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Java remote debugging, how does it work technically?
(3 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
I've been using the debugger in netbeans for a while but I don't know exactly how it works. What does the IDE means when says something like "attach debugger"? What is happening under the hood?
What does it mean to attach a debugger?
Across multiple languages and development environments, running processes can be configured to have ways of interacting with the outside world. Think of the diagnostic connector in a car - you can plug into it and read sensor information coming from your engine, lights, emissions and so on.
A debugger is like a device that plugs into your program's "diagnostic port." It can read the state of memory, where the program currently is in its execution, and so on. Depending on the debugger, it can even stop the program and change its state in-flight. The term "attach" is used because this can happen after the program is started; you can "detach" a debugger and allow a program to continue on its merry way. This capability is key because sometimes you want to attach a debugger to a running process with critical state without disrupting its execution.
What's happening under the hood?
That's a more complicated question. A good starting point might be the documentation for the Debugger API.
Hope that helps!
In Java "attaching a debugger" means exactly what you might expect. Java is a bit of a special case for the concept of debuggers, because of the JVM.
In Java there is the Java Debug Wire Protocol (JDWP). It is basically an API which lets you, for example, query the JVM for the value of a certain variable. It also offers you events to listen to. These events might be breakpoints, or exceptions.
So "attaching a debugger" means registering your debugger as a listener to these events and register it to be able to interact with your running program.
I assume Java applications receive some sort of shutdown request when, for instance, an OS is trying to reboot. I would like to have some control over how my applications handle these requests. But, I do not know where to start. Some questions I have are:
Do all shutdown requests come from the JVM?
Are the requests different for containers, VMs, and bare metal OSs? I am especially interested on how this is handled inside a docker container.
And, of course, what libraries can I use to handle these requests?
It would be wonderful if someone could point to a resource where this is covered in depth, besides the raw documentation, such as a book or online course (does not have to be free). Although, a link to the documentation will definitely be appreciated as well. Thanks!
I know I need to be able handle an event like the power cord being yanked.
However, when I ask my Windows machine to shutdown, sometimes a window pops up saying something like "waiting for these application to close". So, I assume the OS tells the applications to shut themselves down before forcing them to stop. Is this an incorrect assumption?
What I want to accomplish is for the app to log information or update a database before shutdown.
I will take a look at the addShutdownHook. Thanks again!
You can add a shutdown hook via the Runtime class. Mind you, these are not guaranteed to run, such as if someone yanks the power cord.
Refer Oracle Documentation
I am trying to develop a small application that can monitor the programs/processes that are executing in a windows machine.
If the program/process is not supposed to run, it should be blocked. It works similar to an antivirus.
This is the basic idea.
I want to know the ways to hook into the OS to get notified about every single program/process trying to run in the machine.
And i want it in java... any help please?
Java wouldn't be your best answer sorry mate. It's not limited to the JVM, can get access outside of that, but for what you're looking for, it wouldn't be an efficient language to use unfortunately. By all means see what other answers you get though.
I was just wondering if it's possible to dump a running Java program into a file, and later on restart it (same machine)
It's sounds a bit weird, but who knows
--- update -------
Yes, this is the hibernate feature for a process instead of a full system. But google 'hibernate jvm process' and you'll understand my pain.
There is a question for linux on this subject (here). Quickly, it's possible to hibernate a process (far from 100% reliable) with CryoPID.
A similar question was raised in stackoverflow some years ago.
With a JVM my educated guess is that hibernating should be a lot easier, not always possible and not reliable at 100% (e.g. UI and files).
Serializing a persistent state of the application is an option but it is not an answer to the question.
This may me a bit overkill but one thing you can do is run something like VirtualBox and halt/save the machine.
There is also:
- JavaFlow from Apache that should do just that even though I haven't personally tried
- Brakes that may be exactly what you're looking for
There are a lot restrictions any solution to your problem will have: all external connections might or might not survive your attempt to freeze and awake them. Think of timeouts on the other side, or even stopped communication partners - anything from a web server to a database or even local files.
You are asking for a generic solution, without any internal knowledge of your program, that you would like to hibernate. What you can always do, is serialize that part of the state of your program, that you need to restart your program. It is, or at least was common wisdom to implement restart point in long running computations (think of days or weeks). So, when you hit a bug in your program after it run for a week, you could fix the bug and save some computation days.
The state of a program could be surprisingly small, compared to the complete memory size used.
You asked "if it's possible to dump a running Java program into a file, and later on restart it." - Yes it is, but I would not suggest a generic and automatic solution that has to handle your program as a black box, but I suggest that you externalize the important part of your programs state and program restart points.
Hope that helps - even if it's more complicated than what you might have hoped for.
I believe what the OP is asking is what the Smalltalk guys have been doing for decades - store the whole programming/execution environment in an image file, and work on it.
AFAIK there is no way to do the same thing in Java.
There has been some research in "persisting" the execution state of the JVM and then move it to another JVM and start it again. Saw something demonstrated once but don't remember which one. Don't think it has been standardized in the JVM specs though...
Found the presentation/demo I was thinking about, it was at OOPSLA 2005 that they were talking about squawk
Good luck!
Other links of interest:
How about using SpringBatch framework?
As far as I understood from your question you need some reliable and resumable java task, if so, I believe that Spring Batch will do the magic, because you can split your task (job) to several steps while each step (and also the entire job) has its own execution context persisted to a storage you choose to work with.
In case of crash you can recover by analyzing previous run of specific job and resume it from exact point where the failure occurred.
