I am writing an Android application to read input from a HID USB foot pedal (press the pedal, get a message, do something).
The UsbManager is not recognizing the device. The foot pedal may be throwing an error in Android kernel when it plugs in, because I see this error message in the logcat:
"EventHub could not get driver version for /dev/input/mouse0, not a typewriter"
However, I know the foot pedal works, because when I plug it in and press it, it changes the focus to the next button on the activity... So I know it is communicating with my Nexus tablet and apparently its default action is to move the focus to the next button/object. I don't think there are any problems with my code, since it will recognize other USB devices, just not this foot pedal. I can actually tell when it's pressed by checking for when the focus changes, but that won't work for what I want since this app will run in the background as a service. I've tried setting an intent filter for this specific USB device (I know its product id and vendor id). However, it still shows no connected devices and the pop-up message that is supposed to ask the user to confirm launching the application never shows up. I've tried just listing all the connected USB devices as well, but I always get an empty list.
Is there any way to intercept input from this device so I can tell when the foot pedal gets pressed, even though Android's USB Manager will not recognize it?
For completeness, here is my code. I am testing on a Galaxy Nexus 10 tablet:
public int list_usb_devices()
int device_count = 0;
UsbManager mUsbManager;
mUsbManager = (UsbManager) getSystemService(Context.USB_SERVICE);
String LOG_TAG = "USB";
for (UsbDevice device : mUsbManager.getDeviceList().values()) {
//This code is never reached...
Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Detected device: " + device.toString());
Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Model: " + device.getDeviceName());
Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Id: " + device.getDeviceId());
Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Class: " + device.getDeviceClass());
Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Protocol: " + device.getDeviceProtocol());
Log.d(LOG_TAG, "VendorId: " + device.getVendorId());
Log.d(LOG_TAG, "ProductId: " + device.getProductId());
CharSequence text = device.toString();
return device_count;
I did some research in the Android source and it seems that all HID boot devices (mouse, keyboard etc.) are blacklisted and can therefore not be accessed using the USBManager API.
Here is the relevant part from the UsbHostManager.java , see here: http://grepcode.com/file_/repository.grepcode.com/java/ext/com.google.android/android/4.4.2_r1/com/android/server/usb/UsbHostManager.java/?v=source
/* returns true if the USB device should not be accessible by applications */
private boolean isBlackListed(int clazz, int subClass, int protocol) {
// blacklist hubs
if (clazz == UsbConstants.USB_CLASS_HUB) return true;
// blacklist HID boot devices (mouse and keyboard)
if (clazz == UsbConstants.USB_CLASS_HID &&
subClass == UsbConstants.USB_INTERFACE_SUBCLASS_BOOT) {
return true;
return false;
Before answer or taking any action just by seeing the question title please read description carefully, I am trying to do this yesterday and today a full day and night but I couldn't find any acceptable solution. Some are deprecated from android some are not working, some are just checking internet is just connected or not. But that's not what I am asking for.
I have applied many Stack Overflow answers in this regard but nothing is working perfectly. The functionality I am asking for is,
say MathActivity.java and activity_math.xml is a page loaded after clicking a button from mainActivity.java. When MathActivity.java is starting after clicking the button its primarily can check active internet connection via the ping method. Though its not working properly,
public boolean checkIntCON() {
try {
Process ipProcess = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("/system/bin/ping -c 1");
return (ipProcess.waitFor() == 0);
catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }
catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }
return false;
But its check just one time when I am entering [I did that work but I don't want that], say user is reading a pdf in activity_math.xml and when user reading this user turned off internet connection, I am also able to listen that functionality when user turn off connection this would be ok but if user again turn on data with internet unavailability then I can't listen this .
I want to get recent and maximum device supported solution to check in continues internet connection. say user is reading a pdf, after five minutes I want to check if the user have an active internet connection or not. Connection should be must transferrable internet connection. I have found AsyncTask solution but its deprecated. The main focus is I want to check user active internet connection after a certain interval.
