spring data mongodb query document - java

I am facing this issue(getting null response) when i am trying to Query in Java using
I need to based on placed time stamp range and releases desc and status.
// My document as follows:
<createTS>2013-04-19 12:19:17.165</createTS>
<placedTS>2013-04-19 12:19:17.165</placedTS>
<relStatus>d </relStatus>
I am using following query but it returns null.
Query query = new Query();

I can't reproduce your problem, which suggests that the issue is with the values in the database and the values you're passing in to the query (i.e. they're not matching). This is not unusual when you're trying to match dates, as you need to make sure they're stored as ISODates in the database and queried using java.util.date in the query.
I have a test that shows your query working, but I've made a number of assumptions about your data.
My test looks like this, hopefully this will help point you in the correct direction, or if you give me more feedback I can re-create your problem more accurately.
public void shouldBeAbleToQuerySpringDataWithDates() throws Exception {
// Setup - insert test data into the DB
SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd' 'hh:mm:ss.SSS");
MongoTemplate mongoTemplate = new MongoTemplate(new Mongo(), "TheDatabase");
// cleanup old test data
Release release = new Release("TW", "d");
OrderSnapshot orderSnapshot = new OrderSnapshot(43060151, dateFormat.parse("2013-04-19 12:19:17.165"), release);
OrdersAudit ordersAudit = new OrdersAudit(dateFormat.parse("2013-04-19 12:19:17.165"), orderSnapshot);
// Create and run the query
Date from = dateFormat.parse("2013-04-01 01:00:05.000");
Date to = dateFormat.parse("2014-04-01 01:00:05.000");
Query query = new Query();
// Check the results
List<OrdersAudit> results = mongoTemplate.find(query, OrdersAudit.class);
Assert.assertEquals(1, results.size());
public class OrdersAudit {
private Date createdTS;
private OrderSnapshot orderSnapshot;
public OrdersAudit(final Date createdTS, final OrderSnapshot orderSnapshot) {
this.createdTS = createdTS;
this.orderSnapshot = orderSnapshot;
public class OrderSnapshot {
private long orderId;
private Date placedTS;
private Release releases;
public OrderSnapshot(final long orderId, final Date placedTS, final Release releases) {
this.orderId = orderId;
this.placedTS = placedTS;
this.releases = releases;
public class Release {
String ffmCenterDesc;
String relStatus;
public Release(final String ffmCenterDesc, final String relStatus) {
this.ffmCenterDesc = ffmCenterDesc;
this.relStatus = relStatus;
This is a TestNG class, not JUnit.
I've used SimpleDateFormat to create Java Date classes, this is just for ease of use.
The XML value you pasted for relStatus included spaces, which I have stripped.
You showed us the document structure in XML, not JSON, so I've had to assume what your data looks like. I've translated it almost directly into JSON, so it looks like this in the database:
"_id" : ObjectId("51d689843004ec60b17f50de"),
"_class" : "OrdersAudit",
"createdTS" : ISODate("2013-04-18T23:19:17.165Z"),
"orderSnapshot" : {
"orderId" : NumberLong(43060151),
"placedTS" : ISODate("2013-04-18T23:19:17.165Z"),
"releases" : {
"ffmCenterDesc" : "TW",
"relStatus" : "d"
You can find what yours really looks like by doing a db.<collectionName>.findOne() call in the mongoDB shell.


