Warranty of storing variable value before next command in java - java

I am curious if immediately after value assign command like this:
a = 5;
there is a warranty that the new value has been stored into variable? And if this is different for primitive and other data types? And especially with Runnable objects.
I have run method in MyClass containing:
try { System.out.println("sleeping"); wait();}
catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); }
is other classes i am calling method sleepMe() which contains:
synchronized (myclass){
myclass.pleaseWait = true;
And the question is, do I have to insert waiting after calling sleepMe, so the instance of MyClass have time to change value of myclass.pleaseWait ?
I have several set methods, where I assing complex objects (objects of objects) to instance of MyClass.

The fact that you the two threads are synchronizing on the same object means that the changes made to pleaseWait by one thread will be visible to the other thread when it returns from the wait() call. The synchronization (in this case the regaining of the lock on this when you return from the wait() call) provides the required "happens before" relationship between the two threads to ensure that the update is visible.
So to answer your question:
Any solution requires one thread to "wait" in some sense. That's inherent in the problem.
What you are doing is sufficient. You don't need to add additional waiting. The wait/notify mechanism ensures that the thread that does the wait() will see an up-to-date copy of the variable ... provided that all changes are made while holding that object lock.
You can also implement this kind of thing using higher level concurrency classes.
You could also implement this using a volatile and "busy waiting" ... but that would be a really BAD IDEA.


What guarantees the thread safety of Guava's ImmutableList?

The Javadoc in Guava's ImmutableList says that the class has the properties of Guava's ImmutableCollection, one of which is thread safety:
Thread safety. It is safe to access this collection concurrently from multiple threads.
But look at how the ImmutableList is built by its Builder - The Builder keeps all elements in a Object[] (that's okay since no one said that the builder was thread safe) and upon construction passes that array (or possibly a copy) to the constructor of RegularImmutableList:
public abstract class ImmutableList<E> extends ImmutableCollection<E>
implements List<E>, RandomAccess {
static <E> ImmutableList<E> asImmutableList(Object[] elements, int length) {
switch (length) {
case 0:
return of();
case 1:
return of((E) elements[0]);
if (length < elements.length) {
elements = Arrays.copyOf(elements, length);
return new RegularImmutableList<E>(elements);
public static final class Builder<E> extends ImmutableCollection.Builder<E> {
Object[] contents;
public ImmutableList<E> build() { //Builder's build() method
forceCopy = true;
return asImmutableList(contents, size);
What does RegularImmutableList do with these elements? What you'd expect, simply initiates its internal array, which is then used for all read oprations:
class RegularImmutableList<E> extends ImmutableList<E> {
final transient Object[] array;
RegularImmutableList(Object[] array) {
this.array = array;
How is this be thread safe? What guarantees the happens-before relationship between the writes performed in the Builder and the reads from RegularImmutableList?
According to the Java memory model there is a happens-before relationship in only five cases (from the Javadoc for java.util.concurrent):
Each action in a thread happens-before every action in that thread that comes later in the program's order.
An unlock (synchronized block or method exit) of a monitor happens-before every subsequent lock (synchronized block or method
entry) of that same monitor. And because the happens-before relation
is transitive, all actions of a thread prior to unlocking
happen-before all actions subsequent to any thread locking that
A write to a volatile field happens-before every subsequent read of that same field. Writes and reads of volatile fields have similar
memory consistency effects as entering and exiting monitors, but do
not entail mutual exclusion locking.
A call to start on a thread happens-before any action in the started thread.
All actions in a thread happen-before any other thread successfully returns from a join on that thread.
None of these seem to apply here. If some thread builds the list and passes its reference to some other threads without using locks (for example via a final or volatile field), I don't see what guarantees thread-safety. What am I missing?
Yes, the write of the reference to the array is thread-safe on account of it being final. So that's clearly thread safe.
What I was wondering about were the writes of the individual elements. The elements of the array are neither final nor volatile. Yet they seem to be written by one thread and read by another without synchronization.
So the question can be boiled down to "if thread A writes to a final field, does that guarantee that other threads will see not just that write but all of A's previous writes as well?"
JMM guarantees safe initialization (all values initialized in the constructor will be visible to readers) if all fields in the object are final and there is no leakage of this from constructor1:
class RegularImmutableList<E> extends ImmutableList<E> {
final transient Object[] array;
RegularImmutableList(Object[] array) {
this.array = array;
The final field semantics guarantees that readers will see an up-to-date array:
The effects of all initializations must be committed to memory before
any code after constructor publishes the reference to the newly
constructed object.
Thank you to #JBNizet and to #chrylis for the link to the JLS.
1 - "If this is followed, then when the object is seen by another thread, that thread will always see the correctly constructed version of that object's final fields. It will also see versions of any object or array referenced by those final fields that are at least as up-to-date as the final fields are." - JLS §17.5.
As you stated: "Each action in a thread happens-before every action in that thread that comes later in the program's order."
Obviously, if a thread could somehow access the object before the constructor was even invoked, you would be screwed. So something must prevent the object from being accessed before its constructor returns. But once the constructor returns, anything that lets another thread access the object is safe because it happens after in the constructing thread's program order.
Basic thread safety with any shared object is accomplished by ensuring that whatever allows threads to access the object does not take place until the constructor returns, establishing that anything the constructor might do happens before any other thread might access the object.
The flow is:
The object does not exist and cannot be accessed.
