Java Regex find() vs match() usage - java

Edited question
I want to pull the date and time out of some strings. Here's an example. All Event strings start with [0r(1)2[000p[040qe1w3h162[020t*. upon encountering a new one, it should parse the last string set and get some data. an example event is below
[020t 12:24:06 SMARTCARD ENTERED
11\11\10 12:24 10390011
123456789098765432 6598
[020t 12:24:52 FILE STACKED
[020t 12:24:59 FILE PRESENTED 0,5,0,0
[020t 12:25:03 FILE TAKEN
11\11\10 12:25 10390011
123456789098765432 6599
[000p[040q(1 *6599*1*E*000050000,M-00,R-10200
[020t 12:25:34 SMARTCARD TAKEN
[020t 12:25:38 EVENT ENDED
I want to extract date and time as one variable for every activity. e.g.
Activity time/date= 11/11/2010 12:24
Activity= SmartCard inserted
Activity time/date= 12:24:06
I tried the following
String sample = "[0r(1)2[000p[040qe1w3h162[020t*882*11/11/2010*12:26*";
String regex = "(?x) ^([0r(1)2[000p[040qe1w3h162[020t*):// ([^/:]+) (?:(\\d+))?";
Matcher m = Pattern.compile(regex).matcher(sample);
String ignore =;
String date =;
String time =;
System.out.println( date + " " + time);
//this section isn't useful in light of the edit to the question

Use String.split(String regex):
String line = "[0r(1)2[000p[040qe1w3h162[020t*882*11/11/2010*12:26*";
String[] parts = line.split("\\*");
String date = parts[2];
String time = parts[3];
System.out.println("date=" + date + ", time=" + time);
date=11/11/2010, time=12:26

class sql
public static void main (String [] args)
String dateInCase = "11/11/2010";
String termID;
String line = " 11\11\10 12:24 10390011";
String[] parts = line.split("");
String termId = parts[4]+parts[5]+parts[6]; //to catch terminal ID
String cardInserted = parts[1]+parts[2]+parts[3]+parts[4]+parts[5];
String starter = parts[4]+parts[7]+parts[13]+parts[14]+parts[15];
String tracker = parts[3]+parts[4]+parts[5]+parts[6]+parts[7];
boolean V = (termId.matches("\\s\\d\\d"));
boolean W = (cardInserted.matches("\\s\\s\\s\\s\\s"));//this gets card inserted
boolean X = (starter.matches("\\D\\d\\d\\d\\d"));// a new event set has started
boolean Y = (tracker.matches("\\d\\d\\d\\D\\s")); // this checks for any activity as all activities have numbers in 3,4,5
if(V == true)
parts = line.split("\\ ");
String terminal = parts[2];
System.out.println("terminal " + terminal);
if(W == true)//this gets card inserted strings
parts =line.split("\\*");
String activity = parts[1];
if(X == true) //action if it sees a new event set
parts = line.split("\\*");
String datetime = parts[2]+" "+ parts[3];
System.out.println("time= " + datetime);
dateInCase = parts[2];
if(Y == true) //action if it sees a new event
parts =line.split("\\ ");
String datetime = dateInCase+ " " + parts[1];
String activity = parts[2]+ " " + parts[3];
System.out.println("time= " + datetime + " activity= " + activity);


Android - take a custom string

I have a file path name whose prefix always changes as below :
How can I retrieve date (2018-01-04), time (04.70.01) and number phone (+111) with the ever-changing data ?
Whoever you are I am very grateful to finish this
You can use split with _ like this :
String[] texts = new String[] {
for (String text : texts) {
String[] split = text.split("_");
String date = split[1];
String time = split[2];
String phone = split[3];
System.out.println("date = " + date + ", time = " + time + ", phone = " + phone);
date = 2018-05-02, time = 14.40.04, phone = +621241411112
date = 2018-04-01, time = 03.10.40, phone = +111
date = 2018-01-04, time = 04.70.01, phone = +62994

