How to deserialize a class with overloaded constructors using JsonCreator - java

I am trying to deserialize an instance of this class using Jackson 1.9.10:
public class Person {
public Person(#JsonProperty("name") String name,
#JsonProperty("age") int age) {
// ... person with both name and age
public Person(#JsonProperty("name") String name) {
// ... person with just a name
When I try this I get the following
Conflicting property-based creators: already had ... {interface org.codehaus.jackson.annotate.JsonCreator #org.codehaus.jackson.annotate.JsonCreator()}], encountered ... , annotations: {interface org.codehaus.jackson.annotate.JsonCreator #org.codehaus.jackson.annotate.JsonCreator()}]
Is there a way to deserialize a class with overloaded constructors using Jackson?

Though its not properly documented, you can only have one creator per type. You can have as many constructors as you want in your type, but only one of them should have a #JsonCreator annotation on it.

EDIT: Behold, in a blog post by the maintainers of Jackson, it seems 2.12 may see improvements in regard to constructor injection. (Current version at the time of this edit is 2.11.1)
Improve auto-detection of Constructor creators, including solving/alleviating issues with ambiguous 1-argument constructors (delegating vs properties)
This still hold true for Jackson databind 2.7.0.
The Jackson #JsonCreator annotation 2.5 javadoc or Jackson annotations documentation grammar (constructors and factory methods) let believe indeed that one can mark multiple constructors.
Marker annotation that can be used to define constructors and factory methods as one to use for instantiating new instances of the associated class.
Looking at the code where the creators are identified, it looks like the Jackson CreatorCollector is ignoring overloaded constructors because it only checks the first argument of the constructor.
Class<?> oldType = oldOne.getRawParameterType(0);
Class<?> newType = newOne.getRawParameterType(0);
if (oldType == newType) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Conflicting "+TYPE_DESCS[typeIndex]
+" creators: already had explicitly marked "+oldOne+", encountered "+newOne);
oldOne is the first identified constructor creator.
newOne is the overloaded constructor creator.
That means that code like that won't work
public Phone(#JsonProperty("value") String value) {
this.value = value; = "";
public Phone(#JsonProperty("country") String country, #JsonProperty("value") String value) {
this.value = value; = country;
assertThat(new ObjectMapper().readValue("{\"value\":\"+336\"}", Phone.class).value).isEqualTo("+336"); // raise error here
assertThat(new ObjectMapper().readValue("{\"value\":\"+336\"}", Phone.class).value).isEqualTo("+336");
But this code will work :
public Phone(#JsonProperty("value") String value) {
this.value = value;
enabled = true;
public Phone(#JsonProperty("enabled") Boolean enabled, #JsonProperty("value") String value) {
this.value = value;
this.enabled = enabled;
assertThat(new ObjectMapper().readValue("{\"value\":\"+336\"}", Phone.class).value).isEqualTo("+336");
assertThat(new ObjectMapper().readValue("{\"value\":\"+336\",\"enabled\":true}", Phone.class).value).isEqualTo("+336");
This is a bit hacky and may not be future proof.
The documentation is vague about how object creation works; from what I gather from the code though, it's that it is possible to mix different methods :
For example one can have a static factory method annotated with #JsonCreator
public Phone(#JsonProperty("value") String value) {
this.value = value;
enabled = true;
public Phone(#JsonProperty("enabled") Boolean enabled, #JsonProperty("value") String value) {
this.value = value;
this.enabled = enabled;
public static Phone toPhone(String value) {
return new Phone(value);
assertThat(new ObjectMapper().readValue("\"+336\"", Phone.class).value).isEqualTo("+336");
assertThat(new ObjectMapper().readValue("{\"value\":\"+336\"}", Phone.class).value).isEqualTo("+336");
assertThat(new ObjectMapper().readValue("{\"value\":\"+336\",\"enabled\":true}", Phone.class).value).isEqualTo("+336");
It works but it is not ideal. In the end, it could make sense, e.g. if the JSON is that dynamic then maybe one should look to use a delegate constructor to handle payload variations much more elegantly than with multiple annotated constructors.
Also note that Jackson orders creators by priority, for example in this code :
// Simple
public Phone(#JsonProperty("value") String value) {
this.value = value;
// more
public Phone(Map<String, Object> properties) {
value = (String) properties.get("value");
// more logic
assertThat(new ObjectMapper().readValue("\"+336\"", Phone.class).value).isEqualTo("+336");
assertThat(new ObjectMapper().readValue("{\"value\":\"+336\"}", Phone.class).value).isEqualTo("+336");
assertThat(new ObjectMapper().readValue("{\"value\":\"+336\",\"enabled\":true}", Phone.class).value).isEqualTo("+336");
This time Jackson won't raise an error, but Jackson will only use the delegate constructor Phone(Map<String, Object> properties), which means the Phone(#JsonProperty("value") String value) is never used.

