Controlling Which GIT Branch is Deployed to AWS ElasticBeanstalk via Eclipse Plugin - java

I'm using GIT and the feature-branch workflow for my local development. I'm also using the AWS SDK / Eclipse plugin for my application deployments to my ElasticBeanstalk Tomcat server. Recently I encountered a problem where new Java classes I had added to my codebase were not being deployed to ElasticBeanstalk (i.e., the compiled class files were not being uploaded into the remote Tomcat deployment directory).
After some investigation, I found that the plugin seems to be using this jar as part of the deployment process:
/eclpise installation path/plugins/com.amazonaws.eclipse.elasticbeanstalk_1.0.0.v201310211406/lib/jgit/jgit-1.3.0-aws-git-push.jar
But I couldn't find any settings in Eclipse that specify which GIT branch should be chosen for the deployment.
Eventually I solved my problem by deleting local and remote staging directories and unchecking the "incremental deployment" checkbox in my ElasticBeanstalk environment configuration within Eclipse, but I would like to understand better how the plugin chooses which files to be deployed so I can avoid this mess in the future.

the Eclipse tools use a Git repository to deploy incremental changes to AWS Elastic Beanstalk, but they don't use the same Git repo as the one that you're using to manage your source code. Because the Eclipse toolkit needs to deploy the compiled artifacts to AWS Elastic Beanstalk, it manages a separate locate Git repo just for those compiled artifacts. The repo has the structure of an exploded WAR file. You can find this repo under Eclipse's .metadata directory if you really want to see it.
So, the short answer is... Eclipse should be deploying whatever code you have in your workspace. If you've switched to a specific branch in your source code Git repo, then it should be deploying that code. You might also check out the Deployment Assembly properties for your project. These describes how to convert your web project into a WAR file, and it's exactly what the Eclipse toolkit is using to compile your project before it pushes it to AWS Elastic Beanstalk. Let us know if that still doesn't line up with the behavior you're seeing, and we can try to debug any other problems you're having.


How to hot deploy sources with gradle into tomcat7?

Does anybody know a gradle 'hot deployment' plugin (or middleware as shell script) which is coping files from source folder directly into project folder at tomcat's webapps directory (not embedded server like gretty or gradle tomcat plugin; version7, environment independent)?
At the end I want to realize a smart dev workflow to (re-, un-) deploy a java web application during code crafting. I'm searching for something like grunt watch tasks.
Scenario: Java web application with self contained, executable jar file at WEB-INF/lib folder.
register watcher tasks on top on gradle task
java source is changed
tomcat stopped
remove jar file at WEB-INF/lib folder
deploy jar file
copy jar into WEB-INF/lib folder
(delete all log files)
start tomcat
Restart tomcat is not needed if static sources are changed (e.g. JSP, JS, ect.).
I thought about our working practices at the office. My colleagues and I, we program on Windows machines and we use a key map configuration in IDEA to start and stop our local installed Tomcat.
The easiest way for me is to define a user related CATALINA_HOME system environment variable which references the path to Tomcat server.
CATALINA_HOME = C:\Program Files\apache-tomcat-7.0.56
I define a deploy task which copy compiled war file into webapps folder ((re)start Tomcat manually via IEDA).
task deploy(type: Copy) {
def WEBAPPS_HOME = System.getenv()['CATALINA_HOME'] + '/webapps'
from 'build/libs/app.war' into WEBAPPS_HOME
dependsOn war
Nobody need to change Tomcat path inside build.gradle file or there is no additional user.config file which is ignored by git.
But I don't like manual Tomcat handling and it is unusual to work with environment variables on Mac's.
So, I decide to search an embedded Tomcat server as Gradle cargo plugin for local development. It is recommanded from Benjamin Muschko (Gradleware Engineer) at How to use local tomcat?... and he describe the differences between Cargo or Tomcat plugin....
Setup of this plugin is quite easy. I don't need to explain.
Nobody need to install there own Tomcat and everybody work with same version server.
For our nigthly build I use the power of Gradle wrapper as Jenkins task configuration.
I execute a wintods batch command.
cd "%WORKSPACE%\app"
gradlew.bat clean build
I use Jenkins to manage deployments for our applications.
There are a number of plugins which help with such tasks along with having the ability to write your own scripts.
Jenkins is highly configurable so you are able to adapt it to your own needs.
Jenkins URL

