System.getProperty(param) returns wrong value - Android - java

steps I do:
I do in code
System.setProperty("myproperty", 1);
and then I set in a shell script the property "myProperty" to 3.
like this:
# setprop "myproperty" 3
and then in the code I try to read the property like this:
I get the value of 1. which means that the set from the shell didn't actually work.
but when I print all props from shell with
# getprop
I see in the list that myproperty equals 3.
in shorter words: I want to change the value of a property from a script, and I see that this scripts actually changes the property but in the java code I get the old value.
any ideas?

Java code in Android provides System.getProperty and System.setProperty functions in java library but it's important to note that although these java APIs are semantically equal to native version, java version store data in a totally different place. Actually, a hashtable is employed by dalvik VM to store properties. So, java properties are separated, it can't get or set native properties, and neither vice versa.
You can use android.os.SystemProperties class can manipulate native properties, though it's intended for internal usage only. It calls through jni into native property library to get/set properties.

getprop/setprop work on android.os.SystemProperties, not on java.lang.System.
Unfortunately, this class is not available to third party application. Apparently you have rooted your device, so you may still access it.

You can use that snippet to run getProp as shell command and get the value of any property:
private String getSystemProperty(String propertyName) {
String propertyValue = "[UNKNOWN]";
try {
Process getPropProcess = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("getprop " + propertyName);
BufferedReader osRes =
new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(getPropProcess.getInputStream()));
propertyValue = osRes.readLine();
} catch (Exception e) {
// Do nothing - can't get property value
return propertyValue;


In the startup scripts generated by gradle's application plugin, how can I have the program name passed in to the application?

Executing the gradle application plugin's installDist task creates a directory build/install/my-application-name/bin that contains wrapper scripts, my-application-name and my-application-name.bat. Running either of these scripts runs the application, and arguments passed to these scripts are passed to the underlying application.
In UNIX shell scripts you can access the name that was used to execute the program as $0. In fact, the UNIX version of the gradle-generated startup script uses $0 several times.
How can I configure the gradle application plugin such that these scripts will pass the value of $0 (and whatever the Windows equivalent is on Windows) into the underlying application, perhaps as a Java system property?
Since parameter for obtaining the name of the script being run is referenced differently in Linux($0) and in Windows(%0), the most straightforward way to generate custom scripts would be to use separate custom templates for the respective start script generators:
startScripts {
unixStartScriptGenerator.template = resources.text.fromFile('unixStartScript.txt')
windowsStartScriptGenerator.template = resources.text.fromFile('windowsStartScript.txt')
The default templates are easy to obtain invoking e.g. unixStartScriptGenerator.template.asString()
Documentation on customizing the start scripts can be found here.
This is what I ended up doing, based on jihor's answer. I'm posting it here just so that there's a working answer for anyone else interested:
startScripts {
def gen = unixStartScriptGenerator
gen.template = resources.text.fromString(
gen.template.asString().replaceFirst('(?=\nDEFAULT_JVM_OPTS=.*?\n)') {
'\nJAVA_OPTS="\\$JAVA_OPTS "\'"-Dprogname=\\$0"\''
// TODO: do something similar for windowsStartScriptGenerator
This uses replaceFirst is instead of replace so we can match a pattern. This is a little less brittle, and also lets us use lookahead so we don't have to actually replace what we're looking for. (This is groovy's variant of replaceFirst that takes a closure, by the way. This requires far less escaping than the version that takes a replacement string in this case.)
Also, instead of:
JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -Dprogname=$0"
we actually need something like:
JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS "'"-Dprogname=$0"'
This is because $0 may contains special character (like spaces), and the startup script removes one level of quoting in the value of $JAVA_OPTS using eval set --.
(If anyone knows how to make this work on Windows, pleas feel free to update this answer.)
I took an alternative approach. According to the documentation, as far back as Gradle 2.4 and all the way through Gradle 4.8, we should be able to set the following properties within the startScripts task:
Unfortunately, this is not true for the following properties, which seem to have never been exposed:
If appNameSystemProperty were exposed as the documentation describes, then we should be able to simply do the following:
startScripts {
applicationName = 'foo'
appNameSystemProperty = 'appName'
This would then result in the addition of -DappName=foo to the Java command constructed within both of the start scripts.
Since this is not the case, I took the following approach, which is a bit more verbose than the earlier solution to this question, but is perhaps less brittle because it does not rely on tweaking the out-of-box templates. Instead, it results in the documented behavior.
startScripts {
mainClassName = '...'
applicationName = 'foo'
unixStartScriptGenerator =
new CustomStartScriptGenerator(generator: unixStartScriptGenerator)
windowsStartScriptGenerator =
new CustomStartScriptGenerator(generator: windowsStartScriptGenerator)
class CustomStartScriptGenerator implements ScriptGenerator {
ScriptGenerator generator
void generateScript(JavaAppStartScriptGenerationDetails details,
Writer destination) {
details = new CustomDetails(details: details)
this.generator.generateScript(details, destination)
static class CustomDetails implements JavaAppStartScriptGenerationDetails {
JavaAppStartScriptGenerationDetails details
String getAppNameSystemProperty() { 'appName' }

