checking tool for spelling and javadoc validation [closed] - java

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Closed 5 years ago.
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apologies if the question is a duplicate.
Actually I am looking for a automated checking tool to identify:
the missing javadoc,
incomplete javadoc or
missing brief
test and identify spelling or grammar mistakes in javadoc comments.
I know there are few tools available to do these things such as checkstyle and open javadoc check etc. But I would need suggestions if there are any more tools available if yes, which one would be more suitable for my need.

IDEs (Integrated Development Environments) commonly include spell-checking in javadocs and comments. I know that Eclipse definitely does ( - pick IDE for java developers 150mb).
Also, you shouldn't have to apoligize for whether the question is a duplicate - your first resource should be to google, your second resource SO search, and your third resource the "Similar Questions" box you get while typing your title.

About spelling and grammar - do you do code reviews before people check their code in? How about checking the spelling and grammar then?
For the already existing classes - if you really need a better grammar check, you would either have to use a commercial tool or write a tool yourself (e.g. a python script that parses all javadocs and runs a spell and grammar checker on it)


Documentation for java project (markdown) [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I have pretty standard java project with standard gradle layout, all sources are stored in git. I want to write documentation in markdown (or similar markup language) and keep all files in project directory (e.g. docs/ folder in the root). Then I want to generate static site or push my sources somewhere to have access to full documentation in html (should be self-hosted solution).
It will be good if I'm able to add simple link to other articles (like I do it in any wiki engine by using [[article]]). And It would be perfect if I've been able to add quick links to javadoc by the same technique as link to articles. And also it would be perfect if it has had built-in search engine.
I've gone through couple of static site generators but I didn't find anything which can satisfy my requirements at least half. Is there something like that? Or I need to code it by myself (I know it won't take to much time)? Maybe there's more common use case for documentation?
You have to use the concept of Doclets. There are some out there. Maybe just try this one:

Is there a simple CLI Java linter? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I've been trying to find a Java linter capable of running on the CLI that is separate from Eclipse that I can call as a commit hook for git or from our automated build script. Does such a thing exist?
Ideally it needs to check for unused imports and variables, that style guidelines are followed, exceptions are used properly, etc. Though some subset of those features would be better that what we have now - nothing!
SpotBugs (earlier Findbugs) for finding existing bugs. VERY GOOD!
PMD for finding patterns that can lead to bugs (e.g. unused variables)
Checkstyle to enforce coding standards and conventions (e.g. whitespace, Javadoc)
Error Prone hooks right into your application's compile step
clang-format supports java and may be available on your system already
All these tools have some overlapping rules. There are many other similar tools, but these are the most popular and supported.
Also, check out Sonar, which combines many of the other tools and provides a nice view for it too.
rules from Checkstyle, FindBugs, PMD, Clirr, fb-contrib.
Not sure exactly how to add it to a post-commit hook, but might be a good starting point (especially if you're using maven).
Maybe even consider using one of the approaches listed in since it seems that you might be trying to look for better tooling for your whole team ("Though some subset of those features would be better that what we have now - nothing!"
This is EXACTLY what I am working on: a tool CLI-friendly to be used to check the quality of Java code. It has also an interactive modality. You can run single queries (to check for single warnings) or all queries together.
The tools is in its early stage but I am working on it almost every day. It is available here:
Please let me know what do you think about it and feel free to ask questions.

EDIFACT grammar, parsers and libraries (Java) [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I am wondering if we can define EDIFACT grammar in ANTLR/xText and then generate parser.
If so, are these grammars defined already that we can leverage (open source preferably)?
Are there any open source libraries that can read and write EDIFACT other than Smooks?
From a handy book on the subject... ( we have the following section...
, which appears to suggest that it's not a good idea - although depending on what you require you can certainly write one, I would personally find Antlr an easier tool to use (I'm currently writing a lab for Xtext and it's a less forgiving learning curve), but your milage may vary...
I tried this approach (using ANTLR) when I developed bots open source edi translator (
This looked like a good approach, but I did not succeed.
My conclusion was that 'parsing' by ANTLR is something very different than 'parsing' an edi-file; the words/concepts sound the same but these are really different worlds.
If you are looking for 'grammars'(that is: descriptions of edifact and x12 messages) these can be found in the downloads of the sourceforge page.

Eclipse Plugin for internationalization i18n testing [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I was wondering if any of you knew of eclipse plugins that scan your code for internationalization issues? Things like embedded strings or locale-sensitive methods.
I looked on google and there were alot of articles on HOW to internationalize an eclipse plugin but none that support it.
Thanks in advance!
I believe internationalization is a complex issue, and every language/framework/you-name-it which deals with i18n does it differently. So, my guess is there is no such plugin, and will not be in the near future.
The only plugin I found is Eclipse I18N Properties File Editor which addresses a specific file type, but chances are you don't need this one in particular.
The closest you can get in Java is with the help of below tools
getext-commons - it can help you in Easy extraction of user visible strings etc
JRC Editor - it can help you in managing resource bundles. For e.g. it can tell you if a given key has translation missing for any supported locale of your application
Although this is an old question, thought to share TapiJI as a good option in case someone is still searching

How to learn from javadoc [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Given a huge (3rd party) library with hundreds of classes and interfaces, I find it hard to follow Javadoc to:
- keep track of class hierarchy,
- compare/contrast related classes/interfaces.
The goal is to find out the differences, understand what a class/interface does/doesn't do, so as to be able to use the library correctly and efficiently.
Is there currently a tool that takes a javadoc of a given class/interface, generate its hierarchy diagram, and compare/contrast the differences b/t a child and its parents/grandparents/siblings?
Of course, this can be done manually, but is every time-consuming. Is there a more effective way to do this? Thank you.
- I should add that I don't have access to the library's source code.
- The library is given in a jar with scantily-worded javadoc (just class/interface/method signatures, somewhat meaningful names and some descriptions).
Yes, it's possible to create diagrams of the relationships of classes through reverse-engineering. Here's a tutorial on reverse-engineering source code to produce UML diagrams:
I haven't heard of such a tool, but what you can do (at least in Eclipse, but probably in all the other IDEs as well) is to attach the javadoc to the library you imported in your project. That way you can use the IDEs navigation/tree display features while reading the javadoc.
I know this isn't exactly the answer you were expecting but I hope it helps.
