I wonder how to remove the conditional statements and replace it with method. for code without listener, I can do it. but this one has the listener event (arg0), which makes me confused. fyi, this code is in the Main Class, and I want to get rid these code out of the main class.
thanks for your help!!
public void onMotionSensingEvent( MotionSensingEvent arg0) {
double gradient = 1.38;
double speed;
float testpitch = 0;
testpitch = arg0.getOrientation().getPitch();
float testroll = 0;
testroll = arg0.getOrientation().getRoll();
if (testroll > 16 && flyingControl)
speed = gradient*testroll-22.1;
System.out.println("kanan = " + speed);
else if (testroll < (-24) && flyingControl)
speed = gradient*testroll*-1 - 22.1;
System.out.println("kiri = " + speed);
else if (testpitch < (-20) && flyingControl)
System.out.println("go up");
else if (testpitch > 20 && flyingControl)
System.out.println("go down");
I'm using processing (java) and I'm trying to use an array called input to easily handle keypresses. Here's my code for that:
boolean input[] = {};
void keyPressed() {
input[keyCode] = true;
void keyReleased() {
input[keyCode] = false;
And so, if this code worked, I could just call this
if (input[32]) { //32 == SPACE
//Do something
And the conditional would result to true if the key were pressed, and the statement would get executed, otherwise, it would result to false if the key were released.
However, I'm getting this error:
main.pde:1:1:1:1: Syntax Error - You may be mixing static and active modes.
Why is this?
Thanks for any help.
The following demo will trap spacebar presses. If you want to trap presses for multiple keys you would need to use an array of integers instead of booleans, eg int input[] = new int[4]; then iterate the array when keys are pressed (see second example). Keep in mind that some keys are coded and others are not, eg arrow keys are coded and it takes different code to trap them.
boolean spaceBarPressed = false;
void setup(){
void draw(){
println("Space bar pressed.");
} else {
println("Space bar released.");
void keyPressed() {
if(key == 32){
spaceBarPressed = true;
void keyReleased() {
if(key == 32){
spaceBarPressed = false;
Second Example for key array:
Will trap key presses for an array of ascii keys
int input[] = new int[2];
int keySelected;
boolean keyDwn = false;
void setup() {
input[0] = 32;
input[1] = 65;
void draw() {
switch(keySelected) {
case 32:
if (keyDwn) {
println("spacebar dwn.");
} else {
println("spacebar up.");
case 65:
if (keyDwn) {
println("key A down.");
} else {
println("key A up.");
void keyPressed() {
for (int x = 0; x < input.length; x++) {
if (input[x] == 32 || input[x] == 65) {
keySelected = keyCode;
keyDwn = true;
void keyReleased() {
for (int x = 0; x < input.length; x++) {
if (input[x] == 32 || input[x] == 65) {
keySelected = keyCode;
keyDwn = false;
I'm trying to add an AlarmManager to update a watch face on half minute intervals.
This is for a ternary clock.
This is my first time programming with Java or android studio.
I'm following a guide at https://developer.android.com/training/wearables/apps/always-on.html
The guide says to "declare the alarm manager and the pending intent in the onCreate() method of your activity"
Should I use
public Engine onCreateEngine() {
return new Engine();
public Engine onCreateEngine() {
return new Engine();
or should I start a new method or declare it elsewhere?
Currently I'm using
private class Engine extends CanvasWatchFaceService.Engine {
final Handler mUpdateTimeHandler = new EngineHandler(this);
for most of my initialization.
This is my code without the alarm manager. The issue is that it must update during half minutes, because as balanced ternary the time should be to the nearest minute.
