Randomizing Vertex Locations JUNG - java

I have created a java program of which starts with 1 vertex and from there it adds one vertice and 2 edges per cycle. It uses the Static Layout
Layout<Number, Number> staticLayout = new StaticLayout<Number, Number>(g, layout);
vv = new VisualizationViewer<Number, Number>(staticLayout, new Dimension(550, 550));
This is going to sound very un-technical, but the graph just doesn't look random enough, basically what i mean by this, is that every time it gets run they always seems to cluster a lot all the way around the edges of the graph, while very few get anywhere near the center. My program typically uses 100 generated verties and i will end up with half a dozen in the center and the others all round the edges.
Below is a random example that i just created just now.
Perhaps if someone could confirm that this is actually random, or if not if there is a way to get around this problem or if I've set something up wrong. As i wish to have the nodes as random as possible.
Any help would be appreciated.
Below is the relevant code to the applet. involving its set up.
public class AnimatingAddNodeDemo extends JApplet {
//create a graph
Graph<Number, Number> ig = Graphs.synchronizedUndirectedGraph(new UndirectedSparseMultigraph<Number, Number>());
ObservableGraph<Number, Number> og = new ObservableGraph<Number, Number>(ig);
og.addGraphEventListener(new GraphEventListener<Number, Number>() {
public void handleGraphEvent(GraphEvent<Number, Number> evt) {
//System.err.println("got " + evt);
this.g = og;
//create a graphdraw
layout = new FRLayout<Number, Number>(g);
layout.setSize(new Dimension(600, 600));
setSize(700, 700);
Relaxer relaxer = new VisRunner((IterativeContext) layout);
Layout<Number, Number> staticLayout = new StaticLayout<Number, Number>(g, layout);
vv = new VisualizationViewer<Number, Number>(staticLayout, new Dimension(550, 550));
JRootPane rp = this.getRootPane();
rp.putClientProperty("defeatSystemEventQueueCheck", Boolean.TRUE);
getContentPane().setLayout(new BorderLayout());
Integer v_prev = null;
public void process() {
try {
if (g.getVertexCount() < 100) {
//add a vertex
Integer v1 = nodeCount;
System.out.println("adding vertex " + v1);
vv.getRenderContext().getPickedVertexState().pick(v1, true);
// wire it to some edges
if (v_prev != null) {
Integer edge = edgeCount;
//vv.getRenderContext().getPickedEdgeState().pick(edge, true);
// let's connect to a random vertex, too!
int rand = (int) (Math.random() * (edgeCount-1)); // because there is a 0 node
while (v1.equals(rand)) {
System.out.println("avoided connecting to myself");
rand = (int) (Math.random() * (edgeCount-1)); // because there is a 0 node
g.addEdge(edge, rand, v1); //add an edge called var1, between the nodes var2 and var3
vv.getRenderContext().getPickedEdgeState().pick(edge, true);
System.out.println("Adding edge " + edge + " between " + rand + " & " + v1 + "()");
v_prev = v1;
Relaxer relaxer = new VisRunner((IterativeContext) layout);
} else {
done = true;
} catch (Exception e) {
public static void main(String[] args) {
AnimatingAddNodeDemo and = new AnimatingAddNodeDemo();
JFrame frame = new JFrame();

The reason your graph isn't random likely stems from the fact that you are passing a FRLayout to the constructor.
layout = new FRLayout<Number, Number>(g);
// ...
Layout<Number, Number> staticLayout = new StaticLayout<Number, Number>(g, layout);
You could make your own random layout class by extending AbstractLayout. But, according to the JavaDoc, StaticLayout will randomly layout nodes if you exclude the second constructor argument.
Layout<Number, Number> staticLayout = new StaticLayout(Number, Number>(g);

I Didn't get to a conclusion on whether or not it is random. So instead when i create each vertex i decided to set the particular co-ordinate of the vertex using layout.setLocation(v1, x, y)
With making x and y using math.random() and multiplying it by the width and height of my applet.
Therefore i now know that it is random.
This actually seemed to work, however it actually did not, I had to remove the FRLayout.
It turns out FRLayout will not let you set your own locations because of what the algorithm does.
FRLayout is a force directed Layout that will reposition the vertices
according to the topology of the graph.
So i therefore changed the FRLayout to StaticLayout, removed a few things that worked only with FRLayout and it works correctly now.


