I made a simple client call to the XML-RPC WordPress API/Posts using a xml-rpc client and according to their documentation here it returns a struct. How can i access the return values.
Here is a look at my code:
XmlRpcClient client = new XmlRpcClient("http://www.mywebsite.net/xmlrpc.php", false);
String[] fields = new String[4];
fields[0] = "post_id";
fields[1] = "post_title";
fields[2] = "post_date";
fields[3] = "post_content";
Object token = client.invoke("wp.getPost", new Object[]{"0","myusername", "mypassword", 1545, fields });
When I print use
I get the following out put:
{item_one=I am item number one, item_two=I am Item two...}
How can I access item_one and item_two?
There's a bit of information missing (what's the fully qualified name of XmlRpcClient?), but assuming that client.invoke actually returns just an Object and not something more specific that has accessor methods, you can parse the response using something like this:
Object token = client.invoke("wp.getPost", new Object[]{"0","myusername", "mypassword", 1545, fields });
String[] items = token.toString().split(",");
for (String item : items) {
String[] parts = item.split("=");
String key = parts[0];
String value = parts[1];
// do stuff with your keys and values here
Of course this isn't perfect code -- you may need to check for nulls, use String.trim(), etc, but it should get you started.
You don't have a true Java representation of the data returned, in that you don't have an object on which you can access
rather you have a string containing a representation of a set - that is something that (in concept) from which you could retrieve an value by its name
This string format is probably JSON, which pretty much looks like JavaScript, and hence can represent quite complex data. In general you can have arrays of objects and objects containing objects (for example, a Customer might contain an Address object)
So you have two possibilities:
1). parse the string into a true Java representation such as one of the standard Java collection classes. You then use the get-by-name style I show above.
2). define a Java class that mimics the structure of the data and then parse the string to fill out such an object, you can then use the "dot" form of access - you really have a Java Object representing the data.
In the first case there are suitable libraries such as quickJson
For the second you can use implementations of standards such as JAX/B, which tends to be more work as you may need to construct the target Java Class by hand. Enterprise Java runtimes will give you these facilities and perhaps tooling to help, or look at implementaitons such as Jackson. You will see that JAX/B hada focus on mapping from XML to Java, but tutorials such as this show how to work with JSON instead.
My guess is that the first option, simple parsing to a collection may be enough for you.
EDIT: I changed my mind. I would find a way to generate the Java class and load the JSON as an object of that class.
I just discovered that exists a variant of JSON called JSON-LD.
It seems to me a more structured way of defining JSON, that reminds me XML with an associated schema, like XSD.
Can I create a Java class from JSON-LD, load it at runtime and use it to convert JSON-LD to an instantiation of that class?
I read the documentation of both the implementations but I found nothing about it. Maybe I read them bad?
Doing a Google search brought me to a library that will decode the JSON-LD into an "undefined" Object.
// Open a valid json(-ld) input file
InputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream("input.json");
// Read the file into an Object (The type of this object will be a List, Map, String, Boolean,
// Number or null depending on the root object in the file).
Object jsonObject = JsonUtils.fromInputStream(inputStream);
// Create a context JSON map containing prefixes and definitions
Map context = new HashMap();
// Customise context...
// Create an instance of JsonLdOptions with the standard JSON-LD options
JsonLdOptions options = new JsonLdOptions();
// Customise options...
// Call whichever JSONLD function you want! (e.g. compact)
Object compact = JsonLdProcessor.compact(jsonObject, context, options);
// Print out the result (or don't, it's your call!)
Apparently, it can take it from just a string as well, as if reading it from a file or some other source. How you access the contents of the object, I can't tell. The documentation seems to be moderately decent, though.
It seems to be an active project, as the last commit was only 4 days ago and has 30 contributors. The license is BSD 3-Clause, if that makes any difference to you.
I'm not in any way associate with this project. I'm not an author nor have I made any pull requests. It's just something I found.
Good luck and I hope this helped!
see this page: JSON-LD Module for Jackson
I have a MarkLogic XQuery eval call that returns a lists of strings. I use the below code to process the results. I have another call that returns a list of Json Documents but I can't see how to get EvalResult to give me a JsonDocument document. How do I change the below code to process Json Documents?
public static ArrayList<String> getStringList(DatabaseClient client, String query)
ArrayList<String> strings = new ArrayList<String>();
ServerEvaluationCall eval = client.newServerEval();
EvalResultIterator eri = eval.xquery(query).eval();
while (eri.hasNext())
EvalResult er = eri.next();
String s = er.getString();
return strings;
First, let me suggest that you only use eval as a last resort as it may open a security hole. Injection attacks aren't possible if you never send code from the client to be executed on the server. Start first with the out-of-the-box features, and if those aren't enough, consider writing a resource extension instead of using eval. Two examples are ResourceExtension and JavascriptResourceExtension.
