I'm using (or trying to use) Esper to retrieve a specific class of object of which one of the methods returns a specific value. Here's the statement I'm setting now.
EsperEventConsumer consumer = new EsperEventConsumer();
consumer.setEsperStatement("select * from com.my.package.MyClass as test where test.getObject().getValue()='" + myValue + "'");
I know everything else works because when I do the following, everything works fine, except for the lack of filtering that is.
EsperEventConsumer consumer = new EsperEventConsumer();
consumer.setEsperStatement("select * from com.my.package.MyClass");
The statement is specifically thrown on "test.getObject()."
Caused by: com.espertech.esper.client.EPStatementException: Failed to solve 'getObject' to either an date-time or enumeration method, an event property or a method on the event underlying object [select * from com.my.package.MyClass as test where test.getObject().getValue()='dfe28df9-4f8e-4016-907d-d1852f6add49']
Sounds like MyClass doesn't have a method "getObject", provide the full code if still having trouble.
I'm working with the PSJOA library. I have a Java app, and I'm testing each of the standard operations using the CI_PERSONAL_DATA. Everything works fine with the Get, Find and Save. But not with the Create, even though when I invoke the method, I get an OK response, with no apparent errors. The input parameter I'm sending (taken from the CreateKeys) is the KEYPROP_EMPLID.
The odd thing here is that, if instead I call the Create method using Web Services (through SoapUI), the new instances is correctly created. However, in this scenario, passing just the primary key KEYPROP_EMPLID is not enough and I have to fill more fields (as it I was performing an update).
Can someone point to me what might be happening? Is there some missing data? Maybe I misunderstood the creation behavior?
What exactly goes awry when you call create? That will create a new entry in the personal data component in PeopleSoft for the person with the supplied emplid. It will be editable, so you can fill in other information, but it will not persist until/unless you call save() afterwards.
Does the emplid already exist in the personal data component? If so, you should be calling get() instead.
Does the emplid already exist in the peoplesoft instance? If not, you should make sure it is in the system prior to using it.
Regarding the lack of error behavior, I have found the peoplesoft component interface APIs for java are notoriously unreliable. You can test them in real time through Application Designer (Via the "Test Component Interface" option in the drop-down menu), which I often find helpful.
Finally, calling session.checkMessages() on your session after performing a method on a CI can often generate error messages that otherwise will not be displayed.
EDIT: Here is a snippet of how we typically call/use it in our PeopleSoft HR instance:
ICiPersonalData wh = (ICiPersonalData)ses.getComponent("CI_PERSONAL_DATA");
if (wh == null) throw new UpdateException("Failed to get component");
if (!existsInHR(emplid)) { // Direct database check
LOG.debug("Creating a new HR person.");
if ( ! wh.create() )
LOG.warn("wh.create returned false for emplid ="+emplid);
ses.checkMessages(); // will throw exception if errors exist
setKeyPersonalData(wh, emplid, rs); // Sets name, etc.
} else {
if (!wh.get())
LOG.warn("wh.get returned false for emplid ="+emplid);
I embed jruby script engine into my java program by using javax.script.ScriptEngineManager
I made some jruby code that end with do ~ end block,
after running all code, NullPointerException occured.
but code ends with any other statement, no exception occurs.
version : 1.7.19
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
at org.jruby.embed.variable.Argv.updateARGV(Argv.java:169)
at org.jruby.embed.variable.Argv.retrieve(Argv.java:158)
at org.jruby.embed.variable.VariableInterceptor.retrieve(VariableInterceptor.java:154)
at org.jruby.embed.internal.BiVariableMap.retrieve(BiVariableMap.java:378)
at org.jruby.embed.internal.EmbedEvalUnitImpl.run(EmbedEvalUnitImpl.java:124)
in ARGV.java updateARGV
if (vars.containsKey((Object)name)) {
var = vars.getVariable((RubyObject)receiver.getRuntime().getTopSelf(), name);
vars.getVariable returned null because of isReceiverIdentical return false
in BiVariableMap.java
if (var.isReceiverIdentical(receiver)) {
return var;
In isReceiverIdentical, this method just compare receiver with BiVariable's receiver usgin '=='.
Is this jruby bug? Or do I have to do something for this?
If you need more information about this problem, plz comment it!
I got ScriptEngine(engine) from ScriptEngineManager and set some java instance and method like this
engine.put("this", console);
engine.eval("$command = $this.java_method :command, [java.lang.String]");
here is my test ruby code. result and tab is java object
that has some method return String and list.
result = $command.call "something to pass"
puts result.getMessage
tabular = result.getData
tabular.each do |tab|
rows = tab.getRows
rows.each do |row|
puts row
puts tab.getColumnNames
I had created ruby type object in my java code by creating new Ruby object...
