Android - Comparison method violates its general contract - java

I've seen other questions about this exception but my compare method is so simple that I'm unable to figure out what's wrong with it and I can't reproduce it with any of the Android devices that I own.
I'm getting this exception from some users of my Android app, most of which seem to be on very new devices like GS3 or GS4, which I'm guessing run the Java 7 variant of merge sort.
Here's my compare method:
Collections.sort(collectionOfThings, new Comparator<Thing>()
public int compare(Thing lhs, Thing rhs)
//getDist() returns a Double with a capital D...perhaps that has something to do with it?
if(lhs.getDist() < rhs.getDist())
return -1;
if(lhs.getDist() == rhs.getDist())
return 0;
return 1;
Here's the exception:
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Comparison method violates its general contract!
at java.util.TimSort.mergeLo(
at java.util.TimSort.mergeAt(
at java.util.TimSort.mergeCollapse(
at java.util.TimSort.sort(
at java.util.TimSort.sort(
at java.util.Arrays.sort(
at java.util.Collections.sort(
Seems to be limited to Android 4.0+. Any help is greatly appreciated.

No use in re inventing the wheel. I believe you should just return lhs.getDist().compareTo(rhs.getDist()); and let the provided implementation compareTo do the job .
Compares two Double objects numerically.
There are two ways in which comparisons performed by this method differ from those performed by the Java language numerical comparison operators (<, <=, ==, >=, >) when applied to primitive double values:
Double.NaN is considered by this method to be equal to itself and greater than all other double values (including Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY).
0.0d is considered by this method to be greater than -0.0d.
This ensures that the natural ordering of Double objects imposed by this method is consistent with equals.
I believe you get this Exception because your present implementation may not be apt to deal with Double.NaN and positive/negative zero values , and yet honor the general contract. Look at the OpenJDK Double#compare(double,double) source code :
public static int More d1, double d2) {
if (d1 < d2)
return -1; // Neither val is NaN, thisVal is smaller
if (d1 > d2)
return 1; // Neither val is NaN, thisVal is larger
long thisBits = Double.doubleToLongBits(d1);
long anotherBits = Double.doubleToLongBits(d2);
return (thisBits == anotherBits ? 0 : // Values are equal
(thisBits < anotherBits ? -1 : // (-0.0, 0.0) or (!NaN, NaN)
1)); // (0.0, -0.0) or (NaN, !NaN)
Also go through the documentation of Double#equals()
Note that in most cases, for two instances of class Double, d1 and d2, the value of d1.equals(d2) is true if and only if
d1.doubleValue() == d2.doubleValue()
also has the value true. However, there are two exceptions:
If d1 and d2 both represent Double.NaN, then the equals method returns true, even though Double.NaN==Double.NaN has the value false.
If d1 represents +0.0 while d2 represents -0.0, or vice versa, the equal test has the value false, even though +0.0==-0.0 has the value true.

Instead of comparing two Double objects, you should really be comparing their values (getDoubleValue()). Comparing two objects will not necessarily mean their values are equal.


Meaning of Double.doubleToLongBits(x)

