I have been reading a gif Image as an ImageInputStream using java.mageio.stream api. Is there a way I can parser that stream "manually" , in order to find the index position of the beginning of the image descriptor block? According to the Gif documentation, the Image Separator - which identifies the beginning of an Image Descriptor, the fixed value 0x2C. I have been reading each byte of the stream and matched it with the "0x2c" value, but obviously this is incorrect, as there are "attributes" that are more than one byte values.
I am trying to do this manually, as I am trying to avoid loading the whole image at this point.
Any ideas would be more than welcomed.
Thanks in advance
Just to provide an answer, so we can mark it as answered:
Instead of manually parsing the GIF structure, the easiest way of getting the data from the GIF image descriptor in Java is using ImageIO.
For simple values like image width and height, you can use the corresponding methods on ImageReader like this:
ImageInputStream stream = ImageIO.createImageInputStream(gif); // gif is File or InputStream
ImageReader reader = ImageIO.getImageReaders(stream).next();
int w = reader.getWidth(0);
int h = reader.getHeight(0);
For more information on the GIF, you can use:
IIOMetadata metadata = reader.getImageMetadata(0);
For native metadata format, see GIF metadata, for standard (format neutral) metadata format, see standard metadata.
we have created an application to generate pdf documents using itext 5 library. As the part of pdf generation, we tried to embed an image inline in pdf which should be non editable and read only. We tried with an addImage method of PdfContentByte as below,
byte[] decoded = Base64.getDecoder().decode(encodedImage);
image = Image.getInstance(decoded);
After this image is retrieved, used the same in addImage method.
PdfContentByte canvas = pdfStamper.getOverContent(item.getPage(0));
canvas.addImage(image, Boolean.TRUE);
Findings : Since the image is in Base 64 string format, the image is not displayed in the resultant pdf document (if the image is not in Base 64 format, it is working fine).
when we open the pdf , the below error is shown :-------> "An error exists on this page. Acrobat may not display the page correctly. Please contact the person who created the PDF document to correct the problem."
how can we handle this situation ?.
Is any other way to achieve this requirement. Please help
Code :-
PdfReader resultantPdfReader = new PdfReader("template.pdf");
PdfStamper resultandPdfStamper = new PdfStamper(resultantPdfReader, new FileOutputStream("A13.pdf"));
AcroFields acroFields = resultantPdfReader.getAcroFields();
Rectangle fieldPosRec = acroFields.getFieldPositions("imageField").get(0).position;
String encodedSignature = "";
encodedSignature = new String(Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get("MyImage.png")));
if(encodedSignature.indexOf("data:image/png;base64,") != -1) {
encodedSignature = encodedSignature.substring("data:image/png;base64,".length());
Image image = null;
try {
byte[] decoded = Base64.getDecoder().decode(encodedSignature);
image = Image.getInstance(decoded);
} catch (Exception e) {
image.setAbsolutePosition(fieldPosRec.getLeft(), fieldPosRec.getBottom());
PdfContentByte canvas = resultandPdfStamper.getOverContent(item.getPage(0));
canvas.addImage(image, Boolean.TRUE);
Base64 Image String : 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Your example image has properties that iText cannot properly translate into an inlined image. Unfortunately it does not recognize this and outputs an erroneous result PDF.
In particular your image file uses transparency. Inline images don't allow for Mask or SMask entries (which images in PDFs use to represent transparency). Thus, your image as is cannot be used as inline image.
As a result the inline image created by iText only consists of a black rectangle while the transparency information (which contains the line drawing) is dropped.
Furthermore, your image uses a calibrated RGB color space. Such calibrated RGB color spaces cannot be inlined themselves, so the color space definition has to be put into the page resources. iText, though, when creating an inlined image, fails to reference that non-inlined part properly.
As a result the inline image created by iText references a color space by the wrong name, causing the "An error exists on this page" error message by Adobe Reader. Fixing that reference one gets a valid result PDF showing the black rectangle mentioned above.
In a comment you explain that your actual objective is to prevent copying image from the generated pdf document.
In general this obviously is not possible - any information a PDF viewer can access to draw on screen or paper also can be accessed by some PDF processor designed for that task to copy to some file. (Let's ignore proprietary, viewer specific DRM extensions here.)
What you can try, though, is draw your data in such a way that the common PDF viewers don't offer to copy it. Trying to use an inline image as you did is one approach in that direction. Other approaches wrap the image in other structures, e.g. in a pattern:
PdfContentByte canvas = resultandPdfStamper.getOverContent(1);
Rectangle pageSize = resultantPdfReader.getPageSize(1);
PdfPatternPainter painter = canvas.createPattern(pageSize.getWidth(), pageSize.getHeight());
canvas.setColorFill(new PatternColor(painter));
canvas.rectangle(0, 0, pageSize.getWidth(), pageSize.getHeight());
(AddImageInPattern test testAddToPageTest3)
Adobe Acrobat Reader here does not offer to copy that image. Also my (admittedly older) Adobe Acrobat Pro does not offer to copy it, merely to remove it (more exactly, remove the whole rectangle filled with the pattern).
