I have an application where the user (client #1) enters a local ip and a port and the application sends a picture to client #2 (who is also using the same application). However for the final application, I do not want the user to enter the local ip because they will not know this information, and I want my program to automatically figure this out.
My first idea:
Originally, I thought that I could scan all the local ip's for an open port, but this would take way too long.
My second idea:
My next idea was to have the clients send their local hostnames to a remote server which then swaps them and sends them back to the clients.
However, I do not want to run a dedicated server for my second idea.
Because this is more of a design question, I am not including any code but I will do so if necessary.
Do you guys have any ideas on how I should design my application to automatically figure out the local ips?
I did try to google this but couldn't figure out a solution, and so I gave up after an hour and just put my question here.
you can use something like jgroups (allowing discovery based on multicast [lan] etc) or some peer-to-peer implementatons for that, although the latter require at least some servers for initial discovery.
in principle that works the way, that the clients send a message out to "the world" using some well known address and wait for someone to answer. each client itself waits meanwhile for such a message and replies it with information how to "connect" to the current client. This can be done via a so called blackboard, where this bb is either a special tcp-address for multicast-messages (the os/tcp sends the message to all clients listening concurrently) or one or more servers (seeds) that take and coordinate the request and the "membership" lists. anyway, there are some tools ;)
The problem: In java you can create a socket on the server with ServerSocket(0) and it will choose a random port to listen on. However when you create a socket on the client to send a message with Socket(addr, port) there is no apparent way to determine which port on the server you need to send to. I couldn't find anything about this option through web searches besides the basic "if you put 0 it will chose a random port". Does anyone know or have a resource that could explain what this scenario is supposed to look like from the client end?
Some background: I am currently converting a system from UDP to TCP. The reason I need the server to listen on a random port is that my server/client do not have a strict server/client relationship. So the "server" in this situation is really an application that I need to open multiple instances of on one PC. The old way of having predetermined send/receive ports is causing only one instance to be able to open a port and all communication is being redirected to that instance. My understanding that the best way to fix this problem is for each instance to use a different port, and the best way for that is to do ServerSocket(0). Despite including this background, I do not want comments on how messed up the situation is, only answers pertaining to the problem.
If a fixed port number is not part of the server's documented setup / protocol, then the only way for clients to figure out is to have the running/active servers publish that information in some datastore, the location and details of which are documented and known by the clients, and where that datastore is reachable for the clients.
[Or have the clients run a portscan each time they want to connect. It will work but probably not as fast as your users would like.]
And your situation is indeed messed up.
Perhaps if you are on the same IP subnet with all the servers/clients, then you could use UPnP to signal which random port new instances of your application are running on, and similarly other instances could monitor UPnP to discover this new instance.
I've never implemented UPnP in Java, but suspect libraries are out there..
eg. https://github.com/jupnp/jupnp
I am completely new to creating a network connection in java so I apologize if this is a stupid question.
I am trying to create a D&D companion in java that will allow a player to create their character and then send it to the DM so that they can view it and make changes and send it back to the player. I want to be able to make it so that any time a field is changed on one computer it will also be changed on the other computer.
After a bunch of research online I have been able to create a socket connection between the DM(server) and the player(client) and pass a message between the two but I am not sure how a socket connection works after this initial connection is made. My research has not been very clear on this. I have found many resources that have said that java closes the socket after a message has been passed and many that say that the socket stays open.
If java closes the socket then my problem is easy enough to solve because then I will just have to open a new socket every time I need to pass data making sure that I pass the IP address of the client to the server the first time I make a connection.
My real questions come in when a socket stays open.
If the socket stays open and multiple clients connect to the server, will the server just shout over the network whenever it transmits a message so that all clients receive the message? (If this is the case then I know I can just attach a username to the front of the message so that the client can determine if the server is talking to it.)
If the server does not shout then how do I specify which client I want the server to talk to?
Will I have to add a loop to my receive methods so that the client/server is constantly listening for a transmission from the server/client or will java automatically do so after I run the method the first time?
I have found many resources that have said that java closes the socket after a message has been passed
You found them where?
and many that say that the socket stays open.
All those are correct. Java never closes connections. The application closes connections.
If java closes the socket then my problem is easy enough to solve because then I will just have to open a new socket every time I need to pass data making sure that I pass the IP address of the client to the server the first time I make a connection.
It doesn't.
My real questions come in when a socket stays open.