Some thread calls the object's constructor (or does whatever else is needed to get the object ready to be used).
That thread then does something to allow other threads to access the object.
Other threads can now access the object.
Program order of the thread invoking the constructor ensures that no part of 4 happens until all of 2 is done.
Note that this applies just the same if things need to be done after the constructor returns, you can just consider them logically part of the construction process. And similarly, parts of the job can be done by other threads so long as anything that needs to see work done by another thread cannot start until some relationship is established with the work that other thread did.
Does that not 100% answer your question?
To restate:
How is this be thread safe? What guarantees the happens-before relationship between the writes performed in the Builder and the reads from RegularImmutableList?
The answer is whatever prevented the object from being accessed before the constructor was even called (which has to be something, otherwise we'd be completely screwed) continues to prevent the object from being accessed until after the constructor returns. The constructor is effectively an atomic operation because no other thread could possibly attempt to access the object while it's running. Once the constructor returns, whatever the thread that called the constructor does to allow other threads to access the object necessarily takes place after the constructor returns because, "[e]ach action in a thread happens-before every action in that thread that comes later in the program's order."
And, one more time:
If some thread builds the list and passes its reference to some other threads without using locks (for example via a final or volatile field), I don't see what guarantees thread-safety. What am I missing?
The thread first builds the list and then next passes its reference. The building of the list "happens-before every action in that thread that comes later in the program's order" and thus happens-before the passing of the reference. Thus any thread that sees the passing of the reference happens-after the building of the list completed.
Were this not the case, there would be no good way to construct an object in one thread and then give other threads access to it. But this is perfectly safe to do because whatever method you use to hand the object from one thread to another will establish the necessarily relationship.
You are talking about two different things in here.
Access to already built RegularImmutableList and its array is thread safe because there wont be any concurrent writes and reads to that array. Only concurrent reads.
The threading issue can happen when you pass it to another thread. But that has nothing to do with RegularImmutableList but with how other threads see reference to it.
Lets say one thread creates RegularImmutableList and passes its reference to another thread. For the other thread to see that the reference has been updated and is now pointing to new created RegularImmutableList you will need to use either synchronization or volatile.
I think the concern OP has is how JMM makes sure that whatever got written into the array after its creation from one building thread gets visible to other threads after its reference gets passed to them.
This happens by the use or volatile or synchronization. When for example reader thread assigns RegularImmutableList to volatile variable the JMM will make sure that all writes to array get flashed into main memory and when other thread reads from it JMM makes sure that it will see all flashed writes.

Questions about how the synchronized keyword works with locks and thread starvation

In this java tutorial there's some code that shows an example to explain the use of the synchronized keyword. My point is, why I shouldn't write something like this:
public class MsLunch {
private long c1 = 0;
private long c2 = 0;
//private Object lock1 = new Object();
//private Object lock2 = new Object();
public void inc1() {
synchronized(c1) {
public void inc2() {
synchronized(c2) {
Without bothering create lock objects? Also, why bother instantiate that lock objects? Can't I just pass a null reference? I think I'm missing out something here.
Also, assume that I've two public synchronized methods in the same class accessed by several thread. Is it true that the two methods will never be executed at the same time? If the answer is yes, is there a built-in mechanism that prevents one method from starvation (never been executed or been executed too few times compared to the other method)?
As #11thdimension has replied, you cannot synchronize on a primitive type (eg., long). It must be a class object.
So, you might be tempted to do something like the following:
Long c1 = 0;
public void incC1() {
synchronized(c1) {
This will not work properly, as "c1++" is a shortcut for "c1 = c1 + 1", which actually assigns a new object to c1, and as such, two threads might end up in the same block of synchronized code.
For the lock to work properly, the object being synchronized upon should not be reassigned. (Well, maybe in some rare circumstances where you really know what you are doing.)
You cannot pass a null object to the synchronized(...) statement. Java is effectively creating semaphores on the ref'd object, and uses that information to prevent more than one thread accessing the same protected resource.
You do not always need a separate lock object, as in the case of a synchronized method. In this case, the class object instance itself is used to store the locking information, as if you used 'this' in the method iteslf:
public void incC1() {
synchronized(this) {
First you can not pass primitive variable to synchronized, it requires a reference. Second that tutorial is just a example showing guarded block. It's not c1,c2 that it's trying to protect but it's trying to protect all the code inside synchronized block.
JVM uses Operating system's scheduling algorithm.
What is the JVM Scheduling algorithm?
So it's not JVM's responsibility to see if threads are starved. You can however assign priority of threads to prefer one over other to execute.
Every thread has a priority. Threads with higher priority are executed in preference to threads with lower priority. Each thread may or may not also be marked as a daemon. When code running in some thread creates a new Thread object, the new thread has its priority initially set equal to the priority of the creating thread, and is a daemon thread if and only if the creating thread is a daemon.
If you're concerned about this scenario then you have to implement it yourself. Like maintaining a thread which checks for starving threads and as time passes it increases the priority of the threads which have been waiting longer than others.
Yes it's true that two method which have been synchronized will never be executed on the same instance simultaneously.
Why bother instantiate that lock objects? Can't I just pass a null reference?
As others have mentioned, you cannot lock on long c1 because it is a primitive. Java locks on the monitor associated with an object instance. This is why you also can't lock on null.
