Settings activity - java

I am making an new android app and I would like to make a settings activity where the use can see about info and settings.
So on android devices you have buttons for settings or else it is presented on screen, when I click that button I do get a menu with the name settings (which I guess eclipse once made automatically) and I do have a activity_settings (as a launcher activity, I don't know if that has any influence or what it means actually) but how can I link the menu tab and the activity?
I mean that when in the menu is clicked on the settings-tab the activity opens.
Can you help me out?
Thanks in advance,

Yes, what Samarth is saying is true. Read the developer guide before you post questions here. A simple google search will give you links as well.
Here's a complete explanation on how to implement Menus and how to do it:
Also a similar question on how to create an option Menu: Android, How to create option Menu


Vaadin: Is there any way to hide the PWA dialog and to add a button to install it somewhere else?

I want to hide the PWA dialog that comes up every time I get in my app pages:
Is there any way to do that? I can't find it in the documentations, and also... how do I add a way of installing it with a separate button, like...
button.addClickListener(click -> installPWA());
Thanks in advance!
There is issue #5530 for hiding the install dialog. The issue is still open, but there is a workaround for hiding it through CSS.
Then there is issue #6899 for enabling developers to make a button for the install. This issue is also open.
You can react with a thumbs up on the issues to show that they are important to you.

How to add Android Device Monitor to Main Toolbar in Android Studio?

I'm following Udacity's Developing Android Apps class, and in their video it shows an icon at the top of Android Studio for a shortcut to Android Device Monitor. My shortcut icon is not there so I had to search to find it.
I'm trying to add it to the toolbar by right clicking and going into "Customize Toolbars and Menus" but I can't find anything. I googled multiple different things and can't seem to find the answer. Not sure if this is a recent change from Android Studio updates.
Is there a way to add this to the top toolbar? Thanks!
fortunately it is :)
open the customize menu and toolbars by right clicking the toolbar.
Navigate to Main toolbar-Android.MainToolBarSdkGroup and then click Add after... (in fact you can choose whatever position you like most).
Then simply choose All actions-Main menu-Tools-Android-Android device monitor
Profit – robot is there :)

Open the phone default launcher when clicking a button

I want to open the phone default launcher, where all the phone's applications are displayed, whenever i click my button.
I've tried to look up for an answer but i couldn't find one,
Is that even possible?
Maybe by passing a category to an intent?
To open the Menu, (as per original question):
Use Activity.openOptionsMenu() method in the OnClickListener of the button
Edited question as per OP's comments to open launcher, please refer solution at
How to redirect User to default launcher in an android app?

android google maps button on popup

Okay. What I have so far is an Android app with a Google map on which I've placed a bunch of icons that, when clicked on, create a popup with some text on it. Is there any way to place a button on that popup? If this is not possible, is there some way to make a button appear when an icon on Google Maps is selected?
In case you're wondering, the code I'm using now looks like this.
itemizedOverlay.addOverlay(new OverlayItem(point, title, text));
//actually a whole bunch of OverlayItems, each with their own location and text
//but this is the general shape of it.
There are different kinds of popups used with different versions (check yourself in the emulator versions) of the GoogleMaps app. The first popup simple displays the title of the location (Android 2.3.3).
The second popup shows the title and arrow indicator. (Android 4.0.3)
Interesting enough: I noticed that both popups are clickable and start another activity that shows details about the location.
The mapviewballon project allows you to use your own custom layout for these popup.
I did not test with buttons on it but I do not see why I would not work.
The example projects shows the following types of popup balloons.
Here is another project that creates a custom popup balloon. The project can be downloaded at the end of the article.

First android app for iOS developer

i am iOS app developer. Now when i created an app on iOS i want to do the same on android. With java i was familiar just now need some time to remember.
i was looking at some tutorial how to do one or other things. But what i can't find is the basics how everything works. How classes is interacting with each other.
For example i want to create registration window with few buttons and alerts.
I want registration window to be called just once when app is installed and just that.
Should i create new java class and few layouts, one for View with buttons and other for Alerts ?
Or should i create other class for alerts if i need them in other flow of my app ?
And how i should call that window with registration from my main class, which is
extends Activity
Also if there are some developers who came this road from objective-c (iOS) to java (android). It would be nice for some share experience how they did that.
Thank you for any help :)
Very few of the concepts in iOS and Android are similar. On Android you have Activites, Intendts the Manifest. When you design your layout it should be resolution independent. You have a search, back and a menu button and variable hardware. All of this has no equivalent in iOS.
That said, I think you just have to read the basic concepts and the getting started guide no matter if you come from iOS or never have done mobile development before.
To answer your concrete question. Take a look at the lifecycle of an Activity and Preferences. With this, you could do some action on the first start of your main Activity and store some flag in the preferences when it's done. On the next start you just test that preference and skip the logic.
You can create one activity (.java file) and one layout(.xml file with buttons and input boxes) , alerts could be toast notifications:
All you require for this is a activity and a layout xml for that activity, this activity will be your main ie the entry point to your application, in that activity oncreate method you can check if it is registered or not by setting a flag or something which will direct to the next activity if its registered.
Just like your nibs in iPhone you create xml layouts in Android. And for view controllers here you make activity. One important thing is AndroidManifest.xml file, it contains all information of your app (like plist) plus all the activity information(Intent type and launcher methods).
