Custom name space JAXB, XML - java

I want to map following xml using custom name sapace. I checked How to have custom namespace prefix but could not find any answer.
<p385:execute xmlns:p385="">
<version xsi:type="xsd:string">0.1.0</version>
<xmlData xsi:type="xsd:string">
.... xml encoded data
How can i map this to a java class?

Since it is only the root element that is namespace qualified, you just need to specify the namespace on the #XmlRootElement annotation for the class.
public class Execute {
You can the suggest the prefix that should be used for the namespace using the package level #XmlSchema annotation:

Use the wsimport tool to generate artifacts such as JAXB classes from a WSDL:


How to specify XML namespace, schemaLocation and namespace URI using annotation using EclipseLink Moxy?

I want XMl document tag as follows using EclipseLink Moxy using annotation:-
<Document xmlns=“urn:iso:std:20022:tech:xsd:pacs.009.001.08” xsi:schemaLocation=“urn”iso:std:20022:tech:xsd:pacs.009.001.08 schema.xsd” xmlns:xsi=“”>
I am using as follows:-
#XmlSchema(namespace = "usn:iso:std:20022:tech:xsd:pacs.009.001.08", elementFormDefault=javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlNsForm.UNQUALIFIED, xmlns = {#XmlNs(namespaceURI = "", prefix="swift-pacs") })
Whereas my java Model class has #XmlRootElement as follows:-
XmlRootElement(name="Document", namespace="urn:iso:std:20022:tech:xsd:pacs.009.001.08")
With this i am getting output as:-
<ns0:Document xmlns:ns0="urn:iso:std:20022:tech:xsd:pacs.009.001.08" xmlns:swift-pacs="">
But i want to add "xsi:schemaLocation=“urn”iso:std:20022:tech:xsd:pacs.009.001.08 schema.xsd" to it and want output as shown below:-
<Document xmlns=“urn:iso:std:20022:tech:xsd:pacs.009.001.08” xsi:schemaLocation=“urn”iso:std:20022:tech:xsd:pacs.009.001.08 schema.xsd” xmlns:xsi=“”>
How to do it? If possible can anyone suggest how to remove ns0 prefix (ns0:Document) before document and ns0 suffix (xmlns:ns0) after xmlns.

JAXB Unmarshalling Error, package-info file for no namespace?

I am attempting to Unmarshall XML from a file using JAXB. I also have a web service.
I want to use no namespace, not the namespace defined by the web service.
I am getting the following error:
Exception in thread "main" javax.xml.bind.UnmarshalException: unexpected element (uri:"", local:"CustomerName"). Expected elements are <{}CustomerName>
I think that the solution is to change the file to use no namespace. Is this the correct approach? and what changes should I make to this file?
The file looks as follows:
#javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlSchema(namespace = "", elementFormDefault = javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlNsForm.QUALIFIED)
package mynewpackage;
Thanks for your help
Changing QUALIFIED to UNQUALIFIED will help if the top-level element (corresponding to the #XmlRootElement annotated class) is in the target namespace but its children aren't, e.g.
<ns:Response xmlns:ns="">
but this won't help if the top level (in this case Response) element is also unqualified.
When you have a JAXB model that is annotated to be namespace qualified and you want to unmarshal XML that isn't there are a couple of options.
If You Can Change the Model
You may just need to remove the #XmlSchema annotation from the package-info class. If there are no other package level annotations you could remove the whole class. Note that namespace information may also be specified on other annotations such as #XmlElement.
If You Can't Change The Model
If you can't change the JAXB model to remove the namespace qualification then you can leverage a SAX XMLFilter to apply a namespace to the XML as it's being read.

