugin
Instead of using org.xolstice.maven.plugins:protobuf-maven-plugin my team has used com.github.os72:protoc-jar-maven-plugin to generate the message classes. I believe they are the same since under the hood they all seem to be using the tools from Google.
I am not using any m2e connectors for this plugin (Edit: protoc-jar-maven-plugin's m2e connector is bundled with it so no extra installation is needed, which is why it seemed like I wasn't using one, but technically I was, but this doesn't really matter). Unfortunately the changes in the .proto file are not "automatically" propagated to the generated .java files, you need to manually run Maven or trigger the project to be built in Eclipse (instructions below), but fortunately the target/generated-sources file is not vanishing or emptying or anything strange like what you describe.
If you want to rebuild the .java files from the .proto classes without using mvn clean compile from the command line you can clean the Eclipse project . Project → Clean... → select your project → Select build option (only shows if you have "Build Automatically" from the Project menu is unchecked).
I was able to do this in the latest Eclipse Neon (it will probably work in later ones too, but I don't know for certain).
Below is the POM I am using. I don't think it requires any special explanation, my solution is to simply use a different plugin than the one you are using. (If some explanation is needed I'll be happy to provide it though.)
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd">
for protobuf-maven-plugin
Thanks to sergei-ivanov answer in https://github.com/xolstice/protobuf-maven-plugin/issues/16, that gave link https://github.com/trustin/os-maven-plugin#issues-with-eclipse-m2e-or-other-ides :
One need to download os-maven-plugin-x.x.x.Final.jar (the version as in your pomx.ml) and put it into the <ECLIPSE_HOME>/plugins directory.
After that Eclipse will generate source on project clean, including after Maven -update project... (Alt+F5), but not after Project -> Build (or with default Build Automatically). Also on IDE start it will not compile.
Yes, that is illogical:
Project - Clean will generate and compile Java source
Project - Build will not.
P.S. Raised Bug 507412
Both eclipse and vscode can automatically compile proto when changed.
See: https://github.com/trustin/os-maven-plugin#issues-with-eclipse-m2e-or-other-ides
Specifically, I run the launch4j-maven-plugin plugin to generate me an .exe file. This only works on Windows, so I was wondering if I could 'opt-out' of this step on other platforms?
The plugin is tied to the execution phase like this
You can wrap that plugin under separate build profile and just enable that profile on the build that you want
For example:
<!_- your plugin configuration -->
Now pass parameter while launching maven to specify profile
For example:
mvn clean install -Pgenerate-exe
I have a multimodule maven project, and one of the modules is for distribution.
Project \
| moduleA \
| moduleB \
| ...
| dist-module \
The distribution contains an executable jar that I'd like to easily execute. However, to execute it I have to type something like:
java -jar dist-module/target/dist-module-1.0-SNAPSHOT-full-dist/myJar.jar
It would be quite preferable to simply type:
mvn exec:java \ OR
mvn exec:exec
Unfortunately, I can't find a way to get the java goal to execute a .jar. The exec goal will actually do it, but there's a catch: the jar contains an embedded jetty server, and due to the way exec works (doesn't use the same JVM as maven) the server doesn't terminate unless I kill the process manually, which is similarly bothersome.
Any recommendations on how to do this using maven?
For clarification, this command will primarily be used for simple manual smoke-testing; to read the log output and ensure the program started up properly in its distribution environment. As such, it should probably be a blocking call with ctrl-c terminating both the server and maven.
The embedded server is specialized to run a few specific applications, and does not automatically reload them. So, there's not a big need to keep the server running independently of maven for long periods of time.
mvn exec:java runs the app directly from the compiler output below target/ - no need to run from the jar:
If you want to run the jar with mvn exec:exec :
<!-- optional -->
If you have problems with jetty terminating, I'd recommend running an integration test (or just don't exit the jetty main thread without terminating jetty first, or just use jetty's stop port)! It is possible to run a JVM in the background and let maven stop it again after testing. There are three phases for this: pre-integration-test, integration-test or post-integration-test. You can read more about this at http://docs.codehaus.org/display/MAVENUSER/Maven+and+Integration+Testing . When using jetty maven plugin, the pom.xml config could like:
<!-- test start/stop: -->
Instead of binding the jetty maven plugin to these phases, you could bind the maven antrun plugin to execute arbitrary commands.
I would use the maven ant or gmaven (then use groovy ant builder) if you want to execute stuff
After your edits it sounds like your using something like DropWizard. You might want to see how they are solving that problem.
Edit based on comments:
The Spring Boot Maven will create executable wars as well as execute them and you don't need Spring Boot nor Spring. More details in my answer here: Can spring-boot-maven-plugin be used for non spring project?
The idea is to run "mvn package", as usual, and after all the steps are done, a Jar utility should be called passing the filepath of the packaged code (a jar or a war file) as an argument.
The utility would be called as follows from the command line:
java -jar Utility.jar -filepath {path of the new jar/war file}
I want to integrate that final step to the build process. How do I modify the pom.xml file in order to accomplish this?
have a look at the maven exec plugin. you can bind an execution of it to the package phase (would run after the built-in bindings defined by the packaging) to run java (the executable) with the arguments "-jar Utility.jar -filepath ${project.build.directory}/${project.artifactId}-${project.version}-${project.packaging}"
the result would look kinda like this:
<id>run jar utility</id>
though this invocation would be platform specific. you could improve on this a bit and use "java" instead of "exec" (you'd need to provide the main class name in that Utility.jar)
if you describe what the utility you plan on using does there might be a more cross-platform way to do it (for example the maven antrun plugin)
Here's an alternative way to run the exec-maven-plugin from what #radai suggested. If you can do it this way instead, I recommend it.
<!--I don't want my project's dependencies in the classpath-->
<!--Just include the dependencies that this plugin needs. IE: the Utility dependencies-->
<!--You may be able to use a variable substitution for pathToJarFile. Try it and see-->
<commandlineArgs>-filepath pathToJarFile</commandlineArgs>