Online Java-Code analyser - java

Does somebody know if there is a online code analyser for java. I would like to be able to check some small pieces of code.
Ex: this method has this warning: (Null Dereference)
private XMLGregorianCalendar asXMLGregorianCalendar(Date data) {
DatatypeFactory dateformat = null;
try {
dateformat = DatatypeFactory.newInstance();
} catch (MyException e) {
if (data == null) {
return null;
} else {
GregorianCalendar gregorianCal = new GregorianCalendar();
return dateformat.newXMLGregorianCalendar(gregorianCal );
My new version is :
private XMLGregorianCalendar asXMLGregorianCalendar(Date data) throws ComponentBlockingException {
if (data == null) {
return null;
DatatypeFactory dateformat = null;
try {
dateformat = DatatypeFactory.newInstance();
} catch (MyException e) {
GregorianCalendar gregorianCal = new GregorianCalendar();
return dateformat.newXMLGregorianCalendar(gregorianCal );
I think the second way should be ok.

I am not sure about any available online code anlayzer tool but let me try to help you with your code analysis.
If due to some reason following try block hits an an exception
try {
dateformat = DatatypeFactory.newInstance();
then your dateformat will remain null. So the following statement
return dateformat.newXMLGregorianCalendar(gregorianCal );
is prone to null pointer exception. And hence i believe you are getting static code anlayzer error.
You have to make sure dateformat is initialized or non-null in all the case before code reaches the line where you are doing the return.
Hope it helps!


doInBackground() stops and doesn't finish

I write a swing GUI application and I use a button. If I click on a button, my application needs to do some online request. I want to set a "Please wait" JPanel at this time. So I use the SwingWorker. It is all working. The doInBackground() method starts but it didn't finish.
I debugged the application and I see that if I create a new object, the application goes into a class and call the method run(), after this it goes into into the runWorker method and the thread stops there.
private void buttonBuchenActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
mainProg.showInfoWithoutButton(80000, "Please wait", mainProg.getPanel_first());
After a click on the button i change the Panel with the showInfoWithoutButton Methode. After the Panel is changed the startPayment() method starts.
public void startPayment() {
new SwingWorker<Void, Void>() {
public Void doInBackground() {
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
DateFormat formatDb = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
Date date1;
try {
date1 = formatDb.parse(mainProg.getFreeRoom().getAbreiseBeds());
cal.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, -1);
} catch (ParseException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(EnterConfirmation.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
String date = formatDb.format(cal.getTime());
try {
boolean paymentSuccess;
paymentSuccess = mainProg.getOpp().startPayment(mainProg.getFreeRoom().getPriceGesamt(), mainProg);}
else paymentSuccess = true;
DBController db = new DBController();
//numberOfAvailbility is the unit.
String numberOfAvailbility = db.getQtyOfAvailbilityFromID(mainProg.getFreeRoom().getId());
if(paymentSuccess == true){
// HERE IT GOES TO and the methode finish:
JsonNewBooking a = new JsonNewBooking(mainProg.getFreeRoom().getId(), 1, mainProg.getFreeRoom().getAnreiseBeds(), date, mainProg.getFreeRoom().getGuestnr(), mainProg.getBooking().getName(), mainProg.getBooking().getEmail(), mainProg.getBooking().getStreet(), mainProg.getBooking().getPlace(), mainProg.getBooking().getLand(), String.valueOf(mainProg.getFreeRoom().getPriceGesamt()));
String bookid = a.setBookingToBeds();
if (!bookid.equals("null")) {
SimpleDateFormat simpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
try {
Date checkInDay = simpleDateFormat.parse(mainProg.getFreeRoom().getAnreiseBeds());
Date todayDate = simpleDateFormat.parse(simpleDateFormat.format(new Date()));
if (checkInDay.compareTo(todayDate) == 0) {
//ReturnKeyWithoutTerminal because was 100% paid already
gui.return.returnWithoutTerminal(mainProg, bookid);
} else {
} catch (ParseException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(EnterConfirmation.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
} catch (IOException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(EnterConfirmation.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
return null;
Normally the method should finish normally but it stops at the line where I create the object "a" (sorry for the bad name).
Maybe someone have an idea why it calls the class and the and stops the doInBackground method.

SonarQube complains: Either log or rethrow this exception

I am running SonarQube 5 for code quality check after integrating the code with Maven.
Sonar is complaining that I should:
Either log or rethrow this exception.
in following piece of code:
public static Date convertStringtoDate(String stringDate) {
stringDate = StringUtils.trimToNull(stringDate);
SimpleDateFormat dfm = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MMM-yyyy");
Date date = null;
if (stringDate != null) {
try {
date = dfm.parse(stringDate);
} catch (Exception e) {"Cannot convert String to Date: ",convertStringtoDate(e.getMessage()));
return date;
What am I missing here?
First of all, is this behaviour correct? Seems a bit weird that you are trying to call convertStringtoDate on the exception message as well.
Secondly, I had the same problem with Sonar recently. Seems like you need to pass the whole exception as a parameter to the logger, instead of e.getMessage() for Sonar to realize you are logging the exception.
Try this instead:
public static Date convertStringtoDate(String stringDate){
stringDate = StringUtils.trimToNull(stringDate);
SimpleDateFormat dfm = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MMM-yyyy");
Date date = null;
try {
date = dfm.parse(stringDate);
} catch (Exception e) {"Cannot convert String to Date: ", e);
return date;

How to build a calendar view using data from ics file?