Detecting whether an application was launched from a read-only file system on OS X

I want to know whether the user launched our Java-based application from a read-only file system like from a .dmg, so functions like auto-update will be able to show meaningful information instead of aborting with an error. I first thought checking the .app's path would be sufficient (when launched from a .dmg it is something like /Volumes/MyApp 1.2.3/, but this won't work, because the user might have installed the application on a different partition. What other things may I check?
You can use -[NSURL getResourceValue:forKey:error:] with the key NSURLVolumeIsReadOnlyKey. You would apply this to the app bundle URL as returned by [[NSBundle mainBundle] bundleURL]. So:
NSBundle* bundle = [NSBundle mainBundle];
NSURL* bundleURL = bundle.bundleURL;
NSNumber* readOnly;
NSError* error;
if ([bundleURL getResourceValue:&readOnly forKey:NSURLVolumeIsReadOnlyKey error:&error])
BOOL isReadOnly = [readOnly boolValue];
// act on isReadOnly value
// Handle error
If OSX is POSIX compliant, to determine if filesystem is mounted R/O, You can use statvfs() or fstatvfs(), returned struct statvfs field f_flag should have ST_RDONLY bit set for R/O filesystem.
As it was pointed in comments, check if this information is correctly provided by OS.
JNA and this question may be usefull for Java.
A few more ideas, which may be usefull here (access(), open(), utime() ).
OS X specific statfs() may be used too, but this function is not portable (Linux and *BSD have slightly different statfs() functions).
You can also check directly from Java whether a certain path points to something within a read-only directory by querying the FileStore associated with your path:
File classpathRoot = new File(MyClass.class.getClassLoader().getResource("").getPath());
/* getPath() actually returns a String instead of a Path object,
* so we need to take this little detour */
Path yourAppPath = classpathRoot.toPath();
boolean isReadOnly = Files.getFileStore(yourAppPath).isReadOnly();

GWT - impossible to find working dir with Eclipse

I need to show on my panel the working dir.
I use String value = System.getProperty("user.dir"). Afterwards i put this string on label but I receive this message on console:
The method getProperty(String, String) in the type System is not applicable for the arguments (String).
I use eclipse.
I am guessing you have not gone through GWT 101 - You cannot blindly use JAVA CODE on client side.
You can find the list of classes and methods supported for GWT from JAVA.
For System only the following are supported.
err, out,
arraycopy(Object, int, Object, int, int),
In your case Execute System.getProperty("user.dir") in your server side code and access it using RPC or any other server side gwt communication technique.
System.getProperty("key") is not supported,
but System.getProperty("key", "default") IS supported, though it will only return the default value as there is not system properties per se.
If you need the working directory during gwt compile, you need to use a custom linker or generator, grab the system property at build time, and emit it as a public resource file.
For linkers, you have to export an external file that gwt can download and get the compile-time data you want. For generators, you just inject the string you want into compiled source.
Here's a slideshow on linkers that is actually very interesting.
If you don't want to use a linker and an extra http request, you can use a generator as well, which is likely much easier (and faster):
interface BuildData {
String workingDirectory();
BuildData data = GWT.create(BuildData.class);
Then, you need to make a generator:
public class BuildDataGenerator extends IncrementalGenerator {
public RebindResult generateIncrementally(TreeLogger logger,
GeneratorContext context, String typeName){
//generator boilerplate
PrintWriter printWriter = context.tryCreate(logger, "", "BuildDataImpl");
if (printWriter == null){
logger.log(Type.TRACE, "Already generated");
return new RebindResult(RebindMode.USE_PARTIAL_CACHED,"");
SourceFileComposerFactory composer =
new SourceFileComposerFactory("", "BuildDataImpl");
//must implement interface we are generating to avoid class cast exception
SourceWriter sw = composer.createSourceWriter(printWriter);
//write the generated class; the class definition is done for you
sw.println("public String workingDirectory(){");
sw.println("return \""+System.getProperty("user.dir")+"\";");
return new RebindResult(RebindMode.USE_ALL_NEW_WITH_NO_CACHING
Finally, you need to tell gwt to use your generator on your interface:
<generate-with class="">
<when-type-assignable class="" />