Deploying Spring MVC project

I've developed a small MVC project using Spring MVC, Hibernate, MySQL, Maven and Tomcat. I can run and test the application (locally) smoothly.
Now I need to publish/deploy this project on an (online) server that have only Tomcat installed on it. How can I publish/deploy the project online? Is there any special build I should do? What files I shall upload and to where?
There are several types of development options available.
For development on localhost EAR (Exploded ARchive) type of project is usually used (because you can easily make hot deploy on servery). But for production WAR (Web ARchive) is used (basically it's the same EAR archive, but compressed using ZIP algorithm).
If you want to deploy your project to remote Tomcat server then make your project as WAR archive and upload it to Tomcat's webapps directory. Then you might need to restart Tomcat. But it's manual way of deploying.
Better option is to use automated build tools (like Maven) which can compile your project, run unit tests, deploy on web server (local or remote) etc.
This one is a great example of how to deploy your project on Tomcat server by using Maven's tomcat-maven-plugin:
Good luck ;)
Do a mvn clean install and you will get a .war file in your target directory of web module.
Copy it and paste it in tomcat_home/webapps directory and restart tomcat. Thats it. now, you can access it in whatever configured port (eg: http://localhost:8080/<your webapp war name>). lets say your war name is myapp.war, then tomcat would have extracted it into myapp folder in webapps.
so your url will be http://localhost:8080/myapp
With maven deploy command, usually gets errors for various reasons.
if you work in Unix/Linux system, I recommend using "rsync" method on console. (You can write own shell script to manage easily). It helps not only deploying without a problem but also helps to get time while redeploying (only uploading changed / new files). Because maven deploy / redeploy uploads your project as a bundle in jar/war. However "rysnc" method uploads your project files one by one.
Before using it, you should sure that two conditions.
1- your project is built in target folder (Spring Tool Suite)
2- you have access to tomcat via ssh
example code : (v_ : prefix which is variable(customizable))
rsync -avz v_your_project_in_target root#v_ip:v_tomcat_name/webapps/v_project_name
(Second sharing)

Is it possible to deploy just jar on heroku instead pushing source code?

I have a repository on GitHub. It consists of 3 projects. Main web application and libraries. Main application is jar with embedded Tomcat. I would like to deploy main application on Heroku. Can I deploy just prepared jar? If so how?
While it is not recommended to check in binary files (e.g. JARs) into a Git repo, you can try using the third-party Null Buildpack to have Heroku just deploy your repo as-is without compilation. You'll still need to have a Procfile to tell Heroku how to launch your application.
Besides the problems with checking in JARs, this method will also not be running your application on the latest patch JDK. If you want the best of both worlds, you'd need to make your own custom buildpack that downloads the JDK, similar to what the Java Buildpack does.

Correctly Deploy maven project

I have a project with maven, this a multimodule project
project1 - jar
project2 - jar
project3 - web
Now that I finished the project I want to test it on the server but don't know how to upload them, on my computer I have added a plug for tomcat which deploys the war file to tomcat automatically, but the server doesn't have maven.
What is the way for moving to production with this kind of projects?
Should I just upload the target directories for each module?
You're asking a few questions here. There is the "how do I test on a server" one, and there is "what is the way for moving to production" one. And they can be quite different.
I have assumed that the JAR files in the project are used by the WAR file and packaged within its WEB-INF/lib directory. If I'm wrong, that's cool. Just this sort of information is handy to know.
Maven is a build tool. It is not a deployment tool. What you have at the end of this, is a WAR file. If you run mvn install (or mvn deploy) you have a SNAPSHOT version of the WAR file. This would be suitable for quick, ad-hoc testing to other machines. But you would most likely use methods approriate for the hosting container for making them available. Note: a Maven DEPLOY is a different thing from a DEPLOY a war file to tomcat.
To my mind, if you're putting anything into production, or in front of a customer, or in front of a testing group, you should use Maven to make a Release of the product. That is, using the release plugin (via the release:prepare and release:plugin goals) to create a non-SNAPSHOT release of your artifact (in this case, a official version of the WAR file). Once you have that WAR file, you can migrate it to your production server in whatever way is easiest (copy, deploy into tomcat in the best way). You haven't mentioned if there are database requirements for this web application, and that would need to be considered before you change any production application.
But, once you have official versions, you have tags of source code, and you can accurately know what code is being run.
What I don't think you're going to get is being able to automatically copy the WAR file into a production server from your development environment. Here be dragons.

How to start/stop/redeploy maven web app using cargo start inside Eclipse

I have Maven2 war project built, I'm using the cargo start plugin, and it works great for deploying the web app. To run the maven command, I use a .bat file in my workspace, and I have en external run config to run the the bat file. I can't seem to stop the server from the Eclipse console, or re-deploy.
Does anyone have any advice on how quickly start/stop/re-deploy to Tomcat locally while developing.
Did you try JavaEE tools and m2eclipse? As far as I can see it should work well in most common situations. What m2eclipse does for you is to exactly map the maven configuration to an eclipse projects with the necessary facets set. Also, if the Dynamic Web Application facet is set for your project, you will be able to deploy it to a Tomcat server that you set up in the Server view of JavaEE tools. This configuration allows hot redeploy.
More information on JavaEE tools:
There is a full Eclipse distribution with the EE tools available on their download site:
m2eclipse is freely available from Sonatype:
At work we use the mentioned software as well. Additionally we use the JBoss tools that provide a feature called Project Archives that let you individually build your web application archive (ear/war/...).
To get startet you should perhaps start a fresh workspace and import the existing maven project (via the import existing maven project wizard). If everything went fine you can set up your tomcat in the server view. Maybe switch to the Java EE perspective. Right click on the newly added server and select Add to add the dynamic web project you just imported. If it doesn't show up in the list try to update the project configuration via the project's maven context menu.
Well, you could use cargo:redeploy to Undeploy and deploy again a deployable (that's a shortcut to cargo:deployer-redeploy). But I personally don't use Cargo this way, I use it mostly for integration testing (i.e. during the build) and use Eclipse WTP during development (this works whether you're using the maven eclipse plugin or m2eclipse).