The thread tutorial is trying to demonstrate a good pattern which is to create private final lock objects to precisely control the mutex locations that you are trying to protect. Calling synchronized on this or other public objects can cause external callers to block your methods which may not be what you want.
The tutorial explains this:
All updates of these fields must be synchronized, but there's no reason to prevent an update of c1 from being interleaved with an update of c2 — and doing so reduces concurrency by creating unnecessary blocking. Instead of using synchronized methods or otherwise using the lock associated with this, we create two objects solely to provide locks.
So they are also trying to allow updates to c1 and updates to c2 to happen concurrently ("interleaved") and not block each other while at the same time making sure that the updates are protected.
Assume that I've two public synchronized methods in the same class accessed by several thread. Is it true that the two methods will never be executed at the same time?
If one thread is working in a synchronized method of an object, another thread will be blocked if it tries the same or another synchronized method of the same object. Threads can run methods on different objects concurrently.
If the answer is yes, is there a built-in mechanism that prevents one method from starvation (never been executed or been executed too few times compared to the other method)?
As mentioned, this is handled by the native thread constructs from the operating system. All modern OS' handle thread starvation which is especially important if the threads have different priorities.

How to specify an object to be locked in java using Lock

Using the synchronized(intrinsic locking) keyword for locking, we could do something like:
public void addSum(int a) {
synchronized(q) {
q.add(a); // q is say a Queue
In the above code say when an object tries to call the addSum() method i.e. x.addSum(10), the lock will be held on 'q' and not x. So using synchronization we could lock an object which is other than the actual calling object(Class).
Below I'm using Lock from java concurrent package, is there a way to specify which object should the lock be on (i.e like in the above code snippet using synchronized it was specified that the lock/synchronization should be on 'q'). However below when I'm using Lock, I haven't specified on which object should the lock be on. Can it be done?
public void addSum(int a) {
I did refer - http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/essential/concurrency/newlocks.html . However was looking for much smaller example to clear my concept.
No, Lock objects don't work the same way as synchronized. synchronized cannot start within a method invocation and reach outside that method invocation. The pattern you've shown
would only be possible if the opposite were true. Lock objects typically work by flipping on/off a switch/flag atomically, indicating they've acquired or released the lock.
I think you misunderstand what the word "lock" means. Suppose this method is called:
void foobar() {
synchronized(x) {
We say that x is "locked" while the thread is in the y.doSomething() call, but that does not prevent other threads from accessing fields or updating fields of x. The synchronized keyword means one thing, and one thing only.
The JVM will not allow two threads to synchronize on the same object at the same time.
That's all it means. How you use it is up to you. My example is using it to prevent y.doSomething() from being called in more than one thread at the same time, but it only works if every call to y.doSomething() is protected in the same way, and it only works if x always refers to the same object.
The java.util.concurrent.ReentrantLock class works much the same way. The only guarantee that the JVM makes is that no two threads can "lock" the same ReentrantLock object at the same time. That's all it does. The rest is up to you.
P.S., Your second example does not test the value returned by lock.tryLock(). That's a mistake. If lock.tryLock() returns false, that means it failed to lock the lock.

is this class thread safe?

consider this class,with no instance variables and only methods which are non-synchronous can we infer from this info that this class in Thread-safe?
public class test{
public void test1{
// do something
public void test2{
// do something
public void test3{
// do something
It depends entirely on what state the methods mutate. If they mutate no shared state, they're thread safe. If they mutate only local state, they're thread-safe. If they only call methods that are thread-safe, they're thread-safe.
Not being thread safe means that if multiple threads try to access the object at the same time, something might change from one access to the next, and cause issues. Consider the following:
int incrementCount() {
// ... Do some other stuff
return this.count;
would not be thread safe. Why is it not? Imagine thread 1 accesses it, count is increased, then some processing occurs. While going through the function, another thread accesses it, increasing count again. The first thread, which had it go from, say, 1 to 2, would now have it go from 1 to 3 when it returns. Thread 2 would see it go from 1 to 3 as well, so what happened to 2?
In this case, you would want something like this (keeping in mind that this isn't any language-specific code, but closest to Java, one of only 2 I've done threading in)
int incrementCount() synchronized {
// ... Do some other stuff
return this.count;
The synchronized keyword here would make sure that as long as one thread is accessing it, no other threads could. This would mean that thread 1 hits it, count goes from 1 to 2, as expected. Thread 2 hits it while 1 is processing, it has to wait until thread 1 is done. When it's done, thread 1 gets a return of 2, then thread 2 goes throguh, and gets the expected 3.
Now, an example, similar to what you have there, that would be entirely thread-safe, no matter what:
int incrementCount(int count) {
// ... Do some other stuff
return this.count;
As the only variables being touched here are fully local to the function, there is no case where two threads accessing it at the same time could try working with data changed from the other. This would make it thread safe.
So, to answer the question, assuming that the functions don't modify anything outside of the specific called function, then yes, the class could be deemed to be thread-safe.
Consider the following quote from an article about thread safety ("Java theory and practice: Characterizing thread safety"):
In reality, any definition of thread safety is going to have a certain degree of circularity, as it must appeal to the class's specification -- which is an informal, prose description of what the class does, its side effects, which states are valid or invalid, invariants, preconditions, postconditions, and so on. (Constraints on an object's state imposed by the specification apply only to the externally visible state -- that which can be observed by calling its public methods and accessing its public fields -- rather than its internal state, which is what is actually represented in its private fields.)
