Webelement.click in selenium - java

I am using selenium to do the UI automation for a web application.
1) My doubt is
when i use the click() method like, right_btn.click() whether it just clicks the right_btn and comes out or it just waits for the underlying actions to be completed before it moves out???
bcoz i read this
When i googled for WebElement.click() http://selenium.googlecode.com/git/docs/api/java/org/openqa/selenium/WebElement.html it says like, it gets blocked whenever the click() involves opening a new page but here it doesnt opens a new page rather it involves in service call.
2) What i actually want to know?
I want to know this actually to calculate the latency involved in carrying out each actions in the UI. Is there any way to calculate the latency for each UI actions, just like we can see the latency time when we use inspect element in chrome. Thanks in advance.

In java, you can make a Date a = new date() object with the current time, just before your right_btn.click() and then wait for the resulting page to open, (if in a new tab/window - switch to it) and then find some element on that page
WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, 10);
WebElement element = wait.until(
After that returns the element, make another Date b = new Date()
The latency is the difference in milliseconds int millis = b-a;
Yes, a small part of that total time is Selenium searching for the 2nd element, but I'm afraid this might be the best you can do with java/selenium for your purpose.

I am not too sure if I understood your question exactly
How to calculate Latency is hard , but for intercepting calls you can use browserMobProxy in your code and check if particular call is complete and move on


How to wait HTML element appear globally with Selenide?

We have many e2e test written by Selenide.
To avoid failing test in test server, I would like selenide to wait for html element appearing.
I know some scripts like wait.until(...) for this. But, I don't want to fix all test code.
Is there any global switch or setting for Selenide ? ( in detail, I hope the option making cssselector waiting )
My question is resolved by this post
Implicit Wait is the way to configure the WebDriver instance to poll the HTML DOM (DOM Tree)
for a configured amount of time when it tries to find an element
or find a group/collection of elements if they are not immediately available.
As per the current W3C specification the default time is configured to 0.
We can configure the time for the Implicit Wait any where within our script/program and can reconfigure it as per our necessity.
Once we set Implicit Wait it will be valid for the lifetime of the WebDriver instance.
I think implicit wait time is almost the global switch I expected.
Before performing any action, selenide provides methods to look up for Conditions.
$("By Locator").shouldBe(Condition."Desired Condition").
I might be late for this question. But for anyone who still needs help in selenide wait, my answer might still be helpful.
For selenium if you have wait method like:
element = (new WebDriverWait(driver, <timeOutForElement>))
You can perform the same in Selenide with element = $(<cssSelector>).should(exist);
element = (new WebDriverWait(driver, <timeOutForElement>))
We just go with element = $(<cssSelector>).shouldBe(visible);
Reference Page Here.

How to create wait in selenium that waits for a web element to finish refreshing

I'm fairly new to Selenium and I'm writing a test for a web app using it. In doing this, I'm using assertions to make sure the web app is working correctly. For a few of these assertions, I'm asserting on a web element that has a numeric value in which the expected number is known. The problem is when a change is made that changes this numeric value the change happens gradually based on how fast the internet connection is. Up to this point have resorted to using sleep's to wait for the element to finish refreshing before I use assertions but I would like to make it so this wait is no longer than the time it takes for the element to stop refreshing and thus not have to include sleep's that are either too short or too long.
You should try this:
WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(webDriver, timeoutInSeconds);
wait.until(ExpectedConditions.visibilityOfElementLocated(<specific locator of element>));
Sleep is not a good option because you wait always expected the amount of time.
In the approach presented above you always wait for the visibility of a specific element. When an element is visible your test steps will go forward. There is no extra wait time which you got with implicit sleep
Avoid using sleep and replace it with an implicit wait or use expected condition if applicable. below is c# code for it
int time =10; // set maximum time required for operation
WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(time));
wait.Until(SeleniumExtras.WaitHelpers.ExpectedConditions.ElementIsVisible(By.XPath(""))); //replace "" with your desired xpath
The above code will wait for max 10 seconds for an element to be visible. but if it appears earlier then it will jump to next process so you need not have to wait for a specific time. Also, there are other expected conditions available like ElementExists, ElementToBeClickable etc. I will leave it to you to explore the appropriate option for yourself
if you wan t to use implicit wait specifically use below code

Selenium Subselect waiting in java

I have 3 select menus depending on each other. Selenium enables you to select a value of a select item but since the menus depend on each other there is a small waiting time between each one. You can have a thread sleeping for one second the time it loads but I want to know how to make the waiting dynamic. The WebDriverWait enables you to wait for an element but not a value of the element.
The secret to dynamic waits is the ExpectedConditions class. Used properly, you can get WebDriverWait to work with quite a large variety of conditions.
Without seeing the HTML of your page, I suspect you're going to need something like:
WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, 10);
.textToBePresentInElementLocated(By.id("the-element's-id", "Value you are looking for");
You don't have to use id if it's not convenient: any of the usual locators like xpath and css will work too.

