multiple Or conditions vs several individual JPQ/Hibernate queries - on entities - java

I need to query database for different combination of elements from the already received result object.
For instance, I get a list of Person entities. For each person in Person entities, I need to get List of address (for each person).
There are two ways to do it:
Iterate the Person entity and fire a query for each Person entity to get the list of Addresses for that person.
Build a query dynamically with elements from Person entity and fire ONE single query to pull all addresses lists for all Persons and then iterate the Person entity again and match the Address list for each Person.
I don't know much many Person entities I might get. So what is the better approach in terms of performance and practice.
So, if I have 100 Person entities, in the first approach its going to be 100 queries vs 2nd approach with huge query like below
from address where ( = 1 and = 393)
or ( = 2 and = 123)
or ( = 3 and = 345)
.... // 10 times.
Which one is better? Any restrictions / limitation on Or conditions in Oracle?
Is there a better approach? Batch queries?

You can use hibernate with eager loading to directly get the results what you want by loading the person with the restrictions required. Or else if you want to stick to lazy loading try using an inner join with person and Address so that you can then get a list of array which consist the results


Is it possible to query both from entity and list object

I want to query from both the entity and a list object. Say I have an entity called "Customer", and I have a list of potential customers of object Potential.
Customer {
id, name, address, ...
Potential {
id, name, address, ...
In my repository I write the query as follows if I want to customize the query to get customers
#Query("SELECT c FROM Customer c WHERE c.status = :status")
List<Customer> findAllSpecialCustomers(String status)
But if I currently have a list object
List<Potential> potentials
And I want to include it in the Query above, how should I do it? Or is it even possible? The reason why I want to do this is because both entities represent different tables but i want to do sorting and pagination on the combined records of the two entities. Also, potentials is queried from graph database. While entity Customer is from mysql database.
Basically, I have a potentials list object that is queried from graph database. I want to union it with Customer entity from a mysql database through #Query and apply sorting and pagination to the combined records.
Use a native union query and instead of using Customer or Potential, create another POJO class to map query results.
I assume that there is some property in your Potential class that identifies a Customer. For argument's sake, let's assume that the id field in the two classes are the same, e.g., you want to pair up the Potential with id == 123 with the Customer with id == 123.
The simplest thing that I can think of is to map the list of Potentials to a list of Integers (or whatever type the id is), and then use that as a parameter to an "in" clause in your Customer query. For example,
#Query("SELECT c FROM Customer c WHERE in :idList")
List<Customer> findCustomersById(List<int> idList)
As far as "zipping" the two lists, i.e. pairing up the matches from the two lists, I'll leave that as an exercise for you :-)

How can a map be used to search the list of employe objects on the basis of different parameters?