I am writing a class Vec2D, representing a 2 dimensional vector. I store x and y in doubles.
When asked to generate equals(Object obj and hashCode(), eclipse generated this:
public int hashCode() {
final int prime = 31;
int result = 1;
long temp;
temp = Double.doubleToLongBits(x);
result = prime * result + (int) (temp ^ (temp >>> 32));
temp = Double.doubleToLongBits(y);
result = prime * result + (int) (temp ^ (temp >>> 32));
return result;
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (this == obj)
return true;
if (obj == null)
return false;
if (getClass() != obj.getClass())
return false;
Vec2D other = (Vec2D) obj;
if (Double.doubleToLongBits(x) != Double.doubleToLongBits(other.x))
return false;
if (Double.doubleToLongBits(y) != Double.doubleToLongBits(other.y))
return false;
return true;
What is the significance of Double.doubleToLongBits(x) in this context? Can I not simply write x != other.x?
Short answer: Eclipse uses Double.doubleToLongBits because that's what Double.equals does:
The result is true if and only if the argument is not null and is a Double object that represents a double that has the same value as the double represented by this object. For this purpose, two double values are considered to be the same if and only if the method doubleToLongBits(double) returns the identical long value when applied to each.
Long answer: the JLS specifies a few differences between Double.equals and ==. For one difference specified in JLS 4.2.3 and JLS 15.21.1:
Positive zero and negative zero compare equal; thus the result of the expression 0.0==-0.0 is true and the result of 0.0>-0.0 is false. But other operations can distinguish positive and negative zero; for example, 1.0/0.0 has the value positive infinity, while the value of 1.0/-0.0 is negative infinity.
Another regards NaN:
If either operand is NaN, then the result of == is false but the result of != is true.
Indeed, the test x!=x is true if and only if the value of x is NaN.
As you can see, it's possible for two double values to compare with == but actually correspond to different behavior when used in math and hash tables. Thus, when writing a generated equality method, Eclipse makes the assumption that two doubles are only equal if and only if all operations that can be done to them are identical, or (equivalently) if they were autoboxed and compared with their equals methods. This is particularly important if switching between double and Double—it would be particularly unexpected for equality properties to differ there.
Of course, you're free to drift from that assumption: Regardless of whether it's a good idea, you may assign special cases to any of the many possible NaN representations, in which case Double.doubleToRawLongBits() would be a better match for your equals and hashCode methods. By the same token, your use case might treat objects with +0.0 and -0.0 as equivalent and guarantee that NaN values are not possible, in which case a raw == comparison may work better for equals (but at which point emulating the same criteria for hashCode becomes difficult).
Because == and != follow IEEE-754 semantics for doubles, Double.NaN != Double.NaN and 0.0 == -0.0. These behaviors may not be what you want, so Double.doubleToLongBits() converts the 64 bits of double data to 64 bits of long data so that operations like bit shifts and XOR work.
Honestly, though, I would say that the use of doubleToLongBits is a bug here, since if you care about exact equality you should be using Double.doubleToRawLongBits() (which does not perform any translations on the double data at all) instead.
A quick glance at the online javadoc yields this:
Returns a representation of the specified floating-point value according to the IEEE 754 floating-point "double format" bit layout.
In all cases, the result is a long integer that, when given to the longBitsToDouble(long) method, will produce a floating-point value the same as the argument to doubleToLongBits (except all NaN values are collapsed to a single "canonical" NaN value).
So it's probably a way of standardizing the double representations of x and y, as NaN can have multiple double representations

Why is BigDecimal natural ordering inconsistent with equals?

