Very New with Java Development Parsing JSON in JAVA Here is my Code.
package com.zenga.control;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpClient;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.GetMethod;
import net.sf.json.JSONArray;
import net.sf.json.JSONObject;
import net.sf.json.JSONSerializer;
public class Start {
public String readUrl(String urlString) {
String jsonString = null;
try {
HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
GetMethod get = new GetMethod(urlString);
jsonString = get.getResponseBodyAsString();
}catch(Exception e) {
return jsonString;
public void getAddAsBeanObject() {
try {
String jsonString = new Start().readUrl("http://myDomain/JsonZ.json");
JSONObject obj = (JSONObject) JSONSerializer.toJSON(jsonString);
} catch (Exception e) {
public static void main(String[] args) {
new Start().getAddAsBeanObject();
As I successfully Read Value in JSONObject and it also showing all JSON String on console But How can i Get Value For ID and UID and DURATION ?
Here The JSONString the i read in System.out.println(obj);
"Demo": {
"ID": " 283 ",
"UID": " 87897bc8-ae9b-11e1-bdcf-123141042154 ",
"DURATION": "Full"
"ID": " 283 ",
"UID": " 87897bc8-ae9b-11e1-bdcf-123141042154 ",
"DURATION": "Full"
Following code can be used to iterate the JSON objects inside the JSON array 'CONTENT', using .get(java.lang.String) as documented, to pull the value out of the JSONObject.
I have only demonstrated how to get the ID but the same logic applies to the other values.
JSONObject obj = (JSONObject) JSONSerializer.toJSON(jsonString);
JSONArray content = obj.getJSONObject("Demo").getJSONArray("CONTENT");
java.util.Iterator<?> iterator = content.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
JSONObject o = (JSONObject);
// etc...
Following is a sample code to reach the array`s inner objects specific to pattern you have provided.
String str = "{"+
"\"Demo\": {"+
"\"CONTENT\": ["+
" {"+
"\"ID\": \" 283 \","+
"\"UID\": \" 87897bc8-ae9b-11e1-bdcf-123141042154 \","+
"\"DURATION\": \"Full\""+
" },"+
"\"ID\": \" 283 \","+
"\"UID\": \" 87897bc8-ae9b-11e1-bdcf-123141042154 \","+
"\"DURATION\": \"Full\""+
" }"+
try {
JSONObject jsr = new JSONObject(str); // JSON object with above data
JSONObject demo = jsr.getJSONObject("Demo"); // get Demo which is a JSON object inside jsr.
JSONArray content = demo.getJSONArray("CONTENT");// get CONTENT which is Json array inside Demo
for (int i = 0; i < content.length(); i++) { // iterate over array to get inner JSON objects and extract values inside
JSONObject record = content.getJSONObject(i); // each item of Array is a JSON object
String ID = record.getString("ID");
String UID = record.getString("UID");
String DURATION = record.getString("DURATION");
catch (JSONException e) {
Note: Above code is specifc to org.Json API. Find appropriate methods in library you are using for Json handling
Use a loop that iterates through the Json Object and access each of the element
for(/**loop until the counter reaches the size of the json object**/) {
//Access each element based on the ID as below.
System.out.println(Demo.CONTENT[CurrentCounter].ID); //here CurrentCounter is index
System.out.println(Demo.CONTENT[CurrentCounter].UID); ..... //read through all ids
I guess you could use the 'get' Method on the JSONObject. If you don't know which key to look for, I suggest using a Method that returns all available keys, like the one called 'keys'. With these values, you could then traverse down in you structure. See here:
I guess GSON will be a big help for you.
See here Parsing json object into a string
There is a samplecode as well
Create a class which have variables you want to read from json string.And Gson will handle the rest.
Example usage:
//convert the json string back to object
DataObject obj = gson.fromJson(br, DataObject.class);
i am struggling with reading some values from JSON object which i get it when i hit REST API..