I was asked this question in an interview today to which I explained the best to my abilities. But I still don't understand if this is the correct answer.
There is a cache which has Employee object as the key. The cache is populated with data from the database. Now there is a UI where we can enter either or all of the 3 attributes from the Employee object- name, ID and date of joining. Now this search would lead to multiple matching results. To achieve this we need to check in the cache for the data.
To this I replied saying that my map would be of the structure - >. for the same EmployeeDetails object ,
I will have multiple keys in the map(EmployeeDetails class is the object which contains complete detail of the Employee including address etc. Employee object just has 3 attributes - name, ID and date of joining.).
One of the objects with only name populated. The other with ID populated and the third one with date of joining populated. And now with the combination of attributes. So the map will be having the following keys -
Employee object with only the name populated -> Value would be list of of all the Employee objects with the same name.
Employee object with only the ID populated -> Value would be list of of all the Employee objects with the same ID. Ideally the list size in this case should be 1.
Employee objects with only the Date Of Joining -> List of all the employee objects with the same date of joining.
Similarly there would be number of other Employee objects. For one such employee , all the three attributes - name , ID and date of joining would be populated.
In this way, I could have achieved the requirement to display all the employee results in case only some of the attributes out of name, ID and value is set on the UI.
I just want to understand if this is the correct way to achieve the outcome (display of list of matching results on the UI). Since I did not get selected, I believe there is something else which I possibly missed!
A reasonable short answer is to maintain 3 separate maps for each of the 3 fields, with each one mapping from each field value to the list of employees with that value for the field.
To perform a lookup, retrieve the lists for each of the values that the user specified, and then (if you have more than one criteria) iterate through the shortest one to filter out employees that don't match the other criteria.
In the cases where you have more than one criteria, one of them has to be name or ID. In real life, the lists for these fields will be very short, so you won't have to iterate through any large collections.
This solution essentially uses the maps as indexes and implements the query like a relational DB. If you were to mention that in an interview, you would get extra points, but you'd need to be able to back it up.
One of the neat things about Java 8 is the Streams API. With this new API, you an hold all of those Employee objects within just a normal List and walk away with the same results you were trying to achieve with multiple mapping objects with less overhead.
See, this API has a .filter() method that you can pass over a List that has been transformed into a Stream to only return objects that meet the criteria described in the body of the filter.
List<Employee> emps = getEmps();
List<Employee> matchedEmps =>e.getID().equals(searchedID)).filter((e)->e.getName().equals(searchedName)).collect(Collectors.toList());
As you can see you can chain filters to match multiple criteria, although it may be more efficient just to have all matching done in one filter:
ist<Employee> matchedEmps =>{boolean matches = e.getID().equals(searchedID);return matches && e.getName().equals(searchedName);}).collect(Collectors.toList());
I would have a map with the Employee object as key and EmployeeDetails as value. I would get a get Collection of values from the map, create then a custom Comparator for each specific search, iterate through the values collection and use the comparator to compare the values. The search results should be added during the iteration in a results Collection.
One way is create mapping with mapping Employee-EmployeeDetails then for search for a given employee id then you have to iterate over all key and search.The complexity will be O(N).
Second to improve the time complexity even in database we do indexing to avoid full scan.You can try the similar thing here i.e create mapping id-Employee,email-Employee like this when add employee to main map also update to the index map.
Third if possible you can create a TRIE and at end node you can put employee.After getting the employee You can get employee details

How to speed up eager loading of foreign collections?

I have a database table mapped with ORMlite, it contains some data (18 columns) and it also contains ForeignCollectionField(eager = true).
Problem is when loading all data from this table ... ORMlite is creating query for every item instead using joins. Which is resulting in 67124 queries and taking forever to load all objects from this table.
This could be however done in right join query under few seconds? Why to generate thousands of queries instead?
How can I speed it up? Do I have to write raw query and then RawRowMapper , which makes using ORM pointless..
How to deal with loading eager collections in ormlite? Because queryForAll is not way..
Problem is when loading all data from this table ... ORMlite is creating query for every item instead using joins. Which is resulting in 67124 queries and taking forever to load all objects from this table.
It's ORM_Lite_ for a reason. Lot of people have asked for the join support on foreign collections but I've not gotten to it yet. It's not easy.
If you still want to use ORMLite then I'd recommend not using eager = true and doing 2 queries instead. One query for your main item and then another query using the DAO associated with the collection entity using IN. Something like:
qb = accountDao.queryBuilder();
List<Account> accounts = qb.query();
// build a list of account-ids
List<Long> accountIds = new ArrayList<>();
for (Account account : accounts) {
// now use this list of ids to get your other entities
List<Order> orders = orderDao.queryBuilder().where().in("accountId", accountIds).query();
// now you have a list of orders for all of your ids
// you will need to associate each order with its account
Hope this helps.

