I've already tried this question...
However, this seems to have been resolved in the newer version of Eclipse, as it already was set to 1.6 (I've installed JRE 6 too). But Eclipse still throws an error that I can't set to ignore, apparently.
Here's a part of my code (copied from a learning Java for Android website, so it should work...).
private class RadioGroupInfo implements OnCheckedChangeListener {
private RadioButton mLastChecked;
private String mNewSelectionMessageTemplate;
private String mChangedSelectionMessageTemplate;
public RadioGroupInfo() {
mNewSelectionMessageTemplate = getString(R.string.new_selection_message_template);
mChangedSelectionMessageTemplate = getString(R.string.changed_selection_message_template);
public void onCheckedChanged(RadioGroup group, int CheckedId) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
Throws this error:
The method onCheckedChanged(RadioGroup, int) of type ButtonActivity.RadioGroupInfo must override or implement a supertype method
Check your imports. Are you importing OnCheckedChangeListener from somewhere other than RadioGroup.OnCheckedChangeListener?
I was designated as a developer to upgrade our old wicket app from 6.x to 8.x. I am resolving multiple errors one by one, but (since I never worked with wicket) one I am unable to move on with.
In version 6.x it had DropDownChoice with overriden onSelectionChanged which no longer exists in version 8.x and I am unable to find any info about deprecation (going through 7.x versions...) so it seems they just removed it .. what are my alternatives here? The aforementioned code:
booleanType = new DropDownChoice<BooleanType>("booleanType", new PropertyModel<>(this, "selectedBooleanType"), booleanTypes) {
protected void onSelectionChanged(BooleanType newSelection) {
selectedBooleanType = newSelection;
Similar question that I found only later
Wicket 6 to 8 upgrade: RadioGroup.onSelectionChanged() replacement
for those wondering how to update the value since it is not coming as an argument of the method anymore:
selectedType = (YourChoiceType) super.getFormComponent().getDefaultModelObject();
wantOnSelectionChangedNotifications moved to FormComponentUpdatingBehavior. From the changelog:
// Wicket 7.x
new CheckBox("id", model) {
protected boolean wantOnSelectionChangedNotifications() {
return true;
protected void onSelectionChanged(Boolean newSelection) {
// do something, page will be rerendered;
// Wicket 8.x
new CheckBox("id", model)
.add(new FormComponentUpdatingBehavior() {
protected void onUpdate() {
// do something, page will be rerendered;
protected void onError(RuntimeException ex) {
(The example uses a CheckBox but it also applies to DropDownChoice).
For another example see the wiki.
I am writing a GWT app using Libgdx & having some difficulties loading the correct rest library at runtime.
In my core gradle project, I have defined a "RestWrapper" Interface that grants access to platform specific REST functions (in the case of GWT, RestyGWT). When the HTML5 launcher is run, it passes it's implementation to the LibGDX game class in the Core Project.
However when the HTML5 Project is run this error is raised by the compiled JS:
Breaking on exception: TypeError: Cannot read property 'getRestWrapper' of undefined
The issue appears to be with the first interface (PlatformWrapper).
I understand the GWT compiler is a bit ham-fisted when it comes to interfaces, Should I be taking a different approach to running GWT specific code from my core project?
Calling code (In core Project:)
UserSessionToken token =client.getPlatform().getRestWrapper().getRestLogin().attemptLogin(userNameBox.getText(),passwordBox.getText());
Interfaces (In core Project):
public interface PlatformWrapper {
public RestWrapper getRestWrapper();....
/* Platform independent wrapper for REST services */
public interface RestWrapper {
public RestLogin getRestLogin();....
Implementations (In HTML5 Project):
PlatformWrapper (Top level)
public class GWTWrapper implements PlatformWrapper {
public RestWrapper gwtRestWrapper;
public GWTWrapper(){
gwtRestWrapper = new GWTRestWrapper();
public RestWrapper getRestWrapper() {
return gwtRestWrapper;
public class GWTRestWrapper implements RestWrapper {
public RestLogin restLogin;
public RestPortal restPortal;
public RestRegister restRegister;
public GWTRestWrapper(){
restLogin = new GWTRestLogin(); //GWTRest Logic
restRegister = new GWTRestRegister();
restPortal = new GWTRestPortal();
public RestLogin getRestLogin() {
return restLogin;
Working change:
public ApplicationListener getApplicationListener () {
setLoadingListener(new LoadingListener(){
public void beforeSetup() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public void afterSetup() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
wrapper = new GWTWrapper();
return client;
I am Working with GWT and eclipse. I am facing a problem . The design mode of eclipse is not working. I am using the eclipse 3.7 . Where is the problem?
One way to see design view is extending the view part. you can try this one.
public class test extends ViewPart {
public test() {
// TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
public void createPartControl(Composite parent) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public void setFocus() {
You need to right click the file you want to open, then click open with --> GWT Designer.
Make sure your resource exclusion filters are not too strict.
If you are using Maven, the issue is explained here.
I am trying to create Eclipse plugin application where on selction of a node in a treeViewer show corresponding value in eclipse property view.
I have implemented the class which overrides IPropertySource interface like below:
public class PropertyViewer implements IPropertySource
public Object getEditableValue()
return this;
public IPropertyDescriptor[] getPropertyDescriptors() {
return desc;
public Object getPropertyValue(Object id) {
application specific logic yo return value for a id
public boolean isPropertySet(Object id) {
return true;
public void resetPropertyValue(Object id) {
public void setPropertyValue(Object id, Object value) {
//to set vlaue for a changed property in eclipse property view
Now the problem with above code is that the setPropertyValue is called correctly when the update is done on the eclipse property. but the updated property is not shown inside eclipse property view on enter. But when I deselct and select this node again its showing the updated value. I googled a lot and got the firePropertyChange method have to called under setpropertyValue function. Can anyone help me on this since I am not at all familiar with this. A small code snippet which shows how to call fireproperty change will be help full. Thanks a lot in advance. Tor
I am trying to integrate facebook to my Android application. When i added internet permission in the project and have generated App_ID but when I put facebook files in to my project it gives these errors as shown in pic.
Now should I remove #Override or am I missing something.
If I put this code into my OnCreate method it also gives errors to remove #Override.
facebook.authorize(this, new DialogListener() {
public void onComplete(Bundle values) {}
public void onFacebookError(FacebookError error) {}
public void onError(DialogError e) {}
public void onCancel() {}
Should I include facebook.apk if yes then Where to add this? please help
I followed many tutorials but could not resolve these errors.
This is most likely because you are switching between Java 1.5 and Java 1.6. In 1.5 you couldn't mark interface implementations with #Override, but you can in 1.6.
#Override annotation error (android prefs)
Bug with Override annotations in Eclipse