File in Database is only 1 slash instead of double slash [closed] - java

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Closed 9 years ago.
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can someone give me a proper explanation why in java (or is this applicable to all programming language?) if the path is retrieved from the database, it is okay to use only 1 slash like '\\folder\folder1\folder2' instead of '\\\folder\folder1\folder2'.

When you write a String literal in Java source code, you need to escape backslash characters.
But in a String object ... which is what you get at runtime when you read a String from a database (or anywhere else) ... each character stands for itself.


Java regular expression is validating the date in ddMMMyyy but not validating yyyy-MM-dd [closed]

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Closed 8 months ago.
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I want to validate different kinds of strings which are of different format like
10JUN2022, 2Mx1D, 4M, 1D, TEN, ONE|TEN etc.. and I have written regular expression for that '''^([0-9A-WYZa-wyz ]+)([xX|]([0-9A-WYZa-wyz ]+))?$''' and it's working fine but I also need to validate one more string 2022-06-10, but the expression is failing.
When it comes to regex, don't try to get overly clever. Just solve the basic problem. If that takes multiple regex patterns, so be it. It's much easier to maintain and read.
I would use this for the first regex: [0-3]?\d\w{3}(1|2)\d{3}
and this for the second regex: (1|2)\d{3}(-\d{2}){2}
or combine them if you must: ([0-3]?\d\w{3}(1|2)\d{3})|((1|2)\d{3}(-\d{2}){2})

Extracting specific charaters on different lines in Java [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I have a file "file.txt" in Java. In the file I have the following values:
10 10
3 3 W
4 4 R
I want to read each line and with each character I want to assign them to a variable which I will use for calculation.
Any idea with how I can proceed with?
1) You can use a BufferedReader with the readLine() method to read each line.
2) Then you can use split() for each word or toCharArray() for each character.
3) Then assign said character to predefined variables.
It would be helpful if we could see what you've tried so far or if you could give more details on what you are trying to accomplish.

Using Regular Expression for reading JSON strings

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Closed 13 hours ago.
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I have a java string in JSON format (the conventional key:value) which I get from Amazon S3. Some of the keys have regular expression pattern defined. What is the best way to get these keys and then fetch the values corresponding to them?
I know there exists regex of javautil which I'm planning to use. Is there any other better way for accessing the regex type keys?

Escaping ascii code in java [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I want to convert a string say youru0027s to your's in android.
How can I achieve this?
Thanks in advance.
str = org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils.unescapeJava(str);
from Apache Commons Lang
and your string should be your\u0027s not youru0027s u need to escape unicode via a \u
Take your coming response in separate string and then try to replace your u0027 as below:
String m_str="youru0027s";

trying to obtain a first name in the path after first back slash [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I want to display the first folder name from the path.
/mnt/sdcard/Videos/lk.jpeg, I want to display mnt string. in java
/mnt/sdcard/Videos/lk.jpeg--> **mnt**
You can split on / and use [1] element from result array.
You can either use regular expressions or you can use String.split(). Note that the split() result should be checked for live usage (e.g. if it has at least two elements).
String desired = "/mnt/sdcard/foo".split("/")[1];
String str = "/mnt/sdcard/Videos/lk.jpeg";
Try this out. This is a poor question. But maybe the asker can be a newbie.