How to have multiple Textboxes travel in random directions with specific time interval between them?

I am currently making a type speed game using JavaFX where words should fall from the top and the user has to type them as fast as they can before the fall to the bottom. I have the basic set up of the game ready. The only thing I am struggling with is how to get the words to fall from the top and go to the bottom (currently they travel from bottom to top). And also I want multiple words to fall down from random location at the top (not the same point of origin) at specific time interval between them, say 30 milliseconds. The code I have so far:
public void showWords() throws InterruptedException
int missedWords = 0; // number of words the user failed to type
while (missedWords != 10)
dequedWord = queue.dequeue(); // the word that the Text object will contain
Text runWord = new Text(dequedWord);
wordsPane.getChildren().add(runWord); // the canvas in which the words will travel from top to bottom
double PaneHeight = wordsPane.getHeight();
//double PaneWidth = wordsPane.getWidth();
double runWordWidth = runWord.getLayoutBounds().getWidth();
KeyValue initKeyValue = new KeyValue(runWord.translateYProperty(), PaneHeight);
KeyFrame initFrame = new KeyFrame(Duration.ZERO, initKeyValue);
KeyValue endKeyValue = new KeyValue(runWord.translateYProperty(), -1.0 * runWordWidth);
KeyFrame endFrame = new KeyFrame(Duration.seconds(12), endKeyValue);
Timeline timeline = new Timeline(initFrame, endFrame);
// add code to check whether user typed the word in the Text object
I am new to animation so I do not know much about Timeline, KeyValue and KeyFrame classes. I tried reading the documentation for the APIs, but did not help me much. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you :)
The y axis of the coordinate system points down (which is quite common in computer graphics). This is why your nodes move in the wrong direction. Furthermore Timeline does not seem to be well suited here, since you'd need to run a Timeline per word and another Timeline for adding new words.
I recommend using a AnimationTimer instead which contains a method called for every frame which allows you to update the positions, remove old words and add new words depending on the time.
public void start(Stage primaryStage) {
final Queue<String> words = new LinkedList<>(Arrays.asList(
final Pane wordsPane = new Pane();
wordsPane.setPrefSize(800, 400);
final long wordDelay = 500_000_000L; // 500 ms
final long fallDuration = 12_000_000_000L; // 12 s
AnimationTimer animation = new AnimationTimer() {
private long lastWordAdd = Long.MIN_VALUE; // never added a word before
private final Map<Text, Long> nodes = new LinkedHashMap<>();
private double nextX = 0;
private void assignXPosition(Text text) {
nextX += text.getBoundsInLocal().getWidth();
public void handle(long now) {
// updates & cleanup
long deletionLimit = now - fallDuration;
for (Iterator<Map.Entry<Text, Long>> iter = nodes.entrySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
Map.Entry<Text, Long> entry = iter.next();
final Text text = entry.getKey();
final long startTime = entry.getValue();
if (startTime < deletionLimit) {
// delete old word
} else {
// update existing word
double factor = ((double) (now - startTime)) / fallDuration;
Bounds bounds = text.getBoundsInLocal();
text.setTranslateY((wordsPane.getHeight() + bounds.getHeight()) * factor - bounds.getMaxY());
if (words.isEmpty()) {
if (nodes.isEmpty()) {
stop(); // end animation since there are no more words
} else if (lastWordAdd + wordDelay <= now) {
lastWordAdd = now;
// add new word
Text text = new Text(words.remove());
nodes.put(text, now);
Scene scene = new Scene(wordsPane);

What is wrong with the .add in my ArrayList?

