I am currently building and EAR file using maven-ear-plugin
I have a requirement to exclude some of the Class-Path: entries from MANIFEST.MF file.
For example I have 3 dependencies hibernate-core.jar, quartz-1.6.5.jar and poi-3.7.jar in my class path (in my dependency of pom.xml)
When I build my EAR file all these entries will be automatically added to Class-Path entry of my MANIFEST.MF file.
My maven build looks as follows
<addExtensions />
<classpathPrefix />
<manifestFile>src/main/resources/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF </manifestFile>
In the above build file
is responsible for adding the MANIFEST.MF entries.
My requirement is to add only 2 jars in dependency quartz-1.6.5.jar and poi-3.7.jar and exlcude the remaning.
If I give false all the entries are excluded from the MANIFEST.MF classpath.
If the remove the depependecy entries from pom I get compilation errors.
how can I achieve the above scenario.
Add scope "provided" to non-required dependencies:
I'm new to maven and I know that this is a common problem but can't make my project work.
I have an jar A which contains only a manifest and a lib folder with a jar B.
I'm able to add A as dependency in this way:
Maven successfully builds but at runtime I get a ClassNotFoundException for a class contained in B.
So, how can I include B?
My plugins section is like this:
IMHO you should create two project A and B. Having module B I would install it in local Maven repo (mvn install) and the pull it like regular Maven dependency.
Probably your IDE see B's classes as you have jar in lib folder.
I have an executable jar which needs to be placed in an Eclipse Maven project (Lets assume in the first folder of the project). In the manifest file of this jar, I need to refer to the maven dependency jars. How can I specify that in MANIFEST.MF file using pom.xml? Is it possible?
Yes, you can specify jars using maven-jar-plugin.
you can specify dependent jars in manifest tag
I am currently experimenting with Maven in Eclipse (m2e-Plugin) and tried to build and run the Hello World example project. However, when launching the generated jar, nothing happens. I checked the MANIFEST.MF and noticed that the Main-Class attribute was missing. After adding the attribute, the jar could be launched.
Why does Maven not add this attribute?
Have a look at this link:
You can find there how to configure your maven project to run specific class. You have to add maven-jar-plugin configuration with mainClass defined.
Well i have reusable code which i developed using Maven and the result artifact is a JAR.
Now to use it in another project , i have simply added the this dependency to that project's POM.xml,
but maven is not auto detecting and including the dependencies for the jar.
How do i go about do this ?
Appreciate any pointers in this regard .
You should try to build the developed(reusable) code with dependencies. I'm not quite sure if this will help (I had some issues with the build with dependencies, too), but I think it's worth a try.
So you should add this to the pom.xml (of the reusable project):
For details, have a look at this question and the maven-documenation
I solved this by manually adding the pom file for the jar I created.
[file structure]
ownjar.jar [artifact I created]
ownjar.pom [file I mannually created]
Then in the .pom file put in the dependencies.
I need to have Maven insert the version number from the POM file into the manifest located in the WAR file under /WEB-INF/manifest.mf.
How do I do this? I was able to easily file documentation for doing this in a JAR file using the maven-jar-plugin, but that does not work on a WAR file.
Thanks for the help!
Figured it out using the maven-war-plugin. See the configuration below:
Or you can use the addDefaultImplementationEntries or addDefaultSpecificationEntries flags which will add several entries including the project.version property.
Implementation-Title: ${project.name}
Implementation-Version: ${project.version}
Implementation-Vendor-Id: ${project.groupId}
Implementation-Vendor: ${project.organization.name}
Implementation-URL: ${project.url}
Specification-Title: ${project.name}
Specification-Version: ${project.version}
Specification-Vendor: ${project.organization.name}
Default value for both is false. If a property is not defined (e.g. project.organization.name), then that line will be excluded from the manifest.
This could go into the maven-war-plugin configuration as follows:
Put ${project.version} in your manifest.mf where you want the version to be. In order for this to work, I believe you need the resources plugin so that manven will 'filter' resources as they are included in your war file.