public class ternary extends CanvasWatchFaceService {
private static final Typeface NORMAL_TYPEFACE =
Typeface.create(Typeface.SANS_SERIF, Typeface.NORMAL);
private static final int MSG_UPDATE_TIME = 0;
public Engine onCreateEngine() {
return new Engine();
private static class EngineHandler extends Handler {
private final WeakReference<ternary.Engine> mWeakReference;
public EngineHandler(ternary.Engine reference) {
mWeakReference = new WeakReference<>(reference);
public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
ternary.Engine engine = mWeakReference.get();
if (engine != null) {
switch (msg.what) {
private class Engine extends CanvasWatchFaceService.Engine {
final Handler mUpdateTimeHandler = new EngineHandler(this);
boolean mRegisteredTimeZoneReceiver = false;
Paint mBackgroundPaint;
Paint mTextPaint;
boolean mAmbient;
Time mTime;
final BroadcastReceiver mTimeZoneReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() {
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
int mTapCount;
float mXOffset;
float mYOffset;
// adjust text size
float textRatio = (float)1; // 2/3;
// make adjusted offset for hours
float hrsIndent;
float hrsIndentAdjust = textRatio * 55;
// vertical offset for multiple lines
float ySpacer = textRatio * 65;
// first run.
boolean yesFirstRun = true;
// flag for seconds
boolean yesSecs;
// prior state of yesSecs
boolean wasSecs = true;
// flag for conservation mode (no seconds in ambient)
boolean yesConcerve = false;
// flag for allowing seconds
boolean allowSecs = true;
// for execution control
boolean openGate = false;
// counter for next draw
int c = 0;
// counter for time loops
int k;
boolean drawNow = true;
// strings for draw
String hrs = "";
String mns = "";
String sks = "";
// register for milliseconds
long millis = 0;
// float for calculating trits from time.
float tim = 0;
// ints for minute and hour offsets.
int minInt = 0;
int hourInt = 0;
// lists for time to trit for loop conversions.
int [] trits3 = {9, 3, 1};
int [] trits4 = {27, 9, 3, 1};
// absolute count for trouble shooting
// long x = 0;
* Whether the display supports fewer bits for each color in ambient mode. When true, we
* disable anti-aliasing in ambient mode.
boolean mLowBitAmbient;
public void onCreate(SurfaceHolder holder) {
setWatchFaceStyle(new WatchFaceStyle.Builder(ternary.this)
Resources resources = ternary.this.getResources();
// shift y offset up
mYOffset = -30 + resources.getDimension(R.dimen.digital_y_offset);
mBackgroundPaint = new Paint();
mTextPaint = new Paint();
mTextPaint = createTextPaint(resources.getColor(R.color.digital_text));
mTime = new Time();
public void onDestroy() {
private Paint createTextPaint(int textColor) {
Paint paint = new Paint();
return paint;
public void onVisibilityChanged(boolean visible) {
if (visible) {
// Update time zone in case it changed while we weren't visible.
} else {
// Whether the timer should be running depends on whether we're visible (as well as
// whether we're in ambient mode), so we may need to start or stop the timer.
private void registerReceiver() {
if (mRegisteredTimeZoneReceiver) {
mRegisteredTimeZoneReceiver = true;
IntentFilter filter = new IntentFilter(Intent.ACTION_TIMEZONE_CHANGED);
ternary.this.registerReceiver(mTimeZoneReceiver, filter);
private void unregisterReceiver() {
if (!mRegisteredTimeZoneReceiver) {
mRegisteredTimeZoneReceiver = false;
public void onApplyWindowInsets(WindowInsets insets) {
// Load resources that have alternate values for round watches.
Resources resources = ternary.this.getResources();
boolean isRound = insets.isRound();
// shift offset 75 to the right
mXOffset = 75 + resources.getDimension(isRound
? R.dimen.digital_x_offset_round : R.dimen.digital_x_offset);
float textSize = resources.getDimension(isRound
? R.dimen.digital_text_size_round : R.dimen.digital_text_size);
// adjust hrs Indent to MXOffset
hrsIndent = hrsIndentAdjust + mXOffset;
// adjust size to textRatio
mTextPaint.setTextSize(textSize * textRatio );
public void onPropertiesChanged(Bundle properties) {
mLowBitAmbient = properties.getBoolean(PROPERTY_LOW_BIT_AMBIENT, false);
public void onTimeTick() {
public void onAmbientModeChanged(boolean inAmbientMode) {
if (mAmbient != inAmbientMode) {
mAmbient = inAmbientMode;
if (mLowBitAmbient) {
// Whether the timer should be running depends on whether we're visible (as well as
// whether we're in ambient mode), so we may need to start or stop the timer.