From the Javadoc for BigDecimal:
Note: care should be exercised if BigDecimal objects are used as keys in a SortedMap or elements in a SortedSet since BigDecimal's natural ordering is inconsistent with equals.
For example, if you create a HashSet and add new BigDecimal("1.0") and new BigDecimal("1.00") to it, the set will contain two elements (because the values have different scales, so are non-equal according to equals and hashCode), but if you do the same thing with a TreeSet, the set will contain only one element, because the values compare as equal when you use compareTo.
Is there any specific reason behind this inconsistency?
From the OpenJDK implementation of BigDecimal:
* Compares this {#code BigDecimal} with the specified
* {#code Object} for equality. Unlike {#link
* #compareTo(BigDecimal) compareTo}, this method considers two
* {#code BigDecimal} objects equal only if they are equal in
* value and scale (thus 2.0 is not equal to 2.00 when compared by
* this method).
* #param x {#code Object} to which this {#code BigDecimal} is
* to be compared.
* #return {#code true} if and only if the specified {#code Object} is a
* {#code BigDecimal} whose value and scale are equal to this
* {#code BigDecimal}'s.
* #see #compareTo(java.math.BigDecimal)
* #see #hashCode
public boolean equals(Object x) {
if (!(x instanceof BigDecimal))
return false;
BigDecimal xDec = (BigDecimal) x;
if (x == this)
return true;
if (scale != xDec.scale)
return false;
long s = this.intCompact;
long xs = xDec.intCompact;
if (s != INFLATED) {
if (xs == INFLATED)
xs = compactValFor(xDec.intVal);
return xs == s;
} else if (xs != INFLATED)
return xs == compactValFor(this.intVal);
return this.inflate().equals(xDec.inflate());
More from the implementation:
* <p>Since the same numerical value can have different
* representations (with different scales), the rules of arithmetic
* and rounding must specify both the numerical result and the scale
* used in the result's representation.
Which is why the implementation of equals takes scale into consideration. The constructor that takes a string as a parameter is implemented like this:
public BigDecimal(String val) {
this(val.toCharArray(), 0, val.length());
where the third parameter will be used for the scale (in another constructor) which is why the strings 1.0 and 1.00 will create different BigDecimals (with different scales).
From Effective Java By Joshua Bloch:
The final paragraph of the compareTo contract, which is a strong
suggestion rather than a true provision, simply states that the
equality test imposed by the compareTo method should generally return
the same results as the equals method. If this provision is obeyed,
the ordering imposed by the compareTo method is said to be consistent
with equals. If it’s violated, the ordering is said to be inconsistent
with equals. A class whose compareTo method imposes an order that is
inconsistent with equals will still work, but sorted collections
containing elements of the class may not obey the general contract of
the appropriate collection interfaces (Collection, Set, or Map). This
is because the general contracts for these interfaces are defined in
terms of the equals method, but sorted collections use the equality
test imposed by compareTo in place of equals. It is not a catastrophe
if this happens, but it’s something to be aware of.
The behaviour seems reasonable in the context of arithmetic precision where trailing zeros are significant figures and 1.0 does not carry the same meaning as 1.00. Making them unequal seems to be a reasonable choice.
However from a comparison perspective neither of the two is greater or less than the other and the Comparable interface requires a total order (i.e. each BigDecimal must be comparable with any other BigDecimal). The only reasonable option here was to define a total order such that the compareTo method would consider the two numbers equal.
Note that inconsistency between equal and compareTo is not a problem as long as it's documented. It is even sometimes exactly what one needs.
BigDecimal works by having two numbers, an integer and a scale. The integer is the "number" and the scale is the number of digits to the right of the decimal place. Basically a base 10 floating point number.
When you say "1.0" and "1.00" these are technically different values in BigDecimal notation:
integer: 10
scale: 1
precision: 2
= 10 x 10 ^ -1
integer: 100
scale: 2
precision: 3
= 100 x 10 ^ -2
In scientific notation you wouldn't do either of those, it should be 1 x 10 ^ 0 or just 1, but BigDecimal allows it.
In compareTo the scale is ignored and they are evaluated as ordinary numbers, 1 == 1. In equals the integer and scale values are compared, 10 != 100 and 1 != 2. The BigDecimal equals method ignores the object == this check I assume because the intention is that each BigDecimal is treated as a type of number, not like an object.
I would liken it to this:
// same number, different types
float floatOne = 1.0f;
double doubleOne = 1.0;
// true: 1 == 1
System.out.println( (double)floatOne == doubleOne );
// also compare a float to a double
Float boxFloat = floatOne;
Double boxDouble = doubleOne;
// false: one is 32-bit and the other is 64-bit
System.out.println( boxInt.equals(boxDouble) );
// BigDecimal should behave essentially the same way
BigDecimal bdOne1 = new BigDecimal("1.0");
BigDecimal bdOne2 = new BigDecimal("1.00");
// true: 1 == 1
System.out.println( bdOne1.compareTo(bdOne2) );
// false: 10 != 100 and 1 != 2 ensuring 2 digits != 3 digits
System.out.println( bdOne1.equals(bdOne2) );
Because BigDecimal allows for a specific "precision", comparing both the integer and the scale is more or less the same as comparing both the number and the precision.
Although there is a semi-caveat to that when talking about BigDecimal's precision() method which always returns 1 if the BigDecimal is 0. In this case compareTo && precision evaluates true and equals evaluates false. But 0 * 10 ^ -1 should not equal 0 * 10 ^ -2 because the former is a 2 digit number 0.0 and the latter is a 3 digit number 0.00. The equals method is comparing both the value and the number of digits.
I suppose it is weird that BigDecimal allows trailing zeroes but this is basically necessary. Doing a mathematical operation like "1.1" + "1.01" requires a conversion but "1.10" + "1.01" doesn't.
So compareTo compares BigDecimals as numbers and equals compares BigDecimals as BigDecimals.
If the comparison is unwanted, use a List or array where this doesn't matter. HashSet and TreeSet are of course designed specifically for holding unique elements.
The answer is pretty short. equals() method compares objects while compareTo() compares values. In case of BigDecimal different objects can represent same value. Thats why equals() might return false, while compareTo() returns 0.
equal objects => equal values
equal values =/> equal objects
Object is just a computer representation of a some real world value. For example same picture might be represented in a GIF and JPEG formats. Thats very like BigDecimal, where same value might have distinct representations.

In a column(quantity) I have some values of type double and N/A too . How to sort both using Comparator?

In a column(quantity) I have some values of type double and N/A too.
In my comparator class compare method, this is the coding mentioned below
if(double1 == double2) {
return 0;
// We know that both aren't null, so if only long 2 is null, 1 > 2
if(double2 == null) {
return 1;
// We know that both aren't null, so if only long 1 is null, 1 < 2
if(double1 == null) {
return -1;
// Nulls are handled, use the native compare
return double1.compareTo(double2);
double1 and double2 is of type Double.
It gives Exception: java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "N/A" .
Please give me the solution.
It's my guess (I can't really say without seeing how you're using these Doubles) that you're looking to hold a value that doesn't really exist, and a value that may.
To that end, I would say that you construct your Double with Double.NaN as so:
Double double1 = new Double(Double.NaN);
I'm not sure if NaN is defined for a sorting operation - it holds no intricate order since it's just not a number. You may want to use an auxiliary structure, such as a List<Double>, to first comb through the Doubles that aren't a number, and place them first. Then, you could sort the remaining Doubles.