Beware, though, what the common PDF viewers do or don't offer is a moving target...
I found a java code that converts a jpg and a Dicom(it takes the metadata friĀ”om that one) files to a final Dicom one. What I want to do is convert the jpg image into a Dicom one, generating the metadata with java code.
BufferedImage jpg = ImageIO.read(new File("myjpg.jpg"));
// Convert the image to a byte array
DataBuffer buff = jpg.getData().getDataBuffer();
DataBufferUShort buffer = new DataBufferUShort(buff.getSize());
for (int i = 0; i < buffer.getSize(); ++i)
buffer.setElem(i, buff.getElem(i));
short[] data = buffer.getData();
ByteBuffer byteBuf = ByteBuffer.allocate(2 * data.length);
int i = 0;
while (data.length > i) {
// Copy a header
DicomInputStream dis = new DicomInputStream(new File("fileToCopyheaderFrom.dcm"));
Attributes meta = dis.readFileMetaInformation();
Attributes attribs = dis.readDataset(-1, Tag.PixelData);
// Change the rows and columns
attribs.setInt(Tag.Rows, VR.US, jpg.getHeight());
attribs.setInt(Tag.Columns, VR.US, jpg.getWidth());
// Write the file
attribs.setBytes(Tag.PixelData, VR.OW, byteBuf.array());
DicomOutputStream dcmo = new DicomOutputStream(new File("myDicom.dcm"));
I am not expert in toolkit (and of-course Java as well).
Your "// Copy a header" section reads the source DICOM file and holds all the attributes in Attributes attribs variable.
Then, your "// Change the rows and columns" section modifies few attributes as per need.
Then, your "// Write the file" section simply add the attributes read from source file to destination file.
Now, you want to bypass the source DICOM file and convert plain JPEG to DICOM with adding attributes yourself.
Replace your "// Copy a header" section to build the instance of Attributes.
Attributes attribs = new Attributes();
attribs.setString(Tag.StudyDate, VR.DA, "20110404");
attribs.setString(Tag.StudyTime, VR.TM, "15");
The tags mentioned in above example are for example only. You have to decide yourself which tags you want to include. Note that specifications have defined Types 1, 1C, 2, 2C and 3 for tags depending on the SOP class you are dealing with.
While adding the tags, you have to take care of correct VR as well. Specifications talk about that thing as well.
I cannot explain all this here; too broad.
I cannot help about dcm4che, but if using another Java DICOM library is an option for you, this task is quite simple using DeCaMino (http://dicomplugin.com) :
BufferedImage jpg = ImageIO.read(new File("myjpg.jpg"));
DicomWriter dw = new DicomWriter();
dw.setOutput(new File("myjpg.dcm"));
DicomMetadata dmd = new DicomMetadata();
dw.write(dmd, new IIOImage(jpg, null, null), null);
This will write a DICOM conform file with SOP class "secondary capture" and default metadata.
To customize the metadata, add data elements to dmd before writing, e.g. :
DataSet ds = dmd.getDataSet();
ds.set(Tag.StudyDate, LocalDate.of(2011, 4, 4));
ds.set(Tag.StudyTime, LocalTime.of(15, 0, 0));
You can also change the transfer syntax (thus controlling the pixel data encoding) :
Disclaimer: I'm the author of DeCaMino.
EDIT: As kritzel_sw says, I'll strongly advice against modifying and existing DICOM object by changing pixel data and some data element, you'll mostly end with a non-conform object. Better is to write an object from scratch, and the simplest objects are from the secondary capture class. DeCaMino helps you by generating a conform secondary capture object with mandatory data elements, but it won't help you to generate a modality (like a CT acquisition) object.
Just a side note:
attribs.setBytes(Tag.PixelData, VR.OW, byteBuf.array());
VR.OW means 16 bits per pixel/channel. Since you are replacing the pixel data with pixel data read from a JPEG image, and you named the buffer "byteBuf", I suspect that this is inconsistent. VR.OB is the value representation for 8 bits per pixel/channel image.
Talking about channels, I understand that you want to make construction of a DICOM object easy by modifying an existing DICOM image rather than creating a new one from scratch. However, color pixel data is not appropriate for all types of DICOM images. E.g. if your fileToCopyheaderFrom.dcm is a Radiography, CT or MRI image (or many other radiology types), it is not allowed to add color pixel data to it.
Furthermore, each image contains identifying information (Study-, Series-, SOP Instance UID are the most important ones) which should be replaced by newly generated values.
I understand that it appears appealing to modify an existing DICOM object with new pixel data, but this process is probably much more complicated than you would expect it to be. In both cases, it is inevitable to learn basic DICOM concepts.
I am looking at examples of icafe library https://github.com/dragon66/icafe to see how to manipulate the image metadata but I can't find any examples.