* Captures tap event (and tap type) and toggles the background color if the user finishes
* a tap.
public void onTapCommand(int tapType, int x, int y, long eventTime) {
Resources resources = ternary.this.getResources();
switch (tapType) {
// The user has started touching the screen.
// The user has started a different gesture or otherwise cancelled the tap.
// The user has completed the tap gesture.
mBackgroundPaint.setColor(resources.getColor(mTapCount % 2 == 0 ?
R.color.background : R.color.background2));
public void onDraw(Canvas canvas, Rect bounds) {
// Greebo counter
// x += 1;
// seconds handling
wasSecs = yesSecs;
yesSecs = allowSecs && !isInAmbientMode();
// for clearing seconds
if (!yesSecs && wasSecs) { sks = ""; }
// Draw at mid second
if (c == 0 && yesSecs) {
drawNow = true;
} else {
c = 0;
// mid minute
if (mTime.second == 30 || isInAmbientMode()) {
drawNow = true;
} else {
// mid hour
if (mTime.second == 0) {
if (mTime.minute == 30) {
drawNow = true;
} else {
// mid night
if (mTime.minute == 0) {
if (mTime.hour == 0) {
drawNow = true;
if (drawNow) {
drawNow = false;
millis = System.currentTimeMillis() % 1000;
// mid seconds
if (yesSecs) { if (millis > 499) { c = 1; } }
tim = (float)((mTime.minute * 60 + mTime.second) * 1000 + millis)/ 3600000;
// hours past noon
tim += mTime.hour - 12;
// find hrs 9s, 3s, 1s.
openGate = false;
if (yesFirstRun || mTime.minute == 30){ openGate = true; }
else { openGate = mTime.second == 0 && mTime.minute == 0 && mTime.hour == 0;}
if (openGate) {
hrs = "";
hourInt = 0;
// i is for item.
for (int i : trits3) {
if (tim > ((float) i / 2)) {
tim -= i;
hourInt -= i;
hrs = hrs + "1";
} else {
if (tim < ((float) i / -2)) {
tim += i;
hourInt += i;
hrs = hrs + "¬";
} else {
hrs = hrs + "0";
// add space
if (i > 1) {hrs += " "; }
} else { tim += hourInt; }
// minutes 27s, 9s, 3s, 1s
openGate = false;
if (yesFirstRun || mTime.second == 30 || isInAmbientMode()) {openGate = true; }
else { openGate = mTime.second == 0 && (mTime.minute == 30
|| (mTime.minute == 0 && mTime.hour == 0));}
if (openGate) {
mns = "";
tim *= 60;
minInt = 0;
// i is for item.
for (int i : trits4) {
if (tim > ((float) i / 2)) {
tim -= i;
if (yesSecs) {minInt -= i;}
mns = mns + "1";
} else {
if (tim < ((float) i / -2)) {
tim += i;
if (yesSecs) {minInt += i;}
mns = mns + "¬";
} else {
mns = mns + "0";
// add space
if (i > 1) {mns += " "; }
} else { if (yesSecs) { tim += minInt; tim *= 60; } }
// seconds 27s, 9s, 3s, 1s
if (yesSecs) {
sks = "";
tim *= 60;
for (int i : trits4) {
if (tim > ((float) i / 2)) {
tim -= i;
sks = sks + "1";
} else {
if (tim < ((float) i / -2)) {
tim += i;
sks = sks + "¬";
} else {
sks = sks + "0";
// add space
if (i > 1) {sks += " "; }
// Draw the background.
if (isInAmbientMode()) {
} else {
canvas.drawRect(0, 0, bounds.width(), bounds.height(), mBackgroundPaint);
// draw hours
canvas.drawText(hrs, hrsIndent, mYOffset - ySpacer, mTextPaint);
// draw minutes
canvas.drawText(mns, mXOffset, mYOffset, mTextPaint);
// draw or clear seconds
if (yesSecs || wasSecs) {canvas.drawText(sks, mXOffset, mYOffset + ySpacer , mTextPaint);}
// show count and millis for greebo reduction.