I'm currently working on a simple game in java, representative of the DOS game Gorillas.bas. I'm creating an arraylist to store the individual buildings do to collision checking and whatnot, but Eclipse is giving me an error no matter how I go about it. Here is what i've got for the arraylist.
ArrayList<Rectangle> Buildings = new ArrayList<Rectangle>();
Point build1 = new Point(75,30);
Rectangle building1 = new Rectangle(build1, BUILDING_WIDTH, 150);
Buildings.add(Rectangle building1);
The error is on the .add() method, it tells me that the method needs a body instead of a semicolon. What does this mean? Is eclipse not recognizing the .add()?
EDIT: A bit of the code around it as requested; doesn't appear to have any syntax errors.
public double bananaX = 85;
public double bananaY = 292;
public double bananaDX = 1;
public double bananaDY = 1;
public double power = 0;
public double direction = 0;
public double rise;
public double run;
Point start = new Point(0,0);
Point finish = new Point(0,0);`
ArrayList<Rectangle> buildings = new ArrayList<Rectangle>();
Point build1 = new Point(75,350);
Point build2 = new Point(225, 250);
Point build3 = new Point(325, 200);
Point build4 = new Point(425, 200);
Point build5 = new Point(525, 250);
Point build6 = new Point(675, 350);
Rectangle building1 = new Rectangle(build1, BUILDING_WIDTH, 150);
public void power(Point start, Point finish)
int power = 0;
power = (int)start.distanceTo(finish);
public void direction(Point start, Point finish)
double direction = 0;
rise = (finish.y - start.y)*-1;
run = (finish.x - start.x)*-1;
direction = rise/run;
bananaDX = run/10;
bananaDY = (rise/10);
System.out.printf("rise = %f\nrun = %f\ndirection = %f\n\n ",rise, run, direction);
You just need to have:
Since building1 is already a Rectangle. You have already created the Rectangle object above it so you only need to use the variable itself because it is of the correct type.
Edit: You should probably also rename Buildings buildings to avoid any confusion. When you name a variable with a capital letter it looks like a type and not a variable.
Edit2: Based on the code you provided, you need to have buildings.add(building1); inside of a method of some sort. You should create an initialize method that gets called at the start if you want to have it added in at the beginning.
Don't double up on Rectangle.

How to add a value marker to JavaFX chart?

I am trying to build a series chart using JavaFX, where data is inserted dynamically.
Each time that a new value is inserted I would like to check if this is the highest value so far, and if so, I want to draw an horizontal line to show that this is the maximum value.
In JFree chart I would have used a ValueMarker, but I am trying to do the same with JavaFX.
I tried using the Line object, but it is definitely not the same, because I cannot provide the Chart values, it takes the relative pixel positions in the windows.
Here is the screenshot of chart I want to achieve:
Any suggestions?
Thank you.
To convert chart values to pixels you can use method NumberAxis#getDisplayPosition() which return actual coordinates of the chart nodes.
Although these coordinates are relative to chart area, which you can find out by next code:
Node chartArea = chart.lookup(".chart-plot-background");
Bounds chartAreaBounds = chartArea.localToScene(chartArea.getBoundsInLocal());
Note localToScene() method which allows you to convert any coordinates to Scene ones. Thus you can use them to update your value marker coordinates. Make sure you make localToScene call after your Scene have been shown.
See sample program below which produces next chart:
public class LineChartValueMarker extends Application {
private Line valueMarker = new Line();
private XYChart.Series<Number, Number> series = new XYChart.Series<>();
private NumberAxis yAxis;
private double yShift;
private void updateMarker() {
// find maximal y value
double max = 0;
for (Data<Number, Number> value : series.getData()) {
double y = value.getYValue().doubleValue();
if (y > max) {
max = y;
// find pixel position of that value
double displayPosition = yAxis.getDisplayPosition(max);
// update marker
valueMarker.setStartY(yShift + displayPosition);
valueMarker.setEndY(yShift + displayPosition);
public void start(Stage stage) {
LineChart<Number, Number> chart = new LineChart<>(new NumberAxis(0, 100, 10), yAxis = new NumberAxis(0, 100, 10));
series.getData().add(new XYChart.Data(0, 0));
series.getData().add(new XYChart.Data(10, 20));
Pane pane = new Pane();
pane.getChildren().addAll(chart, valueMarker);
Scene scene = new Scene(pane);
// add new value on mouseclick for testing
chart.setOnMouseClicked(new EventHandler<MouseEvent>() {
public void handle(MouseEvent t) {
series.getData().add(new XYChart.Data(series.getData().size() * 10, 30 + 50 * new Random().nextDouble()));
// find chart area Node
Node chartArea = chart.lookup(".chart-plot-background");
Bounds chartAreaBounds = chartArea.localToScene(chartArea.getBoundsInLocal());
// remember scene position of chart area
yShift = chartAreaBounds.getMinY();
// set x parameters of the valueMarker to chart area bounds
public static void main(String[] args) {

