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Closed 9 years ago.
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This might be a basic question, but I searched for it before posting it.
I'm an SAP Guy.
Earlier SAP used to rely on Vendor JVM: SunJDK.
Now it has developed its own, called SAP JVM.
My question is:
On a Unix OS, how do I know how many applications are using the JAVA_HOME environment?
How do I know on Unix which applications are using the java environments?
So a relatively naive way of doing this would be to run:
ps -elf | grep java
this will list out all the current processes that were started using java.
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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'm writing an application in java. In order to work my code properly, I want to check whether several software are installed. (This should be done in the java code itself.)
How can I do that?
This is a Linux system.
There are similar questions, but not exactly what I want.
Check if a program is installed on a linux machine from a java applet
There is no universal way of doing it.
You can use one of following approaches
Use java bindings for particular package manager for your platform if they exist.
Use one of the system tools like locate, whereis, etc. (which you didn't like)
Implement your own installed package detection, according to your requirements
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Closed 9 years ago.
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Problem: I can not understand the meaning of the question and another doubt which is generated from the above problem is that all the java software which i am using are come with executable setup so i am little bit confused from this.
Thank You
Because exe's have to be compiled for specific environments.
Oracle compiles their runtime (JRE) for different operating systems, which interprets your Java file anywhere that has a JRE installed. You can however make an installer for it:
Create Windows Installer for Java Programs
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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am working on a Java project. Since Java main feature is portability, I want my application to look like a native windows app when run on windows or a native Mac app when run on mac.So how to I achieve that with Swing?
Swing supports Look&Feels to alter how components behave and are displayed.
For each platform, there is a System Look&Feel which mimics the underlying platform:
have you tried to do it as in in ?
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Closed 8 years ago.
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but of strange question here, but i have an existing windows product developed with .net framework and i want to create an equivalent for java - i don't want to use mono
Java will actually execute on every platform that has a JVm, anyway to lock this down?
I don't want it to be runnable on windows for example.
With regards to mono, i have nothing against it but Java seems to have more compatible libraries. Anyone have any comments on this?
You can use System.getProperty("")to detect the operating system in the main method, then exit the application if it's not what you expect.
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Closed 11 years ago.
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i'm wondering if exists business control for Java environment or for ... Linux development.
Hi used to develop desktop application with .NET + external control by (for instance): Infragistics, DevExpress, ComponentOne etc.
These controls are really powerful and comfortable to work with. I would like to develop database driven application also with Java so, i can run it in Linux environment, but the lack of external controls (or widget) is the reason i don't use Java.
Am i wrong ?
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