MY GOAL: i need to iterate over each set of data inside data object array check the value of TRAN_ID and take action accordingly.
below is the format of data
"data": [
"EXPRY_DATE": null,
"PARAMS": "[{TRAN_IND:savings},{TRAN_TYP:Debit},{country:US}]"
"EXPRY_DATE": null,
"PARAMS": "[{TRAN_IND:current},{TRAN_TYP:Debit},{country:US}]"
it looks easy and i have tried multiple solutions out there on internet but i dont know it doesnt work for me and i get below error while reading "PARAMS" and converting it to JSONArray for further processing
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.String cannot be cast to org.json.simple.JSONArray
What i have tried:
private static void jsonParser(String jsonStr) throws ParseException {
JSONObject data= (JSONObject)JSONValue.parse(jsonStr );
JSONArray jsonObj = (JSONArray)data.get("data");
JSONObject JsonRow = (JSONObject)jsonObj.get(0);
JSONArray servParam= (JSONArray) JsonRow.get("PARAMS");
String tran_ind=(String) servParam.get(0);
System.out.println( tran_ind);
I'm guessing this is what you what?
JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(sample);
JSONArray data = obj.getJSONArray("data");
for(int i=0; i<data.length(); i++){
JSONObject detail = data.getJSONObject(i);
detail.getString("CUST_ID"); //here is the customer id
detail.getString("EXPRY_DATE"); //here is the exp date
JSONArray params = detail.getJSONArray("PARAMS");
for(int j=0; j<params.length(); j++){
// {TRAN_IND:current},{TRAN_TYP:Debit},{country:US}
JSONObject res = params.getJSONObject(j);
String tran_ind = res.toString();
String tran_type = res.toString();
String country = res.toString();
out.println(tran_ind + " " +tran_type + " " + country);
}catch (JSONException ex){
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.String cannot be cast to org.json.simple.JSONArray
=> Because you are trying to parse String value "[{TRAN_IND:savings},{TRAN_TYP:Debit},{country:US}]" into the JsonArray by code:
JSONArray servParam= (JSONArray) JsonRow.get("PARAMS");
Params seems to be a String, actually.
Don't write your own parser. If you only need to read that string in each element of the array, I would simply cast the whole JSON to a Map with Jackson:
HashMap<String,Object> parsed =
new ObjectMapper().readValue(JSON_SOURCE, HashMap.class);
and then iterate over the "data" element (which would be a list of maps).
List<Map> data = (List) parsed.get("data");
The real problem is that those are not nested JSON strings. That would be
"PARAMS": "[{\"TRAN_IND\":\"current\"},{\"TRAN_TYP\":\"Debit\"},{\"country\":\"US\"}]"
so "text" parts are surrounded by "-s inside (which have to be escaped as \"-s).
In that case you could write
String json=
" \"data\": [\n"+
" {\n"+
" \"CUST_ID\": \"CUST7\",\n"+
" \"EXPRY_DATE\": null,\n"+
" \"PARAMS\": \"[{\\\"TRAN_IND\\\":\\\"savings\\\"},{\\\"TRAN_TYP\\\":\\\"Debit\\\"},{\\\"country\\\":\\\"US\\\"}]\"\n"+
" },\n"+
" {\n"+
" \"CUST_ID\": \"CUST8\",\n"+
" \"EXPRY_DATE\": null,\n"+
" \"PARAMS\": \"[{\\\"TRAN_IND\\\":\\\"current\\\"},{\\\"TRAN_TYP\\\":\\\"Debit\\\"},{\\\"country\\\":\\\"US\\\"}]\"\n"+
" }\n"+
" ]\n"+
// Print input for clarity:
JSONObject data= (JSONObject)JSONValue.parse(json);
JSONArray jsonObj = (JSONArray)data.get("data");
JSONObject JsonRow = (JSONObject)jsonObj.get(0);
// parse nested JSON
JSONArray servParam= (JSONArray)JSONValue.parse((String)JsonRow.get("PARAMS"));
// array element is an object ({"TRAN_IND":"savings"}), so toString has to be used:
String tran_ind=servParam.get(0).toString();
(The backslash-heaps are there because double-quotes had to be escaped in source code, and also the suggested escaped double quotes. So they would not appear in a JSON file. Try the code in action, it prints the JSON it works on)
So (JSONArray)JSONValue.parse((String)JsonRow.get("PARAMS")) would get and parse the nested JSON.
But now you either have to rework the code what generates your input, or parse the nested non-JSON manually.
You can use below code for parsing.
String servParam = (String) JsonRow.get("PARAMS");
String servParamSplitted[] = servParam.substring(1, servParam.length() - 1).split(",");
String traind_id[] = servParamSplitted[0].substring(1, servParamSplitted[0].length() - 1).split(":");
String train_id=traind_id[1];
I like to add that your JSON should be like below format.
