I'm attempting to execute an Upsert using the Novell JLDAP library, unfortunately, I'm having trouble finding an example of this. Currently, I have to:
public EObject put(EObject eObject){
Subject s = (Subject) eObject;
//Query and grab attributes from subject
LDAPAttributes attr = resultsToAttributes(getLDAPConnection().get(s));
//No modification needed - return
return eObject;
} else {
//REPLACE,ADD,DELETE, depending on which attributes are present in the maps, I choose the operation which will be used
Map<String,LDAPAttribute> operationalMap = figureOutWhichAttributesArePresent(c.getAttributes(),attr);
//Add the Modifcations to a modification array
ArrayList<LDAPModification> modList = new ArrayList<LDAPModification>();
for(Entry entry: operationalMap.getEntrySet()){
//Specify whether it is an update, delete, or insert here. (entry.getKey());
modList.add(new LDAPModification(entry.getKey(),entry.getValue());
connection.modify("directorypathhere",modList.toArray(new LDAPModification[modList.size()]));
I'd prefer to not have to query on the customer first, which results in cycling through the subject's attributes as well. Is anyone aware if JNDI or another library is able to execute an update/insert without running multiple statements against LDAP?
Petesh was correct - the abstraction was implemented within the Novell library (as well as the UnboundId library). I was able to "upsert" values using the Modify.REPLACE param for every attribute that came in, passing in null for empty values. This effectively created, updated, and deleted the attributes without having to parse them first.
In LDAP, via LDIF files, an upset would be a single event with two steps. A remove and add of a value. This is denoted by a single dash on a line, between the remove then the add.
I am not sure how you would do it in this library. I would would try to modList.remove and then modList.add one after another and see if that works.
I have the following objects:
ITeamRepository repo;
IProjectArea projArea;
ITeamArea teamArea;
The process of obtaining the projArea and the teamArea is quite straightforward (despite the quantity of objects involved). However I can't seem to find a way to obtain a list with all the Workitems associated with these objects in a direct way. Is this directly possible, probably via the IQueryClient objects?
This 2012 thread (so it might have changed since) suggests:
I used the following code to get the work items associated with each project area:
auditableClient = (IAuditableClient) repository.getClientLibrary(IAuditableClient.class);
IQueryClient queryClient = (IQueryClient) repository.getClientLibrary(IQueryClient.class);
IQueryableAttribute attribute = QueryableAttributes.getFactory(IWorkItem.ITEM_TYPE).findAttribute(currProject, IWorkItem.PROJECT_AREA_PROPERTY, auditableClient, null);
Expression expression = new AttributeExpression(attribute, AttributeOperation.EQUALS, currProject);
IQueryResult<IResolvedResult<IWorkItem>> results = queryClient.getResolvedExpressionResults(currProject, expression, IWorkItem.FULL_PROFILE);
In my code, currProject would be the IProjectArea pointer to the current project as you loop through the List of project areas p in your code.
The IQueryResult object 'results' then contains a list of IResolvedResult records with all of the work items for that project you can iterate through and find properties for each work item.
How can I get the list of modified, new, and removed files using org.jenkinsci.plugins.gitclient.GitClient ?
Right now, I'm doing something like:
String status = ((CliGitAPIImpl) gitClient).launchCommand("ls-files", "--deleted", "--modified", "--others", SOME_DIRECTORY);
for (String toCommit : status.split("\\R")) {
but I don't like this approach. first, because it relies on CliGitAPIImpl (and other Jenkins installations could use other classes, like for example RemoteGitImpl which doesn't implement the launchCommand method). second, I'm already using gitClient to create branches, add files to be committed, commit, push, etc., therefore I would prefer to use some API rather than just calling launchCommand method.
I am writing an Assertion Generator Plugin in Java to fetch a user details from Session Store and modify the values in Assertion(SAML 2.0) accordingly.
I am able to identify the method(Link) using which I can pull the user values from Session Store (agentAPIObject.getSessionVariables()) based on SessionID, but, I am having trouble writing a code to fetch specific parameters from the session store. (speficially around setting values for Attribute method and making it as an array)
Can someone post a sample code if you have ever seen/written around it, so that I can fetch user attributes from Session Store.
I am having trouble understanding Java docs around it.
Thanks in advance,
The API mentions this:
responseAttributeList - On successful return from this method (YES is
returned), this output parameter contains the retrieved variable names
and their values. If the method returns UNRESOLVED, this parameter
includes variables that could not be retrieved.