JAXB Namespace translation in a AXIS2 WebService application on Tomcat 7

I've used xjc of jaxb 2.2.6 to generate a set of classes from a xsd file.
By editing "" I've associated to the different namespaces the prefix value.
So I've created a Test Class with a main that Unmarshal an xml file, edit some information, and marshal the object in xml format.
Everything works like a charm and javax.xml.bind.Marshaller object match correctly namespace and prefix as defined in package-info.
When I deploy this application as WS using axis2 on tomcat7 in the same machine and call a ws method that execute the code described above javax.xml.bind.Marshaller create an xml file with default namespace (ns1, ns2....).
The that I've used is something like this:
namespace = "....",
xmlns = {
#XmlNs(namespaceURI = "....", prefix = "myprefix"),
#XmlNs(namespaceURI = "...", prefix = "myprefix2"),
elementFormDefault = javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlNsForm.QUALIFIED)
package ....;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlNs;
This is a piece of right output (This output is obtained when I execute the code as "Java Application"):
<xnl:NameElement xnl:ElementType="FirstName">ASD</xnl:NameElement>
<xnl:NameElement xnl:ElementType="LastName">ASD</xnl:NameElement>
This is a piece of wrong output (This output is obtained when I execute the code inside an "Axis2/Tomcat7 WS Application"):
<ns7:NameElement ns7:ElementType="FirstName">ASD</ns7:NameElement>
<ns7:NameElement ns7:ElementType="LastName">ASD</ns7:NameElement>
For each case exists a where namespaces translation are declared.
How can I resolve this issue?
A JAXB (JSR-222) implementation is not required to use the prefixes as defined in the #XmlSchema annotation. The prefixes are used are not significant, and the namespace qualification between JAXB (JAX-WS) implementations will be the same although the prefixes may be different.

Setting Namespace Attributes on an Element

I'm trying to create an XML document in Java that contains the following Element:
<project xmlns=""
I know how to create the project Node. I also know how to set the color attribute using
Do I set the xmlns and xmlns:acme attributes the same way using setAttribute() or do I do it in some special way since they are namespace attributes?
I believe that you have to use:
element.setAttributeNS("", "xmlns:acme", "");
I do not think below code will serve the question!
This will create an element as below (using DOM)
So this will not add an namespace attribute to an element. So using DOM we can do something like
Element request = doc.createElement("project");
Attr attr = doc.createAttribute("xmlns");
So it will set the first attribute like below, you can set multiple attributes in the same way
<project xmlns=">
The short answer is: you do not create xmlns attributes yourself. The Java XML class library automatically creates those. By default, it will auto-create namespace mappings and will choose prefixes based on some internal algorithm.
If you don't like the default prefixes assigned by the Java XML serializer, you can control them by creating your own namespace resolver, as explained in this article:
You can simply specify the namespace when you create the elements. For example:
Then the java DOM libraries will handle your namespace declarations for you.
The only way that worked for me, in 2019, was using the attr() method:
Element element = doc.createElement("project");

JAX-WS and Enunciate - How to change Enunciate's default XSD naming convention

I'm using Enunciate to generate a SOAP endpoint for a Wicket web application I am working on and I have a couple of questions that I haven't figured out the solution to yet.
1 How do I change the name of the xsd files? I've looked through the FAQ and it tells me to do something similar to this:
<schema namespace="" file="data.xsd"/>
However, I haven't quite figured out how to set the targetNamespace for my data objects. I've done this for my service via #WebService ( targetNamespace="blah" ), but how do I annotate my data objects to let Enunciate know which namespace they should belong to?
2 Enunciate generates my XSDs just fine, but I don't particularily like the element names it uses. I have a ServiceRequest and ServiceResponse object. The ServiceRequest object has a List of User objects. The ServiceResponse has a list of Group objects. Enunciate suggests that every "User" object within the ServiceRequest should be using the tag "<users>". I feel that it would make more sense to use the singular form, "<user>" since the tag does in fact only contain a single user. Is it possible to change this behaviour, and if so, how?
Thanks in advance.
So just to be clear, with the exception of the question about naming your schema files, your questions are really more about JAXB than they are about Enunciate. JAXB is the spec that defines how your Java objects are (de)serialized to/from XML and Enunciate conforms to that spec.
Anyway, the easiest way to apply a namespace to your Java objects is with a file in the package of your Java classes. Annotate your package with #XmlSchema and set the namespace to be the value you want.
Customizing how your accessors are serialized to/from XML can be done with the #XmlElement annotation, e.g.:
public class MyClass {
#XmlElement (name="user")
List<User> users;
Here are the JAXB javadocs
Or google for a good JAXB tutorial.