Thread safety
For a class to be thread-safe, it first must behave correctly in a single-threaded environment. If a class is correctly implemented, which is another way of saying that it conforms to its specification, no sequence of operations (reads or writes of public fields and calls to public methods) on objects of that class should be able to put the object into an invalid state, observe the object to be in an invalid state, or violate any of the class's invariants, preconditions, or postconditions.
Furthermore, for a class to be thread-safe, it must continue to behave correctly, in the sense described above, when accessed from multiple threads, regardless of the scheduling or interleaving of the execution of those threads by the runtime environment, without any additional synchronization on the part of the calling code. The effect is that operations on a thread-safe object will appear to all threads to occur in a fixed, globally consistent order.
So your class itself is thread-safe, as long as it doesn't have any side effects. As soon as the methods mutate any external objects (e.g. some singletons, as already mentioned by others) it's not any longer thread-safe.
Depends on what happens inside those methods. If they manipulate / call any method parameters or global variables / singletons which are not themselves thread safe, the class is not thread safe either.
(yes I see that the methods as shown here here have no parameters, but no brackets either, so this is obviously not full working code - it wouldn't even compile as is.)
yes, as long as there are no instance variables. method calls using only input parameters and local variables are inherently thread-safe. you might consider making the methods static too, to reflect this.
If it has no mutable state - it's thread safe. If you have no state - you're thread safe by association.
No, I don't think so.
For example, one of the methods could obtain a (non-thread-safe) singleton object from another class and mutate that object.
Yes - this class is thread safe but this does not mean that your application is.
An application is thread safe if the threads in it cannot concurrently access heap state. All objects in Java (and therefore all of their fields) are created on the heap. So, if there are no fields in an object then it is thread safe.
In any practical application, objects will have state. If you can guarantee that these objects are not accessed concurrently then you have a thread safe application.
There are ways of optimizing access to shared state e.g. Atomic variables or with carful use of the volatile keyword, but I think this is going beyond what you've asked.
I hope this helps.

Avoid synchronized(this) in Java?

Whenever a question pops up on SO about Java synchronization, some people are very eager to point out that synchronized(this) should be avoided. Instead, they claim, a lock on a private reference is to be preferred.
Some of the given reasons are:
some evil code may steal your lock (very popular this one, also has an "accidentally" variant)
all synchronized methods within the same class use the exact same lock, which reduces throughput
you are (unnecessarily) exposing too much information
Other people, including me, argue that synchronized(this) is an idiom that is used a lot (also in Java libraries), is safe and well understood. It should not be avoided because you have a bug and you don't have a clue of what is going on in your multithreaded program. In other words: if it is applicable, then use it.
I am interested in seeing some real-world examples (no foobar stuff) where avoiding a lock on this is preferable when synchronized(this) would also do the job.
Therefore: should you always avoid synchronized(this) and replace it with a lock on a private reference?
Some further info (updated as answers are given):
we are talking about instance synchronization
both implicit (synchronized methods) and explicit form of synchronized(this) are considered
if you quote Bloch or other authorities on the subject, don't leave out the parts you don't like (e.g. Effective Java, item on Thread Safety: Typically it is the lock on the instance itself, but there are exceptions.)
if you need granularity in your locking other than synchronized(this) provides, then synchronized(this) is not applicable so that's not the issue
I'll cover each point separately.
Some evil code may steal your lock (very popular this one, also has an
"accidentally" variant)
I'm more worried about accidentally. What it amounts to is that this use of this is part of your class' exposed interface, and should be documented. Sometimes the ability of other code to use your lock is desired. This is true of things like Collections.synchronizedMap (see the javadoc).
All synchronized methods within the same class use the exact same
lock, which reduces throughput
This is overly simplistic thinking; just getting rid of synchronized(this) won't solve the problem. Proper synchronization for throughput will take more thought.
You are (unnecessarily) exposing too much information
This is a variant of #1. Use of synchronized(this) is part of your interface. If you don't want/need this exposed, don't do it.
Well, firstly it should be pointed out that:
public void blah() {
synchronized (this) {
// do stuff
is semantically equivalent to:
public synchronized void blah() {
// do stuff
which is one reason not to use synchronized(this). You might argue that you can do stuff around the synchronized(this) block. The usual reason is to try and avoid having to do the synchronized check at all, which leads to all sorts of concurrency problems, specifically the double checked-locking problem, which just goes to show how difficult it can be to make a relatively simple check threadsafe.
A private lock is a defensive mechanism, which is never a bad idea.
Also, as you alluded to, private locks can control granularity. One set of operations on an object might be totally unrelated to another but synchronized(this) will mutually exclude access to all of them.
synchronized(this) just really doesn't give you anything.
While you are using synchronized(this) you are using the class instance as a lock itself. This means that while lock is acquired by thread 1, the thread 2 should wait.
Suppose the following code:
public void method1() {
// do something ...
synchronized(this) {
a ++;
// ................
public void method2() {
// do something ...
synchronized(this) {
b ++;
// ................
Method 1 modifying the variable a and method 2 modifying the variable b, the concurrent modification of the same variable by two threads should be avoided and it is. BUT while thread1 modifying a and thread2 modifying b it can be performed without any race condition.
Unfortunately, the above code will not allow this since we are using the same reference for a lock; This means that threads even if they are not in a race condition should wait and obviously the code sacrifices concurrency of the program.