If I got right what you are trying to achieve, you can solve it without a constructor overload.
If you just want to put null values in the attributes not present in a JSON or a Map you can do the following:
#JsonIgnoreProperties(ignoreUnknown = true)
public class Person {
private String name;
private Integer age;
public static final Integer DEFAULT_AGE = 30;
public Person(
#JsonProperty("name") String name,
#JsonProperty("age") Integer age)
throws IllegalArgumentException {
if(name == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter name was not informed.");
this.age = age == null ? DEFAULT_AGE : age; = name;
That was my case when I found your question. It took me some time to figure out how to solve it, maybe that's what you were tring to do.
#Brice solution did not work for me.

If you don't mind doing a little more work, you can deserialize the entity manually:
#JsonDeserialize(using = Person.Deserializer.class)
public class Person {
public Person(#JsonProperty("name") String name,
#JsonProperty("age") int age) {
// ... person with both name and age
public Person(#JsonProperty("name") String name) {
// ... person with just a name
public static class Deserializer extends StdDeserializer<Person> {
public Deserializer() {
Deserializer(Class<?> vc) {
public Person deserialize(JsonParser jp, DeserializationContext ctxt) throws IOException {
JsonNode node = jp.getCodec().readTree(jp);
if (node.has("name") && node.has("age")) {
String name = node.get("name").asText();
int age = node.get("age").asInt();
return new Person(name, age);
} else if (node.has("name")) {
String name = node.get("name").asText();
return new Person("name");
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("unable to parse");


How to use objectMapper.readValue with records? [duplicate]

