how to Implement the add and member methods of the - java

Everyone. Anyone can help me how to start this question. I am not very clear about it. Very appreciate.
The question is:
Implement the add and member methods of the Note that it is strongly recommended that you do not allow duplicates during add - that would make other methods more challenging to implement.
The following is the java coding about
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
public class SetImpl<T> implements Set<T>{
// container class for linked list nodes
private class Node<T>{
public T val;
public Node<T> next;
private Node<T> root; // empty set to begin with
// no need for constructor
// add new element to the set by checking for membership.. if not
// then add to the front of the list
public void add(T val){
// delete element from the list - may be multiple copies.
public void delete(T val){
// membership test of list
public boolean member(T val){
return false;
// converts to a list
public List<T> toList(){
ArrayList<T> res;
return res;
// does simple set union
public void union(Set<T> s){
Anyone can give me some tips about this question?
Thanks very much!
First try
private Node < T > root = null;
private Node < T > head = null;
private Node < T > tail = null;
public void add(T val) {
if (head == null) {
head = tail = new Node < T > ();
head.val = val; = tail;
tail = head;
} else { = new Node < T > ();
tail =;
tail.val = val;

Okay here is just hints on how you should go in your logic :
public class SetImpl<T> implements Set<T>{
// container class for linked list nodes
///// It is said "Linked list" --> first hint google that
private class Node<T>{
public T val;
public Node<T> next;
private Node<T> root; // empty set to begin with
///// So that's my "root" which means I will have descendants
// no need for constructor
// add new element to the set by checking for membership.. if not
// then add to the front of the list
// Basically here everything is said.
// 1- check membership
// 2- if true do nothing (as it has been said, it's a Set, if you don't know why I say that google Set Collections
//if false (which means the val I want to add is not in my set) then I can add it to the Set
public void add(T val){
// delete element from the list - may be multiple copies.
public void delete(T val){
// membership test of list
// that's recursive calls. How do you check that? where do you store your values?
// It's true if your current Node.val attribute == the value OR if the rest of the Nodes has the value as member. Here you really need to know about Linked List
public boolean member(T val){
return false;
// converts to a list
public List<T> toList(){
ArrayList<T> res;
return res;
// does simple set union
public void union(Set<T> s){
Your implementation
private Node < T > root = null;
private Node < T > head = null;
private Node < T > tail = null;
public void add(T val) {
if (head == null) {
head = tail = new Node < T > ();
head.val = val; = tail;
tail = head;
} else { = new Node < T > ();
tail =;
tail.val = val;
My guess is you don't need to add fields in such exercises. It's already half baked for you. Check out how linked list works. I'm lazy so I provide first "linked list" result from google. :)
Have fun


Parsing Through ListNodes in List

I'm having trouble figuring out why my code won't parse through the ListNodes in the Lists, in order to add a new String as a ListNode. I'm trying to write the function add(String s), to add a new ListNode to the List. If the list is empty, I just add the String as a ListNode, and if not, I parse through using node and myNext, and then if node.myNext is null, I replace it with the newly created ListNode. What is the reason this isn't working? It either does not throw an output or it says it is out of bounds.
public class List {
private ListNode myHead;
private int mySize;
public List() {
this.myHead = null;
this.mySize = 0;
public class ListNode {
public String myData;
public ListNode myNext;
public ListNode(String element, ListNode next) {
this.myData = element;
this.myNext = next;
public ListNode(String element) {
this(element, null);
public boolean isEmpty() {
return this.length() == 0;
public void add(String s) {
if(this.isEmpty() == true) {
else {
for(ListNode node = this.myHead; node.myData != null; node = node.myNext) {
if(node.myNext == null) {
ListNode lno = new ListNode(s, null);
node.myNext = lno;
else {
node.myData = node.myData;
In you ListNode you can't access methods and variables of your List class.
Assuming that you want to add the new String at the top of your List you should do something like this:
public class List {
private ListNode myHead;
private int mySize;
public List() {
this.myHead = null;
this.mySize = 0;
public boolean isEmpty() {
return this.mySize == 0;
public void add(String s) {
this.myHead = new ListNode(s, myHead);//add new String as head element
public class ListNode {
public String myData;
public ListNode myNext;
public ListNode(String element, ListNode next) {
this.myData = element;
this.myNext = next;
public ListNode(String element) {
this(element, null);
If you want to add it at the end of your List you can try it like this:
public void add(String s) {
this.myHead = new ListNode(s, myHead);//add new String as head element
ListNode node = this.myHead;
while (node.myNext != null){
node = node.myNext;
//now you hav the last node of your list
node.myNext = new ListNode(s,null);
The code you have pasted is not complete.
Also, If I am correct, your List is having the ListNodes and thus, it is your List where you should put methods to check if it is Empty (does not have any ListNodes in it) or add, delete, count, search etc. functions.
For isEmpty(), There is no length() defined, so simply check the size to be == 0.
For add(), if it is empty just point myHead to your new ListNode; If you have to add in end, iterate the myHead using a currentNode reference, till its next is null and add.
If it is to be in middle somewhere, you will need to check for ListNode myData to decide where it fits white moving from myHead towards null and once you find a place to insert, you will need to change the [PrevNode] -> new ListNode -> [nextNode]