// canvas.drawText(String.format("%1$03d,%2$02d,%3$d", x % 1000, millis / 10, 0), mXOffset, mYOffset + 100, mTextPaint);
//canvas.drawText(String.format("%$02d:%2$02d:%3$02d", mTime.hour, mTime.minute,
// mTime.second), mXOffset, mYOffset + 100, mTextPaint);
* Starts the {#link #mUpdateTimeHandler} timer if it should be running and isn't currently
* or stops it if it shouldn't be running but currently is.
private void updateTimer() {
if (shouldTimerBeRunning()) {
* Returns whether the {#link #mUpdateTimeHandler} timer should be running. The timer should
* only run when we're visible and in interactive mode.
private boolean shouldTimerBeRunning() {
return isVisible() && !isInAmbientMode();
* Handle updating the time periodically in interactive mode.
private void handleUpdateTimeMessage() {
if (shouldTimerBeRunning()) {
long timeMs = System.currentTimeMillis();
mUpdateTimeHandler.sendEmptyMessageDelayed(MSG_UPDATE_TIME, delayMs);
The "onCreate()" method seems to correlate with:
public class ternary extends CanvasWatchFaceService
Your declaration should be as follows:
public class ternary extends CanvasWatchFaceService {
private AlarmManager mAmbientStateAlarmManager;
private PendingIntent mAmbientStatePendingIntent;
And be sure to import android.app.AlarmManager and android.app.PendingIntent
I am trying to write a code that changes a value by either -1 or +1 depending on a random chance. It is basically a person moving through blocks. He starts from 6 and if he ends up in 1 he wins but if he ends up in 11 he loses. The final output would look something like this:
Here we go again... time for a walk!
Walked 37 blocks, and
Landed at Home
Here we go again... time for a walk!
Walked 19 blocks, and
Landed in JAIL
Here we go again... time for a walk!
Walked 13 blocks, and
Landed in JAIL
Here we go again... time for a walk!
Walked 25 blocks, and
Landed in JAIL
I have written the following code:
public class Drunk {
public int street;
public double move;
public int i;
public boolean jail;
public static void drunkWalk() {
do {
street = 6;
move = Math.random();
if (move > 0.5) {
} else {
} while (street != 1 && street != 11);
if ( street == 1) {
jail = false;
} else {
jail = true;
for (; ; ) { --- } //This is the problem. It treats it as a method.
//How can I fix this?
How about somethink like:
public static void main(String args[])
Drunk drunk = new Drunk();
while (true)
DrunkResult result = drunk.drunkWalkToJail();
System.out.println("Walked " + result.getSteps() + " blocks, and Landed at " + (result.isInJail() ? "Jail":"Home"));
public DrunkResult drunkWalkToJail()
int street;
int stepCount = 0;
street = 6;
double move = Math.random();
if (move > 0.5)
while (street != 1 && street != 11);
return new DrunkResult(street == 11, stepCount);
public class DrunkResult
boolean jail = false;
int stepCount = 0;
public DrunkResult(boolean jail, int stepCount)
this.jail = jail;
this.stepCount = stepCount;
public boolean isInJail()
return jail;
public int getSteps()
return stepCount;
You can do walks in parallel (a group of drunk people) and process the results independent.
i have a problem with one thing. I have a map of 10 cities and a civilian. I want the civilian to be walking from city to city randomly. But the problem is that the city is beeing chosen on and on so the civilian is changing the destination before he reachs it. This is my part of a code of a Jpanel where everything is drawn:
public void run() {
while (running) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException ex) {
private void update() {
if (game != null && running == true) {
c.goTo(cities); // c is civilian
and this is part of code for civilian
private boolean set = true;
public void move(int x, int y) {
if (this.location.x != x || this.location.y != y) {
if (this.location.x > x) {
this.location.x -= 1;
} else {
this.location.x += 1;
if (this.location.y > y) {
this.location.y -= 1;
} else {
this.location.y += 1;
public void goTo(ArrayList<City> cities) {
City city;
if (set) {
city = cities.get(rand());
move(city.location.x, city.location.y);
set = false;
} else {
set = true;
public int rand() {
int i;
Random rand = new Random();
i = rand.nextInt(10);
return i;
How to solve it ?
