Quote retweets Twitter4j - java

I have a problem when using twitter4j, when I get timeline using this code :
try {
ResponseList<Status> tweets = twitter.getHomeTimeline();
for(Status s : tweets){
Tweet temp = new Tweet(new URL(s.getUser().getProfileImageURL()),s.getUser().getName(),"#"+s.getUser().getScreenName() , s.getText());
} catch (TwitterException | MalformedURLException e) {
(Tweet is local class) everything is OK except the retweets in the timeline are displayed as "Quote Retweet":
RT #SOMEONE : the tweet.
I want it like the website, just a normal retweet.

on twitter4j the retweets are shown in format
RT #user : tweet
because is the actual form a rt takes in text. If you put on twitter a tweet with this same format it will be parsed as a normal retweet from twitter itself.
the only way you can edit this out is to parse the text and eliminate the first part manually.
try something like:
String tweetText = "";
String [] splitted=s.getText().split(":");
for (int i=1;i<splitted.lenght-1;i++)
return tweetText;
by starting the for on i=1 you will avoid adding the first split that contains the RT #user, by adding the splitted[i]+":" you will put back eventual other ":" present in the tweet that split will otherwise eliminate. Of course you don't want to introduce a ":" that was not there, so the last piece of splitted goes outside the for, without the +":"


Android Firebase Data Retrieving map correctly without no spacing between words

I need to retrieve data (two words - Mega building) from Firebase correctly. However,
"Mega building" is retrieved as "Megabuilding". As seen, it happens without space between two words. Is there any solution for this to draw data like "Mega building"? or Can it be done without space, is there an alternative solution when retrieving JSON object data?
Firebase node:
My node;
cat: “ Titan Tech”
info:”Mega Building”
cat: “Tech”
My function:
Intent intent=this.getIntent();
Bundle bundle=intent.getExtras();
Map<String, Object> map1 = (Map)bundle.getSerializable(“basket”);
//First output
for (Object value : map1.values()) {
JSONObject json = null;
try {
json = new JSONObject(String.valueOf(value).replaceAll(" ",""));
String cat_ = json.getString(“cat”);
String info_ = json.getString(“info”);
String orderid_ = json.getString(“orderid”);
//Second output
} catch (JSONException e) {
//Third output
First output:
My_basket:[{cat=Titan Tech, info=Mega Building, orderid=Ref_1,}, {cat=Tech, info=Android, orderid=Ref_2,}]
Second output (ı want to retrieve like “Mega Building”. Problem line is here)
Info_: MegaBuilding
Third output
org.json.JSONException: Unterminated object at character 23 of etc
First of all, you need to mark the spaces where there are spaces.
json = new JSONObject(String.valueOf(value).replaceAll(" ","-"));
Output : Mega-Building
Then just replace the marker you created with spaces again. That's it.
info_ = info_.replace("-"," ");
Output : Mega Building

Webpage collector using google bot

I'm continuing a project that has been coming for a few years at my university. One of the activities this project does is to collect some web pages using the google bot.
Due to a problem that I cannot understand, the project is not getting through this part. Already research a lot about what may be happening, if it is some part of the code that is outdated.
The code is in Java and uses Maven for project management.
I've tried to update some information from maven's "pom".
I already tried to change the part of the code that uses the bot, but nothing works.
I'm posting the part of code that isn't working as it should:
private List<JSONObject> querySearch(int numSeeds, String query) {
List<JSONObject> result = new ArrayList<>();
do {
String url = SEARCH_URL + query.replaceAll(" ", "+") + FILE_TYPE + "html" + START + start;);
Connection conn = Jsoup.connect(url).userAgent("Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +http://www.google.com/bot.html)").timeout(5000);
try {
Document doc = conn.get();
} catch (IOException e) {
System.err.println("Could not search for seed pages in IO.");
} catch (ParseException e) {
System.err.println("Could not search for seed pages in Parse.");
start += 10;
} while (result.size() < numSeeds);
return result;
what some variables do:
private static final String SEARCH_URL = "https://www.google.com/search?q=";
private static final String FILE_TYPE = "&fileType=";
private static final String START = "&start=";
private QueryBuilder queryBuilder;
public GoogleAjaxSearch() {
this.queryBuilder = new QueryBuilder();
Until this part is ok, it connect with the bot and can get a html from google. The problem is to separate what found and take only the link, that should be between ("h3.r> a").
That it does in this part with the result.addAll(formatter(doc)
public List<JSONObject> formatter(Document doc) throws ParseException {
List<JSONObject> entries = new ArrayList<>();
Elements results = doc.select("h3.r > a");
for (Element result : results) {
JSONObject entry = new JSONObject();
entry.put("url", (result.attr("href").substring(6, result.attr("href").indexOf("&")).substring(1)));
entry.put("anchor", result.text());
So when it gets to this part: Elements results = doc.select ("h3.r> a"), find, probably, no h3 and can't increment the "results" list by not entering the for loop. Then goes back to the querysearch function and try again, without increment the results list. And with that, entering in a infinite loop trying to get the requested data and never finding.
If anyone here can help me, I've been trying for a while and I don't know what else to do. Thanks in advance.

