Hibernate database creation - java

I'm trying to create database schema on application server startup.
I use hebernate 4.1.9 with annotations and hibernate.cfg.xml for configuration.
So the problem is that I cann't fully understand what I should do to create schema and after that use it in application. Of course I want to perform schema creation only on first start and on the next start I want to update it.
I'm trying to use hbn2ddl.auto in update state, but database doesn't creates. May be I should use somethin like INIT=create schema IF NOT EXISTS myschema in the end of the hibernate.connection.url??
Also I have an exception
org.hibernate.HibernateException: Connection cannot be null when 'hibernate.dialect' not set
But in hibernate.cfg.xml there is such string:
<property name="hibernate.dialect">org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5Dialect</property>
Can anybody describe it to me?

I solve the problem by myself. I should add createDatabase=true to hibernate.connection.url


How can I ask hibernate to make a Database for me? (maven & java)

I have University homework that asks me to create a simple database with hibernate, but I'm having a lot of troubles... I would like if someone would show me a solution.
I set the pom.xml with MySQL and hibernate dependencies; after that I made the hibernate.cfg.xml file in which I give it the connection URL. I am trying to do the annotated stuff so I don't have to do the other xml file... but it says that it can't find the database once I run the program, even if I specified in the cfg file that I have to create the database
<property name = "hibernate.hbm2ddl.auto">create</property>
Hibernate won't create the database for you by this property, only the tables.you can create it if it is not present already by adding a parameter to the URL.

hibernate.hbm2ddl.auto create-drop with production Database

I am in need to clarify below ,
Is it mandatory to set the hibernate.hbm2ddl.auto property If we are using Hibernate.
hibernate.hbm2ddl.auto create-drop will affect any thing in the production DB
I am using spring localsession factory builder to build hibernate session .The queries all executed fine by using #Transaction but after query execution im getting Invalid data access sql grammer exception.I am assuming Hibernate trying to update something with DB which couldn't.
That's y asking help on hbm2ddl.auto property?
No. The default is fine: it does nothing with the database
Well, it will drop your database (you'll lose everything) when the session factory is closed, and recreate the schema when it restarts. So you really, really don't want that in production.
If you want help on your exception, you should show your code, show the stack trace of the exception, and show the relevant information (what the relevant tables look like, for example). I doubt hbm2ddl.auto has anything to do with that exception. Usually, when an exception occurs, it's a problem with your code, not a problem with hibernate. That's true of any framework/library.

Hibernate - Cannot create table in postgresql

I am trying to use hibernate framework with eclipse in order to build a simple web application and connect it with PostgreSQL. Here is my code:
Here is the error:
Does anyone know what I am doing wrong?
You should change property hibernate.hbmddl.auto value to create-drop or create to force hibernate create schema, because userclass table is not exists.
More information about hibernate.hbmddl.auto is here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/24417561/2055854
Just for those whom might encounter the same problem...
I just found the answer for it. Because of the database I am using is postgresql, I had to change the property "hibernate.dialect" in the persistence file. So, the result after the change was:
After that, the table was created!
Thank you.

Hibernate, load schema from file

In Hibernate, I can use hbm2dll tool to import data files after hibernate generates the schema from my model. This is fine, but I want to load the file with my database schema and make hibernate use that instead of generating one.
Let's say I have some database configured in my hibernate config
<property name="javax.persistence.jdbc.url" value="jdbc:hsqldb:."/>
Now before I run my test I want to load the db with some schema defined in my schema.sql file. And I don't want to use Spring, I know there is support for it there.
I know I could use hibernate.hbm2ddl to generate schema when SessionFactory is created but I'd rather want to load my manually defined schema. Something like <jdbc:embedded-database> from spring-jdbc.
Is there any support for that in Hibernate?
link1 and link2 might help you out.
Also you can set hibernate.hbm2ddl to none, and add your import.sql file in the classpath which will be executed at the server startup.

Hibernate database name change gives MySQLSyntaxErrorException: Table doesn't exist

I used to have a database called database and everything was working well using hibernate and its models.
I removed <property name="hibernate.hbm2ddl.auto"> to avoid update or create as it's a production server, we want to do it manually.
We recently switched to database2 and so we switched the hibernate configuration file and all the hibernate XML models.
`<class name="com.api.models.database.MmApplications" table="mm_applications" catalog="database2">`
but it keeps looking for database event if we migrated the database, the models and the connexion.
Caused by: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSyntaxErrorException: Table 'database.mm_applications' doesn't exist
Does someone can help me ?
Hibernate is connecting to the right database (database2), but there is a prefix as a prefix database. making the queries hitting the database instead of database2, and when I try to force the default_schema my queries become :
`... from database.database2.mm_applications ....`
Any idea?
My database is specified in the hibernate.connection.url property. Have you changed that also ? An example would be: jdbc:mysql://localhost/mydatabase
Also, instead of removing hibernate.hbm2ddl.auto then perhaps you should set its value to validate. That way hibernate will ensure that the datamodel matches the database schema.
I found the problem, It was an other application deployed on the same tomcat server using hibernate as well with another database (database) making a conflict with the new application ...
There is still something weird, by connecting to any database, hibernate will use the specified catalog in the hibernate models and so constructing the request using the catalog.table_name
Hope this help someone someday.
