I'm making a lobby in a multi-player game, which may have any number of players displayed in a table. I have the following code:
camera = new OrthographicCamera(WIDTH,HEIGHT);
camera.position.set(WIDTH/2,HEIGHT/2, 0);
stage = new Stage();
ScrollPaneStyle paneStyle = new ScrollPaneStyle();
paneStyle.background = new TextureRegionDrawable(WizardsDuel.atlas.findRegion("cavebg"));
paneStyle.vScrollKnob = new TextureRegionDrawable(WizardsDuel.atlas.findRegion("GUI/slidernob"));
paneStyle.hScroll = paneStyle.hScrollKnob = paneStyle.vScroll = paneStyle.vScrollKnob;
Table container = new Table();
table = new Table();
ScrollPane pane = new ScrollPane(table,paneStyle);
font = new BitmapFont();
color = new Color(0,0,0,1);
style = new TextButtonStyle();
style.font = font;
style.up = new TextureRegionDrawable(WizardsDuel.atlas.findRegion("GUI/guibg"));
style.fontColor = color;
handler = new ChangeHandler();
ArrayList<User> users = FirebaseManager.lobbyUsers;
for(int i = 0; i < users.size() || i < 100; i++){
TextButton tmp = new TextButton("",style);
tmp.setText(i+ " asdf");
if(i%2 == 1 && i > 0)
Despite the manner in which the table clearly extends below the bottom of the screen(which should be the bottom of the scroll pane), there is no scroll bar, and clicking and dragging does nothing.
maybe you forget to make stage act in render(), add something like:
public void render(float delta) {
Gdx.gl.glClearColor(0, 0, 0, 1);
stage.act(Math.min(Gdx.graphics.getDeltaTime(), 1 / 30f));
You do actually need two things. An outer Container and an inner Container. You do regularly use two Tables for this. So here is a small example how I use the scrollPane. Actually with no style but it should make it clear.
this.table = new Table();
this.container = new Table();
scroll = new ScrollPane(table);
The table is the table one where you do add the stuff that should be scrollable. The container is the outer box. So you can add for example a headline above your scrollbox. The outer box (container) does need a size. Else you will not have any scrollbars or such. And you do need the inner table.
Simple example for adding:
style = new LabelStyle(font, Color.WHITE);
label = new Label(null, style);
label.setAlignment(1); // align center
give it more lines that it can show and you'll have a scroll pane. Else there is no scrollbar or such.
All in one. You just missed the outer container i think. Add it and it should work. Don't forget to sett the sizes.
My problem was that is wasn't receiving input. My I shouldn't have set the input processor in the constructor, because, the previous screen was setting the processor to null when it was "hidden", so when I moved the line to LobbyScreen's show method it happened after the previous screen was hidden, and the input is set correctly.
after you init the scrollpane you should call this first
2023 | KOTLIN
The element to be scrolled must be added to the stage or group before passing it to the ScrollPane
Create the necessary actor and add it to the stage or group
val actor = Actor()
Create a ScrollPane and place an actor in it
val scrollPane = ScrollPane(actor)
Set the position and dimensions for the actor and the ScrollPane
actor.setBounds(x,y,w,h) | scrollPane.setBounds(x,y,w,h)
PS. Vel_daN: Love what You DO 💚.
In libgdx I have a ScrollPane in my application and I can't figure out how to get it to scroll without extra space at the top. Currently, there is a massive space at the top of the pane, and when I scroll down, the text (high scores) slowly fill up the space.
Is it possible to start without the space (so the pane is completely filled) and when I scroll, I can scroll through the high scores without them moving upwards?
I noticed I can accomplish this by removing the following line.
But if I do this, I cannot scale or set origin on the table so the text appears too large.
