i want to implement a search Text to listView,
i load the listView items from server.
Currently, everytime that user enters something to the searchText i remove all items in the listView and add them again to the listView (if they contain the user entered string)
However it takes alot of time, to remove the whole listView and then start reload all items to list again
Therefore i want to loop all over the listView and to invisible the un-matched rows, is it possible? (something like View.GONE)
for example, i want to invisible the k-th item row in listView.
Also, i will want to change this item row to visible again.
thanks alot
you don't need make the view invisible. Have a EdiText at the top. Then have filter for your listview and display items in listview accordingly. call notifydatasetchanged method to refresh listview.
An example of search on listview.
An example of listview with custom filter can be found in the link below
Search in ListView with EditText
I spent some time to google it, but didn't help.
I have a listview that contains an ArrayList.
Can I collect all data in array, show it in listView and delete array, but not update listView - so data will be on screen?
Yes until you scroll the list view to next visible item (or call notify item set change), then ListView ask adapter to provide object for example at 5th position and you will get ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException or NullPointerException. So if you want to avoid that you have to copy your list elements to another ArrayList instance and pass it to your adapter.
arrayListMain is which arraylist your are use at setAdapter and arraylistChild is arrayList in your adapter
I have made a horizontal listview with ArrayAdapter as in the picture below.
There will be always 3 items on screen. But there is a problem. I need to get which three items are on screen. With getView function, I can only get last activated item.
Is there a way that I can get which items are on screen ?
try this
you may refer answer here as well
I have a ListView with a header and a footer. I added two items with a class of my own extending the ArrayAdapter class. In this extended class, I have overridden the getView function because I want Views which are not TextViews to appear in my ListView.
On this ListView, I have set an onClickListener.
The problem is that this onClickListener is started when I click either on the header or on the footer, but never when I click on my items.
Of course, the View returned by getView is set to be clickable.
What am I missing?
Do you want to do something different when each list element is clicked? If so, you should programmatically set an onClickListener for each of those 2 elements added. Can you post your code?
It sounds like you are making this much more complicated than necessary. You can create your own layout for each row of a ListView using an XML file. This allows you to use any combinations of Views that you wish. To control what happens when the user clicks on a row in the ListView, your activity class should extend ListActivity and override onItemClickListener(). Alternatively, you can call setOnItemClickListener() on your ListView. For more details, I suggest that you read the Android ListView Developer Guide.
The solution I found : the click listener attached to the 'ListView' is only used for the clicks on the header and the footer. For my custom rows, in my ArrayAdapter's 'getView' function, I attached one listener to the 'TextView' and another to the 'ImageButton'.
I have a ListView which shows users names.The ListView get this data from the SimpleAdapter.Each row in this ListView has a TextView which shows users names and a ComboBox which is used for selecting corresponding name.The problem I don't know how to get row position and corresponding SimpleAdapter data of the currently checked CheckBox.How can I achieve this?
If I understand your question correctly, you want to find the index of the view which contains a checked checkbox.
Try this to get the index:
int index = listView.indexOfChild(checkBox.getParent());
Once you have the index, you can do this to get the data:
View customView = listView.getChildAt(index);
I have a custom listview defined in my xml layout file. I can add items to this ListView inside onCreate method, through an array adapter.
However when I add items from another content view and then go back to the content view with the ListView all the items are gone and there's nothing listed. Even after calling .notifyDataSetChanged();
It seems like I can only add to the list when the content view containing the ListView is currently being displayed. Is this the default behavior?
Failed attempted workaround
I used another array to keep the newly added items and then try to add them when the ListView became visible again. I had to override onContentChanged() to do so but then no items were added still.
So the main question is
How can I dynamically add items to the ListView even if it's out of sight and still preserve the old items?
PS: I have to say the Android API is one of the worst I've ever come across.
If you change content view, then all the previous views are going to be destroyed. Are you using an adapter? If so, then it would be very easy to add all the items to the list again.
There shouldn't be any reason to setContentView any time other than in onCreate.
If you were looking to have multiple screens, instead of changing content view, then start a new activity.
dynamically add items:
//add at the top of the list
// add at the bottom of the list