Splitting String based on this six characters 0102**

How can I split a flat string based on 0102**? string tokenizer is working for only **. Is there any way to split based on 0102**? Please suggest
Here is my complete method
private String handleCibil(InterfaceRequestVO ifmReqDto, String szExtIntType) throws MalformedURLException, org.apache.axis.AxisFault, RemoteException {
/* Declaration and initiliazation */
ConfVO confvo = ifmReqDto.getExtConfVo();
String szResponse = null;
String cibilResponse = null;
String errorResponse = null;
String endpointURL = null;
long timeOut = confvo.getBurMgr().getBurInfo(szExtIntType).getTimeOut();
endpointURL = formWebServiceURL(confvo, szExtIntType);
URL url = new URL(endpointURL);
log.debug("Input xml for cibil "+ifmReqDto.getIfmReqXML());
BasicHttpStub stub= new BasicHttpStub(url,new org.apache.axis.client.Service());
szResponse = stub.executeXMLString(ifmReqDto.getIfmReqXML());
//szResponse=szResponse.replaceAll("&", "&");
log.debug("szResponse "+szResponse);
/* Validate if the obtained response is as expected by IFM */
try {
extDao = new ExtInterfaceXMLTransDAO(ifmReqDto.getSemCallNo(), ifmReqDto.getIdService());
extDao.updateRqstRespXML10g(ifmReqDto.getInterfaceReqNum(), szResponse, GGIConstants.IFM_RESPONSE);
Document xmlDocument = DocumentHelper.parseText(szResponse);
String xPath = GGIConstants.RESPONSE_XPATH;
List<Node> nodes = xmlDocument.selectNodes(xPath);
for (Node node : nodes) {
String keyValue = node.valueOf(GGIConstants.RESPONSE_XPATH_KEY);
// log.debug("keyValue : " + keyValue);
if (keyValue.equalsIgnoreCase(GGIConstants.RESPONSE_XPATH_KEY_VALUE)) {
// log.debug("node value : " + node.getText());
cibilResponse = node.getText();
log.debug("cibilResponse " + cibilResponse);
String errorResponseXPATH = GGIConstants.CIBIL_ERROR_RESPONSE_XPATH;
List<Node> errorResponseNode = xmlDocument.selectNodes(errorResponseXPATH);
for (Node node : errorResponseNode) {
errorResponse = node.getText();
log.debug("errorResponse " + errorResponse);
if(cibilResponse!=null && cibilResponse.length()>0)
StringTokenizer cibilResponseResults = new StringTokenizer(cibilResponse,"**");
String tempResponse="";
ArrayList probableMatchList = new ArrayList();
while (cibilResponseResults.hasMoreElements()) {
tempResponse = (String) cibilResponseResults.nextElement();
String memberRefNo = tempResponse.substring(69, 80).replaceAll(" ", "");
log.debug("memberRefNo " + memberRefNo);
if (memberRefNo.length() > 0) {
if (Integer.parseInt(memberRefNo) > 0) {
cibilResponse = tempResponse;
cibilResponse = cibilResponse+"**";
cibilResponse = tempResponse+"**";
log.debug("After finding the Member reference number cibilResponse " + cibilResponse);
log.debug("After finding the Probable reference list " + probableMatchList);
// TKN 008
if (errorResponse!=null && errorResponse.length()>0) {
throw new GenericInterfaceException(errorResponse
+ " for the seq_request " + ifmReqDto.getSeqRequest() + " Seq_Interface_req is >> "
+ ifmReqDto.getInterfaceReqNum(),
GGIConstants.SEND_REQUEST_CONSTANT + Strings.padStart(String.valueOf(ifmReqDto.getIdService()), 2, GGIConstants.DEFAULT_NUMBER_STRING)
else if (cibilResponse==null || StringUtils.isEmpty(cibilResponse) ) {
throw new GenericInterfaceException("Cibil TUEF response is empty >> cibil Service "
+ "for the seq_request " + ifmReqDto.getSeqRequest() + "Seq_Interface_req is >> "
+ ifmReqDto.getInterfaceReqNum(),
GGIConstants.SEND_REQUEST_CONSTANT + Strings.padStart(String.valueOf(ifmReqDto.getIdService()), 2, GGIConstants.DEFAULT_NUMBER_STRING)
/* Setting Instinct response to ifmReqDto object */
} catch (SQLException e) {
log.error("SQLException while connecting to DataBase. Exception message is ", e);
throw new GenericInterfaceException("SQLException >> Instinct Service "
+ "for the seq_request " + ifmReqDto.getSeqRequest() + "Seq_Interface_req is >> "
+ ifmReqDto.getInterfaceReqNum(),
GGIConstants.SEND_REQUEST_CONSTANT + Strings.padStart(String.valueOf(ifmReqDto.getIdService()), 2, GGIConstants.DEFAULT_NUMBER_STRING)
} catch (GenericInterfaceException exp) {
log.error("Exception occured while valid:", exp);
throw exp;
} catch (Exception exp) {
log.error("Exception occured while valid:", exp);
throw new GenericInterfaceException("GeneralException >> Instinct Service "
+ "for the seq_request " + ifmReqDto.getSeqRequest() + "Seq_Interface_req is >> "
+ ifmReqDto.getInterfaceReqNum(),
GGIConstants.SEND_REQUEST_CONSTANT + Strings.padStart(String.valueOf(ifmReqDto.getIdService()), 2, GGIConstants.DEFAULT_NUMBER_STRING)
return szResponse;
I recommend checking out the Java documentation, it provides a really good reference to start with. The .split method uses a regex to split up a string based on a delimiter.
String[] tokens = myString.split("0102\\*\\*");
For now I suspect that you forgot to escape * in split regex.
Try maybe
String[] resutl = yourString.split("0102\\*\\*");
In case you want * to represent any character then use . instead of *
String[] resutl = yourString.split("0102..");
In case you want * to represent any digit use \\d instead
String[] resutl = yourString.split("0102\\d\\d");
String string = "blabla0102**dada";
String[] parts = string.split("0102\\*\\*");
String part1 = parts[0]; // blabla
String part2 = parts[1]; // dada
Here we have a String: "blabla0102**dada", we call it string. Every String object has a method split(), using this we can split a string on anything we desire.
Do you mean literally split by "0102**"? Couldn't you use regex for that?
String[] tokens = "My text 0102** hello!".split("0102\\*\\*");