Hibernate query for perfomance

I have a table looking something like this;
public class Person {
private String name;
private String address;
private String score;
In my database I now have a lot of persons with names, addresses and scores. Lets say I retrieve a list of persons from another system, where some of the persons already exist in the database and some are new.
Before I persist them in my DB I want to check if they already exist (avoid duplicates), and maybe change the score if the person I get in is the same as the one I already have, but with a different score.
Whats the best query to write if I want to select all persons that exist? (eg. same name and address). My table of persons can contain a huge amount of persons and the list of persons I get in from the other system is also big (new or with updated scores). I need a query that is all about performance :-).
I am using Java and Hibernate. Anyone?
EDIT: The final sql will probably look something like
select * from Person where name='Paul' AND address='road1
OR name='John' AND address='road2'
OR name='Stella' AND address='road3'
and many many more.. The above sql atleast explains what I want.
One way of doing this is to outer join both tables and list all the persons that don't exist on a side . like this (TSQL):
SELECT left.* from db1.owner.persons left LEFT JOIN db2.owner.persons right ON AND left.address=right.address WHERE IS NULL
Then you can use CreateSQLQuery method of ISession to get the list of persons.
in C# we write it like this
var list=session.CreateSQLQuery(queryString,"left",new []{typeof(Person)}).List();
but I don't think that's much different in java
If you want to gain performance over this query probably it's necessary to put some indexes on each table (over name and address for example)
If I understand correctly, you already have all your "external" persons in memory.
I would create a Map<String, ExternalPerson> containing all your external persons indexed by name.
I would then ask the keySet() of this map to get the list of persons to get from the database.
I would then execute the following query:
select p from Person p where in (:names)
You just has to make sure that the number of names isn't above the limit imposed by your database (1000 in Oracle). If so, you'll have to split the set into several subsets, and repeat the query for each subset.
Then iterate over the query results. For each person found, get its corresponding external person using the map or external persons, and update the score of the current person. Then remove the external person from the map.
At the end of the process, the map contains the external persons that don't exist in the database, and must be created.
If the set of persons is really hign, make sure to use query.scroll() rather than query.list() to iterate through the persons, and regularly flush and clear the session as explained in this section of the reference manual, to avoid memory problems.

Hibernate partial update (How to?)

I have a performance problem with a hibernate implementation that is far to performance costly.
I will try to explain my current implementation which must be improved upon with pseudo classes.
Let’s say I have the following POJO classes (the Entity classes are hibernate annotated "copies"). and
And I want to add a city to a country and save/persist it in the database, the new city arrives fully populated as a POJO.
Current code
CountryEntity countryEntity = CountryDao.fetch(someId);
Country country = CountryConverter(countryEnity);
countryEnity = CountryEntityConverter(country);;
This results in a major performance problem. Let's say I have 200 cities with 10,000 inhabitants.
For me to add a new city the converter will convert 200 x 10,000 = 2,000,000 inhabitantEntity --> inhabitant --> inhabitantEntity
This puts a tremendous load on the server, as new cities are added often.
It also feels unnecessary to convert all cities in the country just to persist and connect another one.
I am thinking of creating a light converter which doesn't convert all the fields and only the ones I need for some business logic during the addition of the city, but those will be kept unchanged, I don't know if Hibernate is good enough to handle this scenario.
For example if I save an entity with alot of null fields and the list cities with only one city, can I tell hibernate to merge this together with the db.
Or is there a different approace I can take to solve the performance problem but keeping the POJO and Entitys separate?
Some code below showing my current "slow" implementation code.
Country.Java (pseudo code)
private fields
private List<City> cities;
City.Java (pseudo code)
private fields
private List<Inhabitant> inhabitants;
Inhabitant.Java (pseudo code)
private fields
Currently I fetch a CountryEnity thru a Dao java class.
Then I have converter classes (Entities --> POJO) that sets all fields and initiate all lists.
I also have similar converter classes converting (POJO --> Entities).
Country country = new Country();
Loop thru cityEnitites
return country
City city = new City()
Loop thru inhabitantEnitites
return country
Inhabitant inhabitant = new Inhabitant()
return inhabitant
Thanks in advance /Farmor
I suspect what might be happening is that you don't have an index column on the association, so Hibernate is deleting and then inserting the child collection, as opposed to just adding to or deleting discrete objects to and from the child association.
If that is what's going on, you could try adding an #IndexColumn annotation to the get method for the child association. That will then allow Hibernate to perform discrete inserts, updates, and deletes on association records, as opposed to having to delete and then re-insert. You would then be able to insert the new city and its new inhabitants without having to rebuild everything.
