I've been working on my assignment which is to create a heap of strings, and do various functions on it. I'm now testing my code to see if it's inserting properly, and it's not. I'm testing the words: Golf, Bravo, Hotel, Alpha, Delta, Echo, Charlie, Foxtrot which would insert them alphabetically however when I print my heap I end up with:
Bravo Charlie
Foxtrot Delta Hotel Echo
Here is the code that I have written:
public boolean insert(String key) {
if(currentSize == maxSize) {
return false;
Node newNode = new Node(key);
heapArray[currentSize] = newNode;
return true;
public void trickleUp(int index) {
int parent = (index - 1) / 2;
Node bottom = heapArray[index];
while(index > 0 && heapArray[parent].getKey().compareTo(bottom.getKey()) > 0) {
heapArray[index] = heapArray[parent];
index = parent;
parent = (parent - 1) / 2;
heapArray[index] = bottom;
EDIT: After doing a quick search and finding another source code for a Heap, and testing it I was given the same output. Is there a reason why this is not being added alphabetically?
The behaviour you show in your printout is correct for a min heap, see:
From the introductory paragraph (emphasis added):
Either the keys of parent nodes are always greater than or equal to those of the children and the highest key is in the root node (this kind of heap is called max heap) or the keys of parent nodes are less than or equal to those of the children and the lowest key is in the root node (min heap).
From the second paragraph (emphasis added):
there is no implied ordering between siblings or cousins and no implied sequence for an in-order traversal (as there would be in, e.g., a binary search tree). The heap relation mentioned above applies only between nodes and their immediate parents.
Your heap appears correctly ordered, in that each node only has children that are greater than it, alphabetically.
I need to take a binary search tree, get the value of every node as well as the absolute height difference between the subtrees of every node in it, so as to then put both in a priority queue, the former as a value and the latter as its associated priority.
I know the solution must be recursive in nature, but I'm having some serious trouble with actually getting to access every node in the tree to pass it back to the method that will calculate its height and so far the information I've found in books/online is not helping, or far well above my current level of knowledge (basic Java course). I'd appreciate all and any help you could provide.
The solution that seems to work the most so far was the first I tried where I just deleted the root before I was done with every iteration and so each time managed to pass the method a new value but that of course gave the tree a new shape (aside from completely deleting it in the end) and so, logically, altered the final results.
Here's the working bit of my code:
/*node format for reference:
class nodo {
int v; //node value
ABBTDA izq, der;} //left & right children */
public static ColaCPTDA arbolCP (ABBTDA a)
ColaCP ult = new ColaCP(); //creating Priority Queue
ult.inicializarColaCP(); //& initializing it
int totalI, totalD,total=0;
ABBTDA aux = new ABB(); //creating Binary Search Trees
aux.inicializarArbol(); //& initializing them
ABBTDA aux2 = new ABB();
//calculating heights of each child of Root node
totalI = altura(a.hijoIzq()); //left child
totalD = altura(a.hijoDer()); //right child
//calculating the absolute difference
total = Math.abs(totalI -totalD);
//adding the root value and its associated priority calculated
//to the Priority Queue
ult.agregar(a.raiz(), total);
return ult;
public static int altura (ABBTDA a) { //method to calculate tree height
if (a.arbolVacio())
return -1;
return 1 + Math.max( altura( a.hijoIzq() ), altura( a.hijoDer() ) );
I currently need to implement a max heap of nodes where my node class keeps track of the data, the parent and then the left and right child. My insert method for max heap is taking forever to fill with an array of 100 strings. Here is my code: `
public void insert(String name) {
MyNode node = new MyNode(name);
if (root ==null) {
root = node;
else {
MyNode parent = findSpot(root);
if(parent.lChild==null) {
else {
public MyNode findSpot(MyNode curr) {
if (curr.lChild == null) {
return curr;
else if (curr.rChild==null) {
return curr;
else {
if (findSpot(curr.lChild).findHeight(root, curr, 1) > findSpot(curr.rChild).findHeight(root, curr, 1)) {
return findSpot(curr.lChild);
else {
return findSpot(curr.rChild);
If anyone code offer suggestions or tell me whats wrong that'd be greatly appreciated.