The solution is to use 2 different locks for two different variables:
public class Test {
private Object lockA = new Object();
private Object lockB = new Object();
public void method1() {
// do something ...
synchronized(lockA) {
a ++;
// ................
public void method2() {
// do something ...
synchronized(lockB) {
b ++;
// ................
The above example uses more fine grained locks (2 locks instead one (lockA and lockB for variables a and b respectively) and as a result allows better concurrency, on the other hand it became more complex than the first example ...
While I agree about not adhering blindly to dogmatic rules, does the "lock stealing" scenario seem so eccentric to you? A thread could indeed acquire the lock on your object "externally"(synchronized(theObject) {...}), blocking other threads waiting on synchronized instance methods.
If you don't believe in malicious code, consider that this code could come from third parties (for instance if you develop some sort of application server).
The "accidental" version seems less likely, but as they say, "make something idiot-proof and someone will invent a better idiot".
So I agree with the it-depends-on-what-the-class-does school of thought.
Edit following eljenso's first 3 comments:
I've never experienced the lock stealing problem but here is an imaginary scenario:
Let's say your system is a servlet container, and the object we're considering is the ServletContext implementation. Its getAttribute method must be thread-safe, as context attributes are shared data; so you declare it as synchronized. Let's also imagine that you provide a public hosting service based on your container implementation.
I'm your customer and deploy my "good" servlet on your site. It happens that my code contains a call to getAttribute.
A hacker, disguised as another customer, deploys his malicious servlet on your site. It contains the following code in the init method:
synchronized (this.getServletConfig().getServletContext()) {
while (true) {}
Assuming we share the same servlet context (allowed by the spec as long as the two servlets are on the same virtual host), my call on getAttribute is locked forever. The hacker has achieved a DoS on my servlet.
This attack is not possible if getAttribute is synchronized on a private lock, because 3rd-party code cannot acquire this lock.
I admit that the example is contrived and an oversimplistic view of how a servlet container works, but IMHO it proves the point.
So I would make my design choice based on security consideration: will I have complete control over the code that has access to the instances? What would be the consequence of a thread's holding a lock on an instance indefinitely?
It depends on the situation.
If There is only one sharing entity or more than one.
See full working example here
A small introduction.
Threads and shareable entities
It is possible for multiple threads to access same entity, for eg multiple connectionThreads sharing a single messageQueue. Since the threads run concurrently there may be a chance of overriding one's data by another which may be a messed up situation.
So we need some way to ensure that shareable entity is accessed only by one thread at a time. (CONCURRENCY).
Synchronized block
synchronized() block is a way to ensure concurrent access of shareable entity.
First, a small analogy
Suppose There are two-person P1, P2 (threads) a Washbasin (shareable entity) inside a washroom and there is a door (lock).
Now we want one person to use washbasin at a time.
An approach is to lock the door by P1 when the door is locked P2 waits until p1 completes his work
P1 unlocks the door
then only p1 can use washbasin.
"this" provided the intrinsic lock associated with the class (Java developer designed Object class in such a way that each object can work as monitor).
Above approach works fine when there are only one shared entity and multiple threads (1: N).
N shareable entities-M threads
Now think of a situation when there is two washbasin inside a washroom and only one door. If we are using the previous approach, only p1 can use one washbasin at a time while p2 will wait outside. It is wastage of resource as no one is using B2 (washbasin).
A wiser approach would be to create a smaller room inside washroom and provide them one door per washbasin. In this way, P1 can access B1 and P2 can access B2 and vice-versa.
Object lock1=new Object();
Object lock2=new Object();
See more on Threads----> here
There seems a different consensus in the C# and Java camps on this. The majority of Java code I have seen uses:
// apply mutex to this instance
synchronized(this) {
// do work here
whereas the majority of C# code opts for the arguably safer:
// instance level lock object
private readonly object _syncObj = new object();
// apply mutex to private instance level field (a System.Object usually)
// do work here
The C# idiom is certainly safer. As mentioned previously, no malicious / accidental access to the lock can be made from outside the instance. Java code has this risk too, but it seems that the Java community has gravitated over time to the slightly less safe, but slightly more terse version.
That's not meant as a dig against Java, just a reflection of my experience working on both languages.
Make your data immutable if it is possible ( final variables)
If you can't avoid mutation of shared data across multiple threads, use high level programming constructs [e.g. granular Lock API ]
A Lock provides exclusive access to a shared resource: only one thread at a time can acquire the lock and all access to the shared resource requires that the lock be acquired first.
Sample code to use ReentrantLock which implements Lock interface
class X {
private final ReentrantLock lock = new ReentrantLock();
// ...
public void m() {
lock.lock(); // block until condition holds
try {
// ... method body
} finally {
Advantages of Lock over Synchronized(this)
The use of synchronized methods or statements forces all lock acquisition and release to occur in a block-structured way.
Lock implementations provide additional functionality over the use of synchronized methods and statements by providing
A non-blocking attempt to acquire a lock (tryLock())
An attempt to acquire the lock that can be interrupted (lockInterruptibly())
An attempt to acquire the lock that can timeout (tryLock(long, TimeUnit)).
A Lock class can also provide behavior and semantics that is quite different from that of the implicit monitor lock, such as
guaranteed ordering
non-re entrant usage
Deadlock detection
Have a look at this SE question regarding various type of Locks:
Synchronization vs Lock
You can achieve thread safety by using advanced concurrency API instead of Synchronied blocks. This documentation page provides good programming constructs to achieve thread safety.
