I have this code. (Used it in other old project of mine, worked wonderfully)
SOCKET Connect(char * host, int port){
struct sockaddr_in sin = {0};
struct hostent * entry = 0;
entry = gethostbyname(host);
if(entry == 0){
sin.sin_addr = *((LPIN_ADDR)*entry->h_addr_list);
sin.sin_family = AF_INET;
sin.sin_port = htons(port);
// The process becomes dealocked after this line
if( connect(s,(const LPSOCKADDR)&sin,sizeof(SOCKADDR)) == SOCKET_ERROR){
return s;
I started this morning working on a Delphi project using TTcpClient and Indy's TIdTcpClient wrappers and I noticed the process did not make any connections rather it just hung after calling connect. I then switched to C/C++ and tried with this code which does the same thing. After it hangs, there's no way to kill it (unless when it's being debugged where I had to exit the debugger). TaskManager, Process Explorer didn't do shit.
There are no threads or loops or whatever that may cause it to hang just this code and another function that writes to the socket after it connects.
When debugging with Visual Studio, after sometime there's a message (below)
Even Wireshark doesn't show anything at all. Restarted my computer and still the same problem.
So has anyone ever had this problem before?
Used compilers
Visual Studio 2010
Delphi 7
OS : Windows 7 64 bit, Ultimate
Winsock Version: 2.2
So I thought I would getaway and switched to Java only to find out the same problem after a couple of times. What the hell is wrong here. The Java takes around 2 minutes to connect even on localhost. This simple code takes ~2 minutes during which java.exe can't be killed also.
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(), endTime;
Socket clientSock = new Socket("localhost",80); // running Apache on localhost
endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
Log("Connection time " + (endTime - startTime) + " ms");
Connection time 125088 ms
As for Java I did some searches and this problem was a bug in version 1 of the JDK but the change log showed it had been patched. But then again this happens in the underlying winsock library. WHY ? This program connects instantly and it also uses winsock: http://flatassembler.net/examples/quetannon.zip
So now I have to re-write 976 lines of JAVA in assembly just because of this? Help me out here people.
Since you are encountering the same problem in multiple wrappers that all ultimately delegate to Winsock, its safe to assume that this is an OS issue, not a coding issue. Something on your system has hosed your Winsock installation, or the OS is having networking problems in general, especially since a simple OS reboot did not clear the issue. Try using Windows' command-line netsh tool to reset both the TCP and Winsock subsystems, the command-line ipconfig tool to flush the DNS cache, reboot, and see if the problem continues.
On the coding side, you should implement a timeout on the connect() to avoid further deadlocks. There are two ways to do that:
Put the socket into non-blocking mode and then call select() if connect() returns a WSAEWOULDBLOCk error. If select() times out, close the socket.
Leave the socket in blocking mode and use a separate thread to manage the timeout. Call connect() in the thread, or run your timeout logic in the thread, it does not really matter, but if the timeout elapses while connect() is still running then you can close the socket, aborting connect(). This is the approach that TIdTCPClient uses.
Ok. For the JAVA part at least I solved it by using the following code based on the answer here Java Socket creation takes more time.
So basically the default timeout value is (possibly) huge.So what I did was set a 3 second timeout then once the timeout exception is thrown, the next call works instantly.
private static final int CONNECT_TIMEOUT = 3000; // 3 seconds
private static Socket AttemptConnection(String host, int port) {
Socket temp;
try {
temp = new Socket();
temp.connect(new InetSocketAddress(host, port), CONNECT_TIMEOUT);
return temp;
} catch (Exception ex) {
temp = null;
lastException = ex.getMessage();
return temp;
And somewhere in your code (at least in my app)
while ( (clientSock = AttemptConnection("localhost",80)) == null ){
Log("Attempting connection. Last exception: " + lastException);
try{Thread.sleep(2500);}catch(Exception ex){} /* This is necessary in my application */
So looking at this I think the fix to all the socket implementations (JAVA,Delphi, etc) is to set a small timeout value then connect again.
The root of the problem was found: I have a HIPS program (COMODO Firewall) running on my laptop. If COMODO's cmdagent.exe is active, it'll show me an alert of an outgoing connection to which I can accept/deny. If not, it will silently deny the connection, so therefore something becomes deadlocked in the low levels.I was worried my PC was effed up.
I have java application running on Jboss server.
And i usually see that whenever ping delay i.e network issue happens, file descriptors grow up tremendously and never comes back. It only ends up in restarting the jvm.
If PING from the server to the client isn't arriving in time, say it's taking too much time due to network slowness, could it be the cause of FIle Descriptor's leak?
