I decided to post this question after trying to find an answer for it, and couldn't find one.
I'm studying for OCJP and tried few simple codes. This is what I did and need to do.
Created two .java sources, say TestOne.java, TestTwo.java [using
Created a directory named "package1" and placed the two sources in
Both the source files have "package package1;" as their first statement.
TestOne.java has one public class and one class with default access.
TestTwo.java has one default class with an object of the default
class in TestOne.java.
The main method is in this default class in TestTwo.java. It tries to invoke a method in
the referred object that was created, using TestOne.java default class.
So after all that was set up compiled TestOne.java then TestTwo.java by setting the flag "classpath" in javac [ javac -classpath ]. Complied. But when I tried to run it gave me an exception "Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError". Does anyone know what's wrong ?
run the code after compile
compile javac TestTwo.java
run after compile java TestTwo
try this
javac -d path cname.java
so write the code like this
javac -d c:\main testone.java javac -d c:\main testtwo.java
c:\main should exist in your pc
then while executing
java -cp path pn.classname
so whichever class contains main (say test2)
java -cp c:\main package1.testtwo
I have been testing the examples (HelloWorld.java) from Sphinx4 with Eclipse, but I would like to compile and run them from the command line.
The application needs 5 .jars to be able to run, I have read that in order to compile a java class with multiple .jars I need to execute the following command (as an example I will show short names):
javac -cp one.jar:two.jar:three.jar:four.jar:five.jar HelloWorld.java
The console does not throw any error messages:
parias001#parias001-pc:~/Projects/citadel_voices/sphinx_test > javac -cp jsapi.jar:sphinx4.jar:TIDIGITS_8gau_13dCep_16k_40mel_130Hz_6800Hz.jar:WSJ_8gau_13dCep_8kHz_31mel_200Hz_3500Hz.jar:WSJ_8gau_13dCep_16k_40mel_130Hz_6800Hz.jar HelloWorld.java
parias001#parias001-pc:~/Projects/citadel_voices/sphinx_test >
I think that the compilation succeeded. Now I would like to run the application, I read that in order to do this, I have to execute the command as follows (Using short name example as before):
java -cp one.jar:two.jar:three.jar:four.jar:five.jar HelloWorld
This is the message that the console throws:
parias001#parias001-pc:~/Projects/citadel_voices/sphinx_test > java -cp jsapi.jar:sphinx4.jar:TIDIGITS_8gau_13dCep_16k_40mel_130Hz_6800Hz.jar:WSJ_8gau_13dCep_8kHz_31mel_200Hz_3500Hz.jar:WSJ_8gau_13dCep_16k_40mel_130Hz_6800Hz.jar HelloWorld
Error: Could not find or load main class HelloWorld
I don't know what is going on here, I should also say that I do not have a lot of experience using external .jars.
The names of the .jars are:
I appreciate any help you can give me.
You have to include current directory in classpath:
java -cp .:one.jar:two.jar:three.jar:four.jar:five.jar HelloWorld
Note the leading .:
From this reference:
The default class path is the current directory. Setting the CLASSPATH variable or using the -classpath command-line option overrides that default, so if you want to include the current directory in the search path, you must include "." in the new settings.
At the moment I am looking for another way to run my Java program from command line, other than adding it to a JAR file. My program has the following number of classes:
The name of the program file - MyProgram
Main class - Server1
second class - Client Handler
Package name - Items
3rd class - User1
4th class - User2
The main class and client handler alongside the package will have to run first in order for user 1 & user 2 to run, because they are client classes and are dependent on the main class.
javac *.java // compliles all java files in the dir
java MyClass // runs the particular file
If one class is dependent on another class that hasn't been compiled yet, the program won't run. So you should compile all files before trying to run the program dependent on other files.
If your files are packaged, then something like this
javac com.mypackage/.*java
java com.mypackage.MyClass
you must ensure that you add the location of your .class file to your classpath. So, if its in the current folder then add . to your classpath. Note that the windows classpath separator is a semi-colon ie ;
javac -cp . PackageName/*.java
java -cp . PackageName/ClassName_Having_main
Example. Suppose you have the following
Package Named: com.test
Class Name: Hello (Having main)
Java file is located inside "src/com/test/Hello.java"
then, from outside directory:
$ cd src
$ javac -cp . com/test/*.java
$ java -cp . com/test/Hello
Note that you can add -d to specify output directory of your class files whenever compiling
$ javac -d output_directory -cp . com/test/Hello
In windows the same thing will be working too, I already tried
Check out this from Oracle official site
Once you compile your code, you then run this from the top level:
java -cp . com.myprogram.MyProgram
That order thing you describe doesn't matter. They all get compiled together, and MyProgram will reference Server1, etc.
It may be more then you want to tackle right now but you might want to consider a build system like Maven. To start try out; How do I make my first Maven project?
You can use it to predefine the build order and if you want have it create a jar for you (or not).
Sounds like you will just need to open multiple command prompts and compile and run them in the order you need them to run. Let me know if I misunderstood question.