Extracting certain pattern from log using Java

I want to extract a piece of information from a log file. The pattern that I am using is the prompt of the node-name and the command. I want to extract information of the command output and compare them. Consider the sample output as follows
NodeName > command1
this is the sample output
NodeName > command2
this is the sample output
I have tried the following code.
public static void searchcommand( String strLineString)
String searchFor = "Nodename> command1";
String endStr = "Nodename";
String op="";
int end=0;
int len = searchFor.length();
int result = 0;
if (len > 0) {
int start = strLineString.indexOf(searchFor);
end = strLineString.indexOf(endStr,start+len);
op=strLineString.substring(start, end);
op=strLineString.substring(start, strLineString.length());
String[] arr = op.split("%%%%%%%");
for (String z : arr) {
start = strLineString.indexOf(searchFor,start+len);
The issue is that the code is too slow to extract the data. Is there any other way to do so?
Its a log file which I have read as a string in the above code.
My suggestion..
public static void main(String[] args) {
String log = "NodeName > command1 \n" + "this is the sample output \n"
+ "NodeName > command2 \n" + "this is the sample output";
String lines[] = log.split("\\r?\\n");
boolean record = false;
String statements = "";
for (int j = 0; j < lines.length; j++) {
String line = lines[j];
//process your statement
record = !record;
statements = ""; // Reset statement
statements += line;
Here is my suggestion:
Use a regular expression. Here is one:
final String input = " NodeName > command1\n" +
"\n" +
" this is the sample output1 \n" +
"\n" +
" NodeName > command2 \n" +
"\n" +
" this is the sample output2";
final String regex = ".*?NodeName > command(\\d)(.*?)(?=NodeName|\\z)";
final Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile(regex, Pattern.DOTALL).matcher(input);
while(matcher.find()) {
this is the sample output1
this is the sample output2
So, to break down the regex:
First, it skips all signs until it finds the first "NodeName > command", followed by a number. This number we want to keep, to know which command created the output. Next, we grab all the following signs, until we (using lookahead) find another NodeName, or the end of the input.