If you want to see why your findSpot function is taking so long, add a line at the beginning that outputs "findSpot <node>", where is the details of the node being searched. You'll find that the recursive algorithm is being called many times. And it looks like findHeight is also being called quite often. I'm not certain, but it looks like you're doing an exhaustive tree search on every insertion.
Binary heaps must maintain the Shape property: it is a complete binary tree except possibly the bottom row, which is left-filled. Because of that, if you know how many nodes are in your heap, you can easily find the insertion spot for the next node. Consider this heap:
2 3
4 5 6
There are 6 nodes in the heap. Whenever there are 6 nodes in a heap, the tree will look like this and the insertion spot for the next node will be the right child of the far right node (3 in this case).
The interesting thing is that the binary representation of the node number tells us where that node is. For example, 6 in binary is 110. Lop off the first digit, 1, and you're left with 10. Now, starting at the root and taking the next digit in the number, go left if the digit is 0, and right if the digit is 1. Then take the next digit and do the same thing. Repeat until you run out of digits.
In the case of 6, we'd go right from the root to node 3, and then left to node 6.
When you're adding a new node, increment the count and follow the procedure above to locate the insertion spot. 7 is 111 in binary. You lop off the high bit, leaving 11. Then, starting at the root you go right, and the insertion spot is the right child of node 3.
Of course, once you've placed the node in the tree to satisfy the shape property, you have to do the standard re-heapify to adjust the nodes in the tree so that the heap property is maintained.
I am not able to understand how the Java function HERE (Please scroll to the very end of the page) checks if a tree is BST or not, as the code does not look like making using of min and max at all.
I am copy pasting the code here as well
Tests if a tree meets the conditions to be a
binary search tree (BST). Uses the efficient
recursive helper.
public boolean isBST2() {
return( isBST2(root, Integer.MIN_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE) );
Efficient BST helper -- Given a node, and min and max values,
recurs down the tree to verify that it is a BST, and that all
its nodes are within the min..max range. Works in O(n) time --
visits each node only once.
private boolean isBST2(Node node, int min, int max) {
if (node==null) {
else {
// left should be in range min...node.data
boolean leftOk = isBST2(node.left, min, node.data);
// if the left is not ok, bail out
if (!leftOk) return(false);
// right should be in range node.data+1..max
boolean rightOk = isBST2(node.right, node.data+1, max);
A tree is a BST if and only if the nodes of an inorder traversal are monotonic. The easiest way to think of this is that if the root has value n, then the left-hand branch should also be a BST whose nodes are at most n, and the right-hand side should be a BST whose nodes are at least n. If those conditions are satisfied then the tree as a whole is a BST.
That's exactly what your code nearly does. It checks that a tree is a BST with a given minimum a given maximum. It recursively calls itself by looking at the root node with value data, and then checks that the left-hand branch is a BST none of whose nodes exceeds data, and that the right-hand branch is a BST none of whose nodes is smaller than data.
But actually it doesn't quite do this... it misses out the min/max check! Perhaps you're supposed to add that yourself? Is this homework?
The place to add it would be in here:
if (node==null) {
You just need a couple of extra conditions for if node!=null...
boolean checkBST(Node root) {
return c(root, Integer.MIN_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
boolean c(Node n, int s, int b) {
return n == null || (n.data > s && n.data < b && c(n.left, s, n.data) && c(n.right, n.data, b));
I'm trying to answer the following programming question:
In the heap.java program, the insert() method inserts a new node in the heap and ensures the heap condition is preserved. Write a toss() method that places a new node in the heap array without attempting to maintain the heap condition. (Perhaps each new item can simply be placed at the end of the array.) Then write a restoreHeap() method that restores the heap condition throughout the entire heap. Using toss() repeatedly followed by a single restoreHeap() is more efficient than using insert() repeatedly when a large amount of data must be inserted at one time. See the description of heapsort for clues. To test your program, insert a few items, toss in some more, and then restore the heap.