So, your problem is here:
while (running) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException ex) {
You're calling update every 17 milliseconds which in turn is causing your civilian to move to a new city every 17 milliseconds. You could make a separate statement that calls update while another boolean statement is false so that you travel only when he is in a city.
For example:
boolean travelling = //whatever you go about to configure this
while(travelling == false){
This will cause him to only travel when he is not in a city. Here is some very rough code (you will have to configure it to your liking):
//civilian x //civilian y
if(this.location.x == //randomed city.x && this.location.y == //randomed city.y){
travelling = false;
This will most likely need to be within the run() method in your first set of code, so it can be checked over and over. But let me explain what the above code is doing:
First, you have a thread or something keeping it running checking if your civilian's x and y correspond to the most recently randomed city's x and y, obviously when they're the same, the civilian is at the city.
Second, when the x and y's are the same, the statement makes travelling false
Third, When travelling is false, your custom update method is called, picking a new city, at random and putting your civilian back on the move.
OK, I don't know how to word this question, but maybe my code will spell out the problem:
public class ControllerTest
public static void main(String [] args)
GamePadController rockbandDrum = new GamePadController();
DrumMachine drum = new DrumMachine();
if(rockbandDrum.isButtonPressed(1)) //BLUE PAD HhiHat)
if(rockbandDrum.isButtonPressed(2)) //GREEN PAD (Crash)
//Todo: Change to Crash
public class DrumMachine
InputStream soundPlayer = null;
AudioStream audio = null;
static boolean running = true;
public void playSound(String soundFile)
//Tak a sound file as a paramater and then
//play that sound file
soundPlayer = new FileInputStream(soundFile);
audio = new AudioStream(soundPlayer);
catch(FileNotFoundException e){
catch(IOException e){
//Etc... Methods for multiple audio clip playing
Now the problem is, if I lower the delay in the
then the sound plays multiple times a second, but if I keep at this level or any higher, I could miss sounds being played...
It's an odd problem, where if the delay is too low, the sound loops. But if it's too high it misses playing sounds. Is this just a problem where I would need to tweak the settings, or is there any other way to poll the controller without looping sound?
Edit: If I need to post the code for polling the controller I will...
import java.io.*;
import net.java.games.input.*;
import net.java.games.input.Component.POV;
public class GamePadController
public static final int NUM_BUTTONS = 13;
// public stick and hat compass positions
public static final int NUM_COMPASS_DIRS = 9;
public static final int NW = 0;
public static final int NORTH = 1;
public static final int NE = 2;
public static final int WEST = 3;
public static final int NONE = 4; // default value
public static final int EAST = 5;
public static final int SW = 6;
public static final int SOUTH = 7;
public static final int SE = 8;
private Controller controller;
private Component[] comps; // holds the components
// comps[] indices for specific components
private int xAxisIdx, yAxisIdx, zAxisIdx, rzAxisIdx;
// indices for the analog sticks axes
private int povIdx; // index for the POV hat
private int buttonsIdx[]; // indices for the buttons
private Rumbler[] rumblers;
private int rumblerIdx; // index for the rumbler being used
private boolean rumblerOn = false; // whether rumbler is on or off
public GamePadController()
// get the controllers
ControllerEnvironment ce =
Controller[] cs = ce.getControllers();
if (cs.length == 0) {
System.out.println("No controllers found");
System.out.println("Num. controllers: " + cs.length);
// get the game pad controller
controller = findGamePad(cs);
System.out.println("Game controller: " +
controller.getName() + ", " +
// collect indices for the required game pad components
} // end of GamePadController()
private Controller findGamePad(Controller[] cs)
/* Search the array of controllers until a suitable game pad
controller is found (eith of type GAMEPAD or STICK).
