Mutual Auth on Glassfish, Connection Interrupted - java

I have a Glassfish instance,, with 4 HTTP listeners. Here are the relevant data points:
admin-listener : default admin 4848
Works fine
http-listener-1 : default http 8080
Works fine
http-listener-2 : ssl (server auth) 8181
Works fine
http-listener-3 : ssl (mutual auth) 8282
Server cert is retrieved but then a the connection is 'interrupted' no errors in the logs
Obvious configuration info:
keystore.jks has a self signed certificate with the correct CN (CN=ServerName), 'selfcert'.
selfcert is the named certificate for both ssl listeners
cacerts.jks has a copy of the client issued CA
The web browser has a client certificate signed by the CA
ports are open in the firewall
Web Application is using SpringSecurity, the x509 tag, and has been successfully deployed on other platforms
I've scoured SO and the search engines to no avail. Any guidance would be appreciated.

This seems to be an issue/bugenter link description here that was documented and will be addressed in Glassfish 4


SSL client (Java) is not sending a certificate back to the server in two-way SSL handshake

We are trying to access a restful web service resource hosted on IIS server with https protocol.
When we disable TWO WAY SSL Auth (server side validation of client certificate disabled) everything works fine.
When the IIS imposes TWO WAY SSL (server side validation of client certificate enabled) we are getting the below exception:
403 - Forbidden: Access is denied.
You do not have permission to view this directory or page using the credentials that you supplied.
We are using java 1.8 update 102, IIS server 7.5 and TLS 1.2 for ssl
For detailed issue please open the below link:
For details SSL Debug log, certificates, client program
It will be great help if someone help us.
See this warning in the SSL log:
no suitable certificate found - continuing without client authentication
Your server is sending a list of accepted CAs to request a client certificate, but your client does not find a suitable one. It seems your keystore has the correct certificate. Ensure that your certificate is correct, for example installing it in the browser and navigating to a protected resource
May be it is a configuration issue of your Java client. Please read HttpClientBuilder documentation carefully
System properties will be taken into account when configuring the default implementations when useSystemProperties() method is called prior to calling build().
You did not call useSystemProperties().
See also this bug report that might affect you

Apache httpd ssl reverse proxy

I have the following scenario:
Web application (currently running in Eclipse)
Apache httpd proxy
5 backend servers (tomcat) all listening on HTTPS
I have valid certificates for all backend servers and also have the cert chain imported in the keystore. Can anyone explain to me or give me a sample config for the proxy? I am getting different errors when trying to establish trust between the proxy and backend servers like (downstream server wanted client certificate but none are configured).

Java Spring boot app SSL issue with certificate and keystore

I have an issue where a Spring Boot rest service application needs to run on HTTPS. This works fine locally with a self signed certificate added to my keystore.
When this is deployed to a production server and the live trusted signed cert added to the keystore on the production server the application fails to work on HTTPS. The application starts ok but going to the production URL on HTTPS returns no response.
Using openssl on the production server results in
openssl s_client -connect localhost:8888
140401679677256:error:140790E5:SSL routines:SSL23_WRITE:ssl handshake failure:s23_lib.c:177:
no peer certificate available
No client certificate CA names sent
SSL handshake has read 0 bytes and written 263 bytes
New, (NONE), Cipher is (NONE)
Secure Renegotiation IS NOT supported
Compression: NONE
Expansion: NONE
I have no access to the production server.
Is there a way I can test with the live certificate and keystore locally and work out what the issue is? I can get a copy of the keystore from production just not access directly to the server.

How to verify the correctness of configuring mutual authentication (client certificate, server certificate) Java EE?

I am trying to write a simple application to understand the basics of configuring authentication based on client and server certificates.
I have done everything as it is explained in jave ee 5, java ee 6 tutorials
Opened example from javaee tutorials hello basicauthorization (just simple servlet which can be accessed only after authentication) and then reconfigured it for client certificates instead of basic authorizations
Configured web.xml
Configured glassfish-web.xml
Generated client certificate
Imported client certificate so that the server would trust it.
The problem:
When I deploy my application, and follow the link, corresponding to the application, I get a message from glassfish server HTTP Status 400 - No client certificate chain in this request".
So, it seems, that the client (browser) doesn't send the certificate with the request
I tried adding the .cer certificate to Chrome, firefox, internet explorer and they are added (no error is displayed), but as you see that doesn't help.
So, the question is:
How to get the access to my application through the web browser having client .cer certificate?
You can debug ssl on the server-side by adding (somewhere in Glassfish) system properties:
see this page for details.
You can also debug from the client perspective using openssl tool:
openssl s_client -connect host:port -debug -msg
you should see something like this:
Acceptable client certificate CA names
SSL handshake has read 2536 bytes and written 116 bytes
your problem is probably related to bad truststore configuration on the server-side - server sends some Acceptable client certificate CA names (or no at all), but browser doesn't have anything to offer - it doesn't have any private key+certificate issued by acceptable ca.

ssl client authentication without ssl re-negotiation

On client side I have Apache HTTP client on jdk5u22. On server side I have tomcat on jdk6u27.
With this setup if I try SSL Client authentication (2 way SSL) then it cause " Insecure renegotiation is not allowed" on the server and handshake fails. It succeeds if I set system properties and on server.
As per the link this is coz JRE6u27 has the RFC 5746 implementation and JRE5u26 below doesnt have this and so both are incompatible. Unfortunately 5u22 is the latest freely available java 5 version. So I want to know if it is possible to have SSL client authentication without ssl re-negotiation.
Litty Preeth
As per the redhat site :
Tomcat may ask the client to renegotiate in certain configurations using client certificate authentication, for example, configurations where:
A client certificate is not required on the initial connection, such as when:
1. The clientAuth attribute of the HTTPS connector using JSSE is set to
false. Or The SSLVerifyClient attribute of the HTTPS connector using
OpenSSL is set to none.
2. A web application specifies the CLIENT-CERT authentication method in
the login-config section of the application's web.xml file.
So to avoid re-negotiation in tomcat just make the whole site secure and not just a part of it by setting clientAuth="true" for ssl .
Hope this helps someone.