But to answer your question, change this:
String s = er.getString();
to this:
JacksonHandle handle = er.get(new JacksonHandle());
JsonNode json = handle.get();
or this shortcut:
JsonNode json = er.getAs(JsonNode.class);
For a complete example, see handling of myArray and myObject EvalTest.evalAndInvokeXQuery (and of course, runAndTestXQuery) and evaltest.xqy.
These Jackson handles work the same whether you're getting JSON results from a document read, search, or eval. You can read more about the io shortcuts here. For more sample code with Jackson, see JacksonHandleExample, JacksonHandleTest, JacksonStreamTest, and JacksonDatabindTest.
I'm relatively new to Protobufs and I was wondering how I would use it to process a list of structures.
Lets say I have a configuration file that looks like this:
name = "A";
path = "~/Document/...";
traffic = 5;
name = "B";
path = "~/Document/...";
traffic = 6;
name = "C";
path = "~/Document/...";
traffic = 7;
etc etc.
So I am using a protobuf to essentially structure this for ease of use later in Java. I'm essentially trying to make a map in a map (a protobuf to help find the correct bucket, and then another map to obtain member attributes inside the bucket).
option java_outer_classname = "Buckets";
message Bucket {
required string name = 1;
required string path = 2;
optional int32 traffic = 3;
message BucketList {
required Bucket bucket = 1;
I'm confused on how I would link the two, as in, how would I pass the configuration file into the protobuf methods (after it compiles into a java class) and use to to access the bucket member to do stuff like say get the path from the bucket with the name A?
Thank you!
It's perfectly acceptable to use Protobuf as a mechanism to declare and parse a text configuration file. However, one must keep in mind that Protobuf's purpose is the declare the format of the file, be it plain text or its binary wire format. Higher level semantic constraints need to be enforced in custom application code, once the configuration has been read.
You've got the wrong idea of what protobuf is used for, it is a data interchange library which means its used to encode and exchange data between programs. It was never meant to be used for configuration and doesn't have a way to read a text-based definition of the data since it deals with binary files.
Looking at your config format you have two options:
The format you've chosen looks a lot like HOCON, so https://github.com/typesafehub/config should be able to read it and provide a readable config object with a small amount of editing.
If you want a type-safe config (defining the structure of the config as an actual java object) you will need to use some other format which supports deserialization to object. A JSON configuration can be read into objects using libraries like https://github.com/google/gson or https://github.com/FasterXML/jackson
I've a method that returns a 2d-array in java : public Object[][] getArray1() {}
I used println() to print it's content and i see that its well created.
On Javascript i assign this array to a var:
var content ="#{BDEStats.getArray1()}";
But i dont seem able to acess it's data. it always returns java.Lang.object; #... How can i do to display the content this array holds?
I've tried to cycle the array but i dont know how to refer to the objects it is holding. if i use content[1] to returns a char in that índex..! Kinda lost here
I think you may convert the array to JSON format before assigning it to javascript.
You can use some JSON framework to do this convert like:
Here a tiny Jackson demo:
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
public static void main(String[] args) throws JsonProcessingException {
String[][] data = new String[1][2];
data[0][0] = "abc";
data[0][1] = "def";
System.out.println(new ObjectMapper().writeValueAsString(data));
This is the normal array String representation in Java, consisting in:
A number of [ based on the dimension
Either a letter for the primitive type (i.e. I for int), or L[fully qualified class name] for Objects
The array's hash code
For one-dimensional arrays, use java.util.Arrays.toString(myArray).
For multi-dimensional arrays, use java.util.Arrays.deepToString(myArray).
Edit (adding previous comment to answer)
You probably want to investigate JSON.parse to parse your Java array from JavaScript.
To turn a Java array into a string representation in a syntax which can be interpreted by a JavaScript engine, you need to turn it into the JavaScript Object Notation, or JSON for short.
There are many libraries available for Java to do this. Software recommendations are off-topic on Stackoverflow, but this article which compares 5 different libraries helped me to pick one for my project.
On the JavaScript side, you just have to use var content = JSON.parse(stringFromJava).
Or when you generate the JS code procedurally on the Java side, you can just embed the JSON string right into the sourcecode. This works because JSON is valid Javascript code for an object literal. In Java, this would look something like this:
scriptCode.append("var content = " + arrayAsJsonString + ";\n");
Ok problem solved. This was how I did it:
Instead of returning a Java Array I returned a JSON object in my method.
This JSON Object has a name and several other fields per ex:
(I'm getting my data from a Java List, so I iterate the list to populate the JSON object)
SONObject jsonObj = new JSONObject();
for (int tt=0; tamanho>tt ; tt++) {
try {
jsonObj.put("aa"+tt, ListaJobStats.get(tt).getName());
jsonObj.put("bb"+tt , new BigDecimal(ListaJobStats.get(tt).getAge() ....