Below is my scrollpane creation method:
private void createScrollPane(ArrayList<String> scrollPaneScores) {
scrollPaneViewport = new FitViewport(800, 480);
stage = new Stage(scrollPaneViewport);
Skin skin = new Skin(Gdx.files.internal("skin/uiskin.json"));
Table scrollableTable = new Table();
Table table = new Table();
for (String score : scrollPaneScores) {
table.add(new TextButton(score, skin)).row();
//table.setTransform(true); //clipping enabled ... this setting makes scrolling not occur in uniform fashion
table.setOrigin(400, 0);
final ScrollPane scroll = new ScrollPane(table, skin);
//When stage is created, set input processor to be a multiplexer to look at both screen and stage controls
scrollPaneCreated = true;
Remove the setFillParent line. It is an old problem with tables inside scrollpanes.
Try removing the scrollableTable.setFillParent(true);
[2]: Below is a piece of what I've done so far. Can't seem to get it to look like the pic that I've attached.
gp.getColumnConstraints().addAll(rc, rc1, rc2);
gp.add(prev, 0, 0);
gp.add(search, 1, 0);
gp.add(next, 2, 0);
Button add = new Button("Add + ");
add.setPrefSize(75, 10);
add.setOnAction(new EventHandler<ActionEvent>() {
public void handle(ActionEvent arg0) {
if (!fNameFld.getText().toString().equals("")) {
Contact c = new Contact(fNameFld.getText().toString(), numF.getText().toString(),
i = contact.indexOf(c);
Button edit = new Button("Edit * ");
edit.setPrefSize(75, 10);
edit.setOnAction(new EventHandler<ActionEvent>() {
I wouldn't use a GridPane for this. In fact, I’m pretty sure a GridPane alone can’t do what you want.
You can make a center-aligned HBox for each row, and put those rows into a single VBox:
Collection<HBox> buttonRows = Arrays.asList(
new HBox(6, previous, search, next),
new HBox(6, add, edit, remove),
new HBox(6, clear, quit));
buttonRows.forEach(hbox -> hbox.setAlignment(Pos.CENTER));
VBox buttonPane = new VBox(12);
You should get rid of all calls to setPrefSize. Your buttons are perfectly capable of defining their own sizes. If you want to give them larger internal margins, set their -fx-label-padding CSS properties.
I've been working on some app's using libgdx & I can't figure out how to position a button via coords.
public void create() {
batch = game.getSpriteBatch();
background = new Texture("data/textures/menuScreen_small.png");
bubbleArray = new Array<Bubble>();
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
bubbleArray.add(new Bubble(MathUtils.random(0,
Gdx.graphics.getWidth()), MathUtils.random(0,
table = new Table();
table.setSize(1280, 720);
table.setPosition(0, 0);
// table.debug();
skin = new Skin(Gdx.files.internal("data/ui/uiskin.json"));
* HomeScreen [Button 1]
final TextButton camButton = new TextButton("Camera", skin);
//Add button
camButton.setPosition(0, 0);
//Button Height
//Button Width
In the code above I am trying to position my textButton "camButton" at 0,0 on the screen.
when I start the program it's in the very center of the screen.
If anyone has some guides or tips let me know, I need to learn this stuff.
a small 'fix'
Not exactly a fix; but by removing the table in general solved this problem. By doing this I'm adding it to the stage instead of stage > table > button. Any comments to that?
If you just want to be able to fix buttons to absolute positions like 0,0 there is no need to add the items to a table, just add you button to the stage
TextButton button = new TextButton("Floating Button", skin);
button.setPosition(10, 10);
If you still want the controlled positioning that the table provides check out the guide for the table layout it has many good examples Table Layout
If you want to position the table
To position items inside a table
I had your problem. My requirement for the whole screen or part of the screen was. I solved my problem using WidgetGroup layout.
