delete call logs not working on HTC - java

i m trying to delete call logs of some selected numbers , code will be run successfully with required results on emulator and two other devices (Q-Mobile A500 & Sony Ericson X10i) that i have available for testing while client test on HTC one its not working
here is my code
String num, queryString = null;
number = number.replace(" ", "");
number = number.replace("-", "");
if (number.length() > 10) {
num = number.substring(number.length() - 10, number.length());
queryString = " LIKE '%" + num + "%'";
} else {
queryString = "=" + number;
// String queryString = "NUMBER=" + number;
Uri allCalls = Uri.parse("content://call_log/calls");
android.provider.CallLog.Calls.NUMBER + queryString, null);
android.provider.CallLog.Calls.NUMBER + queryString, null);
i m trying to delete with both queries results are same but its cant work on HTC one

You should delete your call log by call id may be this will help.
int id = Activity_Name.this.getContentResolver().delete(android.provider.CallLog.Calls.CONTENT_URI,"_ID = "+ calls_id_list.get(i),null);
if (id == 1) {
/*delete your call log*/
may be through id you can resolve your issue.

try this
android.provider.CallLog.Calls.NUMBER+"=?", new String[] {queryString});

I figured out the error:
On HTC One it is necessary to aquire the permission to wirte call logs:
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_CALL_LOG" />
When compiling for a targetSdkVersion of 15 or lower this permission is granted automatically, but for higher targetSdkVersion this permission must be explicitly requested in the manifest.


DownloadManager on Android 9+ always fails and returns ERROR_CANNOT_RESUME

I have an Android app, which does download files for the user like this:
DownloadManager downloadManager; // will be initialized from somewhere else
DownloadManager.Request request = new DownloadManager.Request(resource);
request.setAllowedNetworkTypes(DownloadManager.Request.NETWORK_MOBILE | DownloadManager.Request.NETWORK_WIFI);
String downloadDirectory = Environment.getExternalStoragePublicDirectory(Environment.DIRECTORY_DOWNLOADS).toString() + subPath;
request.setDestinationInExternalPublicDir(downloadDirectory, fileName);
downloadId = downloadManager.enqueue(request);
In another part of the program, I check the status like this
DownloadManager.Query query = new DownloadManager.Query();
Cursor c = downloadManager.query(query);
if (c.moveToFirst()) {
int status = c.getInt(c.getColumnIndex(DownloadManager.COLUMN_STATUS));
int size = c.getInt(c.getColumnIndex(DownloadManager.COLUMN_TOTAL_SIZE_BYTES));
int downloaded = c.getInt(c.getColumnIndex(DownloadManager.COLUMN_BYTES_DOWNLOADED_SO_FAR));
switch (status) {
case DownloadManager.STATUS_PAUSED:
case DownloadManager.STATUS_PENDING:
case DownloadManager.STATUS_RUNNING:
// Do something
case DownloadManager.STATUS_SUCCESSFUL:
// Do something
case DownloadManager.STATUS_FAILED:
int reason = c.getInt(c.getColumnIndex(DownloadManager.COLUMN_REASON));
Log.w(TAG, "Download (" + download.getRemoteID() + ") failed. Reason: " + reason);
On up to Android 8.0 (API 26) this works fine. But starting with Android 9.0 (API 28), I always get an error code, the download aborts, and the system reports DownloadManager.STATUS_FAILED with the reason ERROR_CANNOT_RESUME which does not help at all.
Do you have any ideas, why I can no longer download files on Android 9.+?

How to get client list using SOAP Web Services in Netsuite ERP?