Lock Objects support locking idioms that simplify many concurrent applications.
Executors define a high-level API for launching and managing threads. Executor implementations provided by java.util.concurrent provide thread pool management suitable for large-scale applications.
Concurrent Collections make it easier to manage large collections of data, and can greatly reduce the need for synchronization.
Atomic Variables have features that minimize synchronization and help avoid memory consistency errors.
ThreadLocalRandom (in JDK 7) provides efficient generation of pseudorandom numbers from multiple threads.
Refer to java.util.concurrent and java.util.concurrent.atomic packages too for other programming constructs.
The java.util.concurrent package has vastly reduced the complexity of my thread safe code. I only have anecdotal evidence to go on, but most work I have seen with synchronized(x) appears to be re-implementing a Lock, Semaphore, or Latch, but using the lower-level monitors.
With this in mind, synchronizing using any of these mechanisms is analogous to synchronizing on an internal object, rather than leaking a lock. This is beneficial in that you have absolute certainty that you control the entry into the monitor by two or more threads.
If you've decided that:
the thing you need to do is lock on
the current object; and
you want to
lock it with granularity smaller than
a whole method;
then I don't see the a taboo over synchronizezd(this).
Some people deliberately use synchronized(this) (instead of marking the method synchronized) inside the whole contents of a method because they think it's "clearer to the reader" which object is actually being synchronized on. So long as people are making an informed choice (e.g. understand that by doing so they're actually inserting extra bytecodes into the method and this could have a knock-on effect on potential optimisations), I don't particularly see a problem with this. You should always document the concurrent behaviour of your program, so I don't see the "'synchronized' publishes the behaviour" argument as being so compelling.
As to the question of which object's lock you should use, I think there's nothing wrong with synchronizing on the current object if this would be expected by the logic of what you're doing and how your class would typically be used. For example, with a collection, the object that you would logically expect to lock is generally the collection itself.
I think there is a good explanation on why each of these are vital techniques under your belt in a book called Java Concurrency In Practice by Brian Goetz. He makes one point very clear - you must use the same lock "EVERYWHERE" to protect the state of your object. Synchronised method and synchronising on an object often go hand in hand. E.g. Vector synchronises all its methods. If you have a handle to a vector object and are going to do "put if absent" then merely Vector synchronising its own individual methods isn't going to protect you from corruption of state. You need to synchronise using synchronised (vectorHandle). This will result in the SAME lock being acquired by every thread which has a handle to the vector and will protect overall state of the vector. This is called client side locking. We do know as a matter of fact vector does synchronised (this) / synchronises all its methods and hence synchronising on the object vectorHandle will result in proper synchronisation of vector objects state. Its foolish to believe that you are thread safe just because you are using a thread safe collection. This is precisely the reason ConcurrentHashMap explicitly introduced putIfAbsent method - to make such operations atomic.
In summary
Synchronising at method level allows client side locking.
If you have a private lock object - it makes client side locking impossible. This is fine if you know that your class doesn't have "put if absent" type of functionality.
If you are designing a library - then synchronising on this or synchronising the method is often wiser. Because you are rarely in a position to decide how your class is going to be used.
Had Vector used a private lock object - it would have been impossible to get "put if absent" right. The client code will never gain a handle to the private lock thus breaking the fundamental rule of using the EXACT SAME LOCK to protect its state.
Synchronising on this or synchronised methods do have a problem as others have pointed out - someone could get a lock and never release it. All other threads would keep waiting for the lock to be released.
So know what you are doing and adopt the one that's correct.
Someone argued that having a private lock object gives you better granularity - e.g. if two operations are unrelated - they could be guarded by different locks resulting in better throughput. But this i think is design smell and not code smell - if two operations are completely unrelated why are they part of the SAME class? Why should a class club unrelated functionalities at all? May be a utility class? Hmmmm - some util providing string manipulation and calendar date formatting through the same instance?? ... doesn't make any sense to me at least!!
No, you shouldn't always. However, I tend to avoid it when there are multiple concerns on a particular object that only need to be threadsafe in respect to themselves. For example, you might have a mutable data object that has "label" and "parent" fields; these need to be threadsafe, but changing one need not block the other from being written/read. (In practice I would avoid this by declaring the fields volatile and/or using java.util.concurrent's AtomicFoo wrappers).
Synchronization in general is a bit clumsy, as it slaps a big lock down rather than thinking exactly how threads might be allowed to work around each other. Using synchronized(this) is even clumsier and anti-social, as it's saying "no-one may change anything on this class while I hold the lock". How often do you actually need to do that?
I would much rather have more granular locks; even if you do want to stop everything from changing (perhaps you're serialising the object), you can just acquire all of the locks to achieve the same thing, plus it's more explicit that way. When you use synchronized(this), it's not clear exactly why you're synchronizing, or what the side effects might be. If you use synchronized(labelMonitor), or even better labelLock.getWriteLock().lock(), it's clear what you are doing and what the effects of your critical section are limited to.
Short answer: You have to understand the difference and make choice depending on the code.
Long answer: In general I would rather try to avoid synchronize(this) to reduce contention but private locks add complexity you have to be aware of. So use the right synchronization for the right job. If you are not so experienced with multi-threaded programming I would rather stick to instance locking and read up on this topic. (That said: just using synchronize(this) does not automatically make your class fully thread-safe.) This is a not an easy topic but once you get used to it, the answer whether to use synchronize(this) or not comes naturally.