Controller.Type type;
int i = 0;
while(i < cs.length) {
type = cs[i].getType();
if ((type == Controller.Type.GAMEPAD) ||
(type == Controller.Type.STICK))
if (i == cs.length) {
System.out.println("No game pad found");
System.out.println("Game pad index: " + i);
return cs[i];
} // end of findGamePad()
private void findCompIndices(Controller controller)
/* Store the indices for the analog sticks axes
(x,y) and (z,rz), POV hat, and
button components of the controller.
comps = controller.getComponents();
if (comps.length == 0) {
System.out.println("No Components found");
System.out.println("Num. Components: " + comps.length);
// get the indices for the axes of the analog sticks: (x,y) and (z,rz)
xAxisIdx = findCompIndex(comps, Component.Identifier.Axis.X, "x-axis");
yAxisIdx = findCompIndex(comps, Component.Identifier.Axis.Y, "y-axis");
zAxisIdx = findCompIndex(comps, Component.Identifier.Axis.Z, "z-axis");
rzAxisIdx = findCompIndex(comps, Component.Identifier.Axis.RZ, "rz-axis");
// get POV hat index
povIdx = findCompIndex(comps, Component.Identifier.Axis.POV, "POV hat");
} // end of findCompIndices()
private int findCompIndex(Component[] comps,
Component.Identifier id, String nm)
/* Search through comps[] for id, returning the corresponding
array index, or -1 */
Component c;
for(int i=0; i < comps.length; i++) {
c = comps[i];
if ((c.getIdentifier() == id) && !c.isRelative()) {
System.out.println("Found " + c.getName() + "; index: " + i);
return i;
System.out.println("No " + nm + " component found");
return -1;
} // end of findCompIndex()
private void findButtons(Component[] comps)
/* Search through comps[] for NUM_BUTTONS buttons, storing
their indices in buttonsIdx[]. Ignore excessive buttons.
If there aren't enough buttons, then fill the empty spots in
buttonsIdx[] with -1's. */
buttonsIdx = new int[NUM_BUTTONS];
int numButtons = 0;
Component c;
for(int i=0; i < comps.length; i++) {
c = comps[i];
if (isButton(c)) { // deal with a button
if (numButtons == NUM_BUTTONS) // already enough buttons
System.out.println("Found an extra button; index: " + i + ". Ignoring it");
else {
buttonsIdx[numButtons] = i; // store button index
System.out.println("Found " + c.getName() + "; index: " + i);
// fill empty spots in buttonsIdx[] with -1's
if (numButtons < NUM_BUTTONS) {
System.out.println("Too few buttons (" + numButtons +
"); expecting " + NUM_BUTTONS);
while (numButtons < NUM_BUTTONS) {
buttonsIdx[numButtons] = -1;
} // end of findButtons()
private boolean isButton(Component c)
/* Return true if the component is a digital/absolute button, and
its identifier name ends with "Button" (i.e. the
identifier class is Component.Identifier.Button).
if (!c.isAnalog() && !c.isRelative()) { // digital and absolute
String className = c.getIdentifier().getClass().getName();
// System.out.println(c.getName() + " identifier: " + className);
if (className.endsWith("Button"))
return true;
return false;
} // end of isButton()
private void findRumblers(Controller controller)
/* Find the rumblers. Use the last rumbler for making vibrations,
an arbitrary decision. */
// get the game pad's rumblers
rumblers = controller.getRumblers();
if (rumblers.length == 0) {
System.out.println("No Rumblers found");
rumblerIdx = -1;
else {
System.out.println("Rumblers found: " + rumblers.length);
rumblerIdx = rumblers.length-1; // use last rumbler
} // end of findRumblers()
// ----------------- polling and getting data ------------------
public void poll()
// update the component values in the controller
public int getXYStickDir()
// return the (x,y) analog stick compass direction
if ((xAxisIdx == -1) || (yAxisIdx == -1)) {
System.out.println("(x,y) axis data unavailable");
return NONE;
return getCompassDir(xAxisIdx, yAxisIdx);