Need guidance on creating Node class (java)?

I need to implement a Node class, where the basic methods are: getItem(), getNext(), setItem() and setNext(). I want the nodes to be able to store at least the default integer range in Java as the “item”; the “next” should be a reference or pointer to the next Node in a linked list, or the special Node NIL if this is the last node in the list.I also want to implement a two-argument constructor which initializes instances with the given item (first argument) and next node (second argument) , I've kind of hit a brick wall and need some guidance about implementing this , any ideas ?
I have this so far:
class Node {
public Node(Object o, Node n) {
public static final Node NIL = new Node(Node.NIL, Node.NIL);
public Object getItem() {
return null;
public Node getNext() {
return null;
public void setItem(Object o) {
public void setNext(Node n) {
While implementing the custom LinkedList/Tree, we need Node. Here is demo of creating Node and LinkedList. I have not put in all the logic. Just basic skeleton is here and you can then add more on yourself.
I can give you a quick hint on how to do that:
Class Node{
//these are private class attributes, you need getter and setter to alter them.
private int item;
private Node nextNode;
//this is a constructor with a parameter
public Node(int item)
this.item = item;
this.nextNode = null;
// a setter for your item
public void setItem(int newItem)
this.item = newItem;
// this is a getter for your item
public int getItem()
return this.item;
You can create a Node object by calling:
Node newNode = Node(2);
This is not a complete solution for your problem, the two parameter constructor and the last node link are missing, but this should lead you in the correct direction.
Below is a simple example of the Node implementation, (i renamed Item to Value for readability purpose). It has to be implemented somehow like this, because methods signatures seems to be imposed to you. But keep in mind that this is definely not the best way to implement a LinkedList.
public class Node {
public static final Node NIL = null;
private Integer value;
private Integer next;
public Node(Integer value, Node next) {
this.value = value; = next;
public Integer getValue() {
return this.value;
public Node getNext() {
public void setValue(Integer value) {
this.value = value;
public void setNext(Node next) { = next;
public boolean isLastNode() {
return == Node.NIL || Node;
public class App {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Node lastNode = new Node(92, Node.NIL);
Node secondNode = new Node(64, lastNode);
Node firstNode = new Node(42, secondNode);
Node iterator = firstNode;
do () {
System.out.println("node value : " + iterator.getValue());
iterator = iterator.getNext();
} while (iterator == null || !iterator.isLastNode());
The node class that will be implemented changes according to the linked list you want to implement. If the linked list you are going to implement is circular, then you could just do the following:
public class Node {
int data;
Node next = null;
public Node(int data){ = data;
Then how are you going to implement the next node?
You are going to do it in the add method of the circularLinkedList class. You can do it as follows:
import java.util.*;
public class CircularLinkedList {
public CircularLinkedList() {}
public Node head = null;
public Node tail = null;
public void add(int data) {
Node newNode = new Node(data);
if(head == null) {
head = newNode;
else { = newNode;
tail = newNode; = head;
public void displayList() {
System.out.println("Nodes of the circular linked list: ");
Node current = head;
if(head == null) {
System.out.println("Empty list...");
else {
do {
System.out.print(" " +;
current =;
}while(current != head);