I am trying to see if I can replace my existing Pojos with the new Record classes in Java 14. But unable to do so. Getting following error:
com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.exc.InvalidDefinitionException: Cannot
construct instance of com.a.a.Post (no Creators, like default
construct, exist): cannot deserialize from Object value (no delegate-
or property-based Creator)
I get that the error is saying the record has no constructors, but from what I see the record class takes care of it in the background and relevant getters are also set in the background (not getters exactly but id() title() and so on without the get prefix). Is it cos Spring has not adopted the latest Java 14 record yet? Please advice. Thanks.
I am doing this in Spring Boot version 2.2.6 and using Java 14.
The following works using the usual POJOs.
public class PostClass {
private int userId;
private int id;
private String title;
private String body;
public int getUserId() {
return userId;
public void setUserId(int userId) {
this.userId = userId;
public int getId() {
return id;
public void setId(int id) { = id;
public String getTitle() {
return title;
public void setTitle(String title) {
this.title = title;
public String getBody() {
return body;
public void setBody(String body) {
this.body = body;
Method to call rest service which works now as I am using the above POJO.
public PostClass[] getPosts() throws URISyntaxException {
String url = "";
return template.getForEntity(new URI(url), PostClass[].class).getBody();
But if I switch to following where I am using record instead, I am getting the above error.
The new record class.
public record Post(int userId, int id, String title, String body) {
Changing the method to use the record instead which fails.
public Post[] getPosts() throws URISyntaxException {
String url = "";
return template.getForEntity(new URI(url), Post[].class).getBody();
Tried adding constructors as follows to the record Post and same error:
public record Post(int userId, int id, String title, String body) {
public Post {
public record Post(int userId, int id, String title, String body) {
public Post(int userId, int id, String title, String body) {
this.userId = userId; = id;
this.title = title;
this.body = body;
It is possible with some Jackson Annotations, which cause Jackson to use fields instead of getters. Still far less verbose than a pre-Java 14 class (without Lombok or similar solutions).
record Foo(#JsonProperty("a") int a, #JsonProperty("b") int b){
This probably works because according to
Declaration annotations are permitted on record components if they are
applicable to record components, parameters, fields, or methods.
Declaration annotations that are applicable to any of these targets
are propagated to implicit declarations of any mandated members.
See also: When is the #JsonProperty property used and what is it used for?
It is also possible to make use #JsonAutoDetect
#JsonAutoDetect(fieldVisibility = JsonAutoDetect.Visibility.ANY)
record Bar(int a, int b){
If configuring the Objectmapper to use field Visibility globally, this annotation on class level is not needed.
See also: How to specify jackson to only use fields - preferably globally
public class Test {
public static void main(String[] args) throws JsonProcessingException {
ObjectMapper om = new ObjectMapper();
System.out.println(om.writeValueAsString(new Foo(1, 2))); //{"a":1,"b":2}
System.out.println(om.writeValueAsString(new Bar(3, 4))); //{"a":3,"b":4}
record Foo(#JsonProperty("a") int a, #JsonProperty("b") int b){
#JsonAutoDetect(fieldVisibility = JsonAutoDetect.Visibility.ANY)
record Bar(int a, int b){
There is also a Github issue for that feature:
This is slated for jackson 2.12
The compiler generates the constructor and other accessor method for a Record.
In your case,
public final class Post extends java.lang.Record {
public Post(int, int java.lang.String, java.lang.String);
public java.lang.String toString();
public final int hashCode();
public final boolean equals(java.lang.Object);
public int userId();
public int id();
public java.lang.String title();
public java.lang.String body();
Here you can see that there is not default constructor which is needed got Jackson. The constructor you used is a compact constructor,
public Post {
You can define a default/no args constructor as,
public record Post(int userId, int id, String title, String body) {
public Post() {
this(0,0, null, null);
But Jackson uses Getter and Setters to set values. So in short, you can not use Record for mapping the response.
EDIT as PSA: Jackson can properly serialize and deserialize records as of 2.12 which has been released.
Use the parameter names module for jackson, (make sure the compiler sets -parameters) or add `#JsonProperty("name") to each field in the record
add #JsonCreator to the constructor. I can't tell if the inheritance will work properly, so you might have to explicitly declare the constructor and annotate it.
If a public accessor method or (non-compact) canonical constructor is declared explicitly, then it only has the annotations which appear on it directly; nothing is propagated from the corresponding record component to these members.
So add
new ObjectMapper().registerModules(new ParameterNamesModule())
and try
#JsonCreator record Value(String x);
or something like
record Value(String x) {
public Value(String x) {
this.x = x;
or all the way to
record Value(#JsonProperty("x") String x) {
public Value(#JsonProperty("x") String x) {
this.x = x;
This is how I get immutable pojos with lombok and jackson to work, and I don't see why records wouldn't work under the same format. My setup is Jackson parameter names module, -parameters compiler flag for java 8 (I don't think this is required for like jdk9+), #JsonCreator on the constructor. Example of a real class working with this setup.
#AllArgsConstructor(onConstructor_ = #JsonCreator)
public final class Address {
private final String line1;
private final String line2;
private final String city;
private final String region;
private final String postalCode;
private final CountryCode country;

Java Spring custom Enum to String conversion in JSON Serialization

I'm trying to convert an enum value into a custom string as part of a JSON response in a Java Spring application. I've attempted to override the enum's toString method and create a Spring converter but both attempts don't seem to work.
Sample Controller
#RequestMapping(value = "/test/endpoint", produces = APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
public class RecommenderController {
public List<MyEnum> test() {
return new ArrayList<>() {{
public enum MyEnum {
SAMPLE("sample"), OTHER_SAMPLE("other sample");
private final String name;
public MyEnum(String name) { = name;
public String toString() {
This code returns the response ["SAMPLE"] although I want it to return ["sample"]. Is there a way to implement this in Spring?
Assuming you are using the default MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter, then behind the scenes you are using Jackson's ObjectMapper to perform all the JSON serialization and deserialization. So it's a matter of configuring Jackson for your protocol objects.
In this case, it's probably most straightforward tell Jackson that it can make a single JSON value for your instance of MyEnum with the #JsonValue annotation.
public enum MyEnum {
SAMPLE("sample"), OTHER_SAMPLE("other sample");
private final String name;
public MyEnum(String name) { = name;
public String getValue() {
#JsonValue has a bonus, as described in its Javadoc:
NOTE: when use for Java enums, one additional feature is that value returned by annotated method is also considered to be the value to deserialize from, not just JSON String to serialize as. This is possible since set of Enum values is constant and it is possible to define mapping, but can not be done in general for POJO types; as such, this is not used for POJO deserialization.
So if you have the same Enum definition in your application that receives the list, it will deserialize the human readable value back into your Enum.
This can be done by using the #JsonValue annotation in the enum definition:
public enum MyEnum {
public String getName() {