} // end of getXYStickDir()
public int getZRZStickDir()
// return the (z,rz) analog stick compass direction
if ((zAxisIdx == -1) || (rzAxisIdx == -1)) {
System.out.println("(z,rz) axis data unavailable");
return NONE;
return getCompassDir(zAxisIdx, rzAxisIdx);
} // end of getXYStickDir()
private int getCompassDir(int xA, int yA)
// Return the axes as a single compass value
float xCoord = comps[ xA ].getPollData();
float yCoord = comps[ yA ].getPollData();
// System.out.println("(x,y): (" + xCoord + "," + yCoord + ")");
int xc = Math.round(xCoord);
int yc = Math.round(yCoord);
// System.out.println("Rounded (x,y): (" + xc + "," + yc + ")");
if ((yc == -1) && (xc == -1)) // (y,x)
return NW;
else if ((yc == -1) && (xc == 0))
return NORTH;
else if ((yc == -1) && (xc == 1))
return NE;
else if ((yc == 0) && (xc == -1))
return WEST;
else if ((yc == 0) && (xc == 0))
return NONE;
else if ((yc == 0) && (xc == 1))
return EAST;
else if ((yc == 1) && (xc == -1))
return SW;
else if ((yc == 1) && (xc == 0))
return SOUTH;
else if ((yc == 1) && (xc == 1))
return SE;
else {
System.out.println("Unknown (x,y): (" + xc + "," + yc + ")");
return NONE;
} // end of getCompassDir()
public int getHatDir()
// Return the POV hat's direction as a compass direction
if (povIdx == -1) {
System.out.println("POV hat data unavailable");
return NONE;
else {
float povDir = comps[povIdx].getPollData();
if (povDir == POV.CENTER) // 0.0f
return NONE;
else if (povDir == POV.DOWN) // 0.75f
return SOUTH;
else if (povDir == POV.DOWN_LEFT) // 0.875f
return SW;
else if (povDir == POV.DOWN_RIGHT) // 0.625f
return SE;
else if (povDir == POV.LEFT) // 1.0f
return WEST;
else if (povDir == POV.RIGHT) // 0.5f
return EAST;
else if (povDir == POV.UP) // 0.25f
return NORTH;
else if (povDir == POV.UP_LEFT) // 0.125f
return NW;
else if (povDir == POV.UP_RIGHT) // 0.375f
return NE;
else { // assume center
System.out.println("POV hat value out of range: " + povDir);
return NONE;
} // end of getHatDir()
public boolean[] getButtons()
/* Return all the buttons in a single array. Each button value is
a boolean. */
boolean[] buttons = new boolean[NUM_BUTTONS];
float value;
for(int i=0; i < NUM_BUTTONS; i++) {
value = comps[ buttonsIdx[i] ].getPollData();
buttons[i] = ((value == 0.0f) ? false : true);
return buttons;
} // end of getButtons()
public boolean isButtonPressed(int pos)
/* Return the button value (a boolean) for button number 'pos'.
pos is in the range 1-NUM_BUTTONS to match the game pad
button labels.
if ((pos < 1) || (pos > NUM_BUTTONS)) {
System.out.println("Button position out of range (1-" +
NUM_BUTTONS + "): " + pos);
return false;
if (buttonsIdx[pos-1] == -1) // no button found at that pos
return false;
float value = comps[ buttonsIdx[pos-1] ].getPollData();
// array range is 0-NUM_BUTTONS-1
return ((value == 0.0f) ? false : true);
} // end of isButtonPressed()
// ------------------- Trigger a rumbler -------------------
public void setRumbler(boolean switchOn)
// turn the rumbler on or off
if (rumblerIdx != -1) {
if (switchOn)
rumblers[rumblerIdx].rumble(0.8f); // almost full on for last rumbler
else // switch off
rumblerOn = switchOn; // record rumbler's new status
} // end of setRumbler()
public boolean isRumblerOn()
{ return rumblerOn; }
} // end of GamePadController class
I think you are using the wrong design pattern here. You should use the observer pattern for this type of thing.
A polling loop not very efficient, and as you've noticed doesn't really yield the desired results.
I'm not sure what you are using inside your objects to detect if a key is pressed, but if it's a GUI architecture such as Swing or AWT it will be based on the observer pattern via the use of EventListeners, etc.