It depends on how the pinging is implemented by your application ....
However, it is plausible that timeouts on a Socket or DatagramSocket could lead to an exception that (if not coded properly) could lead to a file descriptor leak.
Here's an example of the wrong, and then right way to do this kind of thing:
// Wrong way
Socket sock = new Socket(...);
// do stuff including a read that might time out
The problem is that the time-out exception is liable to cause the close() call to be skipped as control jumps to the handler for the exception ... further up the stack.
// Right way (Java 6 and earlier)
Socket sock = new Socket(...);
try {
// do stuff including a read that might time out
} finally {
// Right way (Java 7 and later)
try (Socket sock = new Socket(...)) {
// do stuff including a read that might time out
In the latter case, there is an implicit handler that closes sock automatically.
Obviously, you will need to adapt this pattern to what your real code is doing.
I have to make simultaneous tcp socket connections every x seconds to multiple machines, in order to get something like a status update packet.
I use a Callable thread class, which creates a future task that connects to each machine, sends a query packet, and receives a reply which is returned to the main thread that creates all the callable objects.
My socket connection class is :
public class ClientConnect implements Callable<String> {
Connection con = null;
Statement st = null;
ResultSet rs = null;
String hostipp, hostnamee;
ClientConnect(String hostname, String hostip) {
hostipp = hostip;
public String call() throws Exception {
return GetData();
private String GetData() {
Socket so = new Socket();
SocketAddress sa = null;
PrintWriter out = null;
BufferedReader in = null;
try {
sa = new InetSocketAddress(InetAddress.getByName(hostipp), 2223);
} catch (UnknownHostException e1) {
try {
so.connect(sa, 10000);
out = new PrintWriter(so.getOutputStream(), true);
in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(so.getInputStream()));
String [] response = in.readLine().split("\1");
out.close();in.close();so.close(); so = null;
} catch(NumberFormatException e) {
System.out.println("Number format exception");
return hostnamee + "|-1" ;
return hostnamee + "|" + response[2];
} catch (IOException e) {
try {
so.close();so = null;
return hostnamee + "|-1" ;
} catch (IOException e1) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
return hostnamee + "|-1" ;
And this is the way i create a pool of threads in my main class :
private void StartThreadPool()
ExecutorService pool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(30);
List<Future<String>> list = new ArrayList<Future<String>>();
for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : pc_nameip.entrySet())
Callable<String> worker = new ClientConnect(entry.getKey(),entry.getValue());
Future<String> submit = pool.submit(worker);
for (Future<String> future : list) {
try {
String threadresult;
threadresult = future.get();
//........ PROCESS DATA HERE!..........//
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
} catch (ExecutionException e) {
The pc_nameip map contains (hostname, hostip) values and for every entry i create a ClientConnect thread object.
My problem is that when my list of machines contains lets say 10 pcs (which most of them are not alive), i get a lot of timeout exceptions (in alive pcs) even though my timeout limit is set to 10 seconds.
If i force the list to contain a single working pc, I have no problem.
The timeouts are pretty random, no clue what's causing them.
All machines are in a local network, the remote servers are written by my also (in C/C++) and been working in another setup for more than 2 years without any problems.
Am i missing something or could it be an os network restriction problem?
I am testing this code on windows xp sp3. Thanks in advance!
After creating two new server machines, and keeping one that was getting a lot of timeouts, i have the following results :
For 100 thread runs over 20 minutes :
NEW_SERVER1 : 99 successful connections/ 1 timeouts
NEW_SERVER2 : 94 successful connections/ 6 timeouts
OLD_SERVER : 57 successful connections/ 43 timeouts
Other info :
- I experienced a JRE crash (EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005)) once and had to restart the application.
- I noticed that while the app was running my network connection was struggling as i was browsing the internet. I have no idea if this is expected but i think my having at MAX 15 threads is not that much.
So, fisrt of all my old servers had some kind of problem. No idea what that was, since my new servers were created from the same OS image.
Secondly, although the timeout percentage has dropped dramatically, i still think it is uncommon to get even one timeout in a small LAN like ours. But this could be a server's application part problem.
Finally my point of view is that, apart from the old server's problem (i still cannot beleive i lost so much time with that!), there must be either a server app bug, or a JDK related bug (since i experienced that JRE crash).
p.s. I use Eclipse as IDE and my JRE is the latest.
If any of the above ring any bells to you, please comment.
Thank you.
Could it be that PrintWriter and/or BufferedReader are not actually thread safe????!!!?