(for example:two files Complex.java and Solution.java, where Soultion.java depends upon Complex.java.
So Complex.java should be compiled first and then the class file of Complex must be linked with Solution.java and then Solution.class must be executed for Output.)
COMPILE Complex.java
compiling Complex.java
javac -d [path_where_class_File_build] [path_of_the_file\filename.java]
(Solution.java and Complex.java are Linked. ie-Solution.java calls Complex.java)
COMPILE Solution.java
compiling Solution.java with linking Complex.class
with linking Complex.class(above created in step 1)
javac -d [path_where_class_File_build] -cp [path_of_the_first_class_created] [path_of_the_file\filename.java]]
EXECUTE THE Solution.class
java -cp [path_of_second_class_created] [class_Name]
(created in Step 3)
What is the difference in calling the -classpath option from javac and from java
for example:
javac -classpath MyJar.jar GetJar.java
java -classpath MyJar.jar:. GetJar
it works as well as:
javac -classpath MyJar.jar GetJar.java
java GetJar
So basically where the first -classpath related to javac needs to be there, on the other hand in the java command line it might be optional. Why? Do you know in which circumstance it would be mandatory. And more in general what is the effect of -classpath called by javac and what is the effect of -classpath called by java.
Thanks in advance.
One is the classpath used for compiling. The other is the classpath used for running. And they do not have to be the same thing. The set of classes needed for the compilation processes are all those referred to by every class being compiled. Whereas your runtime JAR could be invoking a standalone class with an empty main method and no dependencies.
Just remember that at runtime class dependencies are resolved dynamically, aka a class is only loaded when it is needed (this is a generalization, boot and system classes are always loaded).
This document contains answers for your questions
using -classpath every time is a very time consuming work. Instead, use environment variables (if you are dealing with a package such as Java Mail)
classpath is used for compiling. Javac is the Java Compiler, where it converts your code into byte code.
When it comes to java it is used to run your Java source file/jar.
Running basic java programs from commands line is a 3 steps process:
Write code:
public class HelloWorld {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Hello, World");
Compile by javac HellWorld.java which would check for errors & generate HelloWorld.class file.
run code by giving the class name --> java HelloWorld
I am curious to know why:
java HelloWorld works but when we give fullpath of the classfile, it throws an error
$ java HelloWorld.class
Error: Could not find or load main class HelloWorld.class
What does it make a difference if we give just the classname Vs classname with file-extension?
What does it make a difference if we give just the classname Vs classname with file-extension?
The argument you give to the java binary isn't meant to be a filename. It's meant to be a class name. So in particular, if you're trying to start a class called Baz in package foo.bar you would run:
java foo.bar.Baz
So similarly, if you try to run java HelloWorld.class it's as if you're trying to run a class called class in a package HelloWorld, which is incorrect.
Basically, you shouldn't view the argument as a filename - you should view it as a fully-qualified class name. Heck there may not even be a simple Baz.class file on the file system - it may be hidden away within a jar file.
What does it make a difference if we give just the classname Vs classname with file-extension?
It is because that is the way it is. Sun / Oracle have implemented the java command to work that way since Java 1.0, and changing it would be massively disruptive.
As Jon says, the argument to the command is a fully qualified class name, not a filename. In fact, it is quite possible that a file with the name HelloWorld.class does not exist. It could be a member of a JAR file ... or in some circumstances, just about anything.
In Java 11 and later it is also possible to compile and run a single Java source file with a single command as follows:
java HelloWorld.java
(This possible because Oracle no longer supports Java distributions without a Java bytecode compiler.)
In the Java programming language, source files (.java files) are compiled into (virtual) machine-readable class files which have a .class extension.
When you run java class file after compile then run the following command:
java HelloWorld
Note: Need to setup java classpath
Suppose I just created a package "example" and have two classes inside it, "Main" and "Helper".
With the simplest possible compilation (e.g., $javac Main.java Helper.java) I am already able to run it fine as long as I am in the directory containing the example package, by typing this in the command line:
$java example.Main
Why would I want to set a CLASSPATH given I can already run the program? I am guessing to be able to type "$java example.Main" from any directory on my machine, but I am not sure.
What happens when I type "java -cp /path/to/your/java/class/file Main" on the command line? Right now I picture there's file containing all the different classpaths, and that command will just add another one to it. Is it the case?
Is there a difference between using "CLASSPATH=/path/to/your/java/class/file" and "java -cp /path/to/your/java/class/file Main" on the command line? How come the second one has the name of the class (i.e. Main) in the end?
Yea, pretty much. That of course assumes you have the path to java in your PATH variable
-cp or -classpath adds it's option (a string) in front of whatever is in your CLASSPATH
Yes, there is a difference. Using CLASSPATH is often more convenient as you tend to set your CLASSPATH once. From then on, java Main is enough to execute the main class. With java -cp /path/to/your/java/class/file Main you have to type the -cp /path/to/your/java/class/file every time.
That being said, both CLASSPATH and -cp or -classpath options usually contain entries pointing to directories containing java libraries used by your program, not the directory of your program itself.