Bring app in background to front - java

I am making an app that gives an alarm when you are close to a gps position. now when a user presses the home button this app get send to the back. When the users enters the region to trigger the alarm, the alarm triggers but the app isn't send to the foreground.
How can i do this?
I tried this
Intent intent = new Intent(context, TrainActivity.class);
in the function of the alarm, but this does nothing? (Trainactivity is the class that runs on the background and the class that needs to be on the foreground)

The REORDER_TO_FRONT flag only controls the stacking order on the activity history. That is not what you want. Is this what you are looking for ? - Bring application to front after user clicks on home button


Launch screen from native background service

I have a simple Flutter app that start a native background service using MethodChannel. This native background service notify my Flutter app using BasicMessageChannel<String> to display text when a particular native information is catched. All of this work perfectly when my app is in foreground. When an other app is in foreground, I can't see the text without having to switch to my app.
I want that my native service can display a particular Flutter screen even if an other application is running in foreground.
It can be perceived as not user friendly, but this is an message of utmost importance.
Any suggestion or solution will be welcome !
Note : Native service is for the moment only available in Java for Android, I'm working on C# for IOS side.
On Android you need to display a high priority notification. This displays the slide-down notification panel which will appear over the lock screen or another app. Since you are using native code already, you can create this notification there, or send a message to the Dart side (as you are doing, using MethodChannel) where it can use the flutter_local_notifications plugin to display it. When the user click the notification, your flutter app is brought to the foreground. In Java you might use code similar to this:
// Create an intent which triggers the fullscreen notification
Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MAIN, null);
Class mainActivityClass = getMainActivityClass(context);
intent.setClass(context, mainActivityClass);
PendingIntent pendingIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(context, 1, intent, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT);
// Build the notification as an ongoing high priority item to ensures it will show as
// a heads up notification which slides down over top of the current content.
final Notification.Builder builder = new Notification.Builder(context, CHANNEL_ID);
// Set notification content intent to take user to fullscreen UI if user taps on the
// notification body.
// Set full screen intent to trigger display of the fullscreen UI when the notification
// manager deems it appropriate.
builder.setFullScreenIntent(pendingIntent, true);
// Setup notification content.
int resourceId = context.getResources().getIdentifier("app_icon", "drawable", context.getPackageName());
builder.setContentTitle("Your notification title");
builder.setContentText("Your notification content.");
Then, for Android 8.1 or higher, add the following to your MainActivity class, found under the android/app/src/main/java/packageName/ folder
(This shows the Flutter app even when the screen is locked.)
Flutter only has one activity, so the above code will bring that Flutter activity to the foreground (note that you don't always see the notification, but sometimes you do - if you set it to autoCancel then touching it clears it). It's up to you to build the correct screen in Flutter, which you can do as you send the notification. Use Navigator.push or equivalent to change the page that Flutter is showing.

Android data turning on android data settings on button click

I have an app that does a check if data services is turned on and if it is not turned let display and alert dialog demanding the user to turn the app on clicking ok. This is my code that is supposed to show the settings of the android phone
final Intent intent=new Intent(Settings.ACTION_DATA_ROAMING_SETTINGS);
final ComponentName cn = new ComponentName("","");
The above code does not display the option to turn on the wifi of the user
Please why the wifi data not turned on, on clicking the button
To enable the option to allow the user to turn on data services such wifi and others.
startActivityForResult(new Intent(android.provider.Settings.ACTION_SETTINGS), 0);
Just call the generic Settings screen (ACTION_SETTINGS)
Reference link
That will do the trick

Query regarding Android push notifications

I have an Android app with a working push notification set up. It works currently like this:
User gets a push notification
When the user taps on the push notification, he is taken to a screen which has the list of all the notifications. It is basically a list view which has all the notifications.
Now, want to implement the following:
a. When a new notification comes to the user, it has to be displayed on the list view, irrespective of whether a user taps on it.
b. I have to indicate the number of notifications that user has received on the app icon. For instance, if you get a message in whats app, it displays the number of messages on the app icon.
Could anybody let me know what is the best possible way to implement these functionality? If anybody could point me to tutorials/references, it would be very helpful.
a. Launch an activity from the receiver(GCM/C2DM receiver) when the push notification arrives
// Your C2DM receiver (for GCM check the Android Documentation)
public void onReceive(final Context context, final Intent intent)
if (intent.getAction().equals(
//start your list view activity of notifications
Intent i = new Intent();
i.setClassName("com.test", "com.test.NotificationsActivity");
b. Check this.