I am creating a PC program which is based on iCalendar format. I need to be able to get the data from a current ics file and display it as a calendar or at least something similar to calendar. I know how to get the data from ics file just don't have any idea how to easily use that data for displaying purposes.
Here is my starting code:
public void getCalendarData(File f) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, ParserException
FileInputStream fin = new FileInputStream(f);
builder = new CalendarBuilder();
calendar =;
One thing is ical4j, which is basically a utility that wraps the ICS format.
Another thing is a front end for a calendar/schedule :-)
But, lucky us, there's a nice JSF component with Primefaces, that you can use if a web interface is OK for you.
Basically, what you need, is to just parse the data from ICS and feed the primefaces component data model (the link above has both the JSF and the managed bean example of how to use the component)
So you'd have to so something like this
private static final SimpleDateFormat SDF = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd");
private void loadIcs() {
eventModel = new DefaultScheduleModel();
CalendarBuilder builder = new CalendarBuilder();
try {
net.fortuna.ical4j.model.Calendar calendar ="canada.ics"));
for (Iterator i = calendar.getComponents().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
Component component = (Component);
//new event
Date start = SDF.parse(component.getProperty("DTSTART").getValue());
Date end = SDF.parse(component.getProperty("DTEND").getValue());
String summary = component.getProperty("SUMMARY").getValue();
eventModel.addEvent(new DefaultScheduleEvent(summary,
start, end));
System.out.println("added "+start+end+summary);
} catch (IOException e) {
} catch (ParserException e) {
} catch (ParseException e) {
Not sure if you mean the actual GUI or getting the list of dates from an icalendar which is fairly complex given the RRULE properties. In ther first case, the choice is wide open (HTML, ...) in the later case there is an example here copied below :
// Reading the file and creating the calendar
CalendarBuilder builder = new CalendarBuilder();
Calendar cal = null;
try {
cal = FileInputStream("my.ics"));
} catch (IOException e) {
} catch (ParserException e) {
// Create the date range which is desired.
DateTime from = new DateTime("20100101T070000Z");
DateTime to = new DateTime("20100201T070000Z");;
Period period = new Period(from, to);
// For each VEVENT in the ICS
for (Object o : cal.getComponents("VEVENT")) {
Component c = (Component)o;
PeriodList list = c.calculateRecurrenceSet(period);
for (Object po : list) {

Cannot convert my String to Date

i was searching how to convert a string to a date, so i've found some examples on stacko. . So i used SimpleDateFormat and tried to parse but my compiler (Gradle from AndroidStudio) send me this error : Unhandled exception : java.text.ParseException.
There is my code :
public static int compareDate(String sdate1, String sdate2) {
SimpleDateFormat simpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/dd", Locale.FRANCE);
Date date1 = simpleDateFormat.parse(sdate1); // there is the error
Why is there an error? Someone can explain that to me?
I'm a beginner in java and i'm sorry for my bad english, and i hope someone can help me on this.
The parse method throws a ParseException. You need to insert a catch block or your method should throw ParseException in order to get rid of the error:
public static int compareDate(String sdate1, String sdate2) {
SimpleDateFormat simpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/dd", Locale.FRANCE);
try {
Date date1 = simpleDateFormat.parse(sdate1);
} catch (ParseException e) { // Insert this block.
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
public static int compareDate(String sdate1, String sdate2) throws ParseException{
SimpleDateFormat simpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/dd", Locale.FRANCE);
Date date1 = simpleDateFormat.parse(sdate1);

Is there a cleaner way to write this polling loop?

I am writing automated test cases in Selenium/WebDriver in java. I have the following code implemented to poll for existing WebElements, but as I am not an expert in Java I was wondering if there is a cleaner way to write this method:
/** selects Business index type from add split button */
protected void selectBusinessLink() throws Exception
Calendar rightNow = Calendar.getInstance();
Calendar stopPolling = rightNow;
stopPolling.add(Calendar.SECOND, 30);
WebElement businessLink = null;
while (!Calendar.getInstance().after(stopPolling))
businessLink = findElementByLinkText("Business");;
catch (StaleElementReferenceException e)
catch (NoSuchElementException e)
catch (ElementNotVisibleException e)
if (businessLink == null)
throw new SystemException("Could not find Business Link");
This particular line is what makes me think the code is a little dirty:
while (!Calendar.getInstance().after(stopPolling))
You can do something like this
long t = System.currentMillis(); // actual time in milliseconds from Jan 1st 1970.
while (t > System.currentMillis() - 30000 ) {
How about using the System time in millis?
Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
calendar.add(Calendar.SECOND, 30);
long stopPollingTime = calendar.getTimeInMillis();
while (System.currentTimeMillis() < stopPollingTime) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