I've written the code for the toss function which successfully inserts the node at the end and doesn't modify the heap condition. I'm having problems with the restoreHeap function though and I can't wrap my head around it. I've included the two functions below.
The full code of heap.java is here (includes toss() and restoreHeap() )
toss() - I based this off the insert function
public boolean toss(int key)
return false;
Node newNode = new Node(key);
heapArray[currentSize] = newNode;
return true;
} // end toss()
restoreHeap() - I based this off the trickleUp function and I'm getting a StackOverflowError.
public void restoreHeap(int index)
int parent = (index-1) / 2;
Node bottom = heapArray[index];
while( index > 0 &&
heapArray[parent].getKey() < bottom.getKey() )
heapArray[index] = heapArray[parent]; // move it down
index = parent;
parent = (parent-1) / 2;
} // end while
heapArray[index] = bottom;
while(index != 0)
} // end restoreHeap()
Any ideas? Help appreciated.
I'll give it a shot. Here is a way to do what you asked with some explanation.
Since you know that half of all nodes in a heap are leafs and a leaf, by itself, is a valid heap, you only have to run through the other half of the nodes to make sure they also are valid. If we do this from the bottom and up, we can maintain a valid heap structure "below" as we go up through the heap. This can easily be accomplished by a for loop:
public void rebuildHeap()
int half = heapArray.length / 2;
for(int i = half; i >= 0; i--)
How is restoreHeap implemented then?
It's supposed to check the node at index against its children to see if it needs to relocate the node. Because we make sure that the trees below the index node are heaps, we only have to move the index node to the right position. Hence we move it down in the tree.
First we need to locate the children. Since each row in the three have twice as many nodes as the row before, the children can be located like this:
private void restoreHeap(int index)
int leftChild = (index * 2) + 1; //+1 because arrays start at 0
int rightChild = leftChild +1;
Now you just have to compare the childrens value against your index nodes value. If a child have a bigger value you need to swap the index node with the child node. If both children have a bigger value, you need to swap with the child with the biggest value of the two (to maintain the heap structure after the swap). When the nodes have been swapped you need to call the method again to see if you need to move the index node further down the tree.
int biggest = index;
if(leftChild < currentSize && heapArray[leftChild].getKey() > heapArray[index].getKey())
biggest = leftChild; //LeftChild is bigger
if(rightChild < currentSize && heapArray[rightChild].getKey() > heapArray[biggest].getKey())
biggest = rightChild; //RightChild is bigger than both leftChild and the index node
if(biggest != index) //If a swap is needed
Node swapper = heapArray[biggest];
heapArray[biggest] = heapArray[index];
heapArray[index] = swapper;
I have a n-ary tree which contains key values (integers) in each node. I would like to calculate the minimum depth of the tree. Here is what I have come up with so far:
int min = 0;
private int getMinDepth(Node node, int counter, int temp){
if(node == null){
//if it is the first branch record min
//otherwise compare min to this value
//and record the minimum value
if(counter == 0){
temp = min;
temp = Math.min(temp, min);
min = 0;
counter++;//counter should increment by 1 when at end of branch
return temp;
getMinDepth(node.q1, counter, min);
getMinDepth(node.q2, counter, min);
getMinDepth(node.q3, counter, min);
getMinDepth(node.q4, counter, min);
return temp;
The code is called like so:
int minDepth = getMinDepth(root, 0, 0);
The idea is that if the tree is traversing down the first branch (branch number is tracked by counter), then we set the temp holder to store this branch depth. From then on, compare the next branch length and if it smaller, then make temp = that length. For some reason counter is not incrementing at all and always staying at zero. Anyone know what I am doing wrong?
I think you're better off doing a breadth-first search. Your current implementation tries to be depth-first, which means it could end up exploring the whole tree if the branches happen to be in an awkward order.