I created a slider inside of a table like shown in the following code example as I know that the minimum width of the background is used for the slider width:
public OptionScreen(MainClass game) {
preference = new PreferencesHelper();
font = this.getDefaultFont(25);
this.table = new Table();
if (Config.DEBUG)
// add volumenlabel
LabelStyle style = new LabelStyle(font, Color.WHITE);
volumenLabel = new Label(Config.VOLUMEN_LABLE, style);
// add slider
Skin skin = new Skin();
skin.add("sliderknob", this.game.manager.get("data/sliderknob.png"));
SliderStyle sliderStyle = new SliderStyle();
sliderStyle.background = skin.getDrawable("sliderbackground");
sliderStyle.knob = skin.getDrawable("sliderknob");
volumenSlider = new Slider(0f, 1f, 0.1f, false, sliderStyle);
volumenSlider.setValue(preference.getVolumen()); // load current volumen
volumenSlider.addListener(new ChangeListener() {
public void changed(ChangeEvent event, Actor actor) {
// sett the preference
// add volslider to stage
// table
style = new LabelStyle(font, Color.WHITE);
// set current volumen
volumeValue = new Label(
String.format("%.01f", volumenSlider.getValue()), style);
// init table
table.setPosition(Config.VIRTUAL_VIEW_WIDTH / 2,
Config.VIRTUAL_VIEW_HEIGHT / 2 - Config.BLOCK_SIZE * 10);
// add a nice fadeIn to the whole table :)
table.setColor(0, 0, 0, 0f);
table.addAction(Actions.fadeIn(2f)); // alpha fade
table.addAction(Actions.moveTo(Config.VIRTUAL_VIEW_WIDTH / 2,
Config.VIRTUAL_VIEW_HEIGHT / 2, 2f)); // move to center of the
// screen
// add to stage
The slide is inside a table with no width set. I already took a look if the width is set and if the calculation for the prefWidth of the slider does uses the set 600f.
Math.max(style.knob == null ? 0 : style.knob.getMinWidth(), style.background.getMinWidth())
Is the calculation for the width of the slider inside the Sliderclass. If I calculate that and log it, it loggs the desired 600f.
Everything seems right to me but the slider is rendered way to small for the 600 I set.
The background and knobtextures are 24x24.
So I hope you guys can tell me what I am doing wrong.
The folution is, that it's inside an table so the width is defined by the table width attibut for the spec. col and row.
So the fix is pretty short:
And its 600width and 60 height.
The wiki got edited to be more clear about this:
UI widgets do not set their own size and position. Instead, the parent widget sets the size and position of each child. Widgets provide a minimum, preferred, and maximum size that the parent can use as hints. Some parent widgets, such as Table, can be given constraints on how to size and position the children. To give a widget a specific size in a layout, the widget's minimum, preferred, and maximum size are left alone and size constraints are set in the parent.
Layout at Wiki
Problem: I have a method that creates a list from the parsed ArrayList. I manage to show the list in the GUI, without scrollbar. However, I am having problem setting it to show only the size of ArrayList. Meaning, say if the size is 6, there should only be 6 rows in the shown List. Below is the code that I am using. I tried setting the visibleRowCount as below but it does not work. I tried printing out the result and it shows that the change is made.
private void createSuggestionList(ArrayList<String> str) {
int visibleRowCount = str.size();
System.out.println("visibleRowCount " + visibleRowCount);
listForSuggestion = new JList(str.toArray());
listScrollPane = new JScrollPane(listForSuggestion);
MouseListener mouseListener = new MouseAdapter() {
public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent mouseEvent) {
JList theList = (JList) mouseEvent.getSource();
if (mouseEvent.getClickCount() == 2) {
int index = theList.locationToIndex(mouseEvent.getPoint());
if (index >= 0) {
Object o = theList.getModel().getElementAt(index);
System.out.println("Double-clicked on: " + o.toString());
To summarize: I want the JList to show as many rows as the size of the parsed ArrayList, without a scrollbar.
