When use createQuery() and find() methods of EntityManager? - java

I would like to know the difference between on these methods.
When use the createQuery()and find() methods of EntityManager ?
What the advantages about each of them ?
Thank you for answer me.

You use find when you want to look up an entity by primary key. That means you know exactly what you're looking for, you just want to pull it out of the database.
You use createQuery when you want to find entities using criteria or if you want to use a JPQL statement to define what you get back. So you would use the query when you want to get an entity or collection of entities matching some conditions.

The createQuery method allows you to create a JPQL statement that will be executed. The JPQL statement allowed is much more dynamic than the one executed by find. For example given the following table:
create table CAT(
cat_id integer,
cat_name varchar(40)
You could execute a query to find the cat by name.
entityManager.createQuery("select c from Cat c where c.name = :name");
The find method only allows you to retreive an object using its primary key. So to use the find method for the above table:
entityManager.find(Cat.class, new Integer(1));
In a nutshell, createQuery allows you to retrieve entities in a more dynamic fashion, while find limits you to searching for an entity with a known id.


JPA select rows with where clause

I know that entityManager.find() method can be used to fetch a row with the primary key.
But I have a requirement to define a common find method which accepts a map having the where clause conditions. In the map, key will be the column name and value will be the column name value of the where clause. This method should return the list of selected rows.
Can some one help me out?
Take a look at: EntityManager.createQuery. If I understand your question correctly, this will allow you to create the query that you would like to execute. You could also, take a look at using a CriteriaBuilder.
find fetches the row respect to the primary key.Now as you want
"common find method which accepts a map having the where clause conditions. In the map, key will be the column name and value will be the column name value of the where clause. This method should return the list of selected rows"
for this you have to go for CriteriaQuery like this :
The following simple Criteria query returns all instances of the Pet entity in the data source:
EntityManager em = ...;
CriteriaBuilder cb = em.getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<Pet> cq = cb.createQuery(Pet.class);
Root<Pet> pet = cq.from(Pet.class);
TypedQuery<Pet> q = em.createQuery(cq);
List<Pet> allPets = q.getResultList();
The equivalent JPQL query is:
Moreover i will advise you to go for annotation based mapping in your entities & look for setter & getter for the methods.In that design also you can have customized method by java logic for this go here to read.
Following might be overkill, but is a fairly generic way to approach it utilizing the criteriaBuilder. While I can't paste the code here (work) I created an abstract BaseFilter<Entity> class.
The easy part is then having the implementing objects provide getXX, setXX properties. A getPredicates() was then added to return an ArrayList of predicates that the abstract BaseDAO could then invoke to perform the query.
We worked specifically with the getXX and setXXX so we could reference the elements via eg, get(Entity1_.childObject).get(ChildObject_.grandChildObject) to assist in refactoring. JPA also supports it via string name so you could implement the getPredicates with that.
JPA requires the actual Entity.class reference in their calls it was a bit of fun trying to obtain it. Eventually a google search turned it up.

Programmatic, "non-dynamic" construction of HQL queries within the bounds of the JPA

List<Object[]> list = em.createQuery(
"SELECT 'Foo', 123 FROM IrcEvent ev", Object[].class).getResultList();
What I don't like in that example:
How do I know the table name? Can't I specify the entity class instead?
How do I know the column name? jOOQ provides auto-completion by creating a DSL from the database schema.
There could be syntax errors everywhere.
What I basically want is something like
to delete the rows of an antire table (for example).
JPA 2 Criteria API http://docs.oracle.com/javaee/6/tutorial/doc/gjitv.html is for creating type safe queries programmatically, but it does not support deletes

How does setParameterList in hibernate work?