Jackson ignore serializing field depending on value

I know it's possible to ignore fields if they are null or if they are empty, but is it possible to ignore a field, for example if it is a String, and contains a certain substring?
This is possible if you e.g. use a combination of #JsonIgnore and a Converter.
If you assume the following Person POJO:
public class Person {
private final String email;
private final String name;
public Person(final String name, final String email) { = name; = email;
// Will use special conversion before serializing
#JsonSerialize(converter = EmailConverter.class)
public String getEmail() {
return email;
// Will simply use default serialization
public String getName() {
return name;
In the POJO you define that only non-empty values should be included. Furthermore, it is declared that a specific converter is to be used for the email property. The converter can be defined like this:
public class EmailConverter extends StdConverter<String, String> {
public String convert(final String value) {
return Optional.ofNullable(value)
.filter(email -> email.length() > 0)
.filter(email -> email.contains("#"))
Note that the converter uses Optional which is a java-8 feature but any validation code will do just fine. When null is returned it is simply skipped since it was declared that way in the Person class.
For more info, check out the JavaDocs for Converter and #JsonSerialize.

java dynamically call methods

I'm trying to figure out how to dynamically call a method. I have a string that describes the method name, but I'm not sure how to do it. I thought this could be done with reflection, but haven't had any success. Example
You'll notice all the method calls are the same with the exception of the getVehicleYear, etc
I have a string that describes the method names, just not sure how to use it.
I got as far as this with reflection, but failed.
set.add(Class.forName("VehicleConfiguration").getMethod("vehicleMake", null).getName());
Thanks in advance.
The class you are looking for is Method. Please read the appropriate javadoc carefully.
You can get a method with, for example
// assumign `getVehicleMake` is the name of the method and it accepts no parameters
Method method = VehicleConfiguration.class.getMethod("getVehicleMake");
// VehicleConfiguration.class can be replaced by
// Class.forName("VehicleConfiguration")
// if VehicleConfiguration is the fully qualified, ie. with packages, name of the class
// other you need Class.forName("com.yourpackage.VehicleConfiguration")
You then need to invoke() this method on an instance of your class.
VehicleConfiguration instance = new VehicleConfiguration();
Object returnObject = method.invoke(instance); // assuming no parameters
To then call getName(), you need to cast the returned object to the type that has the method. Assuming getMake() is a method of the type VehicleMake, call it like this
You have to use actual method name: getVehicleMake, not vehicleMake.
Additionally, if you're using this as anything other than an exercise, don't roll your own. Use Commons BeanUtils or Spring's BeanWrapper.
Expanding on my comment, As all the methods you showed have a getName() method, let's create a simple class which defines this:
class Nameable
private String name;
public Nameable(final String name)
{ = name;
public String getName()
Now when you create the object for Make, Model and Year, they can all use this class so they can be used interchangeably, and can then be combined into a Car:
class Car
public final Nameable make;
public final Nameable model;
public final Nameable year;
public Car(Nameable make, Nameable model, Nameable year)
this.make = make;
this.model = model;
this.year = year;
public Nameable getInfo(final String info)
case "make": return this.make;
case "model": return this.model;
case "year": return this.year;
return null;
Then a simple implementation would be:
class PaganiZonda2006 extends Car
public PaganiZonda2006()
super(new Nameable("Pagani"), new Nameable("Zonda"), new Nameable("2006"));
And finally, when you want to get the information out, you can read it like so:
public static void main(String[] args)
Car car = new PaganiZonda2006();
System.out.println(car.getInfo("make").getName()); //Pagani
System.out.println(car.getInfo("model").getName()); //Zonda
System.out.println(car.getInfo("year").getName()); //2006
This ended up being my final solution which is a combination of MrLore and Sotirios Delimanolis solutions. This solution is completely dynamic without the use of any conditions.
This class performs the search for the name by passing in the property name;
String propertyName = "vehicleYear";
propertyName = "vehicleMake";
This class represents the VehicleConfiguration
public class VehicleConfiguration extends StatefulEntity {
#JoinColumn(name = "year_id")
private VehicleYear vehicleYear;
#JoinColumn(name = "make_id")
private VehicleMake vehicleMake;
public LookupBaseEntity getInfo(final String fieldName) {
try {
String methodName = WordUtils.capitalize(fieldName);
Method method = VehicleConfiguration.class.getMethod("get" + methodName);
return (LookupBaseEntity) method.invoke(this);
} catch (NoSuchMethodException | SecurityException | IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException | InvocationTargetException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(VehicleConfiguration.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
return null;
This class represents the VehicleYear
public class VehicleYear extends LookupBaseEntity {
This class represents the VehicleMake
public class VehicleMake extends LookupBaseEntity {
Which both extend LookupBaseEntity
public class LookupBaseEntity extends StatefulEntity {
private String name;
public String getName() {
return name;
public void setName(String name) { = name;