Comparing doubles in Java gives odd results

I really can'get my head around why the following happens:
Double d = 0.0;
System.out.println(d == 0); // is true
System.out.println(d.equals(0)); // is false ?!
This however works as expected:
Double d = 0.0;
System.out.println(d == 0.0); // true
System.out.println(d.equals(0.0)); // true
I'm positive that this is related to autoboxing in some way, but I really don't know why 0 would be boxed differently when the == operator is used and when .equals is called.
Doesn't this implicitly violate the equals contract ?
* It is reflexive: for any non-null reference value
* x, x.equals(x) should return
* true.
Thanks for the fast answers. I figured that it is boxed differently, the real question is: why is it boxed differently ? I mean that this would be more intuitive if d == 0d than d.equals(0d) is intuitive and expected, however if d == 0 which looks like an Integer is true than 'intuitively' d.equals(0) should also be true.
just change it to
System.out.println(d.equals(0d)); // is false ?! now true
You were comparing double with Integer 0
Under the cover
System.out.println(d.equals(0)); // is false ?!
0 will be autoboxed to Integer and an instance of Integer will be passed to equals() method of Double class, where it will compare like
public boolean equals(Object object) {
return (object == this)
|| (object instanceof Double)
&& (doubleToLongBits(this.value) == doubleToLongBits(((Double) object).value));
which is going to return false of course.
when you do comparison using == it compares values so there is no need to autobox , it directly operates on value. Where equals() accepts Object so if you try to invoke d1.equals(0) , 0 is not Object so it will perform autoboxing and it will pack it to Integer which is an Object.
Number objects only equal to numbers with the same value if they are of the same type. That is:
new Double(0).equals(new Integer(0));
new BigInteger("0").equals(new BigDecimal("0"));
and similar combinations are all false.
In your case, the literal 0 is boxed into an Integer object.
It's probably worth noting that you should compare floating point numbers like this:
|x - y| < ε, ε very small
d.equals(0) : 0 is an int. The Double.equals() code will return true only for Double objects.
When you perform
d == 0
this is upcast to
d == 0.0
however there are no upcasting rules for autoboxing and even if there were equals(Object) gives no hits that you want a Double instead of an Integer.

Java, comparing BigInteger values

BigInteger bigInteger = ...;
if(bigInteger.longValue() > 0) { //original code
//bigger than 0
//should I change to this?
if(bigInteger.compareTo(BigInteger.valueOf(0)) == 1) {
//bigger than 0
I need to compare some arbitary BigInteger values. I wonder which approach is correct. Given the above code which one should be used? The original code is on the top.. I am thinking to change it to the second approach.
The first approach is wrong if you want to test if the BigInteger has a postive value: longValue just returns the low-order 64 bit which may revert the sign... So the test could fail for a positive BigInteger.
The second approach is better (see Bozhos answer for an optimization).
Another alternative: BigInteger#signum returns 1 if the value is positive:
if (bigInteger.signum() == 1) {
// bigger than 0
If you are using BigInteger, this assumes you need bigger numbers than long can handle. So don't use longValue(). Use compareTo. With your example it better be:
if (bigInteger.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) > 0) {
This is not a direct answer, but an important note about using compareTo().
When checking the value of compareTo(), always test for x < 0, x > 0 and x == 0.
Do not test for x == 1
From the Comparable.compareTo() javadocs:
Compares this object with the specified object for order. Returns a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as this object is less than, equal to, or greater than the specified object.
A negative integer, not -1.
A positive integer, not 1.
True, checking for ==1 and ==-1 would work for BigInteger. This is the BigInteger.compareTo() code:
public int compareTo(BigInteger val) {
if (signum == val.signum) {
switch (signum) {
case 1:
return compareMagnitude(val);
case -1:
return val.compareMagnitude(this);
return 0;
return signum > val.signum ? 1 : -1;
But it's still bad practice, and explicitly recommended against in the JavaDocs:
Compares this BigInteger with the specified BigInteger. This method is provided in preference to individual methods for each of the six boolean comparison operators (<, ==, >, >=, !=, <=). The suggested idiom for performing these comparisons is: (x.compareTo(y) <op> 0), where <op> is one of the six comparison operators.