If the socket stays open and multiple clients connect to the server, will the server just shout over the network whenever it transmits a message so that all clients receive the message?
No. It will respond via the socket that is connected to the corresponding client.
(If this is the case then I know I can just attach a username to the front of the message so that the client can determine if the server is talking to it.)
If the server does not shout then how do I specify which client I want the server to talk to?
The server responds via the same socket it read the request from.
Will I have to add a loop to my receive methods so that the client/server is constantly listening for a transmission from the server/client
No, you will have to add a thread per accepted socket, that loops reading requests until end of stream.
or will java automatically do so after I run the method the first time?
You seem to have been reading some truly appalling drivel. Take a look at the Custom Networking section of the Java Tutorial.
Adding to EJP's wise answer, it might be worth clarifying:
Sounds like you (wisely) use TCP, so your Socket represents a connection between 1 server and 1 client. No "shouting". In examples such as this , when connection is established (namely, client obtains a Socket by calling "new Socket" and server obtains a Socket by calling "accept"), those Sockets are dedicated to those 2 specific endpoints. So if 10 clients connect to 1 server, the server will keep 10 Sockets and won't mix them up. A bit like a poor secretary that has 10 phones on his desk and answers them all - despite the mess, each earpiece is clearly connected to 1 customer.
The connection can hold for a while & serve several messages. It will terminate when either one of the sides calls 'socket.close', or it can be terminated by underlying 3rd parties (operating system, proxies, firewalls).
For your first version, or for simple business requirements, it's probably enough to converse over this 1 simple connection. However, for commercial critical data that requires 'assurance of delivery', you might need to invest some careful thought & possibly tools such as RabbitMQ.
Good luck:)
Well I am new to this and I don't know how to do it, so my senior fellows please help!!!!
There is a situation described below:
An HTTP client is sending a request (Request can be of any type, not concerned regarding the request type) that directly hits a Loadbalancer. The Loadbalancer then redirects the traffic, based on the load of the traffic, towards a "Gateway" system running in two V440 Server, GW logic is written in Java, that actually logically routs this request towards another two server nodes which actually process the request.
Now the scene is something like that: there are several parallel connections are established with this Gateway from several HTTP clients. One connection per client. It has been observed that, while making connections to this GW, in case of some clients the CPU utilization is going 98-99%.
Client is creating one connection with the GW on particular port. Opens a socket connection:
ServerSocket _ss = new ServerSocket(_port);
Socket s = _ss.accept();
and then GW waits for the input to come from the client.
Now my question is:
Why this kind of situation is happening, as it seems all fine
for rest of the clients and there connections.
Only few clients who are creating connections with the GW is making the situation?
Is there anyway we can track this client's IP so that we can understand if this
has been occurred by same clients every time?
Is there any resolution for this?
Since it is not happening for all the clients, we are certainly not going to find an immediate answer for this. However, this is what my limited research on the question yields
Firstly, Question 2
Configure your F5 to capture the client's IP. Since it is HTTP, there are multiple ways of tracking the requests. One is to
sniff the header X-FORWARDED-FOR which will give the client's IP
Or try adding this rule in your logging engine
when CLIENT_ACCEPTED { log local0. "clientIP:[IP::client_addr] accessed" }
If you also need other data such as resources you can use one of the
other events such as HTTP_REQUEST:
log local0. "clientIP:[IP::client_addr] accessed [HTTP::host][HTTP::uri]" }
Refer link for above here
Secondly, Question 1
For this you need to look at your available traffic statistic mechanisms. I read this, this and this. Enable the statistics, monitor them live, test, mock requests and analyze the output. I do not know of any other options other than this, right now.
Another option, if you can modify your Java program is to include some sort of performance logging mechanism for each request. But this means there is a lot of development and that I do not recommend at all.
Thirdly, Question 3
This is primarily opinion based. As far as I think if you figure out the problem, you can resolve it.
So the problem is I have fifteen clients which need to be able to communicate between each other. My question is how should this be done? Clearly one way is to simply make the clients also servers, but that means 120 unique connections necessary to fully connect the fifteen clients. I'd rather not do this as it seems messy.
Current solution:
Each new connection has the server spin off a separate thread for listening to it. Each client has a separate thread monitoring the channel for incoming information.
Server acts as a message router: Process 1 needs to send a message to Process 2 and sends a message to the server indicating intended recipient, sender, and message.
Upon receiving the message the server passes message to Process 2. The listening thread detects it and passes it to the process.
