If I use spring configuration to construct an object, is it possible for me to instantiate that object for clients without requiring them to import my spring configuration?
If this can't be done, does one client using spring always necessitate any of its clients use spring?
If this can be done, what is the correct way to do it? Something like this...
Library code:
public MyFactory() {
InitializedObject obj
public getInstance() {
return obj;
Client code:
import com.code.package.something.myfactory.MyFactory;
InitializedObject obj = MyFactory.getInstance();
One of the option is to avoid Spring annotations altogether, working only with spring configuration files to have constructor or setter based injection. That way your classes become independent of Spring code and your client can use your code as long as he provide the dependencies correctly using factory or whatever.
Autowiring dependency is done by the Spring container. If there's none, then it won't get autowired. You need to either ensure the client has a Spring container configured properly to autowire your dependency, or setup one yourself (eg: using ClassPathXmlApplicationContext)
I know that you can use the annotation #Mapper(componentModel = “spring”) to use Spring to manage/inject the mapper dependency. My question is, are there any advantages to this approach vs declaring an instance variable within the mapper class itself:
public interface SomeMapper {
SomeMapper INSTANCE = Mappers.getMapper(SomeMapper.class);
SomethingElse mapSomethingToSomethingElse(Something something);
// Clients using mapper
SomethingElse result = SomeMapper.INSTANCE.mapSomethingToSomethingElse(input);
When using Spring dependency injection to inject mappers, you will end up adding extra constructor arguments/instance fields which is desirable as it makes it more obvious that a class is starting to rely on too many dependencies and should most likely be refactored (eg. think about Sonar's rule 'Too many parameters').
Another advantage is that since you're registering the mappers as beans in the Spring context, you can leverage the framework capabilities to easily inject dependencies in your mappers, customize all mappers at runtime through the BeanFactoryPostProcessor and rely on all the other framework abstractions that seem fit.
I'd say since you're already using Spring in your application, there is pretty much no reason to not register the mappers as Spring beans and inject them the DI way rather than turning them into static utils.
Situation: You have a metric registered in Spring Boot via a MeterBinder. Maybe it one of the auto-configured metrics like jvm.gc.pause1 or it could be a custom metric of your own. But one day, you start your application and it is missing. It isn’t reported, it doesn’t show in Actuator, it’s just gone.
Root Cause: Probably your code or a library you are using is injecting the MeterRegistry. There are lots of legitimate reasons to do this, so don’t blame yourself. But injecting the MeterRegistry means that it will be created and initialised before all your beans are created, including possible MeterBinders.
It is also possible nothing is injecting MeterRegistry, but Spring has decided to create it before the MeterBinders for some other reason. Whatever the case, MeterBinders will stop working for you and there isn’t much you can do about it.
My solution is to create my own post-processor:
class FixMeterBinders implements BeanPostProcessor {
ObjectProvider<MeterRegistry> meters;
public Object postProcessAfterInitialization(Object bean, String beanName) {
if(bean instanceof MeterBinder) {
return bean;
There is a big downside to this approach: If Spring’s post-processor is working as intended, each MeterBinder will be run twice, so you need to make sure the work they do is idempotent.
I have a java file "DatabaseMan.java" that helps connect to a database and connects helper functions. How can I make it such that it is created once for the life of my spring application, and I can call of its methods "getAllRows" for example, in each of my other resource classes?
Should I be declaring a bean in my Application.java or using some sort of annotation on my "DatabaseMan" class to indicate that it is "injectable"/"resusable"?
I see the following Spring3 example:
The issue is, do I have to include this within every single resource:
ApplicationContext context = new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext(AppConfig.class);
HelloWorld obj = (HelloWorld) context.getBean("helloBean");
obj.printHelloWorld("Spring3 Java Config");
Is there a better way to get to the "HelloWorld" with less code and more annotation in Spring 4?
Remember, the ApplicationContext is a container to manage all your beans and their inter-dependencies. It is the entry point to your application. Once you've set it up, all the managed objects are linked up and ready to go.
Is there a better way to get to the "HelloWorld" with less code and more annotation in Spring 4?
It depends where you want to get it. If you want to get it from outside the ApplicationContext, then you need to do what you did. If you want to get into another bean, just inject it and the ApplicationContext will do the rest.
class SomeOtherBean {
private HelloWorld helloWorldBean;
// do something with it
I am learning Spring and I have a question regarding how you use it in standalone applications (and also when using it for making web applications). The examples I have been coded so far has used a simple main method where I retrieve beans by calling getBean on the. Context object. However, you probably want to do this in multiple classes so do you first get a context and then call getBean or are there other cleaner alternatives? Or is this the way you do it in standalone and web apps?
If you're calling context.getBean() everywhere, you're probably missing the whole point of Spring, which is a dependency injection framework.
In a standalone app, you typically call context.getBean() only once (or at least, very rarely), in order to get a "root" bean. This bean is injected by Spring with other beans, and so on.
In a web app, it all depends on which framework you use. But typically, you register a listener in the web.xml which loads the context for you, and controllers are created and/or injected by Spring.
You're on the right lines. Your main method will initialise your application context as you've discovered. The trick then is to use that app context to create the entry point to your application. That bean, having been created with spring will have been wired for you..
import org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanFactoryUtils;
import org.springframework.context.support.AbstractApplicationContext;
import org.springframework.context.support.ClassPathXmlApplicationContext;
public class ApplicationMain {
public static void main(String[] args) {
AbstractApplicationContext ctx = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("classpath:/META-INF/spring/applicationContext.xml");
MyApplication app = BeanFactoryUtils.beanOfType(ctx, MyApplication.class);
One class (your main class, probably) has to be Spring-aware to create the context. All other classes can continue to be wired together via Spring and do not need to be Context-aware.
It kind of depends on the application you are writing, but you should limit getBean() invocations to minimum, preferably one. You are fetching the first bean directly from the context and put the rest of the logic in the beans themselves. Something along the lines:
Bootstrap boot = context.getBean(Bootstrap.class);
And all the rest of your application logic is taking place within start(). It can create threads, listen for events, etc.
Right now I'm exposing the service layer of my application using spring remoting's RMI/SOAP/JMS/Hessian/Burlap/HttpInvoker exporters. What I'd like is to allow the user to somehow define which of these remoting mechanisms they'd like enabled (rather than enabling all of them), then only create those exporter beans.
I was hoping that spring's application context xml's had support for putting in conditional blocks around portions of the xml. However, from what I've seen so far there's nothing in the standard spring distribution that allows you to do something like this.
Are there any other ways to achieve what I'm trying to do?
I am going to assume that you are looking to configure your application based on your environment, as in... for production I want to use this beans, in dev these other ...
As Ralph is saying, since Spring 3.1 you have profiles... But the key, is that you understand that you should put your environment based beans in different configuration files... so you could have something like dev-beans.xml, prod-beans.xml... Then in your main spring file, then you just invoke the appropriate one based on the environment that you are using... So profiles are only technique to do so... But you can also use other techniques, like have a system environmental variable, or pass a parameter in your build to decide which beans you want to use
You could realize this by using a Spring #Configuration bean, so you can construct your beans in java code. (see http://static.springsource.org/spring/docs/3.1.x/spring-framework-reference/html/beans.html#beans-java)
public class AppConfig {
public MyService myService() {
if ( userSettingIshessian ) {
return new HessianExporter();
}else {
return new BurlapExporter();
Of course you need to get the user setting from somewhere, a system parameter would be easy, or config file, or something else.
Spring 3.1 has the concept of Profiles. My you can use them.