Improving the code that parses a Text File

Text File(First three lines are simple to read, next three lines starts with p)
p:55 - AutoRefreshStoreCategories Data:Previous UserLogged:true Attribute:1 Attribute:16 Attribute:2060
p:25 - CrossPromoEditItemRule Data:New UserLogged:false Attribute:1 Attribute:10107 Attribute:10108
p:20 - CrossPromoManageRules Data:Previous UserLogged:true Attribute:1 Attribute:10107 Attribute:10108
Below is the code I wrote to parse the above file and after parsing it I am setting the corresponding values using its Setter. I just wanted to know whether I can improve this code more in terms of parsing and other things also by using other way like using RegEx? My main goal is to parse it and set the corresponding values. Any feedback or suggestions will be highly appreciated.
private List<Command> commands;
private static int noOfThreads = 3;
private static int startRange = 1;
private static int endRange = 1000;
private static int newStartRange = 5000;
private static int newEndRange = 10000;
private BufferedReader br = null;
private String sCurrentLine = null;
private int distributeRange = 100;
private List<String> values = new ArrayList<String>();
private String commandName;
private static String data;
private static boolean userLogged;
private static List<Integer> attributeID = new ArrayList<Integer>();
try {
// Initialize the system
commands = new LinkedList<Command>();
br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("S:\\Testing\\Test1.txt"));
while ((sCurrentLine = br.readLine()) != null) {
if(sCurrentLine.contains("ThreadSize")) {
noOfThreads = Integer.parseInt(sCurrentLine.split(":")[1]);
} else if(sCurrentLine.contains("ExistingRange")) {
startRange = Integer.parseInt(sCurrentLine.split(":")[1].split("-")[0]);
endRange = Integer.parseInt(sCurrentLine.split(":")[1].split("-")[1]);
} else if(sCurrentLine.contains("NewRange")) {
newStartRange = Integer.parseInt(sCurrentLine.split(":")[1].split("-")[0]);
newEndRange = Integer.parseInt(sCurrentLine.split(":")[1].split("-")[1]);
} else {
String key = sCurrentLine.split("-")[0].split(":")[1].trim();
String value = sCurrentLine.split("-")[1].trim();
values = Arrays.asList(sCurrentLine.split("-")[1].trim().split("\\s+"));
for(String s : values) {
if(s.contains("Data:")) {
data = s.split(":")[1];
} else if(s.contains("UserLogged:")) {
userLogged = Boolean.parseBoolean(s.split(":")[1]);
} else if(s.contains("Attribute:")) {
} else {
commandName = s;
Command command = new Command();
} catch(Exception e) {
I think you should know what exactly you're expecting while using RegEx. should be helpful.
To answer a comment:
p:55 - AutoRefreshStoreCategories Data:Previous UserLogged:true Attribute:1 Attribute:16 Attribute:2060
to parse above with regex (and 3 times Attribute:):
String parseLine = "p:55 - AutoRefreshStoreCategories Data:Previous UserLogged:true Attribute:1 Attribute:16 Attribute:2060";
Matcher m = Pattern
if(m.find()) {
int p = Integer.parseInt(;
String method =;
String data =;
boolean userLogged = Boolean.valueOf(;
int at1 = Integer.parseInt(;
int at2 = Integer.parseInt(;
int at3 = Integer.parseInt(;
System.out.println(p + " " + method + " " + data + " " + userLogged + " " + at1 + " " + at2 + " "
+ at3);
EDIT looking at your comment you still can use regex:
String parseLine = "p:55 - AutoRefreshStoreCategories Data:Previous UserLogged:true "
+ "Attribute:1 Attribute:16 Attribute:2060";
Matcher m = Pattern.compile("p:(\\d+)\\s-\\s(.*?)\\s+Data:(.*?)\\s+UserLogged:(.*?)").matcher(
if(m.find()) {
for(int i = 0; i < m.groupCount(); ++i) {
System.out.println( + 1));
Matcher m2 = Pattern.compile("Attribute:(\\d+)").matcher(parseLine);
while(m2.find()) {
System.out.println("Attribute matched: " +;
But that depends if thre is no Attribute: names before "real" attributes (for example as method name - after p)
You can use the Scanner class. It has some helper methods to read text files
I would turn this inside out. Presently you are:
Scanning the line for a keyword: the entire line if it isn't found, which is the usual case as you have a number of keywords to process and they won't all be present on every line.
Scanning the entire line again for ':' and splitting it on all occurrences
Mostly parsing the part after ':' as an integer, or occasionally as a range.
So several complete scans of each line. Unless the file has zillions of lines this isn't a concern in itself but it demonstrates that you have got the processing back to front.