Storing more than one information into one Node in a singly linked list

I'm trying to add several information into one Node in a singly linked list... How do I do that?
After asking the user for several vehicle information: plateNo(String), vehicleType(String), serviceType(String) I will have to store this information for each vehicle. I have to use a singly linked list to store all the vehicle entering and leaving the wash.
Then, my program should display all the vehicles entering and leaving the vehicle wash with their service order.
How do I do this?
This is my singly LinkedList:
public class LinkedList<T>
private Node<T> head; // first node in the linked list
private int count;
public int getCount() {
return count;
public Node getHead() {
return head;
public LinkedList() {
head = null; // creates an empty linked list
count = 0;
public void displayList(){
Node<T> current = head; // start at beginning
while(current != null) // until end of list,
System.out.print(current.getData() + " ");
current = current.getNext();
//move to next link
public Node deleteFront()
Node<T> temp = head;
if(head.getNext() == null) // if only one item
return null; // return null
head = head.getNext(); // first --> old next
return temp;
public void removeValue(T value)
Node<T> current = head, prev = null;
while (current != null)
{ //if current node contains value
if (value == current.getData())
//handle front removal (case 1)
if( prev == null)
head = current.getNext();
else //handle mid removal (case 2)
// prev node now points to maxNode's (a.k.a current) successor, removing max node.
break; // remove first occurence only
// update prev to next position (curr)
prev = current;
// move curr to the next node
current = current.getNext();
public void addFront(T n)
Node<T> newNode = new Node<T>(n);
head = newNode;
My Node
public class Node<T> {
private T data;
private Node next;
public T getData() {
return data;
public void setData(T data) { = data;
public Node getNext() {
return next;
public void setNext(Node next) { = next;
public Node(T data) { = data; = null;
I'm trying to add several information into one Node in a singly linked list... How do I do that?
... by thinking object-oriented! Create a class that models a vehicle:
class Vehicle {
String plateNo;
String vehicleType;
String serviceType;
// constructors, getters, setters, other methods ...
You have already a generic Node<T>, so use it:
Vehicle vehicle = callAwesomeMethodThatCreatesVehicleInstance();
Node<Vehicle> node = new Node(vehicle);
Now you can use such a node in your linked list.
Your code seems fine. You just need to define a new class that contains all the information that you want to store. As you have already made the Node class for a generic data type T, you can then insert the new class that you will make here.
class Details{
String plateNo;
String vehicleType;
String serviceType;
public Details(){
this.plateNo = "";
this.vehicleType = "";
this.serviceType = "";
Then in your code for the linked list:
public class LinkedList<T>
private Node<Details> head = new Details();
//rest of the class

Add nodes in linked list

Trying to implement single-linked-list in below program, i am really not able to undertsand how to add a node in an Linked list (for start, m trying it on empty linked list).
To put it plain simple,i tried to setData and setNext but getSizeofList() return 0 everytime....its really looking like a rocket science to me now!!
Question : Can some-one tell me how to implement it....or rather, add a node to existing linked list....
What i have tried so far and why they dint worked out: i referenced multiple programs but they were too complex for me to understand(rocket science), so wrote below program from what i understood from algorithms....but even in algo's, they just show methods on how to implement and this is where i failed, as, i dont understand,what data-type and value is to be passed for adding a node...
please not that m not a java guy, so please go easy, this question comes in as an attempt to learn
package Data_S;
public class Linked_List {
private int data;
private Linked_List next_ptr;
private Linked_List headNode = null;
* #param args
public static void main(String[] args) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
Linked_List ll = new Linked_List();
//size of list
public void getSizeofList()
int l = 0;
Linked_List curr = headNode;
while(curr != null)
curr = curr.getnext();
System.out.print("Size of list is = "+l);
//insert node
public void insert_node(/*Linked_List node, */int data)
if(headNode == null)
System.out.println("in insert"); // checking
System.out.print("value = "+this.getData());
//set data for this node
public void setData(int data)
{ = data;
//return the data
public int getData()
//set next pointer
public void setnext(Linked_List next_ptr)
this.next_ptr = next_ptr;
//get next pointer
public Linked_List getnext()
return this.next_ptr;
You have to make a distinction between the single chains (Node) of a linked list, and the entire container (LinkedList).
public class LinkedList {
Node head;
int size; // Maybe
public void insertAtEnd(int data) {
Node previous = null;
for (Node current = head; current != null; current = {
previous = current;
Node baby = new Node(data);
if (previous == null) {
head = baby;
} else { = baby;
public void insertInSortedList(int data) {
Node previous = null;
Node current = null;
for (current = head; current != null && data <;
current = {
previous = current;
Node baby = new Node(data); = current;
if (previous == null) {
head = baby;
} else { = baby;
class Node {
int data;
Node next;
Node(int data) { = data;
One may sometimes see encapsulation as:
public class LinkedList {
private static class Node {
You never set headnode. In insertnode you just use setnext which does not set headnode. You are mixing the top class and the node implementation together.
Here is an example of how to implement a linked list in java for further reference:
How do I create a Linked List Data Structure in Java?

