I have a problem with the following code
public static void SideBet(int numberDice,int bet,int money) {
System.out.println("You established a " + "\""+ "point" + "\"" + ". " + "Your " + "\""+ "point" + "\"" + " is " + numberDice + ". " + "You have to roll a(n) " + numberDice + " to win your bet, "+ bet +" chips." );
System.out.println("You can put side bets for 4,5,6,8,9 or 10.");
SideBetChoice = Console.readLine("Would you like to make any side bets ? (Type " + "\""+ "Yes" + "\"" + " or "+ "\""+ "No" + "\"" + ", then hit Enter.)");
int s = 0;
int r = 0;
if (SideBetChoice.equals("Yes")) {
System.out.println("You can put as many side bets as you would like for the numbers 4,5,6,8,9 or 10.");
int SideBetNumber = Console.readInt("How many side bets would you like to make ? (Introduce a number, minimum 1, maximum 6.)");
int[] SBNArray = new int[SideBetNumber];
int[] sbArray = new int[SideBetNumber];
for (s = 0; s <= (SideBetNumber -1) ; s++) {
SBNArray[s] = Console.readInt("On which number would you like to put a side bet ?");
sbArray[s] = Console.readInt("Currently you have " + money + " chips, how much would you like to bet ?");
money = money - sbArray[s];
System.out.println("Thank you for your " +sbArray[s]+ " chip side bet on number " +SBNArray[s]+".");
if (SideBetChoice.equals("No")) {
sbArray and SBNArray does not get a value and it keeps crashing ...
Can anyone help me out and tell me what is wrong, why the 2 arrays do not get a value, therefor they are null ?
There is no readInt()-method in Console.
Also I'm not sure if you're using console correctly, it should look like this:
Console console = System.console();
console.readLine("Type something");
Just use readLine() and convert it to an int:
Console console = System.console();
String input = console.readLine("Type a number");
int myNumber = Integer.parseInt(input);
catch(NumberFormatException e)
System.out.println("This ain't a number!");
Also please never use Capital Letters for Variables' Names or method-names, it's very confusing because you could think it would be a Class or a Type.
So please change the name of SBNArray and SideBetNumber, SideBetChoice etc. etc.
Only Constants should be written with only Capital Letters and Classes and Types start with Capital Letters.
Sorry, it seems that you're using BreezyGUI.Console, therefore there is a readInt()-method.
Could you give more information?
I'd like to know if the text of the readInt() is even displayed.
I am finishing an assignment for Introduction to Java and have been stuck for hours.
When I run the code below, enter the integers and hit enter, I do not get anything in the output. Please help!
import java.util.Scanner;
public class U3A1_DebugFixIFStmts {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("If Statements");
Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
// Prompt User to Enter Three Integers
System.out.print("Enter three integers: ");
int firstChoice = input.nextInt();
int secondChoice = input.nextInt();
int thirdChoice = input.nextInt();
//Determine & print the state of choices made
if (firstChoice == 0)
{System.out.println("State of choices: \n" +
"no choices made yet");}
else if (secondChoice == 0)
{System.out.println("State of choices: \n" +
"user made first choice (" + firstChoice + ")\n" +
"number of choices = 1");}
else if (thirdChoice == 0)
{System.out.println("State of choices: \n" +
"user made first choice (" + firstChoice + ")\n" +
"user made second choice (" + secondChoice + ")\n" +
"number of choices = 2");}
{System.out.println("State of choices: \n" +
"user made first choice (" + firstChoice + ")\n" +
"user made second choice (" + secondChoice + ")\n" +
"user made third choice (" + thirdChoice + ")\n" +
"number of choices = 3");}
int firstChoice = input.nextInt();
int secondChoice = input.nextInt();
int thirdChoice = input.nextInt();
These three lines of your codes require your input before your program moves ahead. Hence, give 3 numbers and then you'll see it work.