how to create environmental variables for my program

I made a program in Java that uses two external databases. The paths to these databases are hard-coded inside my program code.
In order to make this program usable for other users on other computers (who should also install these two databases on their computers), I think that the path for these two databases should be added as environmental variables ? How could this be done ?
I am not a professional when it comes to environmental variables, so can you please advise what should be done in this case?
Thanks in advance
To get the value of an environment variable in Java, you write something like this:
String pathToDatabase = System.getenv().get("PATH_TO_DATABASE");
(where PATH_TO_DATABASE is the name of the environment variable). This uses System.getenv() to get a map of all environment variables.
To set the value of an environment variable in Linux, your users can write something like this:
export PATH_TO_DATABASE=/this/is/the/path/to/the/database
before running the program.
Environment vars are usually not be the best way to handle app config, but if you must, the specific OS docs are needed to learn how to set them and from Java use:
Map map = System.getenv();
Rather than environment variables, a properties file would be useful and more portable. For example, in your properties file you could have the following:
db.url = jdbc://foo/bar?whatever
db.user = username
db.password = password
Then your code could read that in using the follow:
Properties properties = new Properties();
try {
properties.load(new FileInputStream("path/filename"));
} catch (IOException e) {
System.err.println( "Eeeek!" );
System.out.println( properties.getProperty( "db.url" ) );
Handily, properties objects allow you to specify defaults, so you could still have the hardcoded values if you want and then override them with the external file.