You can also pause and restart your job programmatically if the job was configured as restartable and the ExecutionContext for this job already exists.
Good luck!
I believe :
1- the only generic way is to implement serialization.
2- a good way to restore a running system is OS virtualization
3- now you are asking something like single process serialization.
The problem are IOs.
Says your process uses a temporary file which gets deleted by the system after
'hybernation', but your program does not know it. You will have an IOException
So word is , if the program is not designed to be interrupted at random , it won't work.
Thats a risky and unmaintable solution so i believe only 1,2 make sense.
I guess IDE supports debugging in such a way. It is not impossible, though i don't know how. May be you will get details if you contact some eclipse or netbeans contributer.
First off you need to design your app to use the Memento pattern or any other pattern that allows you to save state of your application. Observer pattern may also be a possibility. Once your code is structured in a way that saving state is possible, you can use Java serialization to actually write out all the objects etc to a file rather than putting it in a DB.
Just by 2 cents.
What you want is impossible from the very nature of computer architecture.
Every Java program gets compiled into Java intermediate code and this code is then interpreted into into native platform code (when run). The native code is quite different from what you see in Java files, because it depends on underlining platform and JVM version. Every platform has different instruction set, memory management, driver system, etc... So imagine that you hibernated your program on Windows and then run it on Linux, Mac or any other device with JRE, such as mobile phone, car, card reader, etc... All hell would break loose.
You solution is to serialize every important object into files and then close the program gracefully. When "unhibernating", you deserialize these instances from these files and your program can continue. The number of "important" instances can be quite small, you only need to save the "business data", everything else can be reconstructed from these data. You can use Hibernate or any other ORM framework to automatize this serialization on top of a SQL database.
Probably Terracotta can this:
I am not sure but they are supporting server failures. If all servers stop, the process should saved to disk and wait I think.
Otherwise you should refactor your application to hold state explicitly. For example, if you implement something like runnable and make it Serializable, you will be able to save it.
I have a dotnet process that through calls to an unmanaged dll is communicating with a Java process.
Under some circumstances, the Java process appears to be crashing and taking my dotnet process down with it. No exceptions are raised, the process just dies. Upon crashing, java is creating a log file with names like "hs_err_pid3228" etc.
Not having received any satisfaction from the vendor that is providing the unmanaged dll and the java process, I am reduced to trying to mitigate the problem which would necessitate ensuring the calls into the java process, if they crash, don't take down my process.
Having read various articles, appdomains seem a likely candidate to use - my theory being I can with a bit of work separate my functionality that calls the java process and run it in a separate appdomain, which will hopefully allow me to if not catch the appdomain going down, at least detect that it has happened and restart that functionality.
Has anyone had a similar sort of issue? Does this approach seem reasonable to those of you with more experience of appdomain?
To make it even more fun, the Java crash is not really reproducible - it seems very random and I'm still battling with how I'm going to TEST that separating into the appdomain
This is a reasonable use of AppDomains, and what you propose will work.
In a similar vein, I once used AppDomains to create a single application that watched for itself crashing for exception reporting purposes. The application started itself up, created a new AppDomain, then re-executed itself in the new AppDomain, which then detected it was running in an AppDomain and executed normally. When an exception happened in that AppDomain, the original process is notified, it tears down the child domain reports to the user that an error occured, asks whether they want to report it or not, then picked itself up and tried it all over again.
EDIT: To give you a headstart, if you want to look at the Program.cs for that project, I've uploaded a stripped down version here. (It's pretty long, so I didn't think I should post it here.)
Yep, leveraging AppDomains make a lot of sense here.
I've recently reworked my Windows service to load its various WCF services as plug-ins that operate within their own AppDomain. I've got a few cases in the bootstrapping process where I'm using MarshalByRefObject objects to get things up and running, but once the plug-ins are loaded, communication between the AppDomains is extremely easy using WCF.
I like to generate a thread dump programmatically. I've learned that there a basically two ways to do it:
Use the "Java Virtual Machine Tool Interface" JVM-TI
Use the higher abstracted "Java Debugger Interface" JDI
For the JVM-TI I was able to find some useful information, but I would have to write a JNI-DLL which, at least for the moment, I would like to avoid. With the JDI I can use Java and it seems I'm able to use it from within the application. But I wasn't able to find some kind of tutorial or HOWTO for it. The only documentation I could find, were the Java-Docs which isn't very helpful, because it doesn't show me how to use this classes.
So, does anybody know of a good tutorial/book I could read?
Thx for any help!
There is a third way: Thread.getAllStackTraces()
This is much easier than the debugger interface...
You can get just about all the Thread info you need including deadlocks from
Thread.getAllStackTraces() dumps only the execution trace of all the threads, but doesn't give the information of object locks that have been obtained by a particular thread or the lock on which a particular thread has been waiting. Basically, we'll not be able to nail down deadlocks with this.
Did you consider the remote alternative ? I.e. VisualVM
jps and jstack are also useful tools included in JDK 5, providing a quick command line method for obtaining stack traces of all current threads.
This article suggest JDI is also used as a remote tool.
So I am not sure you can triggers a thread dump within your own program, instead you find a way to send to yourself a SIGQUIT signal (kill -3) on Unix platforms, or press the Ctrl-\ key on Unix or Ctrl-Break on Windows platforms.
Plus, JDI wasn't intended to be used to debug the same process in which the JDI client is running. Still this thread I just linked to is the closest I have found to actually use JDI within the same program.