A lock is used for either visibility or for protecting some data from concurrent modification which may lead to race.
When you need to just make primitive type operations to be atomic there are available options like AtomicInteger and the likes.
But suppose you have two integers which are related to each other like x and y co-ordinates, which are related to each other and should be changed in an atomic manner. Then you would protect them using a same lock.
A lock should only protect the state that is related to each other. No less and no more. If you use synchronized(this) in each method then even if the state of the class is unrelated all the threads will face contention even if updating unrelated state.
class Point{
private int x;
private int y;
public Point(int x, int y){
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
//mutating methods should be guarded by same lock
public synchronized void changeCoordinates(int x, int y){
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
In the above example I have only one method which mutates both x and y and not two different methods as x and y are related and if I had given two different methods for mutating x and y separately then it would not have been thread safe.
This example is just to demonstrate and not necessarily the way it should be implemented. The best way to do it would be to make it IMMUTABLE.
Now in opposition to Point example, there is an example of TwoCounters already provided by #Andreas where the state which is being protected by two different locks as the state is unrelated to each other.
The process of using different locks to protect unrelated states is called Lock Striping or Lock Splitting
The reason not to synchronize on this is that sometimes you need more than one lock (the second lock often gets removed after some additional thinking, but you still need it in the intermediate state). If you lock on this, you always have to remember which one of the two locks is this; if you lock on a private Object, the variable name tells you that.
From the reader's viewpoint, if you see locking on this, you always have to answer the two questions:
what kind of access is protected by this?
is one lock really enough, didn't someone introduce a bug?
An example:
class BadObject {
private Something mStuff;
synchronized setStuff(Something stuff) {
mStuff = stuff;
synchronized getStuff(Something stuff) {
return mStuff;
private MyListener myListener = new MyListener() {
public void onMyEvent(...) {
synchronized void longOperation(MyListener l) {
If two threads begin longOperation() on two different instances of BadObject, they acquire
their locks; when it's time to invoke l.onMyEvent(...), we have a deadlock because neither of the threads may acquire the other object's lock.
In this example we may eliminate the deadlock by using two locks, one for short operations and one for long ones.
As already said here synchronized block can use user-defined variable as lock object, when synchronized function uses only "this". And of course you can manipulate with areas of your function which should be synchronized and so on.
But everyone says that no difference between synchronized function and block which covers whole function using "this" as lock object. That is not true, difference is in byte code which will be generated in both situations. In case of synchronized block usage should be allocated local variable which holds reference to "this". And as result we will have a little bit larger size of function (not relevant if you have only few number of functions).
More detailed explanation of the difference you can find here:
Also usage of synchronized block is not good due to following point of view:
The synchronized keyword is very limited in one area: when exiting a synchronized block, all threads that are waiting for that lock must be unblocked, but only one of those threads gets to take the lock; all the others see that the lock is taken and go back to the blocked state. That's not just a lot of wasted processing cycles: often the context switch to unblock a thread also involves paging memory off the disk, and that's very, very, expensive.
For more details in this area I would recommend you read this article:
This is really just supplementary to the other answers, but if your main objection to using private objects for locking is that it clutters your class with fields that are not related to the business logic then Project Lombok has #Synchronized to generate the boilerplate at compile-time:
public int foo() {
return 0;
compiles to
private final Object $lock = new Object[0];
public int foo() {
synchronized($lock) {
return 0;
A good example for use synchronized(this).
// add listener
public final synchronized void addListener(IListener l) {listeners.add(l);}
// remove listener
public final synchronized void removeListener(IListener l) {listeners.remove(l);}
// routine that raise events
public void run() {
// some code here...
Set ls;
synchronized(this) {
ls = listeners.clone();
for (IListener l : ls) { l.processEvent(event); }
// some code here...
As you can see here, we use synchronize on this to easy cooperate of lengthly (possibly infinite loop of run method) with some synchronized methods there.
Of course it can be very easily rewritten with using synchronized on private field. But sometimes, when we already have some design with synchronized methods (i.e. legacy class, we derive from, synchronized(this) can be the only solution).
It depends on the task you want to do, but I wouldn't use it. Also, check if the thread-save-ness you want to accompish couldn't be done by synchronize(this) in the first place? There are also some nice locks in the API that might help you :)
I only want to mention a possible solution for unique private references in atomic parts of code without dependencies. You can use a static Hashmap with locks and a simple static method named atomic() that creates required references automatically using stack information (full class name and line number). Then you can use this method in synchronize statements without writing new lock object.
// Synchronization objects (locks)
private static HashMap<String, Object> locks = new HashMap<String, Object>();
// Simple method
private static Object atomic() {
StackTraceElement [] stack = Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace(); // get execution point
StackTraceElement exepoint = stack[2];
// creates unique key from class name and line number using execution point
String key = String.format("%s#%d", exepoint.getClassName(), exepoint.getLineNumber());
Object lock = locks.get(key); // use old or create new lock
if (lock == null) {
lock = new Object();
locks.put(key, lock);
return lock; // return reference to lock
// Synchronized code
void dosomething1() {
// start commands
synchronized (atomic()) {
// atomic commands 1
// other command
// Synchronized code
void dosomething2() {
// start commands
synchronized (atomic()) {
// atomic commands 2
// other command
Avoid using synchronized(this) as a locking mechanism: This locks the whole class instance and can cause deadlocks. In such cases, refactor the code to lock only a specific method or variable, that way whole class doesn't get locked. Synchronised can be used inside method level.