I know that I can just use printf to format it but printf is used to print. I want to use the formatting to store the data then call the data to print it outside the do while loop.
public String toString() {
Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
String enter = "", data = "";
double totalCommission = 0.0;
DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat();
do {
do {
//prompt user to enter another
System.out.println("Would you like to enter another? [Y/N]");
boolean error = false;
//error prompt if y or n is not entered
enter = input.next();
if (!(enter.equals("n") || enter.equals("N") || enter.equals("y") || enter.equals("Y"))) {
error = true;
System.out.println("Invalid input! Please enter again.\n Would you like to enter another student's mark? [Y/N]");
} else {
error = false;
} while (false);
//setting the decimal places
//transaction details saved here
data += getTransaction() + "\t" + getSalesNum() + "\t\t" + getName() + "\t\t" + (df.format(getAmount())) + "\t" + " " + getRate() + "%" + "\t\t" + (df.format(getCompute())) + "\n";
totalCommission = totalCommission + getCompute();
} while (enter.equalsIgnoreCase("Y"));
System.out.println("TNO#\tSALESNO#\tNAME\t\tAMOUNT\t\t" + " " + "COMM RATE\tCOMMISSION");
return String.format(data + "\t\t\t\t\t\t" + " " + "TOTAL COMMISSION\t" + (df.format(totalCommission)));
So what I wanted to do is for this part data += getTransaction() + "\t" + getSalesNum() + "\t\t" + getName() + "\t\t" + (df.format(getAmount())) + "\t" + " " + getRate() + "%" + "\t\t" + (df.format(getCompute())) + "\n"; to be formatted inside while (enter.equalsIgnoreCase("Y")); then send data here: return String.format(data + "\t\t\t\t\t\t" + " " + "TOTAL COMMISSION\t" + (df.format(totalCommission)));
I'm sorry but I don't understand what you want to achieve. You may add an input and desired output example.
First of all:
if (!(enter.equals("n") || enter.equals("N") || enter.equals("y") || enter.equals("Y"))) {
if (!(enter.equalsIgnoreCase("n")|| enter.equalsIgnoreCase("y"))) {
You talked about print so you may want to take a look into: https://www.javatpoint.com/java-string-format
Because you mentioned String.format already I guess I misunderstood your question. If you reply back to me I will try to help you.
You wrote that you want to store your data inside that while loop and return it later. In this case, I would add every data to a list and return this list.
I had some free time and I decided to make a program that could give me math questions using Java Eclipse. Whenever the timer ends during it though, the while loop doesn't end until you give one last input. I know that it is because of the while loop, but I don't know how to end it.
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class math_questioner_4 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int firstnumber,secondnumber,operation,answer,answerinput,correctcount = 0,incorrectcount = 0, time, difficulty, max = 0, mixedop;
Scanner input;
System.out.println("What do you want the operation to be? 1 = addition 2 = subtraction 3 = multiplication 4 = division 5 = mixed");
input = new Scanner(System.in);
operation = input.nextInt();
// There is around 30 lines that don't relate to the question here
if (operation == 1) {
long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + (time*1000);
while (System.currentTimeMillis() < endTime) {
Random rand = new Random();
firstnumber = rand.nextInt(max) + 1;
secondnumber = rand.nextInt(max) + 1;
answer = firstnumber + secondnumber;
System.out.println("What is " + firstnumber + " + " + secondnumber + "?");
answerinput = input.nextInt();
if (answerinput == answer) {
} else {
System.out.println("Sorry, " + firstnumber + " + " + secondnumber + " is " + answer + ".");
// Another 140 lines here that don't matter either, just some operations
if (time == 1) {
System.out.println("You got " + correctcount + " questions correct and " + incorrectcount + " wrong in " + time + " second!");
} else {
System.out.println("You got " + correctcount + " questions correct and " + incorrectcount + " wrong in " + time + " seconds!");
I know that it's because of the while loop that it won't end, but I don't know how. Also please don't yell at me. I'm a beginner that takes classes at my Chinese school, it's only my 9th week (I've been to nine classes) and this is random extra stuff. I get most of my answers from this website and I also have only learned to do things with integers. It's also my first question here.