Check whether an activity is active or not from a different activity

I have a flow in my application like this:
For new users:
Splash Screen --> Login Activity --> Home Activity
For already registered users:
Splash Screen --> Home Activity
Basically the Splash Screen has an if else to decide which activity to go to. Once a first time user logs in, his status is saved in a preference variable for the splash screen to decide next time not to open the login activity.
Now the situation is that. If a new user logs in and goes to the home activity, and then logs out. He is redirected to the Login screen which is pretty much what should happen. But, in case an existing user opens the app, he is shown the Splash screen and directly moved to the Home Activity. Now if the user logs out, he gets out of the app. This happens because the Login Activity does not have any instance created and thus finishing the Home Activity finishes the whole app. Logout actually finishes the Home Activity, naturally the last active activity should open up. Which is not happening.
What I want to do is that, I want to implement a logic which will check that the Login Activity is available or not. If its available then finish() will be called else the Login Activity will be called via intent.
Please tell me how to achieve this.
P.S: My app uses a custom theme with a customized action bar. If I call finish and Intent together or I use flags to clear existing activities then there is a weird transition effect which shows the black standard action bar for a split second thus creating a bad user experience.
Now if the user logs out, he gets out of the app. This happens because
the Login Activity does not have any instance created and thus
finishing the Home Activity finishes the whole app.
If i understood your question, why dont you just call the Login Activity manually after user click a logout button?
Its what i always did with apps that have flow like yours
when user login finish login activity and start home activity.
when user logout finish home activity and start login activity
You always can call Login Activity via intent. If the activity is available, android will show this activity. Else android will create new activity automatically.
Actually that's why we use intents to show activity instead of creating activityes manually. System catches this intents and does all dirty work.
Hmm, but wouldn't you have the transition problem anyways? (If you were already logged in, and then log out - using intent/finish() you will have the same black action bar issue no?)
Maybe consider following ( I actually did this in my app):
Merge Splash screen and Login into one activity and depending whether you are logged in - display the login fields or proceed to home screen. Then you have a out of box consistent stack of activities regardless of use cases and no mambo-jumbo with do I already have this or not.
I can't comment because of I lack 4 rep, so I'll post as answer here:
I think #Blaze Tama is right. You can also use FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP on intent to avoid stack flow problems:
From docs:
If set, and the activity being launched is already running in the current task, then instead of launching a new instance of that activity, all of the other activities on top of it will be closed and this Intent will be delivered to the (now on top) old activity as a new Intent.
Always start Login activity and start Home activity right away if the user already logged in.
In the Splash Screen activity
Intent intent = new Intent(this, Login.class);
If (user already logged in)
intent.putextra("Logged in", true);
In the Login activity
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
Intent intent = getIntent();
if (intent != null)
if (intent.getBooleanExtra("Logged in", false))
startActivityForResult(new Intent(this, Home.class), requestCode);
// The existing code here
In Home activity send back a code to indicate if the user logged out or just BackPress. If BackPress finish this Login activity.

App won't close after finish() [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to exit from the application and show the home screen?
(22 answers)
Closed 5 months ago.
So, I'm trying to create an app which have a function like an alarm clock for Android phones, it will alert the user at their chosen time. When the alert screen show up, the user has an option to push a notification or snooze, and the app will push a notification and then close.
However, when I click the snooze or the notification button, the app did not close. Instead, the app stop the alarm sound and minimized (just as when the user touch the home button). If I touch the recent app, I then can open the alert screen again.
Edit: I know that there're some codes such as System.exit() or killProcess, since those code are not recommended, I prefer avoid using them.
The reason I ask is because I tested the real clock app that come with my phone (4.3), and the it's alert screen will close after the I press the snooze or dismiss button. So there must be a way for me to do the same, right ?
Okay, so as Sagar Pilkhwal explained below, and after reading others related problems, I found out that there's no "good" method to close you app by codes, you have to leave that option to the users or OS. Unless you want to use System.exit or killProcess, but they're bad ways to force your app to close.
Sagar Pilkhwal also have a alternatively method to this problem, if you don't want your alert screen show up in recent app, you bring up another activity.
However, as for this case and Alarm Manager in general, open MainActivity will lead to nasty stuffs, since MainActivity is when we handle Alarm events. Then I found out another solution, if you don't want your alert screen show up in recent app, simply add
to your Alert.class Activity in the Manifest, or add Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_EXCLUDE_FROM_RECENTSto the intent used to start Alert.class.
This will lead to other problem, as when the user press the Home button, the alarm won't turn off, and the user can't open recent app to access the alert screen (he'll has to open the app to do so). I fix this problem by try to detect the home button pressed event. Detail answer are below.
well im thinknig.
maybe? im new to android thou..but i sometimes use it..
Put the following to Manifest, in your Alert activity :
android:excludeFromRecents="true" //this will make the Activity be exclude from recents list.
You can also add android:launchMode="singleInstance" and android:taskAffinity="" (if you know what they do)
In the Alert class, use this to detect home button pressed event:
public void onPause() {
if (!isFinishing()) {
createNotf(); //Handle home button press here.
Use this to handle back button pressed: (You have to have this code if you want to detect home button press using isFinishing();
public void onBackPressed() {
//Handle BackButton event here.
For my case only, when the user press home button, I will create a notification, so he can either click on the notification or open the app again to access to Alert Screen.:
private void createNotf() {
Intent screenIntent = new Intent(MyAlert.this, MyAlert.class);
Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.drawable.ic_launcher);
PendingIntent pIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(MyAlert.this, MainActivity.SEND_ALARM_CODE, screenIntent, PendingIntent.FLAG_CANCEL_CURRENT);
Notification.Builder ntfBuilder = new Notification.Builder(this)
NotificationManager myNotfM = (NotificationManager) getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE);
When the Alert stop, that notification will also be clear:
public void onDestroy() {
NotificationManager mntfM = (NotificationManager) getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE);
That right there will close your application out leaving nothing running in the background.However,use this wisely and don't leave files open, database handles open, etc.These things would normally be cleaned up through the finish() command.
I personally HATE when I choose Exit in an application and it doesn't really exit.