"data": [
"EXPRY_DATE": null,
"PARAMS": [{"TRAN_IND":"savings"},{"TRAN_TYP":"Debit"},{"country":"US"}]
"EXPRY_DATE": null,
"PARAMS": [{"TRAN_IND":"current"},{"TRAN_TYP":"Debit"},{"country":"US"}]
So, we can parse it using below code.
JSONArray servParam = (JSONArray) JsonRow.get("PARAMS");
JSONObject jsonObjectTrainID = (JSONObject) servParam.get(0);
String TrainIDValue = (String) jsonObjectTrainID.get("TRAN_IND");
I have this string:
[{"row 0":[{},{},{},{},{},{},{},{}]},{"row 1":[{},{},{},{},{},{},{},{}]},{"row 2":[{},{},{},{},{},{},{},{}]},{"row 3":[{},{},{},{},{},{},{},{}]},{"row 4":[{"column 0":"WhitePawn"},{},{},{},{},{},{},{}]},{"row 5":[{},{},{},{},{},{},{},{}]},{"row 6":[{},{},{},{},{},{},{},{}]},{"row 7":[{},{},{},{},{},{},{},{}]}]
^ it's currently a String, let's call it string.
I'm trying to convert it into JSON like so:
new JSONObject(string);
but it isn't working. How to do this in Java?
Code looks like so:
private void parseMessageRedrawBoard(String message) {
Log.d("0000: ", message);
String trimmed = message.substring(message.indexOf("["));
Log.d("1111: ", trimmed);
JSONObject jsonObject = null;
try {
jsonObject = new JSONObject(trimmed);
Log.d("maybe worked...", "~");
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.d("dammit: ", e.getMessage());
You are trimming the string and turning it into an invalid JSON.
Your JSON starts with a "[" that indicates it is an array. If it starts with "{" you can assume that is an object.
So, as your JSON is an array, you can parse this exact content you mentioned with:
JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray(string);
And access the elements like in a List:
This is my first code for reading from a Json file but I keep getting an error message:
Can not cast from JasonElement to String
public class Json
public static void main(String args[])
JsonParser parser = new JsonParser();
Object obj = parser.parse(new FileReader("C:\\Users\\dell\\eclipse-
JsonObject jsonObject = (JsonObject) obj;
String name = (String) jsonObject.get("Name");
String author = (String) jsonObject.get("Author");
System.out.println("Name: " + name);
System.out.println("Author: " + author);
catch (Exception e)
Excuse me for any silly mistakes.
I am still a beginner
By involking jsonObject.get("Name") you will get a JsonElement object and you can not cast to String. Maybe you can try:
It depends on what you want.
If Name needs to be an actual JSON string value (as in, it must be { "Name": "str" } and not { "Name": [] }), then you should say jsonObject.get("Name").getAsString(). This causes an error if it isn't a string, which is desirable.
Otherwise, use jsonObject.get("Name").toString(), which returns a valid JSON value, as a String. E.g.
{ "Name": "a" } -> "a" (That's a string, 3 characters, two quote marks and an 'a')
{ "Name": false } -> false (That's a string, 5 chars, no quotes)
Below I have attached Java code, In that first i am retrieving the "images" result as "{"jpg":"JPEG file","gif":"GIF file","png":"PNG File"}"
using the resultant, trying to get the "jpg" node, not able to retrieve the data, instead i am getting error as java.lang.String cannot be cast to org.json.simple.JSONObject
I like to take the images and followed by jpg. not directly JPG value
import org.json.simple.JSONObject;
import org.json.simple.parser.JSONParser;
public class JSONDemo {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String jsonfile="{ \"name\" : \"Raj\", \"Address\" : \"Chennai\", \"images\": { \"jpg\" : \"JPEG file\", \"png\" : \"PNG File\", \"gif\" : \"GIF file\" }}";
JSONObject jobject=new JSONObject();
JSONParser jparser=new JSONParser();
jobject = (JSONObject) jparser.parse(jsonfile);
jobject=(JSONObject) jobject.get("images");
jobject=(JSONObject) jobject.get("jpg");
}catch(Exception e){
Your error here is that "jpg" is not a JSONObject, but a key with the associated value "JPEG file" which is a simple String. That is why you're getting such error.
In ordre to retrieve the value associated to the key jpg, read the below code. I added some comments to help you understand each steps, but feel free to ask for more details.