----NEW EDIT 09 Sep 2013----
After re-reading all the comments and thanks to #Gray and his comment :
When you run multiple servers does the first couple work and the rest of them timeout? Might be interesting to put a small sleep in your fork loop (like 10 or 100ms) to see if it works that way.
I rearanged the tree list of the hosts/ip's and got some really strange results.
It seems that if an alive host is placed on top of the tree list, thus being first to start a socket connection, has no problem connecting and receiving packets without any delay or timeout.
On the contrary, if an alive host is placed at the bottom of the list, with several dead hosts before it, it just takes too long to connect and with my previous timeout of 10 secs it failed to connect. But after changing the timeout to 60 seconds (thanks to #EJP) i realised that no timeouts are occuring!
It just takes too long to connect (more than 20 seconds in some occasions).
Something is blobking new socket connections, and it isn't that the hosts or network is to busy to respond.
I have some debug data here, if you would like to take a look :
You could simply check for availability before you connect to the socket. There is an answer who provides some kind of hackish workaround https://stackoverflow.com/a/10145643/1809463
Process p1 = java.lang.Runtime.getRuntime().exec("ping -c 1 " + ip);
int returnVal = p1.waitFor();
boolean reachable = (returnVal==0);
by jayunit100
It should work on unix and windows, since ping is a common program.
My problem is that when my list of machines contains lets say 10 pcs (which most of them are not alive), i get a lot of timeout exceptions (in alive pcs) even though my timeout limit is set to 10 seconds.
So as I understand the problem, if you have (for example) 10 PCs in your map and 1 is alive and the other 9 are not online, all 10 connections time out. If you just put the 1 alive PC in the map, it shows up as fine.
This points to some sort of concurrency problem but I can't see it. I would have thought that there was some sort of shared data that was not being locked or something. I see your test code is using Statement and ResultSet. Maybe there is a database connection that is being shared without locking or something? Can you try just returning the result string and printing it out?
Less likely is some sort of network or firewall configuration but the idea that one failed connection would cause another to fail is just strange. Maybe try running your program on one of the servers or from another computer?
If I try your test code, it seems to work fine. Here's the source code for my test class. It has no problems contacting a combination of online and offline hosts.
Lastly some quick comments about your code:
You should close the streams, readers, and sockets in a finally block. Check my test class for a better pattern there.
You should return a small Result class instead of passing back a String that they has to be parsed.
Hope this helps.
After a lot of reading and experimentation i will have to answer my own question (if i am allowed to do of course).
Java just can't handle concurrent multiple socket connections without adding a big performance overhead. At least in a Core2Duo/4GB RAM/ Windows XP machine.
Creating multiple concurrent socket connections to remote hosts (using of course the code i posted) creates some kind of resource bottleneck, or blocking situation, wich i am still not aware of.
If you try to connect to 20 hosts simultaneously, and a lot of them are disconnected, then you cannot guarantee a "fast" connection to the alive ones.
You will get connected but could be after 20-25 seconds. Meaning that you'll have to set socket timeout to something like 60 seconds. (not acceptable for my application)
If an alive host is lucky to start its connection try first (having in mind that concurrency is not absolute. the for loop still has sequentiality), then he will probably get connected very fast and get a response.
If it is unlucky, the socket.connect() method will block for some time, depending on how many are the hosts before it that will timeout eventually.
After adding a small sleep between the pool.submit(worker) method calls (100 ms) i realised that it makes some difference. I get to connect faster to the "unlucky" hosts. But still if the list of dead hosts is increased, the results are almost the same.
If i edit my host list and place a previously "unlucky" host at the top (before dead hosts), all problems dissapear...
So, for some reason the socket.connect() method creates a form of bottleneck when the hosts to connect to are many, and not alive. Be it a JVM problem, a OS limitation or bad coding from my side, i have no clue...
I will try a different coding approach and hopefully tommorow i will post some feedback.
p.s. This answer made me think of my problem :
I am facing another TCP Socket issue.
I've read through a huge bunch of questions an answers to similar issues, but my problem is somehow different.
I have a Java Client and C++ Server. Everything goes as expected until I'm using different machines (equal to other issues so far)
The messages from the client seem to getting stuck in den TCP Buffer. When I finally close the socket, everything is sent to the server. But these single messages are controlmessages so I need them to be send immediatly. As far as I read this is expected behavior, but how do I send reliable control messages.
Is there a way to force the messages to be sent. (I can leave the socket open for a couple of minutes with nothing is sent.)
Is there something wrong? (see the following code)
Do I have to close the socket each time to perform a REAL flush?