Pinning a Java application to the Windows 7 taskbar

I use Launch4j as a wrapper for my Java application under Windows 7, which, to my understanding, in essence forks an instance of javaw.exe that in turn interprets the Java code. As a result, when attempting to pin my application to the task bar, Windows instead pins javaw.exe. Without the required command line, my application will then not run.
As you can see, Windows also does not realize that Java is the host application: the application itself is described as "Java(TM) Platform SE binary".
I have tried altering the registry key HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Applications\javaw.exe to add the value IsHostApp. This alters the behavior by disabling pinning of my application altogether; clearly not what I want.
After reading about how Windows interprets instances of a single application (and a phenomenon discussed in this question), I became interested in embedding a Application User Model ID (AppUserModelID) into my Java application.
I believe that I can resolve this by passing a unique AppUserModelID to Windows. There is a shell32 method for this, SetCurrentProcessExplicitAppUserModelID. Following Gregory Pakosz suggestion, I implemented it in an attempt to have my application recognized as a separate instance of javaw.exe:
NativeLibrary lib;
try {
lib = NativeLibrary.getInstance("shell32");
} catch (Error e) {
Logger.out.error("Could not load Shell32 library.");
Object[] args = { "Vendor.MyJavaApplication" };
String functionName = "SetCurrentProcessExplicitAppUserModelID";
try {
Function function = lib.getFunction(functionName);
int ret = function.invokeInt(args);
if (ret != 0) {
Logger.out.error(function.getName() + " returned error code "
+ ret + ".");
} catch (UnsatisfiedLinkError e) {
Logger.out.error(functionName + " was not found in "
+ lib.getFile().getName() + ".");
// Function not supported
This appears to have no effect, but the function returns without error. Diagnosing why is something of a mystery to me. Any suggestions?
Working implementation
The final implementation that worked is the answer to my follow-up question concerning how to pass the AppID using JNA.
I had awarded the bounty to Gregory Pakosz' brilliant answer for JNI that set me on the right track.
For reference, I believe using this technique opens the possibility of using any of the APIs discussed in this article in a Java application.
I don't have Windows 7 but here is something that might get you started:
On the Java side:
package com.stackoverflow.homework;
public class MyApplication
static native boolean setAppUserModelID();
And on the native side, in the source code of the `MyApplicationJNI.dll library:
JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL Java_com_stackoverflow_homework_MyApplication_setAppUserModelID(JNIEnv* env)
LPCWSTR id = L"com.stackoverflow.homework.MyApplication";
HRESULT hr = SetCurrentProcessExplicitAppUserModelID(id);
return hr == S_OK;
Your question explicitly asked for a JNI solution. However, since your application doesn't need any other native method, jna is another solution which will save you from writing native code just for the sake of forwarding to the windows api. If you decide to go jna, pay attention to the fact that SetCurrentProcessExplicitAppUserModelID() is expecting a UTF-16 string.
When it works in your sandbox, the next step is to add operating system detection in your application as SetCurrentProcessExplicitAppUserModelID() is obviously only available in Windows 7:
you may do that from the Java side by checking that System.getProperty(""); returns "Windows 7".
if you build from the little JNI snippet I gave, you can enhance it by dynamically loading the shell32.dll library using LoadLibrary then getting back the SetCurrentProcessExplicitAppUserModelID function pointer using GetProcAddress. If GetProcAddress returns NULL, it means the symbol is not present in shell32 hence it's not Windows 7.
EDIT: JNA Solution.
The JNI book for more JNI examples
Java Native Access (JNA)
There is a Java library providing the new Windows 7 features for Java. It's called J7Goodies by Strix Code. Applications using it can be properly pinned to the Windows 7 taskbar. You can also create your own jump lists, etc.
I have implemented access to the SetCurrentProcessExplicitAppUserModelID method using JNA and it works quite well when used as the MSDN documentation suggests. I've never used the JNA api in the way you have in your code snippet. My implementation follows the typical JNA usage instead.
First the Shell32 interface definition:
interface Shell32 extends StdCallLibrary {
int SetCurrentProcessExplicitAppUserModelID( WString appID );
Then using JNA to load Shell32 and call the function:
final Map<String, Object> WIN32API_OPTIONS = new HashMap<String, Object>() {
Shell32 shell32 = (Shell32) Native.loadLibrary("shell32", Shell32.class,
WString wAppId = new WString( "Vendor.MyJavaApplication" );
shell32.SetCurrentProcessExplicitAppUserModelID( wAppId );
Many of the API's in the last article you mentioned make use of Windows COM which is quite difficult to use directly with JNA. I have had some success creating a custom DLL to call these API's (eg. using the SHGetPropertyStoreForWindow to set a different app ID for a submodule window) which I then use JNA to access at runtime.
Try to use JSmooth. I use always this one. In JSmooth is there an option under Skeleton by Windowed Wrapper called
Lauch java app in exe process
See on this image.
Also command line arguments can be passed.
I think this can be a solution for you.
SetCurrentProcessExplicitAppUserModelID (or SetAppID()) would in fact do what you're trying to do. However, it might be easier to modify your installer to set the AppUserModel.ID property on your shortcut - quoting from the Application User Model ID document mentioned above:
In the System.AppUserModel.ID property of the application's shortcut file. A shortcut (as an IShellLink, CLSID_ShellLink, or a .lnk file) supports properties through IPropertyStore and other property-setting mechanisms used throughout the Shell. This allows the taskbar to identify the proper shortcut to pin and ensures that windows belonging to the process are appropriately associated with that taskbar button.
Note: The System.AppUserModel.ID property should be applied to a shortcut when that shortcut is created. When using the Microsoft Windows Installer (MSI) to install the application, the MsiShortcutProperty table allows the AppUserModelID to be applied to the shortcut when it is created during installation.
The latest jna-platform library now includes JNA bindings for SetCurrentProcessExplicitAppUserModelID:
I fixed mine without any ID settings.
There is an option in Launch4J if you are using it and you say you do then...
You can change the header to JNI Gui and then wrap it around the jar with the JRE.
The good thing is that it runs .exe in the process now instead on running javaw.exe with your jar. It probably does it under the hood (not sure).
Also I have noticed also that it takes around 40-50% less CPU resource which is even better!
And the pinning works fine and all that window features are enabled.
I hope it helps to someone as I spent nearly 2 days trying to solve that issue with my undecorated javafx app.
