I have problem testing file existence with ant. I want to check if files exist in target test, and if not, I want download files in target download. But the download target will be executed always (if files exist or not). Can anybody show what is wrong?
<!-- Test lib files if exist -->
<target name="test">
<condition property="is.resource.exists" value="true" else="false">
<file file="${lib}/jdom-2.0.5.jar" />
<file file="${lib}/miglayout-4.0-swing.jar" />
<!-- Download lib files if not exist -->
<target name="download" if="is.resource.exists" depends="test">
<exec dir="${lib}" executable="${lib}/get-libs.sh" />
A <target> with an if attribute will execute if the property in the if attribute exists. Similarly, a <target> with an unless attribute will execute if the property in the unless attribute doesn't exist. It doesn't matter what the value of the property is: true, false, kumquat, or whatever.
Replace the if="is.resource.exists" with unless="is.resource.exists" and you should be good.
I have more than 30 odx-d files (odx-d is just xml file with different extension).
All files have common tags:
At every release I need to change these values in all files.
Note: Manipulation using Java is not possible as while build just making zip of all these files not using Java to manipulate these files.
Please suggest a way to have one file (any file type you suggest) where I can have these values and place holders for the tags in all these files.
This is doable with the following steps:
replace the common tag values with placeholders e.g. #revision#,
#state#, #date#
copy each file to a temporary location
perform the replacements in the copied files using a <replace file="${dest.file}"> task with nested <replacefilter .../> elements
zip the transformed files in the temporary location
For example, using a template file "template.xml" like this:
you can set the real values with this ant target (skipping the zip part):
<target name="test">
<property name="my.revision" value="01.02.03-04"/>
<property name="my.state" value="RELEASE"/>
<format property="my.date" pattern="yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm z"/>
<property name="template.file" value="./template.xml"/>
<property name="dest.file" value="./doc.odx"/>
<delete file="${dest.file}" quiet="true"/>
<copy toFile="${dest.file}" file="${template.file}"/>
<replace file="${dest.file}">
<replacefilter token="#revision#" value="${my.revision}"/>
<replacefilter token="#state#" value="${my.state}"/>
<replacefilter token="#date#" value="${my.date}"/>
Solution for multiple files.
Replace values with placeholders #revision#, #state#, #date# and place into template folder.
Perform the copy operation with filterset from template to dest directory.
Template dir: 'fromDir', destination: 'toDir'
1) Template files:
2) Declare properties and perform test target operation.
<!-- Properties -->
<property name="version" value="01.02.03-04" />
<property name="state" value="RELEASE" />
<format property="now" pattern="yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX"/>
<!-- Target -->
<target name="test">
<copy todir="${toDir}">
<fileset dir="${fromDir}" />
<filter token="revision" value="${version}" />
<filter token="state" value="${state}" />
<filter token="date" value="${now}" />
is it possible to access from the ant script of the nbi (installer project) to variables defined in the platform.properties file, like the nbjdk.active which is setted when in a project the Java platform is changed?
The goal is from the ant script select one of the packaged jre (32 or 64) in function of this variable.
Thanks in advance.
this is the build script fragment from when I try to access this variables:
<target name="-generate-bundles">
<for-each property="platform" list="${target.platforms}" separator=" ">
<condition property="bundle.extention.${platform}" value="exe">
<contains string="${platform}" substring="windows"/>
<condition property="bundle.extention.${platform}" value="sh">
<contains string="${platform}" substring="linux"/>
<contains string="${platform}" substring="solaris"/>
<condition property="bundle.extention.${platform}" value="zip">
<contains string="${platform}" substring="macosx"/>
<set property="bundle.extention" source="bundle.extention.${platform}"/>
<create-bundle root="${output.dir}/registry-temp"
<component uid="${main.product.uid}" version=""/>
<!--<property name="nbi.bundled.jvm.file" value="D:\packed\jre1.8.0_65_32bits\jre.exe"/>-->
<property name="nbi.bundled.jvm.file" value="D:\packed\jre1.8.0_25_64bits\jre.exe"/>
<echo>********* OS: ${platform}</echo>
<echo>********* Arch: ${os.arch}</echo>
<echo>********* JDK in NB: ${jdk.home}</echo>
<echo>********* JDK in platform.properties: HERE I TRY TO ACCESS VARIABLE</echo>
<if property="bundle.extention" value="zip">
<antcall target="zip-to-tgz">
<param name="input.file" value="${bundles.release.dir}/${bundle.files.prefix}-${platform}.zip"/>
<param name="output.file" value="${bundles.release.dir}/${bundle.files.prefix}-${platform}.tgz"/>
<delete file="${bundles.release.dir}/${bundle.files.prefix}-${platform}.zip"/>
<echo>Installer(s) for [${target.platforms}] are available at ${bundles.release.dir}</echo>
and this is the variable in platform.properties file:
Here is the property file contents which are going to be accessed in the build script:
Below build script example shows how to access property abc which is from test.properties file.
All you need is to load the property file before accessing it as shown in the script using, of course, change the property file path as per your environment.
<property file="D:/Temp/test.properties"/>
Then use ${abc} whereever its value is needed as shown in the echo task below.
test.properties contents
<project name="imported" basedir="." default="test">
<property file="D:/Temp/test.properties"/>
<target name="test" description="check if the property can be retrieved from file">
<echo message="Property abc's value from file is ${abc}"/>
[echo] Property abc's value from file is 123
Total time: 0 seconds
[Finished in 4.7s]
Hope this is helpful.
Is there any way to get number of properties defined or provided through command line option?
I couldn't find any way till now.