Updating elasticsearch entities with bulk

I have this database data as below (ES 7.xx) version
"work":"software dev",
"work":"software engi",
how can i update the entity which its expirationDate smaller than current Time? to be the current time for example:
the id 00021 is expired because its expiration date is smaller than today then it should updated to current time.
something like void updateExpiredEntity(List<ids> ids,Long currentTime) suing void bulkUpdate(List<UpdateQuery> queries, BulkOptions bulkOptions, IndexCoordinates index);
Please provide me some code implementation
is it correct like this?
public void update(UUID id,Long currentDate) {
UpdateQuery updateQuery = UpdateQuery.builder(id.toString()).withRouting("expirationDate=currentDate")
elasticsearchTemplate.bulkUpdate(List.of(updateQuery), IndexCoordinates.of("index"));
If you are using Elasticsearch 7.xx, I will assume that you have use Spring Data Elasticsearch version 4.0.x that comes with Spring boot 2.3.x. Since it's the version that support Elasticsearch 7.xx.
There're many things that have change in this Spring Data Elasticsearch version. Update document by query is one of them. Unlike before that we autowired ElasticsearchTemplate, we now have to use ElasticsearchRestTemplate and RestHighLevelClient instead.
In your case if you might want to use RestHighLevelClient to update document by query. Assume that you stored expirationDate as number mapping type in seconds unit then the code that you have asked for should look like this.
public class ElasticsearchService {
private ElasticsearchRestTemplate elasticsearchRestTemplate;
private RestHighLevelClient highLevelClient;
public void updateExpireDateDemo() throws IOException {
String indexName = "test";
Date currentDate = new Date();
Long seconds = (Long) (currentDate.getTime() / 1000);
UpdateByQueryRequest request = new UpdateByQueryRequest(indexName);
request.setQuery(new RangeQueryBuilder("expirationDate").lte(seconds));
Script updateScript = new Script(
ScriptType.INLINE, "painless",
"ctx._source.expirationDate=" + seconds + ";",
highLevelClient.updateByQuery(request, RequestOptions.DEFAULT);
I'm not quite get why you really need to use the bulkUpdate but if that's the case then. You have to query the record that need to be update from Elasticsearch to get and id of each document first. Then you can update with list of UpdateQuery. So your code will look like this.
public class ElasticsearchService {
private ElasticsearchRestTemplate elasticsearchRestTemplate;
public void updateExpireDateByBulkDemo() throws IOException {
String indexName = "test";
Date currentDate = new Date();
Long seconds = (Long) (currentDate.getTime() / 1000);
List<UpdateQuery> updateList = new ArrayList();
RangeQueryBuilder expireQuery = new RangeQueryBuilder("expirationDate").lte(seconds);
NativeSearchQuery query = new NativeSearchQueryBuilder().withQuery(expireQuery).build();
SearchHits<Data> searchResult = elasticsearchRestTemplate.search(query, Data.class, IndexCoordinates.of(indexName));
for (SearchHit<Data> hit : searchResult.getSearchHits()) {
String elasticsearchDocumentId = hit.getId();
updateList.add(UpdateQuery.builder(elasticsearchDocumentId).withScript("ctx._source.expirationDate=" + seconds + ";").build());
if (updateList.size() > 0) {
elasticsearchRestTemplate.bulkUpdate(updateList, IndexCoordinates.of(indexName));
However, this only update first page of the search result. If you require to update every record matched your query then you have to use searchScroll method in oder to get every document id instead.

Is there any way to write custom or native queries in Java JPA (DocumentDbRepository) while firing a query to azure-cosmosdb?