Providing custom value serialization for enums via JAXB

For a project I'm working on, we have a lot of enums in use. The model object itself is composed from a lot of tiny classes; this model we then serialize to our DB as XML via JAXB. Now, we want to be able to serialize our enum values using the return of a particular method in the enum; that is given:
public enum Qualifier {
FOO("1E", "Foo type document"),
BAR("2", "Bar object");
private String code, description;
public Qualifier(String code, String description) {
this.code = code;
this.description = description;
public String getCode() {
return this.code;
public String getDescription() {
return this.description;
etc. etc. Currently, when serialized to XML, we get something like:
which is how JAXB handles it. However, we need the value to be the return of getCode(), and a whole lot of our enums do follow that convention (with a corresponding static method for lookup via code), so that the above XML fragment looks like:
instead. We can annotate it with #XmlEnum and #XmlEnumValue, but that's too tedious -- some enums have up to 30 enumerated values, and hand-editing it is not good. We're also thinking of using a custom serializer instead, but I'd like to avoid going that route for now (but if that's the way to go, then I have no problem with it).
Any ideas how?
Try using the XmlAdapter mechanism for this. You create an XmlAdapter subclass for each enum type, and which knows how to marshal/unmarshal the enum to and from XML.
You then associate the adapter with the property, e.g.
public class QualifierAdapter extends XmlAdapter<String, Qualifier> {
public String marshal(Qualifier qualifier) {
return qualifier.getCode();
public Qualifier unmarshal(String val) {
return Qualifier.getFromCode(val); // I assume you have a way of doing this
and then in the model classes:
private Qualifier qualifier;
You can also declare this at the package level, inside a file called in the same package as your model classes, using the rather idiosyncratic package annotations:
type=Qualifier.class, value=QualifierAdapter.class
Found this question while looking for something else but I read your comment about something more generic. Heres what I have been using to convert upper case enum types to camel case. I am going to use your enum type but put my adapter on it. As you can see you dont need to reference every instance of Qualifier but just annotate the enum itself.
The CamelCaseEnumAdapter can take any enum however the enum class must be passed to it therefore you need to have a class extend it, I just use a private static class inside the enum itself.
public enum Qualifier {
FOO("1E", "Foo type document"),
BAR("2", "Bar object");
private String code, description;
public Qualifier(String code, String description) {
this.code = code;
this.description = description;
public String getCode() {
return this.code;
public String getDescription() {
return this.description;
private static class Adapter extends CamelCaseEnumAdapter<Qualifier> {
public Adapter() {
super(Qualifier.class, FOO);
public abstract class CamelCaseEnumAdapter<E extends Enum> extends XmlAdapter<String, E>{
private Class<E> clazz;
private E defaultValue;
public CamelCaseEnumAdapter(Class<E> clazz) {
this(clazz, null);
public CamelCaseEnumAdapter(Class<E> clazz, E defaultValue) {
this.clazz = clazz;
this.defaultValue = defaultValue;
public E unmarshal(String v) throws Exception {
if(v == null || v.isEmpty())
return defaultValue;
return (E) Enum.valueOf(clazz, v.replaceAll("([a-z])([A-Z])", "$1_$2").toUpperCase());
public String marshal(E v) throws Exception {
if(v == defaultValue)
return null;
return toCamelCase(;
private String toCamelCase(String s){
String[] parts = s.split("_");
String camelCaseString = "";
for (String part : parts){
camelCaseString = camelCaseString + part.toLowerCase();
camelCaseString = camelCaseString + toProperCase(part);
return camelCaseString;
private String toProperCase(String s) {
return s.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() +