Here is the picture of the problem:
Here's the link to the other 2 as the picture resolution is quite big I'm scared it will distort the view:
JList 1 & JList 2
The JList 1 and 2 pictures shows it clearly. The JList displays empty rows, which I do not want it to happen.
Any ideas? Please help. Thanks. Please let me know if a picture of the problem is needed in case I did not phrase my question correctly.
JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane(textPane);
scrollPane.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(200, 200));
//Create the text area for the status log and configure it.
changeLog = new JTextArea(5, 30);
JScrollPane scrollPaneForLog = new JScrollPane(changeLog);
//Create a split pane for the change log and the text area.
JSplitPane splitPane = new JSplitPane(
scrollPane, scrollPaneForLog);
//Create the status area.
JPanel statusPane = new JPanel(new GridLayout(1, 1));
CaretListenerLabel caretListenerLabel =
new CaretListenerLabel("Caret Status");
//Add the components.
getContentPane().add(splitPane, BorderLayout.CENTER);
getContentPane().add(statusPane, BorderLayout.PAGE_END);
How the textPane is included into the container, if that helps
Another edit:
public void showSuggestionList(JScrollPane pane, Rectangle caretCoords) {
pane.setBounds(caretCoords.x - 5, caretCoords.y + 25, 400, 250);
showSuggestionList() is being called my CaretListener, to show the JScrollPane when the caret moves.
I suspect it's the layout-management of textPane that is the issue. From what I can see, the listForSuggestions should not occupy more space than it needs to display those items, if it's preferred size is respected.
So the JTextPane is a Container, that is, you can add subcomponents to it. But how are those subcomponents layed out? That is up to the layout manager currently in use. If the layout manager respects the preferred dimension of the listForSuggestios I think you should be ok. Not sure though.
From what I can see, you get the "null-layout" by just instantiating a JTextPane, which means that unless you set another layout manager explicitly, you would need to take care of placement / resizing of the subcomponents yourself.
You could try to do something like
Dimension dim = listForSuggestions.getPreferredSize();
listForSuggestions.setBounds(xPos, yPos, dim.getWidth(), dim.getHeight());
Here is a complete example
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import javax.swing.*;
public class FrameTest {
public static void main(String[] args) {
JFrame f = new JFrame("Frame Test");
ArrayList<String> str = new ArrayList<String>();
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
str.add("number " + i);
JTextPane tp = new JTextPane();
int visibleRowCount = str.size();
System.out.println("visibleRowCount " + visibleRowCount);
JList listForSuggestion = new JList(str.toArray());
JScrollPane listScrollPane = new JScrollPane(listForSuggestion);
MouseListener mouseListener = new MouseAdapter() {
public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent mouseEvent) {
JList theList = (JList) mouseEvent.getSource();
if (mouseEvent.getClickCount() == 2) {
int index = theList.locationToIndex(mouseEvent.getPoint());
if (index >= 0) {
Object o = theList.getModel().getElementAt(index);
System.out.println("Double-clicked on: " + o.toString());
listForSuggestion.setBorder(BorderFactory.createMatteBorder(1, 1, 1, 1, Color.BLACK));
Dimension dim = listForSuggestion.getPreferredSize();
listForSuggestion.setBounds(20, 20, (int) dim.getWidth(), (int) dim.getHeight());
f.setSize(400, 400);
I think the most elegant way of doing this is to roll your own layout-manager. (It's actually quite simple.) And then, instead of doing textPane.add(list), you do textPane.add(list, YourLayoutManager.POPUP_LIST). The layout-manager then remembers the fact that list was supposed to be layed out according to it's preferred size, and layes it out accordingly in its layoutContainer-method. (If you give the YourLayoutManager a reference to the JTextPane that it is attached to, you could probably even make it layout the list right beside the current caret location.)
If you are dynamically (via code) filling your list, it is bad idea not to use scrollbar. It might work as you want f.e. for 20 list items, but imagine what happens once you need use more data - like 2000. Your GUI will be ruined.