Extract dates from web page

I want to extract dates with different formats out of web pages. I am using the Selenium2 Java API to interact with the browser. Also i use jQuery to further interact with the document. So, solutions for both layers are welcome.
Dates can have very different formats in different locales. Also, month names can be written as text or as number. I need to match as much dates as possible, and I am aware of the fact that there are many combinations.
For example if I have a HTML element like this:
<div class="tag_view">
Last update: May,22,2011
View :40
I want that the relevant part of the date is extracted and recognized:
This should now be converted to a regular Java Date object.
This should work with the HTML from any web page, the date can be contained in any element in any format. For example here on Stackoverflow the source code looks like this:
<span class="relativetime" title="2011-05-13 14:45:06Z">May 13 at 14:45</span>
I want it to be done the most effective way and i guess this would be a jQuery selector or filter which returns a standardized date representation. But I am open to your suggestions.
Since we can't limit ourselves to any specific element type or children of any element, you're basically talking about searching the whole page's text for dates. The only way to do this with any kind of efficiency is to use regular expressions. Since you're looking for dates in any format, you need a regex for each acceptable format. Once you define what those are, just compile the regexes and run something like:
var datePatterns = new Array();
var stringToSearch = $('body').html(); // change this to be more specific if at all possible
var allMatches = new Array();
for (datePatternIndex in datePatterns){
You can find more date regexes by googling around, or make them yourself, they're pretty easy. One thing to note: You could probably combine some regexes above to create a more efficient program. I'd be very careful with that, it could cause your code to become hard to read very quickly. Doing one regex per date format seems much cleaner.
You could consider using getText to get element text and then split the String, like -
String s = selenium.getText("css=span.relativetime");
String date = s.split("Last update:")[1].split("View :")[0];
I will answer this myself because i came up with a working solution. I appreciate comments though.
* Extract date
* #return Date object
* #throws ParseException
public Date extractDate(String text) throws ParseException {
Date date = null;
boolean dateFound = false;
String year = null;
String month = null;
String monthName = null;
String day = null;
String hour = null;
String minute = null;
String second = null;
String ampm = null;
String regexDelimiter = "[-:\\/.,]";
String regexDay = "((?:[0-2]?\\d{1})|(?:[3][01]{1}))";
String regexMonth = "(?:([0]?[1-9]|[1][012])|(Jan(?:uary)?|Feb(?:ruary)?|Mar(?:ch)?|Apr(?:il)?|May|Jun(?:e)?|Jul(?:y)?|Aug(?:ust)?|Sep(?:tember)?|Sept|Oct(?:ober)?|Nov(?:ember)?|Dec(?:ember)?))";
String regexYear = "((?:[1]{1}\\d{1}\\d{1}\\d{1})|(?:[2]{1}\\d{3}))";
String regexHourMinuteSecond = "(?:(?:\\s)((?:[0-1][0-9])|(?:[2][0-3])|(?:[0-9])):([0-5][0-9])(?::([0-5][0-9]))?(?:\\s?(am|AM|pm|PM))?)?";
String regexEndswith = "(?![\\d])";
String regexDateEuropean =
regexDay + regexDelimiter + regexMonth + regexDelimiter + regexYear + regexHourMinuteSecond + regexEndswith;
String regexDateAmerican =
regexMonth + regexDelimiter + regexDay + regexDelimiter + regexYear + regexHourMinuteSecond + regexEndswith;
String regexDateTechnical =
regexYear + regexDelimiter + regexMonth + regexDelimiter + regexDay + regexHourMinuteSecond + regexEndswith;
// see if there are any matches
Matcher m = checkDatePattern(regexDateEuropean, text);
if (m.find()) {
day =;
month =;
monthName =;
year =;
hour =;
minute =;
second =;
ampm =;
dateFound = true;
if(!dateFound) {
m = checkDatePattern(regexDateAmerican, text);
if (m.find()) {
month =;
monthName =;
day =;
year =;
hour =;
minute =;
second =;
ampm =;
dateFound = true;
if(!dateFound) {
m = checkDatePattern(regexDateTechnical, text);
if (m.find()) {
year =;
month =;
monthName =;
day =;
hour =;
minute =;
second =;
ampm =;
dateFound = true;
// construct date object if date was found
if(dateFound) {
String dateFormatPattern = "";
String dayPattern = "";
String dateString = "";
if(day != null) {
dayPattern = "d" + (day.length() == 2 ? "d" : "");
if(day != null && month != null && year != null) {
dateFormatPattern = "yyyy MM " + dayPattern;
dateString = year + " " + month + " " + day;
} else if(monthName != null) {
if(monthName.length() == 3) dateFormatPattern = "yyyy MMM " + dayPattern;
else dateFormatPattern = "yyyy MMMM " + dayPattern;
dateString = year + " " + monthName + " " + day;
if(hour != null && minute != null) {
//TODO ampm
dateFormatPattern += " hh:mm";
dateString += " " + hour + ":" + minute;
if(second != null) {
dateFormatPattern += ":ss";
dateString += ":" + second;
if(!dateFormatPattern.equals("") && !dateString.equals("")) {
//TODO support different locales
SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(dateFormatPattern.trim(), Locale.US);
date = dateFormat.parse(dateString.trim());
return date;
private Matcher checkDatePattern(String regex, String text) {
Pattern p = Pattern.compile(regex, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.DOTALL);
return p.matcher(text);