I am really new to SOAP web services and to Netsuite ERP and I am trying to generate a report in my company where I need to obtain all the Clients and their Invoices using the data available in Netsuite ERP. I followed the Java and Axis tutorial they offer with their sample app for the ERP and I successfully created a Java project in Eclipse that consumes the WSDL for netsuite 2015-2 and compiles the needed classes to run the sample app. So, I followed an example found in their CRM exapmle app to obtain a Client's information but the only problem is that their example method needs you to introduce the Client's ID. Here is the sample code:
public int getCustomerList() throws RemoteException,
ExceededUsageLimitFault, UnexpectedErrorFault, InvalidSessionFault,
ExceededRecordCountFault, UnsupportedEncodingException {
// This operation requires a valid session
// Prompt for list of internalIds and put in an array
.write("\ninternalIds for records to retrieved (separated by commas): ");
String reqKeys = _console.readLn();
String[] internalIds = reqKeys.split(",");
return getCustomerList(internalIds, false);
private int getCustomerList(String[] internalIds, boolean isExternal)
throws RemoteException, ExceededUsageLimitFault,
UnexpectedErrorFault, InvalidSessionFault, ExceededRecordCountFault {
// Build an array of RecordRef objects and invoke the getList()
// operation to retrieve these records
RecordRef[] recordRefs = new RecordRef[internalIds.length];
for (int i = 0; i < internalIds.length; i++) {
RecordRef recordRef = new RecordRef();
recordRefs[i] = recordRef;
// Invoke getList() operation
ReadResponseList getResponseList = _port.getList(recordRefs);
// Process response from get() operation
if (!isExternal)"\nRecords returned from getList() operation: \n");
int numRecords = 0;
ReadResponse[] getResponses = getResponseList.getReadResponse();
for (int i = 0; i < getResponses.length; i++) {"\n Record[" + i + "]: ");
if (!getResponses[i].getStatus().isIsSuccess()) {
} else {
Customer customer = (Customer) getResponses[i].getRecord();" internalId="
+ customer.getInternalId()
+ "\n entityId="
+ customer.getEntityId()
+ (customer.getCompanyName() == null ? ""
: ("\n companyName=" + customer
+ (customer.getEntityStatus() == null ? ""
: ("\n status=" + customer.getEntityStatus().getName()))
+ (customer.getEmail() == null ? ""
: ("\n email=" + customer.getEmail()))
+ (customer.getPhone() == null ? ""
: ("\n phone=" + customer.getPhone()))
+ "\n isInactive="
+ customer.getIsInactive()
+ (customer.getDateCreated() != null ? ""
: ("\n dateCreated=" + customer
return numRecords;
So as you can see, this method needs the internal ID of each Customer which I find not useful as I have a many Customers and I don't want to pass each Customer's ID. I read their API docs (which I find hard to navigate and kind of useless) and I found a web service called getAll() that gives all the records given a getAllRecord object which requires a getAllRecordType object. However, the getAllRecordType object does not support Customer entities, so I can't obtain all the customers on the ERP this way.
Is there an easy way to obtain all the Customers in my Netsuite ERP (maybe using other thing rather than the SOAP Web Services they offer? I am desperate about this situation as understanding how Netsuite's Web Services API has been really troublesome.
You would normally use a search to select a list of customers. On a large account you would not normally get all customers on any regular basis. If you are trying to get the invoices you might just find it more practical to get those with a search.
You wrote "in your company". Are you trying to write an application of some sort? If this is an internal project (and even if it's not) you'll probably find using SuiteScripts much more efficient in terms of your time and frustration level.
I made it using the following code on my getCustomerList method:
CustomerSearch customerSrch = new CustomerSearch();
SearchResult searchResult =;
RecordList rl = searchResult.getRecordList();
for (int i = 0; i <searchResult.getTotalRecords()-1; i++) {
Record r = rl.getRecord(i);
System.out.println("Customer # " + i);
Customer testcust = (Customer)r;
System.out.println("First Name: " + testcust.getFirstName());