In one of the lines, at least. Heres the whole code.
import java.util.Scanner;
public class TestChar {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
String myChar ;
System.out.println(" Please input a character from your keyboard : ");
myChar = input.nextLine();
char c = myChar.charAt(0);
System.out.println(" You entered " + myChar);
System.out.println(" is it a letter? " + Character.isLetter(c));
System.out.println(" is it a number? " + Character.isDigit(c));
System.out.println(" is it in lowercase? " + Character.isLowerCase(c));
System.out.println(" is it in uppercase? " + Character.isUpperCase(c));
if (Character.isLetter(c))
System.out.println(" In Upper Case : " + Character.toUpperCase(c) + ". And in lower case : " + Character.toLowerCase(c)) ;
(Character.isDigit(c) && !myChar.equals(Character.isLetter(c)))
System.out.println( myChar + " is a number.") ;
if (!myChar.equals(Character.isLetter(c)) && !myChar.equals(Character.isDigit(c)))
System.out.println( myChar + " is neither a number nor letter.");
Another school assignment of mine. The last line of code picks up a letter, when (I think) I've specifically told it not too. I am an extreme novice at coding, so go easy on my code.
Character.isLetter() and Character.isDigit() return a boolean value, which you're subsequently comparing to myChar, which is (somewhat misleadingly) a String. Obviously, they will never be equal.
Here's a correct and simplified version:
if (Character.isLetter(c)) {
System.out.println(" In Upper Case : " + Character.toUpperCase(c) + ". And in lower case : " + Character.toLowerCase(c));
} else if (Character.isDigit(c)) {
System.out.println(c + " is a number.");
} else {
System.out.println(c + " is neither a number nor letter.");
Whenever I type in a phone number, this program below that I wrote to format phone numbers from the user gives me back weird numbers that I did not even enter at all. Can someone please explain to me why I am getting such weird errors?
I want it so when someone enters just 12345678978 it will format to 1-234-567-8978
If they enter 2345678978 it will format to 234-567-8978
And if they enter 5678978 it will change to 567-8978.
I always get weird numbers that sometimes aren't even what I entered like
12345678978 I get 144-34--567-
2345678978 I get 153-567-8978
5678978 I get 162-8978
I would really appreciate some help. Thanks.
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Test3 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner y = new Scanner(System.in);
String phoneNumber;
int phoneNumberLength;
("Please enter your phone number WITHOUT spaces or dashes: ");
phoneNumber = y.nextLine();
phoneNumberLength = phoneNumber.length();
if (phoneNumberLength == 11) {
phoneNumber = phoneNumber.charAt(0) + "-" + phoneNumber.charAt(1)
+ phoneNumber.charAt(2)
+ phoneNumber.charAt(3)
+ "-" + phoneNumber.charAt(4) + phoneNumber.charAt(5)
+ phoneNumber.charAt(6)
+ "-" + phoneNumber.charAt(7) + phoneNumber.charAt(8)
+ phoneNumber.charAt(9)
+ phoneNumber.charAt(10);
if (phoneNumberLength == 7) {
phoneNumber = phoneNumber.charAt(0) + phoneNumber.charAt(1)
+ phoneNumber.charAt(2)
+ "-" + phoneNumber.charAt(3) + phoneNumber.charAt(4)
+ phoneNumber.charAt(5) + phoneNumber.charAt(6);
else {
phoneNumber = phoneNumber.charAt(0) + phoneNumber.charAt(1)
+ phoneNumber.charAt(2)
+ "-" + phoneNumber.charAt(3) + phoneNumber.charAt(4)
+ phoneNumber.charAt(5)
+ "-" + phoneNumber.charAt(6) + phoneNumber.charAt(7)
+ phoneNumber.charAt(8)
+ phoneNumber.charAt(9);
System.out.println("So your phone number is " + phoneNumber + "?");
By the way. I know it is not formatted correctly but I am very confused with how stackoverflow allows you to add code.
Java is converting the characters from your charAt() calls to numerical values. Use substring methods instead, e.g.
phoneNumber = phoneNumber.substring(0, 3) + "-" + phoneNumber.substring(3);
Any string that starts like this:
number = number.charAt(0) + number.charAt(1) + ...
will cause the problem, because you are adding two char types together. This is treated as integer arithmetic, not string concatenation. It would be a lot better to add substrings together, so that the operator is string concatenation, instead of integer addition.
number = number.substring(0, 3) + '-' + number.substring(3, 6) + ...