String jsonfile="{ \"name\" : \"Raj\", \"Address\" : \"Chennai\", \"images\": { \"jpg\" : \"JPEG file\", \"png\" : \"PNG File\", \"gif\" : \"GIF file\" }}";
JSONObject jobject = new JSONObject();
JSONParser jparser = new JSONParser();
//Convert your string jsonfile into a JSONObject
try {
jobject = (JSONObject) jparser.parse(jsonfile);
} catch (ParseException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(Josimarleewords.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
//{"Address":"Chennai","name":"Raj","images":{"jpg":"JPEG file","png":"PNG File","gif":"GIF file"}}
//Get the node image, and convert it into a JSONObject
//You're able to do so, because the value associated to "images"
//is in json format.
jobject=(JSONObject) jobject.get("images");
//{"jpg":"JPEG file","png":"PNG File","gif":"GIF file"}
//Retrieves the value associated to the key jpg.
//The value here is not in json format, it is a simple string
String jpg = (String)jobject.get("jpg");
//JPEG file
I have a sample JSON as below. I need to get the individual fields like ASIdentifer and ExternalIdentifer. I have stored this JSON data in a string.
Using GoogleJson as the module(ggson)
JSON data:
"DeviceCommon": {
"ASIdentifier": "123",
"DatadeliveyMechanism": "notify",
"MobileOriginatorCallbackReference": {
"url": ""
"AccessiblityCallbackReference": {
"url": ""
"DeviceList": [{
"ExternalIdentifer": "",
"msisdn": "123456",
"senderName": "Device1",
"MobileOriginatorCallbackReference": {
"notifyURL": ""
"ConfigurationResultCallbackReference": {
"notifyURL": ""
"ASreferenceID": "AS000001",
"NIDDduration": "1d"
I created the POJO classes and parsed the data using below code
data = new Gson().fromJson(new FileReader("/home/raj/apache-tomcat-8.0.3/webapps/file.json"), Data.class);
String jsonInString = gson.toJson(data);
System.out.println("String is"+ jsonInString);
String is{"DeviceCommon":{"ASIdentifier":"123","DatadeliveyMechanism":"notify","MobileOriginatorCallbackReference":{"url":""},"AccessiblityCallbackReference":{"url":""}},"DeviceList":[{"ExternalIdentifer":"","msisdn":"123456","senderName":"Device1","MobileOriginatorCallbackReference":{"notifyURL":""},"ConfigurationResultCallbackReference":{"notifyURL":""},"ASreferenceID":"AS000001","NIDDduration":"1d"}]}
I need to parse this JSON string to get individual fields like ExternalIdentifier and ASIdentifier.
I tried something like this but it is not working.
JsonObject jobj = new Gson().fromJson(jsonInString, JsonObject.class);
String result = jobj.get("ASIdentifier").toString();
System.out.println("value is"+ result);
Note: ExternalIdentifier is within the array, so I need to loop through the array to find it.
Can you please tell me what I'm doing wrong?
Possible solution:
String result = jobj.get("DeviceCommon").getAsJsonObject().get("ASIdentifier").getAsString();
System.out.println("ASIdentifier: "+ result);
JsonArray jsonArray = jobj.get("DeviceList").getAsJsonArray();
for (JsonElement device : jsonArray ) {
result = device.getAsJsonObject().get("ExternalIdentifer").getAsString();
System.out.println("ExternalIdentifer: "+ result);
ASIdentifier: 123
public static void printJson(JsonElement jsonElement,String key) {
// Check whether jsonElement is JsonObject or not
if (jsonElement.isJsonObject()) {
Set<Entry<String, JsonElement>> ens = ((JsonObject) jsonElement).entrySet();
if (ens != null) {
// Iterate JSON Elements with Key values
for (Entry<String, JsonElement> en : ens) {
// System.out.println("##key is"+en.getKey() + " : ");
printJson(en.getValue(), en.getKey());
// System.out.println(en.getValue().getAsString());
// System.out.println(jsonElement.getAsString());
// Check whether jsonElement is Primitive or not
else if (jsonElement.isJsonPrimitive()) {
// print value as String
System.out.println("###key is"+key);
System.out.println("### value is"+jsonElement.getAsString());
else if (jsonElement.isJsonArray()) {
JsonArray jarr = jsonElement.getAsJsonArray();
// Iterate JSON Array to JSON Elements
System.out.println("\n###Array size is"+ jarr.size());
for (JsonElement je : jarr) {