MergeSorting LinkedList in Java recursively

So the task is to implement a linked-list and merge-sort which sorts linked-lists. I am fully aware that in industry I most likely won't have to implement any of these but I feel it's a good way to practice Java. Here is what I've got up to this point:
Node class:
public class Node<E extends Comparable<E>>
public E data;
public Node<E> next;
public Node(E data)
{ = data;
next = null;
public void printData()
System.out.print(data + " ");
LinkedList class:
public class LinkedList<E extends Comparable<E>>
protected Node<E> root;
protected int size = 0;
public LinkedList()
root = null;
public void addBeg(E e)
Node<E> newNode = new Node<E>(e); = root;
root = newNode;
public Node deleteBeg()
Node<E> temp = root;
root =;
return temp;
public void setRoot(Node<E> newRoot)
root = newRoot;
public boolean isEmpty()
return root == null;
public Node<E> getRoot()
return root;
public void printList()
Node<E> cur = root;
MergeSorter Class:
public class MergeSorter<E extends Comparable<E>>
public MergeSorter()
private void split(LinkedList<E> list, LinkedList<E> firHalf, LinkedList<E> secHalf)
//if 0 or only 1 elements in the list - it doesn't seem to work, however
if(list.getRoot() == null || list.getRoot().next == null)firHalf = list;
Node<E> slow = list.getRoot();
Node<E> fast = list.getRoot().next;
fast =;
fast =;
slow =;
//If I use the following line firHalf list is empty when in the caller of this method (it's not in this method, however). Don't understand why ):
//firHalf = list;
secHalf.setRoot(; = null;
private LinkedList<E> merge(LinkedList<E> a, LinkedList<E> b)
LinkedList<E> mergedList = new LinkedList<E>();
Node<E> dummy = new Node<E>(null);
Node<E> tail = dummy;
if(a.getRoot() == null){ = b.getRoot();
else if(b.getRoot() == null){ = a.getRoot();
if(a.getRoot().data.compareTo(b.getRoot().data) <= 0)
{ = a.getRoot();
tail =;
{ = b.getRoot();
tail =;
} = null;
return mergedList;
public void mergeSort(LinkedList<E> list)
Node<E> root = list.getRoot();
LinkedList<E> left = new LinkedList<E>();
LinkedList<E> right = new LinkedList<E>();
if(root == null || == null) return; //base case
split(list, left, right); //split
list = merge(left, right); // when this mergeSort returns this list should be
// referenced by the left or right variable of the
// current mergeSort call (but it isn't!)
I am fairly new to Java (coming from a C background) so I am sincerely sorry in advance if my code is utterly false. When I test the split and merge methods in the MergeSorter class independently, everything seems to work (splitting a list consisting of 0 or 1 element is not working and is driving me crazy but this is not needed for merge-sorting). The mergeSort method, however, is not working and I can't seem to figure out way. I tried to debug it myself and there's seems to be a problem when two halves are merged into one list and then the recursion returns. The newly merged list should be referenced by either the left or right variable of the current mergeSort call but instead I get only the last element instead of the whole list.
Method arguments in Java are always passed by value.
This can be a bit confusing, since objects are always accessed via references, so you might think they're passed by reference; but they're not. Rather, the references are passed by value.
What this means is, a method like this:
public void methodThatDoesNothing(Object dst, Object src) {
src = dst;
actually does nothing. It modifies its local variable src to refer to the same object as the local variable dst, but those are just local variables that disappear when the function returns. They're completely separate from whatever variables or expressions were passed into the method.
So, in your code, this:
firHalf = list;
does not really do anything. I guess what you want is:
while (! firHalf.isEmpty()) {
if (! list.isEmpty()) {
which modifies the objected referred to by firHalf so it has the same zero-or-one elements as list.