Here is a (slightly simplified) Observer-pattern
applied to your situation.
The advantage of this design is that when a button
is pressed and hold, method 'buttonChanged' will
still only be called once, instead of start
'repeating' every 50 ms.
public static final int BUTTON_01 = 0x00000001;
public static final int BUTTON_02 = 0x00000002;
public static final int BUTTON_03 = 0x00000004;
public static final int BUTTON_04 = 0x00000008; // hex 8 == dec 8
public static final int BUTTON_05 = 0x00000010; // hex 10 == dec 16
public static final int BUTTON_06 = 0x00000020; // hex 20 == dec 32
public static final int BUTTON_07 = 0x00000040; // hex 40 == dec 64
public static final int BUTTON_08 = 0x00000080; // etc.
public static final int BUTTON_09 = 0x00000100;
public static final int BUTTON_10 = 0x00000200;
public static final int BUTTON_11 = 0x00000400;
public static final int BUTTON_12 = 0x00000800;
private int previousButtons = 0;
void poll()
private void handleButtons()
boolean[] buttons = getButtons();
int pressedButtons = getPressedButtons(buttons);
if (pressedButtons != previousButtons)
buttonChanged(pressedButtons); // Notify 'listener'.
previousButtons = pressedButtons;
public boolean[] getButtons()
// Return all the buttons in a single array. Each button-value is a boolean.
boolean[] buttons = new boolean[MAX_NUMBER_OF_BUTTONS];
float value;
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_NUMBER_OF_BUTTONS-1; i++)
int index = buttonsIndex[i];
if (index < 0) { continue; }
value = comps[index].getPollData();
buttons[i] = ((value == 0.0f) ? false : true);
return buttons;
private int getPressedButtons(boolean[] array)
// Mold all pressed buttons into a single number by OR-ing their values.
int pressedButtons = 0;
int i = 1;
for (boolean isBbuttonPressed : array)
if (isBbuttonPressed) { pressedButtons |= getOrValue(i); }
return pressedButtons;
private int getOrValue(int btnNumber) // Get a value to 'OR' with.
int btnValue = 0;
switch (btnNumber)
case 1 : btnValue = BUTTON_01; break;
case 2 : btnValue = BUTTON_02; break;
case 3 : btnValue = BUTTON_03; break;
case 4 : btnValue = BUTTON_04; break;
case 5 : btnValue = BUTTON_05; break;
case 6 : btnValue = BUTTON_06; break;
case 7 : btnValue = BUTTON_07; break;
case 8 : btnValue = BUTTON_08; break;
case 9 : btnValue = BUTTON_09; break;
case 10 : btnValue = BUTTON_10; break;
case 11 : btnValue = BUTTON_11; break;
case 12 : btnValue = BUTTON_12; break;
default : assert false : "Invalid button-number";
return btnValue;
public static boolean checkButton(int pressedButtons, int buttonToCheckFor)
return (pressedButtons & buttonToCheckFor) == buttonToCheckFor;
public void buttonChanged(int buttons)
if (checkButton(buttons, BUTTON_01)
if (checkButton(buttons, BUTTON_02)
Please post more information about the GamePadController class that you are using.
More than likely, that same library will offer an "event" API, where a "callback" that you register with a game pad object will be called as soon as the user presses a button. With this kind of setup, the "polling" loop is in the framework, not your application, and it can be much more efficient, because it uses signals from the hardware rather than a busy-wait polling loop.
Okay, I looked at the JInput API, and it is not really event-driven; you have to poll it as you are doing. Does the sound stop looping when you release the button? If so, is your goal to have the sound play just once, and not again until the button is release and pressed again? In that case, you'll need to track the previous button state each time through the loop.
Human response time is about 250 ms (for an old guy like me, anyway). If you are polling every 50 ms, I'd expect the controller to report the button depressed for several iterations of the loop. Can you try something like this:
boolean played = false;
while (true) {
String sound = null;
if (controller.isButtonPressed(1))
sound = "hiHat.wav";
if (controller.isButtonPressed(2))
sound = "crash.wav";
if (sound != null) {
if (!played) {
played = true;
} else {
played = false;