Should I use UDP instead, with an additional amount of protocol work?
mSocketSend = new Socket();
mSocketSend.connect(new InetSocketAddress(mServerIp, mSocketPortSend), mTimeOut);
PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(mSocketSend.getOutputStream(), true);
C++ Code:
opening socket...(i leave that)
char* buffer = new char[1024];
int rc = recv(mConnectedSocket, buf, 1024, 0);
If you want more of it. Write it. I left almost everything out. ^^ I dont think its relevant. The Communication wents great usually.. No errors at all. So its just this TCPBuffer thingi.
I know there should be some delimiter or message length stuff. But in fact: A message length, which is not sent, does not help. ^^
Thanks for your help.
EDIT #01 The whole bunch of code:
char* buffer = new char[1024];
int numberBytes = mSocket->receiveChars(buffer, 1024);
if (numberBytes > 0){
bool Socket::createSocketServer(u_short port)
if (mConnectedSocket != INVALID_SOCKET)
if (WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2,0), &wsa) != 0)
return 0;
s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
return 0;
memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(SOCKADDR_IN));
if (bind(s, (SOCKADDR*)&addr, sizeof(SOCKADDR_IN)) == SOCKET_ERROR)
} else if (listen(s, 10) == SOCKET_ERROR)
return 0;
mConnectedSocket = accept(s, NULL, NULL);
if (mConnectedSocket == INVALID_SOCKET)
return 0;
return 1;
int Socket::receiveChars(char* buf, unsigned maxSize)
if (mConnectedSocket == INVALID_SOCKET)
return -1;
int rc = recv(mConnectedSocket, buf, maxSize, 0);
if (rc == SOCKET_ERROR)
std::cout << "Socket: error " << WSAGetLastError() << std::endl;
return rc;
You wanted it....
EDIT #2 Give it one more try
There are few more things I tried out.
At first: This problem does not occure on a device connected over real network everytime. -> Full Reboot Client&Server -> Problem does not occure -> Full Reboot Client&Server -> Problem occures
Sadly, I don't know what to take from this habit.
Another thing I stumbled over is the bind and listen socket (in Code SOCKET s). This socket listens for connections and if the working thread needs a new connection (on startup or if the previous closes) the socket s gives the next queued connection to mConnectedSocket for recv, other connections are backlogged while one is processed.
From the Java view: a Socket is connected (Device A). next socket (Device B) tries to connect. -> Connection success (its properly controlled in code if this is happens indeed) -> followed by sending data in natural matter. (The socket is still in the backlog on c++ side)
Well, this is hard to transform to the habit I experienced. I'll try to express my thoughts.
Javaside: PrintWriter is created. Feeded with data and is flushed. Because the connection is not fully established (No additional connectedSocket on C++ side). The flush doesn't work. And onClose the socket finally flushes its content.
Please tell me to shut up, if you think so. I dont really know what the "Connection is backlogged" ACTUALLY mean in implementation" ^^
I know, I should open a new thread for each connection, but I can't at the moment. So stick with this server code.
You need to do a flush(), that pushes the data out.
Or use a writer with automatic flushing.
You should also make sure that the server reads a line (until \n) and not the full 1024 chars, but I don't know what recv() does so I don't know about that.
Fixed it. Kind of embarassing...
The backlog, i noticed in my edit was indeed the problem.
If two at clients at a time connect to the server, the second is backlogged and his messages would be processed, when the first disconnects.
Additionally (here comes the clue)
As mentioned before its an android java client. There is another thread on java side to receive data from the C++ server. This socket connects on another port.
BUT i set the ports and ip addresses to connect to in a settings activity and there was a bad port for the other socket as default value (same as for the issuesocket, wrong variable taken)
So this socket connects first and the issuesocket connects into the backlog.
This default value is only taken if I enter the settings to set another IPAddress (For example, when I connect to a remote host instead of localhost)
Incredible circumstances... i didnt even wrote the settings...
WIRESHARK would have fixed this.
PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(mSocketSend.getOutputStream(), true);
Actually your problem could be on the receiving end, your recv needs to be in a loop (you can google for examples of this). There is no guarantee not much each call to recv will get. If you know you are flushing the data on the Java site, that's probably your problem.
As you are using auto flush and even tried using an explicit flush():
Could be because you don't open the inputStream. Try and do a getInputStream() as well.
Otherwise, Have you tried:
any diff you don't use connect but just give the parameters directly in the Socket constructor?
setTcpNoDelayon the socket (shouldn't cause minutes of delay though!!)?
Your loop is incorrectly coded. Every new recv() will overwrite the previous one. You should advance the offset parameter.
I want to create simple download accelerator.
How it works
Server wait for incoming connection.
Client connect to server.
Then, server send file size to client and wait for download connection.