Connected to azure-cosmosdb and able to fire default queries like findAll() and findById(String Id). But I can't write a native query using #Query annotation as the code is not considering it. Always considering the name of the function in respository class/interface. I need a way to fire a custom or native query to azure-cosmos db. ?!
Tried with #Query annotation. But not working.
List<MonitoringSessions> findBySessionID(#Param("sessionID") String sessionID);
#Query(nativeQuery = true, value = "SELECT * FROM MonitoringSessions M WHERE M.sessionID like :sessionID")
List<MonitoringSessions> findSessions(#Param("sessionID") String sessionID);
findBySessionID() is working as expected. findSessions() is not working. Below root error came while running the code.
Caused by: org.springframework.data.mapping.PropertyReferenceException: No property findSessions found for type MonitoringSessions
Thanks for the response. I got what I exactly wanted from the below link. Credit goes to Author of the link page.
public class Program {
private final ExecutorService executorService;
private final Scheduler scheduler;
private AsyncDocumentClient client;
private final String databaseName = "UniversityDatabase";
private final String collectionId = "StudentCollection";
private int numberOfDocuments;
public Program() {
// public constructor
executorService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(100);
scheduler = Schedulers.from(executorService);
client = new AsyncDocumentClient.Builder().withServiceEndpoint("uri")
public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException, JSONException {
FeedOptions options = new FeedOptions();
// as this is a multi collection enable cross partition query
// note that setMaxItemCount sets the number of items to return in a single page
// result
String sql = "SELECT TOP 5 s.studentAlias FROM coll s WHERE s.enrollmentYear = 2018 ORDER BY s.studentAlias";
Program p = new Program();
Observable<FeedResponse<Document>> documentQueryObservable = p.client
.queryDocuments("dbs/" + p.databaseName + "/colls/" + p.collectionId, sql, options);
// observable to an iterator
Iterator<FeedResponse<Document>> it = documentQueryObservable.toBlocking().getIterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
FeedResponse<Document> page = it.next();
List<Document> results = page.getResults();
// here we iterate over all the items in the page result
for (Object doc : results) {

How do you execute a MongoDB query stored as string in Java?

I'm kind of new to the MongoDB Java driver and I was wondering how you could execute a query stored as a string. Is this the best way to execute them, or what would be a better approach?
I've stumbled across the piece of the below on another stackoverflow thread, but haven't been able to get anything useful out of it. The output does not contain the result of the query at all.
The code I'm running right now:
public void testExecuteStoredQueries() {
String code = "db.getCollection('users').find({})";
final BasicDBObject command = new BasicDBObject();
String formattedCode = String.format("function() { return %s ; }", code);
System.out.println("Formatted code:");
command.put("eval", formattedCode);
Document result = DbEngine.getInstance().getDatabase().runCommand(command);
Summarized output:
"retval": {
"_mongo": "....",
"_db": "...",
"_collection": "...",
"_ns": "cezy.users",
"_query": {},
"_fields": null,
"_limit": 0,
"_skip": 0,
"_batchSize": 0,
"_options": 0,
"_cursor": null,
"_numReturned": 0,
"_special": false
"ok": 1
I use morphia when i have to deal with objects. As when you retrieve the data from MongoDb, for the long values you get extended Json instead of Json Response. Parsing Extended Json could be a trouble and might break the code. As Gson doesn't support the conversion from Extended Json to Json.
private void createDatastore(boolean createIndexes) {
Morphia morphia = new Morphia();
datastore = morphia.createDatastore(mongoClient, databaseName);
if (createIndexes) {
public Datastore getDatastore() {
return this.datastore;
public void testExecuteStoredQueries() {
String code = "db.getCollection('users').find({})";
String formattedCode = String.format("function() { return %s ; }", code);
final BasicDBObject basicObject = new BasicDBObject(new BasicDBObject("$in", formattedCode));
Query<ClassName> query = getDatastore().createQuery(<Classname>.class).filter("_eval", basicObject);
List<Classname> List = query.asList();
//if you want to access each object and perform some task
List.forEach((cursor) -> {
//perform your task
Removing the function creation and adding ".toArray()" pretty much solved the problem.
public void testExecuteStoredQueries() {
String code = "db.users.find({}).toArray();";
final BasicDBObject command = new BasicDBObject();
command.put("eval", code);
Document result = DbEngine.getInstance().getDatabase().runCommand(command);
The array is in the "retval" field of the response.