Basically I have to check if command line properties are less than or greater than a specified number of properties, build should fail using
Instead of counting numbers you can check the required properties are set and fail the build if it is not set.
<project name="check" default="build">
<condition property="params.set">
<isset property="one"/>
<isset property="two"/>
<target name="check">
<fail unless="params.set">
Must specify the parameters: one, two
<target name="build" depends="check">
one = ${one}
two = ${two}
I have a property file (x.props) that contains properties required for an Ant build:
set in build.xml:
<property file="x.props" />
The properties contained in x.props are then used in a path task:
<path id="project.class.path">
<pathelement location="${prop1}/important.jar"/>
<pathelement location="${prop2}/anotherImportant.jar"/>
Before compilation starts. I don't explicitly create these properties in build.xml
The x.props file can be different for each local user, but for server builds it doesn't change.
I created an x.props.template file to address the problem of users accidentally checking in or updating this file (but they need to be able to check it out). I want to be able to create an x.props file from the x.props.template (I set x.props as svn:ignore).
Users can save the template file as x.props and edit it and - theoretically, the server Ant build.xml can copy the template file to the server x.props if it doesn't exist.
But that's not happening. I tried using a target:
<target name="x-props-file" unless="prop1" description="create a
local.properties file if it doesn't exist">
<copy file="x.props.template" tofile="x.props" />
But it's called AFTER the path is set.
I tried creating the file as a condition:
<condition available="x.props">
<copy file="x.props.template" tofile="x.props" />
But 'not' and 'condition' don't work with copy.
loadProperties will fail if the file isn't found - but it won't copy a file.
Ideally I'd like to be able to copy the new x.props right after the initial file load fails.
Is there any way around this?
ant version 1.1
java 7
This would probably be simplest with ant-contrib's <if> task:
<available file="x.props" />
<copy file="x.props.template" tofile="x.props" />
Edit: I just rediscovered this answer that I gave years ago after a comment was added, and realized that there's a much better solution that doesn't rely on ant-contrib. It's probably way too late to be of much use to the original poster, but I figured I'd offer it up anyway in case it helps someone:
<property file="x.props" />
<property name="prop1" value="something" />
<property name="prop1" value="somethingElse" />
<path id="project.class.path">
<pathelement location="${prop1}/important.jar"/>
<pathelement location="${prop2}/anotherImportant.jar"/>
No need for an extra template file. Just attempt to load the property file first and set your defaults immediately after that, making use of Ant's inherent property immutability.
Conversely, if you really want to use a separate properties file to hold your default values, just do the same thing as above but replace the individual property assignments with another property file load:
<property file="x.props" />
<property file="default.props" />
I want to delete the directory if the property "delete-compiled-dir" is set to true. If the property is false then do not execute it. Right now I have
<target name="deleted-after-compilation" depends="compile,jar">
<condition property="${delete-compiled-dir}" value="true">
<delete dir="${compilation-dir}" />
<echo> Deleting Compiled Directory Classes </echo>
I get the error message :
condition doesn't support the nested "delete" element.
You can add the condition to your target using if (see manual).
The target will only be executed when the property compilation-dir is set (to any value, e.g. false).
<target name="deleted-after-compilation" depends="compile,jar"
<delete dir="${compilation-dir}" />
<echo> Deleting Compiled Directory Classes </echo>
To only execute it when a property is set to true, you need to set another property first and check this one in the if. You could add both as dependency the another target:
<target name="set-delete-property">
<condition property="delete-compilation-dir">
<istrue value="${compilation-dir}"/>
<target name="deleted-after-compilation"
depends="compile,jar" if="${compilation-dir}">
<target name="some-target"
There are a few ways to do this:
Use conditions on the target entity
Targets can contain if and unless conditions. The target will execute depending whether or not the property is set. (Not set to true, just set). This is a common way to see if you need to do something or not:
<target name="deleted.after.compilation"
<delete dir="${compilation-dir}" />
<echo> Deleting Compiled Directory Classes </echo>
You can set the property on the command line:
$ ant -Ddelete.compiled.dir all
Note: I use periods as separators for the names of properties and targets. Also note that I only depend upon the target jar since jar is also dependent upon compile, there's no need to have them both.
Use Ant's 1.9.1 conditional clauses
As of Ant 1.9.1, Ant has conditional attributes that can be added to tasks. You need to add a Namepsace declaration in your <project> entity:
<project ...
<target name="deleted.after.compilation"
<delete dir="${compilation-dir}" if:true="${delete.compiled.dir}"/>
<echo if:true="${delete.compiled.dir}"> Deleting Compiled Directory Classes </echo>
Use Ant-Contrib's If Statement
Ha ha, that wacky Ant-Contrib library. No one knows who maintains it, and it hasn't been touched in years, but many people depend so heavily on it.
<project ...>
<taskdef resource="net/sf/antcontrib/antlib.xml">
<fileset dir="${ivy.dir}/antcontrib">
<include name="ant-contrib*.jar"/>
<target name="deleted.after.compilation"
<istrue value="${delete.compiled.dir}"/>
<delete dir="${compilation-dir}"/>
<echo>Deleting Compiled Directory Classes </echo>
You can see why Ant-Contrib is popular. It contains a lot of power, and we all know it. Plus, if someone is still using Ant 1.8 or 1.7, this will still work.
if you have get the property ,you can just use it in a target.
<target name="delete" if="${delete-compiled-dir}">
<delete dir="${compilation-dir}" />
As of Ant 1.9.1, you can use conditionals on any task. Described here.
Add this namespace to your project element:
<project name="yourproject" xmlns:if="ant:if">
Then add this to your delete:
<delete dir="${compilation-dir}" if:true="${delete-compiled-dir}"/>