To do a breadth-first search, you need a queue (a ArrayDeque is probably the right choice). You'll then need a little class that holds a node and a depth. The algorithm goes a little something like this:
Queue<NodeWithDepth> q = new ArrayDeque<NodeWithDepth>();
q.add(new NodeWithDepth(root, 1));
while (true) {
NodeWithDepth nwd = q.remove();
if (hasNoChildren(nwd.node())) return nwd.depth();
if (nwd.node().q1 != null) q.add(new NodeWithDepth(nwd.node().q1, nwd.depth() + 1));
if (nwd.node().q2 != null) q.add(new NodeWithDepth(nwd.node().q2, nwd.depth() + 1));
if (nwd.node().q3 != null) q.add(new NodeWithDepth(nwd.node().q3, nwd.depth() + 1));
if (nwd.node().q4 != null) q.add(new NodeWithDepth(nwd.node().q4, nwd.depth() + 1));
This looks like it uses more memory than a depth-first search, but when you consider that stack frames consume memory, and that this will explore less of the tree than a depth-first search, you'll see that's not the case. Probably.
Anyway, see how you get on with it.
You are passing the counter variable by value, not by reference. Thus, any changes made to it are local to the current stack frame and are lost as soon as the function returns and that frame is popped of the stack. Java doesn't support passing primitives (or anything really) by reference, so you'd either have to pass it as a single element array or wrap it in an object to get the behavior you're looking for.
Here's a simpler (untested) version that avoids the need to pass a variable by reference:
private int getMinDepth(QuadTreeNode node){
if(node == null)
return 0;
return 1 + Math.min(
Math.min(getMinDepth(node.q1), getMinDepth(node.q2)),
Math.min(getMinDepth(node.q3), getMinDepth(node.q4)));
Both your version and the one above are inefficient because they search the entire tree, when really you only need to search down to the shallowest depth. To do it efficiently, use a queue to do a breadth-first search like Tom recommended. Note however, that the trade-off required to get this extra speed is the extra memory used by the queue.
I decided to go ahead and write a breadth first search version that doesn't assume you have a class that keeps track of the nodes' depths (like Tom's NodeWithDepth). Once again, I haven't tested it or even compiled it... But I think it should be enough to get you going even if it doesn't work right out of the box. This version should perform faster on large, complex trees, but also uses more memory to store the queue.
private int getMinDepth(QuadTreeNode node){
// Handle the empty tree case
if(node == null)
return 0;
// Perform a breadth first search for the shallowest null child
// while keeping track of how deep into the tree we are.
LinkedList<QuadTreeNode> queue = new LinkedList<QuadTreeNode>();
int currentCountTilNextDepth = 1;
int nextCountTilNextDepth = 0;
int depth = 1;
// Check if we're transitioning to the next depth
if(currentCountTilNextDepth <= 0){
currentCountTilNextDepth = nextCountTilNextDepth;
nextCountTilNextDepth = 0;
// If this node has a null child, we're done
QuadTreeNode node = queue.removeFirst();
if(node.q1 == null || node.q2 == null || node.q3 == null || node.q4 == null)
// If it didn't have a null child, add all the children to the queue
// Housekeeping to keep track of when we need to increment our depth
nextCountTilNextDepth += 4;
// Return the depth of the shallowest node that had a null child
return depth;
Counter is always staying at zero because primitives in java are called by value. This means if you overwrite the value in a function call the caller won't see the change. Or if you're familiar with C++ notation it's foo(int x) instead of foo(int& x).
One solution would be to use an Integer object since objects are call-by-reference.
Since you're interested in the minimum depth a breadth first solution will work just fine, but you may get memory problems for large trees.
If you assume that the tree may become rather large an IDS solution would be the best. This way you'll get the time complexity of the breadth first variant with the space complexity of a depth first solution.
Here's a small example since IDS isn't as well known as its brethren (though much more useful for serious stuff!). I assume that every node has a list with children for simplicity (and since it's more general).
public static<T> int getMinDepth(Node<T> root) {
int depth = 0;
while (!getMinDepth(root, depth)) depth++;
return depth;
private static<T> boolean getMinDepth(Node<T> node, int depth) {
if (depth == 0)
return node.children.isEmpty();
for (Node<T> child : node.children)
if (getMinDepth(child, depth - 1)) return true;
return false;
For a short explanation see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iterative_deepening_depth-first_search