Jmonkey Collision Detection

I am new to Jmonkey programming and I would like to ask a question about collision interaction as my code seems to finds collisions possibly from the terrain and i do not know how to solve this out. My goal is player as a first person to be detected if he collides with an enemie's ghost control to display a message as an output. My code displays a continues collision and then it crashes...
package test;
public class test extends SimpleApplication
implements ActionListener,PhysicsTickListener{
private MotionPath path;
private MotionPath path2;
private MotionTrack motionTrack;
private MotionTrack motionTrack2;
private AnimChannel channel2;
private AnimControl control2;
private AnimControl control3;
private AnimChannel channel3;
private BulletAppState bulletAppState;
private RigidBodyControl landscape;
private CharacterControl player;
private Vector3f walkDirection = new Vector3f();
private boolean left = false, right = false, up = false, down = false;
private TerrainQuad terrain;
private Material mat_terrain;
private GhostControl ghost;
static test app;
Material matMarker;
public static void main(String[] args) {
app = new test();
float displacement=60;
int score = 0;
int robotHealth=0;
Geometry mark;
Node shootables;
Node pickUpObject1;
BitmapText hudText;
public void simpleInitApp() {
initCrossHairs(); // a "+" in the middle of the screen to help aiming
initKeys(); // load custom key mappings
initMark(); // a red sphere to mark the hit
hudText = new BitmapText(guiFont, false);
hudText.setSize(guiFont.getCharSet().getRenderedSize()); // font size
hudText.setColor(ColorRGBA.Red); // font color
hudText.setLocalTranslation(600, 700, 0); // position
DirectionalLight sun2 = new DirectionalLight();
sun2.setDirection(new Vector3f(-0.1f, -0.7f, -1.0f));
int width = settings.getWidth(); //width is the width of the gui
int height = settings.getHeight(); //height is the height of the gui
protected Geometry makeCube(String name, float x, float y, float z) {
Box box = new Box(new Vector3f(x, y, z), 3f, 3f, 3f);
Geometry cube = new Geometry(name, box);
Material mat1 = new Material(assetManager, "Common/MatDefs/Misc/Unshaded.j3md");
Texture tex_ml = assetManager.loadTexture("Interface/Logo/Monkey.jpg");
mat1.setTexture("ColorMap", tex_ml);
return cube;
private PhysicsSpace getPhysicsSpace() {
return bulletAppState.getPhysicsSpace();
* This is the main event loop--walking happens here.
* We check in which direction the player is walking by interpreting
* the camera direction forward (camDir) and to the side (camLeft).
* The setWalkDirection() command is what lets a physics-controlled player walk.
* We also make sure here that the camera moves with player.
public void simpleUpdate(float tpf) {
hudText.setText("SCORE \n" + " " + score);// the text
Vector3f camDir = cam.getDirection().clone().multLocal(0.6f);
Vector3f camLeft = cam.getLeft().clone().multLocal(0.4f);
walkDirection.set(0, 0, 0);
if (left) { walkDirection.addLocal(camLeft); }
if (right) { walkDirection.addLocal(camLeft.negate()); }
if (up) { walkDirection.addLocal(camDir); }
if (down) { walkDirection.addLocal(camDir.negate()); }
path.setCycle(true); // Make path a complete circuit
public Node robot(){
Node monster = (Node) assetManager.loadModel("Models/Oto/Oto.mesh.xml");
monster.scale(1.5f, 1.5f, 1.5f);
monster.rotate(0.0f, -3.0f, 0.0f);
// Create a appropriate physical shape for it
return monster;
public void createScene(){
/** Set up Physics */
bulletAppState = new BulletAppState();
terrain = new TerrainQuad("my terrain", 65, 513, heightmap.getHeightMap());
/** 6. Add physics: */
// We set up collision detection for the scene by creating a
// compound collision shape and a static RigidBodyControl with mass zero.*/
CollisionShape terrainShape =
CollisionShapeFactory.createMeshShape((Node) terrain);
landscape = new RigidBodyControl(terrainShape, 0);
CapsuleCollisionShape capsuleShape = new CapsuleCollisionShape(1.5f, 6f, 1);
player = new CharacterControl(capsuleShape, 0.05f);
player.setPhysicsLocation(new Vector3f(145f, -28f, 10f));
rootNode.attachChild(SkyFactory.createSky( assetManager,
"Textures/Sky/Bright/BrightSky.dds", false));
public void enemies(){
shootables = new Node("Shootables");
Node Robot1 = robot();
Node Robot2 = robot();
CapsuleCollisionShape capsule = new CapsuleCollisionShape(4f, 10f);
RigidBodyControl robot1Cap = new RigidBodyControl(capsule, 0.01f);
CapsuleCollisionShape capsule2 = new CapsuleCollisionShape(4f, 10f);
RigidBodyControl robot2Cap = new RigidBodyControl(capsule, 0.01f);
ghost = new GhostControl(