This causes checking fail in updateARGV because a receiver that register variable in BiVariableMap and another receiver that update variable are different.
So, I got a Ruby object from new ScriptingContainer(from it we can always get a same Ruby object if local context is singleton) and used it to create new ruby type object in my java code.
Reference: https://github.com/jruby/jruby/wiki/RedBridge#Singleton
I'm in the process of writing a cleanup routine for a mongodb collection for a unit test via the java driver (i tried the "native" matlab driver but the documentation is, well, scarce).
I can get a connection going (at least i think i can), but i'm stuck at invoking the remove method on a DBCollection object.
I'm running the following code:
import com.mongodb.*;
mongoClient = MongoClient(mHost);
mongoConn = mongoClient.getDB(dbName);
auth = mongoConn.authenticate(user,password);
events = mongoConn.getCollection('events');
On the last line i get the error
No method 'remove' with matching signature found for class 'com.mongodb.DBCollectionImpl'.
Since i know that the ´remove´ method exists for the DBCollection class, i'm a bit at a loss currently.
Any help would be appreciated. Note that i'm essentially illiterate when it comes to OOP :-S
Please note that i also tried
which results in the same error message.
According to the API documentation of DBCollection.remove, you must provide a DBObject that simply specifies the deletion criteria. It further says to pass an empty document to delete all documents in the collection. At least you must provide an argument.
According to the documentation on how to remove all documents from a collection, you simply pass the argument {} indicating an empty document to that method. So you must call
events.remove( {} );
To answer your question in the comments: The argument must be a DBObject that describes the remove criteria. A cursor is not such a document.
It seems that {} isn't passed correctly by MATLAB, so creating an empty document and passing it to remove does indeed work.
The working code looks like this:
import com.mongodb.*;
mongoClient = MongoClient(mHost);
mongoConn = mongoClient.getDB(dbName);
auth = mongoConn.authenticate(user,password);
events = mongoConn.getCollection('events');
empty = BasicDBObject();
I'm new to sphinx, and I've encountered a few problems:
$1 After setting max_matches = 200 in class searchd in csft.conf, I called
org.sphx.api.test.main(new String[]{"-h", "","-i", "magnet","-p", "9312", "-l", "100", "keyword"});
in a java main method. The error returned is
Error: searchd error: per-query max_matches=1000 out of bounds (per-server max_matches=200)
As you can see, I've added the param: -l = 100, what else should I set to prevent this error in Java?
$2 I want to use sortMode = SphinxClient.SPH_SORT_TIME_SEGMENTS to have the search result ordering by time desc. My attribute is written like this in csft.conf:
sql_attr_timestamp=UNIX_TIMESTAMP(upload_time) as dt
Could anyone tell me how can I set the attribute in Java code? I've tried to set the sortClause String in java, but it always said that Attribute XXX has not been found.
$3 I want to know whether SphinxClient in Java is thread safe, becaust I don't like to create a SphinxClient instance every time a person do a query.
Thanks in advance!
If the class you are using is https://code.google.com/p/sphinxtools/source/browse/trunk/src/org/sphx/test/test.java?r=2
then the function never even inspects 'argv'. It hardcodes all the variables. There is nothing passed as the third param to setLimits
sql_attr_timestamp simply accepts a column name, no functions or anything. The function call HAS to be in the main sql_query
My java is very rusty, but would have to say no. It stores all sort of state in private varibles. Multiple threads using the client at once will clober them.
I have to interface a third party COM API into an Java application. So I decided to use Com4j, and so far I've been satisfied, but now I've run into a problem.
After running the tlbgen I have an object called IAddressCollection which according to the original API documentation conforms to the IEnum interface definition. The object provides an iterator() function that returns a java.util.Iterator<Com4jObject>. The object comes from another object called IMessage when I want to find all the addresses for the message. So I would expect the code to work like this:
IAddressCollection adrCol = IMessage.getAddressees();
Iterator<Com4jObject> adrItr = adrCol.iterator();
Com4jObject adrC4j = adrItr.next();
// normally here I would handle the queryInterface
// and work with the rest of the API
My problem is that when I attempt the adrItr.next() nothing happens, the code stops working but hangs. No exception is thrown and I usually have to kill it through the task manager. So I'm wondering is this a problem that is common with Com4j, or am I handling this wrong, or is it possibly a problem with the API?
Ok, I hate answering my own question but in this case I found the problem. The issue was the underlying API. The IAddressCollection uses a 1 based indexing instead of a 0 based as I would have expected. It didn't provide this information in the API documentation. There is an item function where I can pull the object this way and so I can handle this with
IAddressCollection adrCol = IMessage.getAddressees();
for(int i = 1; i <= adrCol.count(); i++){
IAddress adr = adrCol.item(i);
// IAddress is the actual interface that I wanted and this works
So sorry for the annoyance on this.