I am trying to add a field to the exif metadata like Description and add some sample text to that field.
Also, from what I have found I can't seem to tell whether icafe will work on image input stream or does it need an absolute path to a file stored on the disk?
Although there is no example on the wiki page, there is actually a detailed example on how to manipulate metadata which can be found in the source code package com.icafe4j.test. The name for the class is TestMetadata which shows you how to insert different metadata like EXIF, IPTC, XMP, Comment, Thumbnail etc.
ICAFE works with InputStream and OutputStream. So it doesn't matter if it comes from a local file or not as long as it is an InputStream. If you only want to add some comments, you can simply do something like this:
FileInputStream fin = new FileInputStream("input.png");
FileOutputStream fout = new FileOutputStream("comment-inserted.png");
Metadata.insertComments(fin, fout, Arrays.asList("Comment1", "Comment2"));
The above code works for common image formats like JPEG, TIFF, PNG, GIF etc equally as long as the format supports certain metadata.
If you want to work with Exif, you can use:
Metadata.insertExif(InputStream fin, OutputStream fout, Exif exif, boolean upate);
which also has a parameter "update" to control whether or not you want to keep the original Exif data if present. Details on how to create Exif instance can be found from the same example.
I am trying to convert an image (url below) using two libraries (thumbnailator and imgscalr. My code works on most of the images except a few which after conversion have a pink/reddish tint.
I am trying to understand the cause and would welcome any recommendation.
Note - Image type of this image is 5 i.e BufferedImage.TYPE_3BYTE_BGR and i am using Java 7
Using Thumbnailator
.size(thumbnailWidth, thumbnailHeight)
Using imgscalr
BufferedImage bufferedImage = ImageIO.read(file);
final BufferedImage jpgImage;
LOG.debug("image type is =[{}] ", bufferedImage.getType());
BufferedImage scaledImg = Scalr.resize(bufferedImage, Method.ULTRA_QUALITY, thumbnailWidth, thumbnailHeight, Scalr.OP_ANTIALIAS);
File thumbnailFile = new File(fromDirPath + "/" + getFileName(file.getName()) +THUMBNAIL_KEYWORD + ".png");
ImageIO.write(scaledImg, getFileExtension(file.getName()), thumbnailFile);
I get this question a lot (author of imgscalr) -- the problem is almost always that you are reading/writing out different file formats and the ALPHA channel is causing one of your color channels (R/G/B) to be culled from the resulting file.
For example, if you read in a file that was ARGB (4 channel) and wrote it out as a JPG (3 channel) - unless you purposefully manipulate the image types yourself and render the old image to the new one directly, you will get a file with a "ARG" channels... or more specifically, just Red and Green - no Blue.
PNG supports an alpha channel and JPG does not, so be aware of that.
The way to fix this is to purposefully create appropriate BufferedImage's of the right type (RGB, ARGB, etc.) and using the destImage.getGraphics() call to render one image to the other before writing it out to disk and re-encoding it.
Sun and Oracle have NEVER made the ImageIO libraries smart enough to detect the unsupported channels when writing to differing file types, so this behavior happens all the time :(
Hope that helps!
The following piece of code resolved my issue:
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
Thumbnails.of(new ByteArrayInputStream(imageByteArray))
.size(200, 200)
return baos.toByteArray();
I am using Thumbnailator and the code was posted here: https://github.com/coobird/thumbnailator/issues/23
Is it actually possible to write a region (small 100x100px) to an image (250k x 250k px) without reading the whole target image? My region is only 100px in square and I like to store it at a certain location in an huge Jpeg.
Thanks for your hints,
This is probably not what you are looking for, but I'm adding the answer, should anyone else need a solution. :-)
The ImageIO API does support writing a region into a file. However, this support is format specific, and as already pointed out by other answers, JPEG (and most other compressed formats) is not such a format.
public void replacePixelsTest(BufferedImage replacement) throws IOException {
// Should point to an existing image, in a format supported (not tested)
File target = new File("path/to/file.tif");
// Find writer, use suffix of existing file
ImageWriter writer = ImageIO.getImageWritersBySuffix(FileUtils.suffix(target)).next();
ImageWriteParam param = writer.getDefaultWriteParam();
ImageOutputStream output = ImageIO.createImageOutputStream(target);
// Test if the writer supports replacing pixels
if (writer.canReplacePixels(0)) {
// Set the region we want to replace
writer.prepareReplacePixels(0, new Rectangle(0, 0, 100, 100));
// Replacement image is clipped against region prepared above
writer.replacePixels(replacement, param);
// We're done updating the image
else {
// If the writer don't support it, we're out of luck...
output.close(); // You probably want this in a finally block, but it clutters the example...
For a raw format like BMP you would just need to know where to write to.
But JPEG is a (lossy) compressed format. You would have to keep the data coherent with the compression algorithm. So writing something into the middle of the image would require the algorithm to support this. I don't know JPEG in detail, but I don't think this is a feature of it.