new BoxCollisionShape(new Vector3f(8f,8f,8f))); // a box-shaped ghost
control2 = Robot1.getControl(AnimControl.class);
channel2 = control2.createChannel();
control3 = Robot2.getControl(AnimControl.class);
channel3 = control3.createChannel();
path = new MotionPath();
path.addWayPoint(new Vector3f(500f,-83f,3f));
path.addWayPoint(new Vector3f(350f,-79f, 3f));
// Initialize our motionTrack object
motionTrack = new MotionTrack(Robot1, path);
// Enable the motionTrack
path2 = new MotionPath();
path2.addWayPoint(new Vector3f(180f,-50f,-100f));
path2.addWayPoint(new Vector3f(200f, -55f, -30f));
// Initialize our motionTrack object
motionTrack2 = new MotionTrack(Robot2, path2);
// Enable the motionTrack
public void physicsTick(PhysicsSpace space, float f) {
if (ghost.getOverlappingObjects().size() > 0) {
final Vector3f bPoint = ghost.getPhysicsLocation();
try {
app.enqueue(new Callable<Boolean>() {
public Boolean call() throws Exception {
return true;
} catch (Exception ex) {
public void pickUptype1(){
pickUpObject1 = new Node("pickUpObject1");
Node cube1 = new Node();
cube1.attachChild(makeCube("the Deputy", 220f, -63f, -150f));
Node cube2 = new Node();
cube2.attachChild(makeCube("the Deputy2", 410f, -89f, -270f));
RigidBodyControl floor_phy = new RigidBodyControl(0.0f);
RigidBodyControl floor_phy2 = new RigidBodyControl(0.0f);
You include a lot of unnecessary code and judging from the style you are new to programming in general, I edited your question to make it readable so people could try and help (didn't fix the indenting though that would have taken far too much patience. The code should be stripped down to include only the physics code, member variables and setup for context. If your ghost control didn't rest on top of the ground it would fall through and leave your robot so its going to be constantly colliding with the ground or falling through the void after an initial pass through the ground.
You should be using getOverlappingObjects() to get the list of objects it's colliding with and then checking that list for the characters representation in the physics space.
Also this below is bad form. If your method is going to throw an exception you should know what it can throw and throw those exact exceptions and handle each one. Otherwise you're basically strapping on body armour and running around with your eyes closed because believe you won't get hurt.
public Boolean call() throws Exception
Also your enemies function is poorly designed. Functions should preferably be small, and should definitely only fulfill one purpose, whereas your function creates a node with shootables, creates two enemies and sets up controls.
Creating the node and attaching it to the root node should be in the constructor or an initialise function that is called near the start. And then you should have a function called something like addEnemy that adds a single enemy. For example:
* adds an enemy and returns a reference to that enemy
Spatial addEnemy()
//Characters are spatials typically in JMonkey
Spatial enemy=new Spatial();
CapsuleCollisionShape collisionShape=new CapsuleCollisionShape(4.0f, 10.0f);
CharacterControl characterControl = new CharacterControl(collisionShape, stepHeight);
Now you notice this is really different right?
Well in JMonkey Characters use Spatials (a class derived from node) and also they don't use rigid body physics, things like terrain are too bumpy, instead they use character controls and these keep them facing upright so they don't topple and allow you to set walk direction and view direction. The character control also gives access to a collision shape that you can run collides with on to get when character controls collide with each other.
For controlling your Spatial you'll want to subclass AbstractControl, using that you can get access to other controls and update your Spatial every so often. In my game all character are Spatials with different skins set the difference is in the controls.
The player has:
//to send keyboard input to the character controller to move it
Whereas the AI has
//does path planning to get a route and steers character control along it
//AI to determine where/if I want to walk, what to shoot at, where to aim
You should be splitting a lot of this functionality into a path to make it easier to maintain, learning more about how the JMonkey API works by looking at examples and also learning how Object Oriented design works and how to structure things so they are easy to read and easy to maintain. If you're interested the book clean code by Robert C Martin is a great guide on a clean maintainable coding style :)
Any questions feel free to ask