Selenium - wait for page to render dynamic page

I have a Dynamic web page that refreshes and loads new data. I am using Selenium and I need to wait till the page has finished rendering before I can continue checking the page. I have seen many posts about waiting for the page to load or using explicit waits (implicit wait could solve the problem but is very unelegant and not fast enough). The problem with using explicit waits is not having any info on what will come up after the refresh. I have seen some solutions talking about waiting for all the connections to the server to end but that will not promise me that the actual UI has finished rendering.
What I need is a way to know if a page has finished to render (not load!!)
First of all you DO KNOW what sctructure will come after the page will load. You don't know what tags were not on the page, but you know what DOM will look like. That's why usually it's worst practice to test with page text, but a good one to have a website tested by DOM only. So, depending on what structure appears on the page you will need to have explicit ways waiting for specific tags will appear on the page.
One more solution (but as I told it's not really the best practice) is to wait for document.readystate is "complete". This state will not help in every situation, but if you have something still loading on the page, in more then half cases it will not return complete. So, you should have some kind of implicit state that is executing:
string readyState = javascript.ExecuteScript("if (document.readyState) return document.readyState;").ToString();
and then checking:
readyState.ToLower() == "complete";
btw if you will use protractor as an angular js application test executor, it's waiting for angular page loaded by default, or in some difficult situations you can use:
OR do something in a callback
button.click().then(function() {
// go next step
I have had similar problem with the product I am testing. I had to create special functions for click,click_checkbox,sendKeys and getText for example. These include try catch methods for cathcing NoSuchElement StaleElementReference exceptions. Also it retries if the actions fail, like sending the wrong text.
This isnt enough for you. It only waits for the DOM to load. WHen the HTML tag are loaded, it returns "complete". So you have to wait for each individual item.
This works for me well with dynamically rendered websites - I do not have a time constraint in getting the data as it would run in background for me, if efficiency is an issue may be this is not the solution for you (50s is a huge time for any website to load after the ready state is completed) :
Wait for complete page to load
WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, 50);
wait.until((ExpectedCondition<Boolean>) wd -> ((JavascriptExecutor) wd).executeScript("return document.readyState").equals("complete"));
Make another implicit wait with a dummy condition which would always fail
try {
wait.until(ExpectedConditions.visibilityOfElementLocated(By.xpath("//*[contains(text(),'" + "This text will always fail :)" + "')]"))); // condition you are certain won't be true
catch (TimeoutException te) {
Finally, instead of getting the html source - which would in most of one page applications would give you a different result , pull the outerhtml of the first html tag
String script = "return document.getElementsByTagName(\"html\")[0].outerHTML;";
content = ((JavascriptExecutor) driver).executeScript(script).toString();

How to get list of current AJAX Calls in the WebPage and how to track programatically, if there are finished

I have an interesting testing issue.
My requirement is to do performance test on a web site.
Issue here to get the REAL time taking to load the web page (i am testing). The word REAL time i refer here as the total time taken to finished all the (initial) AJAX calls (with some response). I thought of using Page Load Event.
But this approach does not give the REAL time.
Any suggestions how to do it any reference to the information is also great!
My environment: Java and WedDriver.
Tag your request objects with a timestamp and subtract this from the systime when the corresponding response is received.
Depending on your methodology you could have generic Request/Response object with a <T> payload and a demuxer on the server side. These generic objects could then contain code to automagically register the time when sent and received and provide the time spent to the client. Aggregating time spent for an entire page to load is a bit trickier with this approach, but not near impossible I should think - the RPC proxy might keep track of that if requests are also tagged with the originating page.
if you were to provide some concrete example of your setup/code I might be able to be more precise.
As everyone said, WebDriver is not meant for Performance. However, see the following method that I use sometimes.
Following code will work if you can capture the performance against some particular webelement, can be a div or a span block.
1 Use any stopwatch. I am using apache stopwatch.
import org.apache.commons.lang3.time.StopWatch;
2 Initialize the variable
StopWatch timer = new StopWatch();
3 Start the timer and in next line navigate to your page. I prefer driver.navigate().to() than driver.get() as I feel it reduces other processing time to invoke a fresh URL.
4 Wait for a particular element that can specify page loading finished. Once it appear, in next line stop the timer.
new WebDriverWait(driver, 10).until(ExpectedConditions. presenceOfElementLocated(By.className("demoClass")));
System.out.println("timer.getTime() + " milliseconds");
Additional Note: If you want to know the loading time of Network calls of any particular webapge load, use webkit like phantomJS or thing like browsermobproxy. It will return network calls in HAR/JSON file. Parse those files and you may get your time.
Hope this helps.