After this if I printOut the JSON object in java i get a string:
aa0: '1st name'; aa1: ' 2nd name' ; bb0: 'age'; bb1: '2nd age' ... etc etc
After this in Javascript i get my JSON Object thorugh JSF like this:
I stringify this object in JS:
var pars= JSON.stringify(content);
and i create the JSON object
var json = JSON.parse(pars)
Now I Iterate this JSON object in JS like this:
for (var tt=0; tamanho>tt ; tt++) {
[now im specifically adding the values to create a graphic but its just na exemple how u can acess te object]
data.setValue(tt, 0, json["aa"+tt]);
data.setValue(tt, 1, json["bb"+tt]);
Hope it will be useful. Take care
I have a RDF file that I am able to read using
Model model = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel();
// use the FileManager to find the input file
InputStream in = FileManager.get().open(args[0]);
if (in == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"File: " + args[0] + " not found");
// read the RDF/XML file
model.read(in, null);
I also have OWL file which contains the description of the ontology which is used for creating my models. My question is: do I need to read this file (and how?) in order to work with my RDF model correctly?
To make myself clear, I will give ou an example:
I need to know whether one resource has some relationship with other resource (for example Station1 has predicate "isResponsibleFor" Workorder1). How can I do this with Jena?
If I try to use something like resource.hasProperty(ResourceFactory.createProperty("isResponsibleFor")), it returns false (but the property is there!).
Can you direct me to some advanced tutorial on this topic perhaps? I found many tutorials on Papache site etc. but they do not provide me with the information I am looking for. Sorry if the question is not clear, I am quite new to Jena
EDIT: currently, I am searching whether my model contains given statement using this:
public static boolean containsStatement(Model model, String sub,
String pred, String obj) {
// list the statements in the Model
StmtIterator iter = model.listStatements();
// print out the predicate, subject and object of each statement
while (iter.hasNext()) {
Statement stmt = iter.nextStatement(); // get next statement
Resource subject = stmt.getSubject(); // get the subject
Property predicate = stmt.getPredicate(); // get the predicate
RDFNode object = stmt.getObject(); // get the object
if (subject.toString().contains(sub)
&& predicate.toString().contains(pred)
&& object.toString().contains(obj)) {
return true;
return false;
but I am pretty sure that this is highly ineffective approach.. could you suggest me something more elegant and fast? Thanks!
Short answer: no, you don't need the ontology to work with your RDF file, but in many cases it can help your application.
First, you can shorten loading your file:
Model model = FileManager.get().loadModel( args[0] );
Now, in order to work with the relationship between resources, as given by the URI of the property connecting the subject resource to the object, you need the full URI of the predicate. Typically, this will be something like http://example.com/foo#isResponsibleFor. If you just use the short-name of predicate, it won't work - which is what you are finding.
You don't show any examples of your actual RDF data, so I'm going to use a fake namespace. Use your actual namespace in your code. In the meantime:
String NS = "http://example.com/example#";
Property isResponsibleFor = model.getProperty( NS + "isResponsibleFor" );
Resource station = model.getResource( NS + "station1" );
for (StmtIterator i = station.listProperties( isResponsibleFor ); i.hasNext(); ) {
Statement s = i.next();
Resource workorder = s.getResource();
// now you can do something with the work-order resource
In your code, you had:
public static boolean containsStatement(Model model, String sub, String pred, String obj)
There are a number of things wrong here. First, it's better if you can write your code in a more object-oriented style, which tends not to use static methods if that can be avoided. Second, don't use strings when you refer to things in a model. Jena has the Resource class to denote resources in a model, and many other RDF-specific classes as well. Use strings for handling input from your user, otherwise convert strings to resources or other RDF objects as soon as you can. Thirdly, I'd advise against exposing the details of your representation via your object's API. containsStatement makes it clear in the API that you are using RDF triples; that's not a detail that callers of the API need to know and it breaks encapsulation. A better API would have methods such as listWorkItems - that relates to the domain, and hides details of the implementation.
Regarding the use of your ontology, there are two specific ways your application can benefit from using your ontology. First, you can automatically generate statements such as:
Property isResponsibleFor = model.getProperty( NS + "isResponsibleFor" );
by using Jena's schemagen vocabulary generator tool. You can use schemagen as part of your build process to ensure that your vocabulary class automatically stays up-to-date as your ontology changes.
Secondly, by using Jena's inference engines, you can use the ontology to infer additional statements about your domain. For example, suppose you have class WidgetOrder, which is a type of WorkItem. Without inference, and without your ontology, if you ask the model object to list all of the WorkItems, it won't list the WidgetOrder resources. However, with the ontology and the reasoner, listing resources of type WorkItem will also return the resources that only have a declared type of WidgetOrder, because the other types can be inferred.