Here is an image to explain more,
Is there any solution? If any please try to give me in detail code that i just want to copy and paste in project. I have visited all in stack overflow again I am mentioning.
Pass context and call the function, I think this is what you are looking for.
public static boolean isConnected(Context context) {
ConnectivityManager connectivityManager = (ConnectivityManager) context.getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE);
if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.Q) {
NetworkCapabilities capabilities = connectivityManager.getNetworkCapabilities(connectivityManager.getActiveNetwork());
Log.d("VIP", "isConnected: " + capabilities.getTransportInfo() + " down stream " + capabilities.getLinkDownstreamBandwidthKbps() +
" up stream " + capabilities.getLinkUpstreamBandwidthKbps() + " Cellular " + capabilities.hasTransport(NetworkCapabilities.TRANSPORT_CELLULAR)
+ " WiFi " + capabilities.hasTransport(NetworkCapabilities.TRANSPORT_WIFI) + " Ethernet " + capabilities.hasTransport(NetworkCapabilities.TRANSPORT_ETHERNET));
return capabilities != null && capabilities.hasTransport(NetworkCapabilities.TRANSPORT_CELLULAR) || capabilities.hasTransport(NetworkCapabilities.TRANSPORT_WIFI) || capabilities.hasTransport(NetworkCapabilities.TRANSPORT_ETHERNET);
} else {
NetworkInfo networkInfo = Objects.requireNonNull(connectivityManager).getActiveNetworkInfo();
boolean b = networkInfo != null && networkInfo.isConnected() && networkInfo.getDetailedState() != NetworkInfo.DetailedState.VERIFYING_POOR_LINK;
Log.d("VIP", "isConnected: else is connected " + b);
return b;
I'm working on an app sending Midi messages from an Android smartphone to USB2.0-MIDI cable interface, which is connected with the phone via OTG cable. I'm still stuck on opening the MidiInput/Output Ports, without which I cannot move any further.
I've already tried everything that came to my mind. MIDI library isn't well covered, I did a huge research, read few Android Midi examples, but at the end here I am asking for help. My implementation seems to be correct, quite similar to what Android presents in the original MidiScope and MidiSynth samples.
At the moment every step of the process is logged. I found out that until the method device.openInputPort(port nr) is called, everything works right. After that nothing more happens. helperIN remains with null assigned, event though mOpenDevice is correctly opened with all the properties;
new MidiManager.OnDeviceOpenedListener() {
public void onDeviceOpened(MidiDevice device) {
Log.i("OnDeviceOpened", "before if");
if (device == null) {
Log.e("OnDeviceOpened", "cound not open" + midiDeviceInfo);
} else {
mOpenDevice = device;
Log.i("OnDeviceOpened", "opened: " + mOpenDevice.getInfo().getProperties().getString(MidiDeviceInfo.PROPERTY_NAME));
mListInput = new LinkedList<>();
MidiInputPort helperIN = null;
Log.i("OpenInputPort", "inPort Count: " + mOpenDevice.getInfo().getInputPortCount());
for (int i = 0; i < mOpenDevice.getInfo().getInputPortCount(); i++) {
Log.i("OpenInputPort", "Trying to open inPort nr: " + i); //last log seen
helperIN = device.openInputPort(i); //stuck right here!
Log.i("OpenInputPort", "Opened inPort nr: " + i); //this not seen
if (helperIN == null) {
Log.e("openInputPort", "cound not open input port nr: " + i + " " + midiDeviceInfo.getPorts());
Log.i("openInputPort", "Port nr: " + i + "connected");
helperIN = null;
}, null);
Edit 1:
after few hours, when in plugged the phone in to Android, to once again run the app and get the logs, firts thing I noticed was this. This is quite strange, seems like it took it lots of time to finally decide not to open the port.