You'll need to create two AttributeList Objects. If the response of getSessionVariables(...) is YES, then the variable responseAttributeList will contain the session variables. Since Java uses references, that same variable responseAttributeList will be updated. You can then use getAttributeAt(...) to access the Attribute Objects.
String sessionID = "sampleID";
ResourceContextDef rcd = //whatever it needs to be equal to
AttributeList requestAttributeList = new AttributeList();
AttributeList responseAttributeList = new AttributeList();
if(getSessionVariables(sessionId, rcd, requestAttributeList, responseAttributeList) == YES){
Attribute att = responseAttributeList.getAttributeAt(0);//or whatever index.
Remember to carefully read the API.
NOTE: This is just pseudo code. I have not tested this. However, this should be plenty enough to get you going where you need to.
I'm attempting to build a multi-tenant application using Play Framework 2.2 and have run into a problem. I want to set a session key in the global onRouteRequest (or onRequest in Java) that identifies the site ID for the domain the user is requesting. In literally dozens of other frameworks this type of thing is painless (e.g. Django), but I'm learning that the session object in Play is apparently immutable, however.
So, right now, I have something like this:
override def onRouteRequest(request: RequestHeader): Option[Handler] = {
if (request.session.get("site").isEmpty){
val id = models.Site.getSiteUIDFromURL(request.host.toLowerCase()).toString()
if (!id.isEmpty){
//what goes here to set the session?
//not found - redirect to a general notFound page
And, although it's not the most efficient way using a database lookup, it works for testing right now. I need to be able to set a session key in the global but am completely lost on how to do that. If there are any better methods I am all ears (perhaps wrapping my controllers?).
I'm open to solution examples in either Java or Scala.
Think of actions in Play as being function calls, the input is the request, the output is the result. If you want to change the result of a wrapped function call, then you must first invoke the function, and then apply your change. Adding a key to a session is changing the result, since the session is sent to the client in the session cookie. In the code above, you're trying to do the change before you have a result to change, ie, before you call super.onRouteRequest.
If you don't need to modify routing at all, then don't do this in onRouteRequest, do it in a filter, much easier there. But assuming you do need to modify routing, then you need to apply a filter to handler returned. This is what it might look like:
override def onRouteRequest(request: RequestHeader): Option[Handler] = {
val maybeSite: Option[String] = request.session.get("site").orElse {
// Let's just assume that getSiteUIDFromUrl returns Option[String], always use Option if you're returning values that might not exist.
maybeSite.flatMap { site =>
super.onRouteRequest(request).map {
case e: EssentialAction => EssentialAction { req =>
e(req).map(_.withSession("site" -> site))
case other => other
Check the source code for the CSRFFilter to see examples of how to add things to the session in a filter.
I'm using Jena. I would like to know if there is a method that allows to modify or remove properties values of an instance?
Statements in Jena are, by design, immutable. To change the value of a property p of some subject s, you need to add a new statement with the same subject and predicate, and remove the old statement. This is always true in Jena, even if the API sometimes hides this from you. For example, OntResource and its subclasses have a variety of setProperty variants, but under the hood these are performing the same add-the-new-triple-and-delete-the-old process.
It depends which Jena API you are using. For instance, if you are using Jena 3.0 and the Model API, you can use Model.remove(Statement) to remove a property by choosing the appropriate subject/predicate/object for the Statement. Modification can be achieved by removing the old version of a Statement and adding the new version.
To only remove the statement itself, i.e. the relation between the instance and the property value, you can use:
OntResource.removeProperty(Property, RDFNode)
If you want to remove the property value altogether, i.e. the value and all relations to it, you can use: OntResource.remove()
I had the similar task: I need to delete the property with the specified value. Hope the following code snippet will help someone.
public void removeLabel(String language, String value) {
NodeIterator nodeIterator = resource.getModel().listObjectsOfProperty(RDFS.label);
RDFNode foundToDelete = null;
while (nodeIterator.hasNext()) {
RDFNode next = nodeIterator.next();
boolean langsAreIdentical = next.asLiteral().getLanguage().equals(language);
boolean valuesAreIdentical = next.asLiteral().getLexicalForm().equals(value);
if (langsAreIdentical && valuesAreIdentical) {
foundToDelete = next;
resource.getModel().remove(resource, RDFS.label, foundToDelete);