I have an build file located on a remote system. I want to run it there itself.It would be good if I can invoke it using a java program from my local system only.I tried using google but no success.Is it possible at all?
(extending comments on jenkins into answer)
I suggest Jenkins with master slave configuration to fully automate your build process. It comes with hundreds of plugin (You have plugins for static code analsys, test, test report, publishing , deployment.., supports many VCS).
Jenkins exposes operations via web-gui. It also has command line tool to aid in automation . You can easily add multiple machines into build and extend your workflow..
If your slaves are on windows, only trouble you have is an FAQ: https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Windows+slaves+fail+to+start+via+DCOM
I am building a JavaFX application in Intellij that will be built and distributed with an .exe installer and will be ran as an exe Application. I have been trying to find a way to allow for remote updates, but I have only found resources that update a jar file by using another jar file hosted on a website. Is there a way to allow for remote updates to a exe JavaFX application? I have though about using update4J, but sadly I have no idea how to implement it, use it, or if it will even work with exe applications. I have tried to use FXLauncher, but I am not able to use JavaFX with maven as an error occurs whenever I try adding maven framework to the project.
I am the developer of update4j.
The framework used to be complex and hard to use, but the last release (1.2.2 at time of writing) significantly simplified things leaving only one pain point, namely, generating a configuration.
So for starters, launch the framework using it's own main method:
# on classpath
$ java -jar update4j-1.2.2.jar
# on modulepath
$ java -p update4j-1.2.2.jar -m org.update4j
And read the output.
Creating the configuration is done using a builder, I'm still documenting it but the class javadoc for Configuration is quite complete.
I'm developing simple Java application in Eclipse Oxygen. I would like to ask Eclipse to copy binary files to testing machine automatically when it builds. How to achieve that? How to run script on remote Linux machine that restarts application when binary is copied?
Since Eclipse builds project very often I would like to have Deploy functionality according to request. How to achieve this option?
Look at the 'Builders' page of the project 'Properties'.
You can add an 'Ant' script or a program to be run when the project is built along with the other builders.
Builders normally run quite a lot so you may want to turn 'Build automatically' off.
It is also possible to write an Eclipse plugin which contributes additional builder types - but that is more work.
I'm finding it difficult to phrase this question well, as there are quite a few generic terms (run, configuration, launch, etc.). Here goes:
You can save run configurations in a .launch file. (in the Run Configuration Dialog, under the Common tab, Save as a shared file.
We check these in to SVN. The developers can pass them around, and it helps getting new devs running a working application quicker.
I'd like to check these out as part of our build and use them to programatically run the application, the tests, etc, without spinning up the whole IDE.
What would be the best way to run a .launch file outside of the UI?
Edit: I am trying to unify the tests run on the build server and the IDE. I do not
particularly want to give up integrated debugging, which would be the case with an ant script to run the tests .
This is probably more a problem for integration testing with multiple bundles, or unit testing a whole bundle, where you'd like to mock up extensions.
there is an eclipse plugin built over JUnit, called TPTP. It provides an automation client which can be used to launch the test from eclipse with no gui. maybe it helps
Ant4Eclipse may provide a good starting point on how to do this.
Unfortunately, this is limited to Java Applications and JUnit configurations; I am more interested in PDE applications and Plugin JUnit tests.
I have recently had alot of success building an Eclipse RCP app inside a Hudson CI server using Eclipse Buckminster. It took a bit of doing, but once I setup both features, made my RCP product be based on features, and added the Buckminster query files and the like, it worked. There is a Hudson/Jenkins Buckminster plugin that allowed me to have hudson build the application.
After saving the launch configurations for each test fragment, I created hudson commands to invoke them (yes one line per test fragment unfortunately), but after that I got the automated CI build that I wanted.
You could also use the shell command Eclipse uses. To get it:
Run your program in Eclipse
Go to the "Debug" view
Right-click on the process (probably the second item in the tree) and select "Properties"
Copy shell command and delete the agentlib flag to run in bash
I think you don't need to use the .launch configurations to run the tests. If you build an application using the Eclipse Build System, then you can use the AntRunner application from Eclipse to run your units tests. This doesn't start the whole IDE.
This article describes how to run the tests during your build process. With this process, you use a special "Test" Eclipse and load the plugins you want to test.
Perhaps running the configurations the way you would run your own custom run configurations would help here. It is described in this article.
I made a java program which runs unit test on my website.
I need the unit test to keep running during the day while I watch the log.
For this, I search a java platform on which I can run my soft. Openshift will be the best because it's easy to install and maintain.
However I will often modify this soft and if the java project could be built whenever I made a commit it will be the best. That's why I think to Jenkins, but I don't know if it is a good way to run a jar from a jenkins server whereas it is made to do build.
I tried JBoss and tomcat by wrapping my programs into an Enterprise Application Client but I can not run and check the log of the program from a web interface.
Currently my project is a Java Application, using MySQL, hibernate, maven and git.
What would be the best option for you ?
Florian C.
Finally, here is my soluce.
I use Jenkins.
When I push on Jenkins, my project is automatically built and ran using a shell script.
If the build or the run fails Jenkins sends me the command output by mail.
Else, every day, the project is run (using the cron of jenkins) and the console output is sent to me by mail, so I can check the result of my test.
I want a tool that can do automatically deployment from local computer to remote Ubuntu server.
My projects are in java. They can be webapp or daemon app, or anything (but now only java); I have spring, hibernate, maven build in my projects.
Is there a tool that can help doing SSH login, run sql script, copy files, editing configuration (in a few .conf files) (mysql username, password, some url address,...), run the newly installed service, do version control, ...
Since deploment/patching packages manually is tedious and time consuming.
Or I have to write my own tool?
edited: We don't want (too many) developers to know server configuration information (since it's unsafe), deployment is done by only one (or a few) sysad.
I thought about Puppet and Chef. Do you think these two systems can help my situation.
All suggestions are welcome.
Thanks in advance.
I suggesst to use Maven for that. You can specify a plugin for each of the tasks and bind the plugins to a certaains build phase.
For SSH upload use maven-deploy-plugin
To run the script use sql-maven-plugin
Copy files may be done with resource or assembly plugin. That depends on your needs
The easisest way to edit conf file is to replace it. But if it's not an option, then use maven-replacer-plugin to replace entries in a config file by regexp
Check out kwatee (I am the creator). It's easy to configure via a web administration interface but deployment operations can then be fully automated using CLI tools, or an ant or maven plugin.