phonegap displaying text in native textbox

I'm making an android app which uses bluetooth using phonegap and I'm having issues handling code because it get's called every 100ms.
I want to try if the issue occurs because my phonegap javascript code is to long causing delays.
To try this I want to dispaly the received message using a native textbox.
Is this possible? and How would I do this?
PS: I've tried using Toast but since I want to change the displayed value every 100ms this doesn't work.
upon receiving a message this is the order the code is processed
bytes =;
s_message = new String(buffer, 0, bytes);
String[] strArray = s_message.split(",");
mHandleReceivedThread = new HandleReceivedThread(strArray);
In the HandleReceivedThread:
double Pressure = Double.parseDouble(strArrayReceived[1].replace("Pressure", ""));
double PressureResult = Pressure/10;
String PressureValue = String.valueOf(PressureResult);
webView.sendJavascript("PressureValue = " + Pressure + ";");
webView.sendJavascript("document.getElementById('Pressure').innerHTML = " + PressureValue + ";");
Log.e(TAG, "Message fail: " + strArrayReceived[1] );
double Pressure = Double.parseDouble(strArrayReceived[1]
double PressureResult = Pressure/10;
String PressureValue = String.valueOf(PressureResult);
webView.sendJavascript("PressureValue = " + Pressure + ";");
webView.sendJavascript("document.getElementById('Pressure').innerHTML = " + PressureValue + ";");
this is basically what happens.
And this happens every 100ms , and for some reason the displaying of the Value has lag and sometimes the received message (which should be "Pressure,1500" , or a different value) is Pressure,1500Pressure , causing errors (which I've managed to fix). but this still isn't optimal.
The message is send correctly and if I use a simple chat app they are received correctly.
if there is anything else I should supply , just ask ;-)

Intent.getIntExtra() behaviour changes on a virtual device and on a real device

I have the below code and on my computer via Eclipse virtual device it works fine. But when installed on a real life phone it always reverts to the else statement.
This activity does not always get passed a value and if it is not I want a random record to appear. Thank you for any help or advice and time taken to read.
searchId = getIntent().getIntExtra("EMPLOYEE_ID", 0);
if(searchId > 0){
Log.v("STANDARD RANDOM", "Was run");
Query ="SELECT * FROM " + DB_TABLE +" WHERE _id=" + searchId + "";
Log.v("FROM SEARCH PAGE", "Was run");
Not sure if this fixes your problem. But according to the documentation, your code is not correct:
The name must include a package prefix, for example the app would use names like "".
Taken from Intent.putExtra.
You are using "EMPLOYEE_ID", without a package prefix, but you must include one!

Convert Permission Mask to Roles for GetPermissionCollection

We have a requirement where we need to check if a user has "Upload" access to a folder in Sharepoint document library. For that, I am using the "GetPermissionCollection" method of Permissions webservice on the document library. The response I get is of below format:
I am not able to convert the Permission mask to role. I am doing this in Java and I dont have SPBasePermissions class.
Is there a way in Java to convert the Mask into role?
Thanks in advance
Yes, you just need to do bitwise operations against it. You will need to hardwire the bitmask for the permissions you care about, but this should be safe enough since these do not change in SharePoint 2010.
I found this link:
Permission/Deny Mask in SharePoint
which says something about this bitwise AND.
You should also use this link:
which Enums the Masks for the permissions.
I also made an javascript example that can help you...
however you will have to convert it into java
I used JQuery, SPServices js (
and this link for the masks codes
I Hope this helps you, I did this because I was needing it also, however it may also help others.
You need to replace the LIST NAME HERE with the name of the list, and find out which is the mask for upload.
The script will spit everyone that has access to a list, and say if they can read, add, change and delete things. Hopes this helps you.
operation: "GetPermissionCollection",
objectName: 'LIST NAME HERE',
objectType: "List",
completefunc: function (xData, Status) {
var out = "<ul>";
$(xData.responseXML).find("Permission").each(function () {
if ($(this).attr("MemberIsUser") === "True") {
out += "<li>User: " + $(this).attr("UserLogin") + "</li>";
} else {
out += "<li>Group: " + $(this).attr("GroupName") + "</li>";
var readmask = 0x0000000000000001;
var addmask = 0x0000000000000002;
var editmask = 0x0000000000000004;
var deletemask = 0x0000000000000008;
out += "<li>Mask: " + $(this).attr("Mask") + "</li>";
var canread = readmask & $(this).attr("Mask").toString(16) > 0 ? "Yes" : "No";
var canadd = addmask & $(this).attr("Mask").toString(16) > 0 ? "Yes" : "No";
var canedit = editmask & $(this).attr("Mask").toString(16) > 0 ? "Yes" : "No";
var candelete = deletemask & $(this).attr("Mask").toString(16) > 0 ? "Yes" : "No";
out += "<li>Can Read: " + canread + "</li>";
out += "<li>Can Add: " + canadd + "</li>";
out += "<li>Can Edit: " + canedit + "</li>";
out += "<li>Can Delete: " + candelete + "</li>";
out += "</ul>";