MongoDB java driver bulk update vs regular update performance

I am using MongoDB java driver in my application.
In a specific use case, I had to update huge number of records in a collection. I found that using MongoDb Java Driver's BulkUpdate API had far worse performance as compared to regular update. This is really strange, I thought bulk update method was supposed increase performance.
Here are specific details -
Collection had 270k records. There were around 17k update statements to be executed. Database is locally installed.
Bulk Update Code
public void scramble(String collectionName, String fieldName) {
final List<String> distinctValues = getDistinctValues(collectionName, fieldName);
final BulkWriteOperation bulk = mongoDb.getCollection(collectionName).initializeUnorderedBulkOperation();
for (final String actualValue : distinctValues) {
if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(actualValue)) {
final String scrambledValue = getScrambledValue(actualValue);
update(fieldName, actualValue, scrambledValue, bulk);
protected void update(String fieldName, String actualValue, String scrambledValue, BulkWriteOperation bulk) {
final DBObject searchQuery = new BasicDBObject(fieldName, actualValue);
final DBObject updateQuery = new BasicDBObject("$set", new BasicDBObject(fieldName, scrambledValue));
Regular Update Code
public void scramble(String collectionName, String fieldName) {
final List<String> distinctValues = getDistinctValues(collectionName, fieldName);
for (final String actualValue : distinctValues) {
if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(actualValue)) {
final String scrambledValue = getScrambledValue(actualValue);
update(collectionName, fieldName, actualValue, scrambledValue);
protected void update(String collectionName, String fieldName, String actualValue, String scrambledValue) {
final DBObject searchQuery = new BasicDBObject(fieldName, actualValue);
final DBObject updateQuery = new BasicDBObject("$set", new BasicDBObject(fieldName, scrambledValue));
mongoDb.getCollection(collectionName).update(searchQuery, updateQuery);
Bulk Update API code took around 1.5 hrs and regular update took 2-3 mins.
Can someone please explain this behavior.