04-01 09:13:43.733 7627-7639/com.example.anthonylp.midiandoridtest I/OpenInputPort: Opened inPort nr: 0
04-01 09:13:43.733 7627-7639/com.example.anthonylp.midiandoridtest E/openInputPort: cound not open input port nr: 0
The actual logs are here:
04-01 09:42:11.704 3712-3712/com.example.anthonylp.midiandoridtest I/MidiWhenAdded: Class created
04-01 09:42:52.788 3712-3712/com.example.anthonylp.midiandoridtest I/MidiĀ Info: Name: null
Name: USB2.0-MIDI
04-01 09:42:52.788 3712-3712/com.example.anthonylp.midiandoridtest I/openMidiDevice: midiDeviceInfo not null
04-01 09:42:52.789 3712-3741/com.example.anthonylp.midiandoridtest I/OnDeviceOpened: before if
opened: USB2.0-MIDI
04-01 09:42:52.789 3712-3741/com.example.anthonylp.midiandoridtest I/OpenInputPort: inPort Count: 2
Trying to open inPort nr: 0
Nothing more seems to come out of it.
I expect the code to open the device MidiInputPort and assign it to helperIN, after that add it to mListInput.
Thanks a lot for help!
getConnectionState() as connected /disconnected depending on the device .if it is sending message i should see connected and if it not sending i should get disconnected .But each time i run the below java Program i am getting status as disconnected irrespective of device is sending messages or not
RegistryManager registryManager = RegistryManager.createFromConnectionString(connectionString);
System.out.println(registryManager.getDevices(new Integer(1000)));
ArrayList<Device> deviceslist=registryManager.getDevices(new Integer(1000));
for(Device device:deviceslist)
*/ }
I definitely am seeing otherwise.
I'm creating an simple C# console application using the code below,
static async void QueryDevices()
RegistryManager manager = RegistryManager.CreateFromConnectionString(connectionString);
while (true)
var devices = await manager.GetDevicesAsync(100);
foreach (var item in devices)
Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Now + ": " + item.Id + ", " + item.ConnectionState);
The git here is to always query the whole device list, because the ConnectionState property somehow looks like "static" memebers of the single device client instance, which is not apt-to change even when the actual state changes.
And my output is like below, the "connected" state is when I'm using an java client sample to send message to the IoT Hub.
I am setting up and testing in-app billing. I managed to purchase the android.test.purchased, and it did what it should. But now I need to consume it to continue my testing. The problem is that I can't reach the inventory.
When this is called I get the result.isFaliure() is called and I can't get the inventory.
IabHelper.QueryInventoryFinishedListener _gotInventoryListener = new IabHelper.QueryInventoryFinishedListener() {
public void onQueryInventoryFinished(IabResult result, Inventory inventory) {
if (_iabHelper == null) return;
if (result.isFailure()) {
Log.d(TAG, "Failed to query inventory: " + result);
Log.d(TAG, "Query inventory was successful.");
Purchase premiumPurchase = inventory.getPurchase(SKU_PREMIUM);
_isPremium = (premiumPurchase != null && verifyDeveloperPayload(premiumPurchase));
Log.d(TAG, "User is " + (_isPremium ? "PREMIUM" : "NOT PREMIUM"));
It logs the error message
Failed to query inventory: IabResult: Error refreshing inventory
(querying owned items). (response: -1003:Purchase signature
verification failed)
The android.test.purchased is still owned - it won't let me buy it again. My phone has network connection so it's not that.
I have NOT uploaded a signed APK to Google Play, does that matter even if I test with googles static ID's?
Solved it...
It seems there are problems with the static purchase ID's.
Here's a sollution I found in THIS thread:
If you have used the android.test.purchased then one way to get rid of the error is to do the following:-
1. Edit Security.java and change the "return false" line in the
verifyPurchase to "return true" - this is temporary, we'll be
putting it back in a minute.
