My problem is to obtain PortletRequest from HttpServletRequest
I put this sentence:
PortletRequest request = (PortletRequest) HttpServletRequest.getAttribute();
What should I put into the .getAttribute();
When I developed in IBM Portlet Factory, I used .getAttribute(Constants.PORTLET_REQUEST)
The Constants are into one .jar
Now I need to do this with Portlet in JSR168 or there is another way to obtain PortletRequest without using HttpServletRequest
I hope you can help me
You can use something like this:
(PortletRequest) request.getAttribute("javax.portlet.request");
(PortletResponse) request.getAttribute("javax.portlet.response");
Request and response are of HTTPServletRequest and HTTPSevletResponse.
I assume you're programming a servlet since you have a HttpServletRequest and no PortletRequest. Which means you won't have a PortletRequest. You'll need to be programming portlets to get PortletRequests and in that case, the API interfaces and portlet container provide the PortletRequest.
I don't know how the internals of Portlet Factory worked that you would need to obtain a PortletRequest like that but that's not typical portlet programming.
You say you are making a JSR 168 portlet.
In that case your portlet class should be implementing javax.portlet.Portlet
To implement that interface you implement:
render(RenderRequest, RenderResponse)
processAction(ActionRequest, ActionResponse)
These are called by the portlet container when it decides to render your portlet or handle a user action from your portlet.
The request objects RenderRequest and ActionRequest are PortletRequests. So you get it directly as an argument, you don't have to query something for it.
What is the difference between fetching attributes from these implicit objects:
Why are they all allowed?
I mean you usually store attribute in actionRequest or renderRequest object but you can get it in request implicit object, why?
What is the correct approach?
How is it possible to get an action object in view time?
Does not it violate the action-render renderParams passing mechanism?
Why are actionRequest/response available as implicit object if they throw NullPointerException when trying to use them in JSP?
Finally when is it useful to store an attribute in the request (PortalUtil.getOriginalServletRequest)?
What is the correct approach for accessing request attributes?
In portlets, the correct approach is to only interact with the renderRequest for retrieving parameter values and for getting or setting request attributes (in JSPs or the portlet class). renderResponse can be used to create new Portlet URLs.
Why can you get request attributes from the request object as well?
request is an HttpServletRequest and renderRequest is a PortletRequest. However, Liferay implemented request as a wrapper of HttpServletRequest in such way that, e.g. for accessing request attributes, it will fallback to the PortletRequest if it doesn't find the attribute in the actual HttpServletRequest.
What's the use of actionRequest and actionResponse at view time?
Like you say, if you follow the principles of MVC, you will only use the JSP for view logic. If you check the DefineObjectsTag from Liferay, you can see that all these xxxRequest and xxxResponse objects are only set if the portlet is in the right lifecycle. Because, normally, you're in the RENDER_PHASE when executing the JSP logic, only renderRequest and renderResponse will be not-null.
When is it useful to store an attribute in the request?
It doesn't really make sense to store attributes in the HttpServletRequest if you're working with portlets. On the other hand, inside a servlet (filter) you could add attributes that can then be retrieved from portlets by using request.getAttribute("xxx").
is their a neat way to pass a model to jsp, render the jsp and return the html as string using Spring. The html is then used in an e-mail that is fired off programmitcally, I do not want to use freemarker, but maybe I should ?
The url being requested is part of the same app.
I want one of my service layer classes to be able to call a view and use the html as a String.
You can call requestDispatcher.include(request, response) method.
You will need to implement the request and response objects. The request object will provide all information to the dispatcher which page should be rendered, the response object you will pass to the call will then capture the result to a string (using e.g. a StringBuilder).
See e.g. this tutorial for more info.
I'm guessing a servlet filter will do the trick? Not really a Spring solution, but easy enough to do.
Also this answer seems relevant, although it is DWR that you may not necessarily want to use in this instance.
You can use Velocity to create an email template:
String text = VelocityEngineUtils.mergeTemplateIntoString(
velocityEngine, "emailTemplate.vm", model);
There is a complete chapter in the Spring reference docs of how Spring can be used to send emails of various types.
In the Java Servlet API, the only way to get the ServletContext is through an instance of HttpSession (Javadoc).
What if I don't want to create a session and only need the servlet context? In other words, why is there no getServletContext() method in the HttpServletRequest class?
I know I can get the ServletContext from the servlet itself, since it receives it during its initialization. However, I cannot get it from a HttpServletRequest alone, even though it's linked to a servlet. So what if I have a request, but no reference to any servlet?
getServletContext() is part of GenericServlet which is the parent class for HttpServlet so you should be able to call it in your servlet implementation.
HttpServletRequest inherits getServletContext() from ServletRequest since servlet 3.0, so it looks like you will have to pass a context along with the request and response objects if you have to use a version prior to 3.0.
It's just that every entity working with requests (servers, filters, pages) has its own getServletContext (or init())
Your servlet class has a getServletContext() method you don't need to go to the request.
This makes sense, the servlet itself has a context provided by the container, this is independent of any particular request.
Is posible for a portlet to read a request parameter of its surrounding page?
E.g. the URL of the page the portlet resides in is Is it possible to read the "foo" parameter from a portlet that is on that page?
Portlet Container is Liferay 6.0.5.
I have already tried:
com.liferay.portal.util.PortalUtil.getOriginalServletRequest(com.liferay.portal.util.PortalUtil.getHttpServletRequest((javax.portlet.PortletRequest) FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getRequest())).getParameter("foo")
but I always get null for productId
Have you tried
The following code will do the trick:
javax.portlet.PortletRequest pr = (javax.portlet.PortletRequest)FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getRequestMap().get("javax.portlet.request");
java.lang.reflect.Method method = pr.getClass().getMethod("getOriginalHttpServletRequest");
HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest = (HttpServletRequest)method.invoke(pr, new Object[] {});
return httpServletRequest.getParameter(YOUR_PARAM_KEY);
In a partial submit, the icefaces ajax bridge (which replaces a usual jsf portlet bridge) is avoiding the normal portal action/render request, contacting directly the blocking servlet (in order to avoid invalidating other request-scoped portlets and in general, to be faster). Because of this, all those params/attributes which are set in a normal portal request are not set in ajax. They are set only in the initial GET type request for that page. So, actually what you should do is saving those params in the #PostConstruct or some other method of your controlling bean, and then reuse them later. (They wouldn't change in a partial submit anyway, right?).
Keep in mind though, that this will not work if you use IceFaces in conjuction with Spring (and their EL Resolver, since that eliminates your extended request scope).
if you are in JSF environment then try this:
String param = LiferayFacesContext.getInstance().getRequestQueryStringParameter("foo");
It is posible for a portlet to read a request parameter of its surrounding page?
E.g. the URL of the page the portlet resides in is
Is it possible to read the "foo" parameter from a portlet that is on that page?
Portlet Container is Liferay 5.2.5.
Yes this can be achieved with something like this -
HttpServletRequest convertReq = PortalUtil.getHttpServletRequest(request);
HttpServletRequest originalReq = PortalUtil.getOriginalServletRequest(convertReq);
String productId = originalReq.getParameter("foo");
Where request is RenderRequest.
PortletRequest class has method getAttribute()
You can treat it like HttpServletRequest.
I haven't yet found a way besides using platform specific class com.liferay.portal.util.PortalUtil.