Client got file size, then create download thread and these thread are connect to server.
After server got connection from each thread, server will wait for start and end offset file from thread.
Each thread send start and end offset file to server.
After server got offsets, server will send the portion of file to thread.
Each thread will read and write to file. For example, buffer.p01, buffer.p02, buffer.p03
Client merge all file into one file order by sequence. ( Not yet implemented )
I think server side it works correctly but client side it has some problem.
The problem is if I set MAXTHREAD to 1, it works correctly. But if I set more than one, it stuck somewhere forever.
This is server side code..
and this is client side code with multithreading
Thanks your.
You have a pretty big obvious problem. ServerSocket's accept method returns a new socket every time. In your server code here
initSocket = servSock.accept();
initSocket is a class member field which means you will over write the old socket and never close it. You should start a new thread to handle this socket and from what I see it looks like you just keep reusing the same socket. That won't work. Look at tutorials on how to open sockets. Sorry I can't help more but there is a lot of things going on here that just won't work. Maybe you can start focusing on part of the code and we can help more.
I agree, it could be a small issue or it could be a big one, some example code would help us aid you, If you try to connect to a server 3 times using the same port you will get an error because you can only have 1 connection per port, the problem could be super simple or very complex, if you edit your post and add your code then we can better help you.
Please close your OutputStream os
Sending u a snippet
public static boolean sendFile() {
int start = Integer.parseInt(startAndEnd[0]) - 1;
int end = Integer.parseInt(startAndEnd[1]) - 1;
int size = (end - start) + 1;
try {
os = initSocket.getOutputStream();
os.write(byteArr, start, size);
System.out.println("Send file to : " + initSocket);
} catch (IOException e) {
return false;
} finally {
if (os != null) {
try {
} catch (IOException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(FileServer.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
return true;
I've created an MMO for the Android phone and use a Java server with TCP/IP sockets. Everything generally works fine, but after about a day of clients logging on and off my network becomes extremely laggy -- even if there aren't clients connected. NETSTAT shows no lingering connections, but there is obviously something terribly wrong going on.
If I do a full reboot everything magically is fine again, but this isn't a tenable solution for the long-term. This is what my disconnect method looks like (on both ends):
public final void disconnect()
Alive = false;
Log.write("Disconnecting " + _socket.getRemoteSocketAddress());
catch (final Exception e)
catch (final Exception e)
catch (final Exception e)
catch (final Exception e)
catch (final Exception e)
_input and _output are BufferedInputStream and BufferedOutputStream spawned from the socket. According to documentation calling shutdownInput() and shutdownOutput() shouldn't be necessary, but I'm throwing everything I possibly can at this.
I instantiate the sockets with default settings -- I'm not touching soLinger, KeepAlive, noDelay or anything like that. I do not have any timeouts set on send/receive. I've tried using WireShark but it reveals nothing unusual, just like NETSTAT.
I'm pretty desperate for answers on this. I've put a lot of effort into this project and am frustrated with what appears to be a serious hidden flaw in Java's default TCP implementation.
Get rid of shutdownInput() and shutdownOutput() and all the closes except the close for the BufferedOutputStream, and a subsequent close on the socket itself in a finally block as a belt & braces. You are shutting down and closing everything else before the output stream, which prevents it from flushing. Closing the output stream flushes it and closes the socket. That's all you need.
OP here, unable to comment on original post.
Restarting the server process does not appear to resolve the issue. The network remains very "laggy" even several minutes after shutting down the server entirely.
By "laggy" I mean the connection becomes extremely slow with both up and down traffic. Trying to load websites, or upload to my FTP, is painfully slow like I'm on a 14.4k modem (I'm on a 15mbs fiber). Internet Speed Tests don't even work when it is in this state -- I get an error about not finding the file, when the websites eventually load up.
All of this instantly clears up after a reboot, and only after a reboot.
I modified my disconnect method as EJP suggested, but the problem persists.
Server runs on a Windows 7 installation, latest version of Java / Java SDK. The server has 16gb of RAM, although it's possible I'm not allocating it properly for the JVM to use fully. No stray threads or processes appear to be present. I'll see what JVISUALVM says. – jysend 13 mins ago
Nothing unusual in JVISUALVM -- 10mb heap, 50% CPU use, 3160 objects (expected), 27 live threads out of 437 started. Server has been running for about 18 hours; loading up CNN's front page takes about a minute, and the normal speed test I use (first hit googling Speed Test) won't even load the page. NETSTAT shows no lingering connections. Ran all up to date antivirus. Server has run 24/7 in the past without any issues -- it is only when I started running this Java server on it that this started to happen.