2. In your QueryInventoryFinishedListener, after the "if
(result.isFailure()) {...}" lines add the following to consume and
get rid of your never ending android.test.purchased item:-
if (inventory.hasPurchase(SKU_ANDROID_TEST_PURCHASE_GOOD)) {
3. Run your app so the consunmeAsync happens, this gets rid of the
"android.test.purchased" item on the server.
4. Remove the consumeAsync code (or comment it out). Back in the
Security.java, change the "return true" back to "return false".
I found the answer here:
"Here's a recommendation: Make sure that your Billing Key (base64EncodedPublicKey) is properly saved. That was my problem, after all that..."
base64EncodedPublicKey was from another aplication...
It was solution for me.
I know it's possible to get the local device name as described in the solution to this question Display Android Bluetooth Device Name
What I'm interested in knowing is, can I change the local buetooth name (the one other devices see when I'm in discovery mode) programaticlly. I know you can change it by hand, but I'm writing and app and I want to be able to change the name (add a simple flag) so other devices with the same application can scan and instantly know if the phone is also running the app.
tl;dr: How can I change the bluetooth device name on android?
Yes you can change your device name using setName(String name) of BluetoothAdapter type.Following is the sample code:
private BluetoothAdapter bluetoothAdapter = null;
bluetoothAdapter = BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter();
void ChangeDeviceName(){
Log.i(LOG, "localdevicename : "+bluetoothAdapter.getName()+" localdeviceAddress : "+bluetoothAdapter.getAddress());
Log.i(LOG, "localdevicename : "+bluetoothAdapter.getName()+" localdeviceAddress : "+bluetoothAdapter.getAddress());
Thanks for the original answer, here are a few things I found when implementing that might help someone else out.
1) BT has to be enabled for setName() to work.
2) It takes time for BT to Enable. ie. you Can't just call enable() then setName()
3) It takes time for the name to "sink in". ie. you can't call getName() right after setName() and expect the new name.
So, here is a snippet of code I came up with to use a runnable to get the job done in the background. It is also time bound to 10seconds, so it won't run forever if there is a problem.
Finally, this is part of our power on check, and we normally leave BT disabled (due to battery). So, I turn BT back off after, you may not want to do that.
// BT Rename
final String sNewName = "Syntactics";
final BluetoothAdapter myBTAdapter = BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter();
final long lTimeToGiveUp_ms = System.currentTimeMillis() + 10000;
if (myBTAdapter != null)
String sOldName = myBTAdapter.getName();
if (sOldName.equalsIgnoreCase(sNewName) == false)
final Handler myTimerHandler = new Handler();
new Runnable()
public void run()
if (myBTAdapter.isEnabled())
if (sNewName.equalsIgnoreCase(myBTAdapter.getName()))
Log.i(TAG_MODULE, "Updated BT Name to " + myBTAdapter.getName());
if ((sNewName.equalsIgnoreCase(myBTAdapter.getName()) == false) && (System.currentTimeMillis() < lTimeToGiveUp_ms))
myTimerHandler.postDelayed(this, 500);
if (myBTAdapter.isEnabled())
Log.i(TAG_MODULE, "Update BT Name: waiting on BT Enable");
Log.i(TAG_MODULE, "Update BT Name: waiting for Name (" + sNewName + ") to set in");
} , 500);
To change the bluetooth name properly you need to take care of following things:
1) You need following permissions:
2) Check the bluetooth state from adapter as you can only change the name of bluetooth is turned on.
val bluetoothAdapter = BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter();
if(bluetoothAdapter.state == BluetoothAdapter.STATE_ON){
3) If the bluetooth is not turned on then you can turn it on with the following command:
4) Last thing, please don't use static timers to wait for bluetooth state changes instead the proper way is that you can register for android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED broadcast and useBluetoothAdapter.EXTRA_STATE to get the new state of bluetooth whenever it is changed.
Note: Not all devices behave the same when it comes to bluetooth and changing the name due to caching and hw address, so never expect same outcome from all devices.