So on for each message between the clients.
This seems clunky. Is there a better methodology/package to use for this?
A UDP multicast system would work for this but will get complicated for you to do yourself (since you have to worry about synchronization and fault detection/correction yourself as well as nodes droping in and out of the group).
There are various middleware solutions including distributed caches that already address this problem pretty well. Look at Infinispan. If that's too high level and you just want a lower level solution, try JGroups. I only list those because I know they are quick and usable, but there are many others out there.
So I'm working through a bit of a problem, and some advice would be nice. First a little background, please excuse the length.
I am working on a management system that queries network devices via the TL1 protocol. For those unfamiliar with the protocol, the short answer is that is is a "human readable" language that communicates via a text based IO stream.
I am using Spring and Jsch to open a port to the remote NE (network element), login, run the command, then close the connection. There are two kinds of ways to get into the remote NE's, either directly (via the ssh gateway) if the element has a tcp/ip address (many are osi only), or through an ems (management system) of some type using what is called a "northbound interface".
Either way, the procedure is the same.
Use Jsch to open a port to the NE or ems.
Send login command for the NE ex. "act-user<tid>:<username>:UniqueId::<password>;"
Send command ex. "rtrv-alm-all:<tid>:ALL:uniqueid::,,,,;"
Retrieve and process results. The results of the above for example might look something like this...
CMPSW205 02-01-11 18:33:05
M uniqueid COMPLD
"01-01-06:MJ,BOARDOUT-ALM,SA,01-10,12-53-58,,:\"OPA_C__LRX:BOARD EXTRACTED\","
The ; is important because it signals the end of the response.
Lastly logout, and close the port.
With Spring I have been using the ThreadPoolTaskExecutor quite effectively to do this.
Until this issue came up ...
With one particular ems platform (Hitachi) I ran across a roadblock with my approach. This ems handles as many as 80 nodes through it. You connect to the port, then issue a command to login to the ems, then run commands pointing to the various NE's. Same procedure as before, but here is the problem...
After you login into the ems, the next command, no matter what it is, will take up to 10 minutes to complete. until that happens, all other commands are blocked. After this initial wait all other commands work quickly. There appears to be no way to defeat this behaviour (my suspicion is that there is some NE auto-discovery happening during this period).
Now the thrust of my question...
So my next approach for this platform would be to connect to the ems, login to it, and keep the connection open, and just pass commands to the various NE's. That would mean a 10 minute delay after the application (web based) first loads, but would be fine after this point.
The problem I have is how best to do this. Having a single text based iostream for passing this stuff through looks like a large bottleneck, plus multiple users will be using the application, how do I handle multiple commands and responses against this single iostream? I can open a few iostreams (maybe up to 6) on this ems, but that also complicates sorting out what goes where.
Any advice on direction would be appreciated.
Look at using one process per ems so that communication to each ems is separated. This will at least ensure that communications with other ems's are unaffected by the problems with this one.
You're going to have to build some sort of a command queuing system so that commands sent to the Hitachi ems don't block the user interface until they are completed. Either that, or you're going to have to put a 10 minute delay into the client software before they can begin using it, or a 10 minute delay into the part of the interface that would handle the Hitachi.
Perhaps it would be a good policy to bring up the connection and immediately send some sort of ping or station keeping idle command - something benign that you don't care about the response, or gives no response, but will trigger the 10 minute delay to get it over with. Your users can become familiar with this 10 minute delay and at least start the application up before getting their coffee or something.
If you can somehow isolate the Hitachi from the other ems's in the application's design, this would really ensure that the 10 minute delay only exists while interfacing with the Hitachi. You can connect and issue a dummy command, and put the Hitachi in some sort of "connecting" state where commands cannot be used until the result comes in, and then you change the status to ready so the user can interact with it.
One other approach would be to develop some sort of middleware component - I don't know if you've already done this. If the clients are all web-based, you could run a communications piece on the webserver which takes connections from the clients and pipes them through one piece on the webserver which communicates with all of the ems's. When this piece starts up on the webserver, it can connect to each ems and send some initial ping command which starts the 10 minute timer. Once this is complete, the piece on the webserver could send keepalive messages every so often, again some sort of dummy command, to keep the socket alive so it wouldn't have to reset and go through the 10-minute wait time again. When the user brings up the website, they can communicate with this middleware server piece which would forward the requests to the appropriate ems and forward the response back to the client -- all through the already open connection.