find by Object Id in Jongo - java

I know this question is incredibly basic... I'm sorry in advance.
I can't do a 'find by ID' for Mongo using Jongo.
I tried
Iterator<MongoTest> all = db.getCollection("mongoTest").find("{'_id': ObjectId('5194d46bdda2de09c656b64b')}").as(MongoTest.class).iterator();
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: {'_id': ObjectId('5194d46bdda2de09c656b64b')} cannot be parsed
at org.jongo.query.JsonQuery.marshallQuery(
at org.jongo.query.JsonQuery.<init>(
at org.jongo.query.JsonQueryFactory.createQuery(
at org.jongo.Find.<init>(
at org.jongo.MongoCollection.find(
at org.jongo.MongoCollection.find(
I tried
Iterator<MongoTest> all = db.getCollection("mongoTest").find(withOid(new ObjectId("5194d46bdda2de09c656b64b"))).as(MongoTest.class).iterator();
exactly as in the documentation, and I can't even get it to compile ... there are two possible types of ObjectId.
Tells me
The constructor ObjectId(String) is undefined
And if I use
it seems to work better, sometimes - but it still tells me that withOid( ObjectId ) is undefined. Which isn't entirely surprising, cause exactly what object is that function supposed to be part of?
My question: How do I do a find by _id in Jongo?

Someone helped me to find an answer elsewhere, putting it here for posterity
A valid construction for this is
.find("{ _id: # }", new ObjectId("5194d46bdda2de09c656b64b"))
Using org.bson.types.ObjectId


Using enums with LispWorks' Java interface

I'm trying to use the EWS Java library (link) with LispWorks 7.1.2 Win32's Java interface. I am somewhat familiar with basic Java concepts but have no experience with the Java language. This is the code I am trying to mimic:
ExchangeService service = new ExchangeService(ExchangeVersion.Exchange2010_SP2);
So I figured I would create an ExchangeVersion object (which is an enum), set it to the value "Exchange2010_SP2", and pass it to another create-java-object expression for the ExchangeService object.
This was my first step:
(create-java-object ""
However, I get the following error message: constructor of microsoft/exchange/webservices/data/core/ExchangeService first arguments is wrong type, wanted got ""
OK, so then I tried this:
(create-java-object ""
which gave me the error: constructor of microsoft/exchange/webservices/data/core/ExchangeService first arguments is wrong type, wanted got "". Which doesn't make much sense to me. So finally I tried to create a standalone ExchangeVersion object:
(create-java-object "")
which led to this error message: CREATE-JAVA-OBJECT: : Failed to find constructors for class "".
I wonder if anyone have suggestions on what am I doing wrong?
Many Thanks!

How to use String ressource in Java file in Android without a Layout

I have a Java class that mainly contains strings. It does not have a layout as it is neither a Fragment nor an Activity. It is more used as an auxilliary class. I would like to assign the String values in the class by using the Resource strings as I would like to automatically translate the Strings. Howvever, I can't access the string resources from Java. I use the following code:
static String more = getString(R.string.more);
And in the XML file I have the ressource:
<string name="more">More</string>
I get the error message
Cannot resolve method 'getString'
I also tried static String more = getContext().getString(R.string.more);
but I got the error message:
Cannot resolve method 'getContext'
Would anyone mind helping me on that? I'd appreciate every comment.
Update: I tried to use the answer from "MikaelM"
However, I get an "exception in initializer error" and when I use the initial String again, I do not get this error. So I still can't get the String from the ressource. DO you have an idea what I can do? I'd appreciate every further comment.
So the error is caused by "Caused by: android.content.res.Resources$NotFoundException: String resource ID #0x7f120038"
The strange thing is that the resource in fact exists (I checked this several times).
is not the same as
Only the second variant you can use in the static context. Alas, you can get this way only system resources.
If you need to get your own resources, no one-line solution exists. Use solution of #Cristian. And notice: it is a very good solution, even more, it is the solution meant to be used by the creators of Android.
You should be able to get your string with:
See more here, getString Outside of a Context or Activity

RegisterNatives failed for 'android/webkit/BrowserFrame'

Building a ROM from source, but stuck at a point. I have understood the error but have no idea exactly what should the fix be.
ROM stucks on boot and I see this
E/dalvikvm( 353): ERROR: couldn't find native method
E/dalvikvm( 353): Requested: Landroid/webkit/BrowserFrame;.nativeAddJavascriptInterface:(ILjava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/String;)V
E/dalvikvm( 353): Candidate: Landroid/webkit/BrowserFrame;.nativeAddJavascriptInterface:(ILjava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/String;Z)V
E/JNIHelp ( 353): RegisterNatives failed for 'android/webkit/BrowserFrame', aborting
From the error, what is requested in that method is (ILjava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/String;)V but what being provided is (ILjava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/String;Z)V
Difference lies in that Z
Can anyone think of a solution for that method in ? or any other workaround?
The additional argument was added late last year, in a pair of changes:
It sounds like you have the change from frameworks/base, but not the corresponding change from external/webkit.

How to specify the type of a list in Drools 5.5?

Our rules are based on v4.x now we are migrating to v5.5. It seems this version is type safe so the following code won't work properly:
$contractualBalances : ArrayList() from accountService.getContractualBalances($id, $cmounts)
now when we have this forall statement, it doesn't work because the ArrayList above doesn't specified the type:
ContractualBalance() from $contractualBalances
Can anyone please help me how to specify the type. I tried to use ArrayList() but no luck
I resolved the problem:
$contractualBalances : ContractualBalance() from accountService.getContractualBalances($id, $cmounts)

Programatically adding a sort condition to a table in BIRT using JS

I am attempting to write some script that simplifies table sorting and have been getting quite close but am now wondering if I have found a bug...or have just misunderstood limitations.
So my relevant code:
var reportRunnable = reportContext.getReportRunnable();
var reportDesign = reportRunnable.getDesignInstance();
var table = reportDesign.getTable(tableName);
var sortCondition =;
sortCondition.setKey("row[\"" + columnKey + "\"]");
I am getting a NullPointerException on line 164 in the class Listing:, in the method removeSortConditions...
(( designElementImpl).removeSortConditions();
So the above implies 'designElementImpl' is null, having looked further at the source it seemed to imply that to instantiate the 'table' object, the following constructor was used:
public Table( TableHandle table );
And moving up the heirarchy of super classes, it implies that in the constructor of DesignElement, the following is returning null:
designElementImpl = SimpleElementFactory.getInstance( ).getElement(handle);
Any one any thoughts? Am I just not able to what I am trying to do?
Thanks in advance.
EDIT: Should probably add; I'm using BIRT 2.5.1.
I think I have this sorted now...I created a [simpler] new report without library dependencies and sorting is now working correctly.
I posted on another forum as well, so if anyone wants more details see BIRT Exchange Forums.