I am having some problem with the setParameterList api of hibernate.
I am trying to pass in a Collection to a SQLQuery and doing an "in" clause search.The records exists in the DB and doing a raw query, I am able to retrieve them or if I just replace them in the same Hibernate SQL like emp.emp_name in ('Joe','John'), I am able to get the desired result set. I am confused as to why would Hibernate fail to replace the Collection in place of the named parameter. Here is the code :
session.createSQLQuery("select emp_id as id from emp where emp.emp_name in (:empNames)")
.setParameterList("empNames",new String[]{"Joe","John"})
I have looked at the Hibernate Documentation for setParameterList but I am not able to reason out this particular behavior.
I suspect the problem is precisely because you're using createSQLQuery. The single parameter here needs to be changed into multiple parameters in the real SQL, but by using a "raw" query you're telling Hibernate not to mess with the SQL.
Can you use a "normal" Hibernate query instead?
Just remove the parenthesis around the parameter name :
session.createSQLQuery("select emp_id as id from emp where emp.emp_name in :empNames ")
.setParameterList("empNames",new String[]{"Joe","John"})
I would not suggest to use (N)Hibernate's parameter lists. Query plans in cache are not used when the number of elements in parameter list is different. So it means your query is often hard parsed and compiled. Queries are slower, database load is higher and plan cache is full of plans generated for the same query.

Question about Criteria.createCriteria in Hibernate API

So I'm still trying to get myself acquainted with the Hibernate Criteria API, and I have this piece of Java code which I would like to seek clarification over.
Criteria c = super.getSession().createCriteria(PpNnCtDetail.class);
c.add(Restrictions.between("commencementDate", fromDate, toDate);
This part I understand what's happening - putting it in terms of SQL it would be something like - correct me if I'm wrong,
SELECT * FROM PpNnCtDetail WHERE commencementDate >= fromDate AND commencementDate <= toDate;
The problem comes with the code following the two lines above.
c = c.createCriteria("nnContractTbl");
c.createCriteria("progCategory").add(Restrictions.in("progCategoryId", allProgCat));
return c.list();
What is the first line trying to accomplish? Is that assignment back to c redundant?
In fact, what are the lines c.createCriteria trying to achieve? What would an equivalent SQL query look like? More importantly, what would c.list() return?
The assignament on c = c.createCriteria("nnContractTbl"); is redundant, createCriteria and almost all Criteria methods modify the instance they're invoked on, and return the instance itself for method chanining. So you can chain calls like this:
return super.getSession().createCriteria(PpNnCtDetail.class)
.add(Restrictions.between("commencementDate", fromDate, toDate)
.createCriteria("progCategory").add(Restrictions.in("progCategoryId", allProgCat))
And about the result of that sequence, Criteria.createCriteria(association) will result in an inner join between the data already in the criteria and the table designed in the association modelled by the attribute association. It will also "root" (as they state in the Javadocs) the Criteria at the association entity, so that in further calls to createCriteria(association), association refers to an association attribute declared on the last "rooted" entity.
It's a shorthand for Criteria.createCriteria(association, joinType) with joinType CriteriaSpecification.INNER_JOIN.
Those createCriteria as specified above are basically equivalent to an INNER JOIN to the entity passed.
The best way to find answers to your questions (and also learn hibernate in the meantime) is to turn SQL logging on in your hibernate configuration file, and inspect the generated SQL.

Select nvl(max(c.EmployeeId),0) in JPQL?

I'm using oracle10g database and eclipselink, I need to obtain the last inserted key from the table so i've created this query
javax.persistence.Query q =
em.createQuery("SELECT nvl(MAX(c.myAtt),0) " +
"from myTable as c");
return Integer.parseInt(q.getSingleResult().toString()); `
But when the table is empy(sometimes it might get empty)
i'm getting ILEGAL ARGUMENT EXCEPTION, cause: JPQL Exception, detail: "An exception occurred while creating a query in EntityManager". What i'm doing wrong?
In the meanwhile somebody else could have inserted something in Autorizaciones and then you receive the wrong id
NVL() is supported now in newer versions of jpql
You could use the COALESCE function. It can be used to achieve the same as nvl. For instance:
select nvl(columna,'1') from table
select COALESCE(columna,'1') from table
Paraphrasing Apu, "I don't know what part of that question to correct first" :-)
First of all, retrieving last inserted key in this way is a VERY BAD THING © It's dangerous, inefficient and most of all, unnecessary as your JPA already does it for you: once you insert your entity, its identifier property will automatically be updated to contain its primary key.
Secondly, as far as your query goes, "myTable" is not something you would use in JPQL, you need to specify your entity name instead (e.g. if you're mapping "Car" to "CAR_TABLE" you should use "Car" instead of "CAR_TABLE" in JPQL queries).
Finally, NVL() is not supported by JPQL. It is supported (sort of, via Expression.ifNull()) by EclipseLink Expressions. Not that you'd need it in a scenario like this, anyway.