Instead of using synchronized(this), below code shows how you could just lock a method.
public void foo() {
if(operation = null) {
synchronized(foo) {
if (operation == null) {
// enter your code that this method has to handle...
My two cents in 2019 even though this question could have been settled already.
Locking on 'this' is not bad if you know what you are doing but behind the scene locking on 'this' is (which unfortunately what synchronized keyword in method definition allows).
If you actually want users of your class to be able to 'steal' your lock (i.e. prevent other threads from dealing with it), you actually want all the synchronized methods to wait while another sync method is running and so on.
It should be intentional and well thought off (and hence documented to help your users understand it).
To further elaborate, in the reverse you must know what you are 'gaining' (or 'losing' out on) if you lock on a non accessible lock (nobody can 'steal' your lock, you are in total control and so on...).
The problem for me is that synchronized keyword in the method definition signature makes it just too easy for programmers not to think about what to lock on which is a mighty important thing to think about if you don't want to run into problems in a multi-threaded program.
One can't argue that 'typically' you don't want users of your class to be able to do these stuff or that 'typically' you want...It depends on what functionality you are coding. You can't make a thumb rule as you can't predict all the use cases.
Consider for e.g. the printwriter which uses an internal lock but then people struggle to use it from multiple threads if they don't want their output to interleave.
Should your lock be accessible outside of the class or not is your decision as a programmer on the basis of what functionality the class has. It is part of the api. You can't move away for instance from synchronized(this) to synchronized(provateObjet) without risking breaking changes in the code using it.
Note 1: I know you can achieve whatever synchronized(this) 'achieves' by using a explicit lock object and exposing it but I think it is unnecessary if your behaviour is well documented and you actually know what locking on 'this' means.
Note 2: I don't concur with the argument that if some code is accidentally stealing your lock its a bug and you have to solve it. This in a way is same argument as saying I can make all my methods public even if they are not meant to be public. If someone is 'accidentally' calling my intended to be private method its a bug. Why enable this accident in the first place!!! If ability to steal your lock is a problem for your class don't allow it. As simple as that.
Let me put the conclusion first - locking on private fields does not work for slightly more complicated multi-threaded program. This is because multi-threading is a global problem. It is impossible to localize synchronization unless you write in a very defensive way (e.g. copy everything on passing to other threads).
Here is the long explanation:
Synchronization includes 3 parts: Atomicity, Visibility and Ordering
Synchronized block is very coarse level of synchronization. It enforces visibility and ordering just as what you expected. But for atomicity, it does not provide much protection. Atomicity requires global knowledge of the program rather than local knowledge. (And that makes multi-threading programming very hard)
Let's say we have a class Account having method deposit and withdraw. They are both synchronized based on a private lock like this:
class Account {
private Object lock = new Object();
void withdraw(int amount) {
synchronized(lock) {
// ...
void deposit(int amount) {
synchronized(lock) {
// ...
Considering we need to implement a higher-level class which handles transfer, like this:
class AccountManager {
void transfer(Account fromAcc, Account toAcc, int amount) {
if (fromAcc.getBalance() > amount) {
fromAcc.setBalance(fromAcc.getBalance() - amount);
toAcc.setBalance(toAcc.getBalance + amount);
Assuming we have 2 accounts now,
Account john;
Account marry;
If the Account.deposit() and Account.withdraw() are locked with internal lock only. That will cause problem when we have 2 threads working:
// Some thread
void threadA() {
// Another thread
void threadB() {
accountManager.transfer(john, marry, 100);
Because it is possible for both threadA and threadB run at the same time. And thread B finishes the conditional check, thread A withdraws, and thread B withdraws again. This means we can withdraw $100 from John even if his account has no enough money. This will break atomicity.
You may propose that: why not adding withdraw() and deposit() to AccountManager then? But under this proposal, we need to create a multi-thread safe Map which maps from different accounts to their locks. We need to delete the lock after execution (otherwise will leak memory). And we also need to ensure no other one accesses the Account.withdraw() directly. This will introduce a lots of subtle bugs.
The correct and most idiomatic way is to expose the lock in the Account. And let the AccountManager to use the lock. But in this case, why not just use the object itself then?
class Account {
synchronized void withdraw(int amount) {
// ...
synchronized void deposit(int amount) {
// ...
class AccountManager {
void transfer(Account fromAcc, Account toAcc, int amount) {
// Ensure locking order to prevent deadlock
Account firstLock = fromAcc.hashCode() < toAcc.hashCode() ? fromAcc : toAcc;
Account secondLock = fromAcc.hashCode() < toAcc.hashCode() ? toAcc : fromAcc;
synchronized(firstLock) {
synchronized(secondLock) {
if (fromAcc.getBalance() > amount) {
fromAcc.setBalance(fromAcc.getBalance() - amount);
toAcc.setBalance(toAcc.getBalance + amount);
To conclude in simple English, private lock does not work for slightly more complicated multi-threaded program.
(Reposted from https://stackoverflow.com/a/67877650/474197)
I think points one (somebody else using your lock) and two (all methods using the same lock needlessly) can happen in any fairly large application. Especially when there's no good communication between developers.
It's not cast in stone, it's mostly an issue of good practice and preventing errors.