How can I import data to Mongodb from Json file using java

I am struggling with importing data into Mongodb from a Json file.
I can do the same in command line by using mongoimport command.
I explored and tried lot but not able to import from Json file using java.
{ "test_id" : 1245362, "name" : "ganesh", "age" : "28", "Job" :
{"company name" : "company1", "designation" : "SSE" }
{ "test_id" : 254152, "name" : "Alex", "age" : "26", "Job" :
{"company name" : "company2", "designation" : "ML" }
Thank for your time.
Suppose you can read the JSON string respectively. For example, you read the first JSON text
{ "test_id" : 1245362, "name" : "ganesh", "age" : "28", "Job" :
{"company name" : "company1", "designation" : "SSE" }
and assign it to a variable (String json1), the next step is to parse it,
DBObject dbo = (DBObject) com.mongodb.util.JSON.parse(json1);
put all dbo into a list,
List<DBObject> list = new ArrayList<>();
then save them into database:
new MongoClient().getDB("test").getCollection("collection").insert(list);
In the newest MongoDB Version you have to use Documents instead of DBObject, and the methods for adding the object look different now. Here's an updated example:
Imports are:
import com.mongodb.MongoClient;
import com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase;
import org.bson.Document;
The code would like this (refering to the text above the EDIT):
Document doc = Document.parse(json1);
new MongoClient().getDataBase("db").getCollection("collection").insertOne(doc);
you can also do it the way with the list. but then you need
new MongoClient().getDataBase("db").getCollection("collection").insertMany(list);
But I think there is a problem with this solution. When you type:
in the mongo shell to get all objects in the collection, the result looks like the following:
{ "_id" : ObjectId("56a0d2ddbc7c512984be5d97"),
"test_id" : 1245362, "name" : "ganesh", "age" : "28", "Job" :
{ "company name" : "company1", "designation" : "SSE"
which is not exactly the same as before.
Had a similar "problem" myself and ended up using Jackson with POJO databinding, and Morphia.
While this sound a bit like cracking a nut with a sledgehammer, it is actually very easy to use, robust and quite performant and easy to maintain code wise.
Small caveat: You need to map your test_id field to MongoDB's _id if you want to reuse it.
Step 1: Create an annotated bean
You need to hint Jackson how to map the data from a JSON file to a POJO. I shortened the class a bit for the sake of readability:
public class Person {
Integer id;
String name;
public Integer getId() {
return id;
public void setId(Integer id) {
this.id = id;
public String getName() {
return name;
public void setName(String name) {
this.name = name;
As for the embedded document Job, please have a look at the POJO data binding examples linked.
Step 2: Map the POJO and create a datastore
Somewhere during your application initialization, you need to map the annotated POJO. Since you already should have a MongoClient, I am going to reuse that ;)
Morphia morphia = new Morphia();
/* You can reuse this datastore */
Datastore datastore = morphia.createDatastore(mongoClient, "myDatabase");
* Jackson's ObjectMapper, which is reusable, too,
* does all the magic.
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
Do the actual importing
Now importing a given JSON file becomes as easy as
public Boolean importJson(Datastore ds, ObjectMapper mapper, String filename) {
try {
JsonParser parser = new JsonFactory().createParser(new FileReader(filename));
Iterator<Person> it = mapper.readValues(parser, Person.class);
while(it.hasNext()) {
return Boolean.TRUE;
} catch (JsonParseException e) {
/* Json was invalid, deal with it here */
} catch (JsonMappingException e) {
/* Jackson was not able to map
* the JSON values to the bean properties,
* possibly because of
* insufficient mapping information.
} catch (IOException e) {
/* Most likely, the file was not readable
* Should be rather thrown, but was
* cought for the sake of showing what can happen
return Boolean.FALSE;
With a bit of refatcoring, this can be converted in a generic importer for Jackson annotated beans.
Obviously, I left out some special cases, but this would out of the scope of this answer.
With 3.2 driver, if you have a mongo collection and a collection of json documents e.g:
MongoCollection<Document> collection = ...
List<String> jsons = ...
You can insert individually:
or bulk:
I just faced this issue today and solved it in another different way while none here satisfied me, so enjoy my extra contribution. Performances are sufficient to export 30k documents and import them in my Springboot app for integration test cases (takes a few seconds).
First, the way your export your data in the first place matters.
I wanted a file where each line contains 1 document that I can parse in my java app.
mongo db --eval 'db.data.find({}).limit(30000).forEach(function(f){print(tojson(f, "", true))})' --quiet > dataset.json
Then I get the file from my resources folder, parse it, extract lines, and process them with mongoTemplate. Could use a buffer.
private MongoTemplate mongoTemplate;
public void createDataSet(){
try {
InputStream inputStream = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(DATASET_JSON);
List<Document> documents = new ArrayList<>();
String line;
InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(inputStream, Charset.forName("UTF-8"));
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr);
while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
List<Document> jsonList = new ArrayList<Document>();
net.sf.json.JSONArray array = net.sf.json.JSONArray.fromObject(json);
for (Object object : array) {
net.sf.json.JSONObject jsonStr = (net.sf.json.JSONObject)JSONSerializer.toJSON(object);
Document jsnObject = Document.parse(jsonStr.toString());
Runtime r = Runtime.getRuntime();
Process p = null;
//dir is the path to where your mongoimport is.
File dir=new File("C:/Program Files/MongoDB/Server/3.2/bin");
//this line will open your shell in giving dir, the command for import is exactly same as you use mongoimport in command promote
p = r.exec("c:/windows/system32/cmd.exe /c mongoimport --db mydb --collection student --type csv --file student.csv --headerline" ,null,dir);
public static void importCSV(String path) {
try {
List<Document> list = new ArrayList<>();
MongoDatabase db = DbConnection.getDbConnection();
MongoCollection<Document> collection = db.getCollection("newCollection");
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(path));
String line;
while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
String[] item = line.split(","); // csv file is "" separated
String id = item[0]; // get the value in the csv assign keywords
String first_name = item[1];
String last_name = item[2];
String address = item[3];
String gender = item[4];
String dob = item[5];
Document document = new Document(); // create a document
document.put("id", id); // data into the database
document.put("first_name", first_name);
document.put("last_name", last_name);
document.put("address", address);
document.put("gender", gender);
document.put("dob", dob);
}catch (Exception e){