CSS validation with AntiSamy

I have a String, and I want to validate whether it is a valid CSS value or not. In the documentation of AntiSamy, I found that I might be able to use CSSValidator.isValidProperty (http://javadox.com/org.owasp/antisamy/1.4/org/owasp/validator/css/CssValidator) to do so. However, the type of the second param requires LexicalUnit.
Is there another way to validate a String with AnitSamy?
I think what you want is the CssScanner.
/****** pull out style tag from html *****/
Pattern p = Pattern.compile("<style>([\\s\\S]+?)</style>");
Matcher m = p.matcher(validHTML);
// if we find a match, get the group
if (m.find()) {
// get the matching group
codeGroup = m.group(1);
/****** block for checking all css for validity *****/
InternalPolicy policy = null;
try {
policy = (InternalPolicy) InternalPolicy.getInstance("antisamy-ebay.xml");
} catch (PolicyException e) {
ResourceBundle messages = ResourceBundle.getBundle("AntiSamy", Locale.getDefault());
CssScanner scanner = new CssScanner(policy, messages);
CleanResults results = scanner.scanStyleSheet(codeGroup, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
validCSS = results.getCleanHTML().toString();
That is the part of the code that worked for me. Let me know if any of this does not work for you, I have variables declared at the top of the code because I am also handling html validation in here too. So some variables are not in this code. But it should point you in the right direction. Also, you need a policy in place, I chose the ebay policy, this guides the whitelist of what the css will allow for the resulting output. I have not used the CssValidator, so I am not sure how they compare, but CssScanner does a great job of giving back clean css.

Is there a limit on the number of comments to be extracted from Youtube?

I am trying to extract comments on some YouTubeVideos using the youtube-api with Java. Everything is going fine except the fact that I am not able to extract all the comments if the video has a large number of comments (it stops at somewhere in between 950 and 999). I am following a simple method of paging through the CommentFeed of the VideoEntry, getting comments on each page and then storing each comment in an ArrayList before writing them in an XML file. Here is my code for retrieving the comments
int commentCount = 0;
CommentFeed commentFeed = service.getFeed(new URL(commentUrl), CommentFeed.class);
do {
//Gets each comment in the current feed and prints to the console
for(CommentEntry comment : commentFeed.getEntries()) {
System.out.println("Comment " + commentCount + " plain text content: " + comment.getPlainTextContent());
//Checks if there is a next page of comment feeds
if (commentFeed.getNextLink() != null) {
commentFeed = service.getFeed(new URL(commentFeed.getNextLink().getHref()), CommentFeed.class);
else {
commentFeed = null;
while (commentFeed != null);
My question is: Is there some limit on the number of comments that I could extract or am I doing something wrong?
use/refer this
String commentUrl = videoEntry.getComments().getFeedLink().getHref();
CommentFeed commentFeed = service.getFeed(new URL(commentUrl), CommentFeed.class);
for(CommentEntry comment : commentFeed.getEntries()) {
Max number of results per iteration is 50 (it seems) as mentioned here
and you can use start-index to retrieve multiple result sets as mentioned here
Google Search API and as well as Youtube Comments search limits max. 1000 results and u cant extract more than 1000 results

Get an array of user photos using FQL

I'm to get a list of the users photos (one's they've been tagged in) using FQL.
Basically I've go an array object like so: _imageAddressArray.
I can retrieve the users' photos using graphApi so I know it works, problem with graphAPi is that it's too slow (+15 seconds min for 100 photos).
So far I've got:
//New Stuff
FQL fql = new FQL(facebook);
String FQLResult = null;
_userGallery = graphApi.getPhotosMy(_noOfPhotos);
FQLResult = fql.fqlQuery("SELECT object_id, src_small FROM photo");
catch (EasyFacebookError e)
System.out.println("FQL Result" + FQLResult);
This returns the error: 601, any ideas anyone?
Of course ideally FQLResult will be a string[] (string array)
You're getting an error because you don't have a WHERE clause in your FQL statement that references one of the indexed columns -- shown with a "*" here
To get the photos using FQL that your user has been tagged in, try this:
SELECT object_id, src_small FROM photo WHERE object_id IN
(SELECT object_id FROM photo_tag WHERE subject = me())