JUNG2: How to draw a circle?

I need to draw a circle around a vertex in JUNG. The circle is defined by the vertex as center and a given radius r.
Something like this, I guess. This will give you points for circle with given radius. To adjust resolution of points change x+=0.01 to a bigger/smaller value as needed. To move circle centre to an arbitrary point (p,q), just add it to (x,y), that is plot(x+p,y+q);.
double radius = 3;
for (double x = -radius; x <= radius; x += 0.01) {
double y = Math.sqrt(radius * radius - x * x);
plot(x, y);//top half of the circle
plot(x, -y);//bottom half of the circle
EDIT: It appears that JUNG is not really an XY-plot but a network/graph framework. So all you need is to layout your points in a circle using one of provided layouts. CircleLayout and KKLayout seem to do the trick, though CircleLayout gives strange results for when there are many nodes. Here's complete sample code:
//Graph holder
Graph<Integer, String> graph = new SparseMultigraph<Integer, String>();
//Create graph with this many nodes and edges
int nodes = 30;
for (int i = 1; i <= nodes; i++) {
//connect this vertext to vertex+1 to create an edge between them.
//Last vertex is connected to the first one, hence the i%nodes
graph.addEdge("Edge-" + i, i, (i % nodes) + 1);
//This will automatically layout nodes into a circle.
//You can also try CircleLayout class
Layout<Integer, String> layout = new KKLayout<Integer, String>(graph);
layout.setSize(new Dimension(300, 300));
//Thing that draws the graph onto JFrame
BasicVisualizationServer<Integer, String> vv = new BasicVisualizationServer<Integer, String>(layout);
vv.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(350, 350)); // Set graph dimensions
JFrame frame = new JFrame("Circle Graph");
I have picked SparseMultiGraph because that's what was in JUNG tutorial. There are other types of graphs, but I am not sure what the difference is.
You could also use a StaticLayout that can take (x,y) vertices, then use my original code to plot the points, but that would not be as elegant for JUNG framework. Depends on what your requirements are, however.
