Is static init repeated for each request? - java

I've been assuming that static initialization (e.g. for my persistence library) will persist between requests for a given instance? Suddenly it occurred to me that maybe I'm wrong - maybe my app's init is redone for each request even on a warm instance.
Here's why I'm asking:
I have a request handler (it happens to be a Google Endpoint, but I don't think that is relevant) that receives a list of entities and saves them.
The entities can be any of 20 different types, so my static initialization 'registers' all 20 different entity types. I happen to be using objectify, so it looks like this:
#Api(name = "myendpoint")
public class MyEndpoint {
static {
ObjectifyService.register( EntityOne.class );
ObjectifyService.register( EntityTwo.class );
... x20
If it is doing all this 'registering' for each request then I had better change this to only register for the entities needed for the request.
(On the other hand, if I'm right and my static init is only done when creating a new instance then I should put as much initialization as I can into the static init.)

Static initializer blocks are run once when the class is being loaded.

Yes, static initialization blocks are only run when the class is being loaded. That means that it happens only once per GAE instance.
Something else worth considering: It is often better to register these classes with Ofy via your own Objectify service class, and then use that to access Objectify functionality. See ... That ensures that the blocks are run before any datastore access happens.


Apache Felix - How to guarantee injecting of dynamic references before an activate method

Here is snippet of intrested case:
We have some configuration class it can have multi instances. It suppose that we supply several configurations in one bundle. It's one scope.
public class SampleConfigurationImpl implements SampleConfiguration {
// declaration of some properties, init method and etc...
Also we have a service which uses these configurations:
public class SampleServiceImpl implements SampleService {
referenceInterface = SampleConfiguration.class,
cardinality = ReferenceCardinality.OPTIONAL_MULTIPLE,
policy = ReferencePolicy.DYNAMIC)
private Map<String, SampleConfiguration> sampleConfigurations = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
private void bindSampleConfigurations(SampleConfiguration sampleConfiguration) {
sampleConfigurations.put(sampleConfiguration.getName(), sampleConfiguration);
private void unbindSampleConfigurations(SampleConfiguration sampleConfiguration) {
private void init() {
So, can I get some guarantees that on invocation of init method all configurations are injected (at least of current bundle)? Maybe there is some alternative way to do this. I understand that another bundles can bring new configurations and it's unreal to get guarantees but it's intrested in case of only one bundle.
On practice it can be case when in init method there are only part of configurations. Especially if it's more difficalt case when you have several types of configuration or one service uses another one which has dynamic references and first service relies on fact that everything is injected.
The most unpleasant is that it can bind/unbind configurations both before and after init method.
Maybe there is some way to guarantee that it bind always after init method...
I'm interested in any information. It will be great to get answer on two questions (guarantees before or after). Probably someone has experience how to resolve such problem and can share with me.
No, not that I know of. What I usually do in that case (depending on your use case, it depends on if your activation code is ok with running multiple times) is to create a 'reallyActivate' method I call both from the regular activate and from the bindSampleConfigurations (+ setting an isActivated flag in activate). Then I can perform some logic every time a new SampleConfiguration gets bound, even if it's after the activation. Does that help for your case?

Java Servlets - block all threads using common timer

On Tomcat 6, I have a servlet running which accepts requests and passes these onto an external system.
There is a throttling limitation on the external system - if the number of requests exceed a certain number per second, then the external system responds with a Http 503.
No further requests may hit the external system for at least 2 seconds or else the external system will restart its throttling timer.
Initially, I detected the 503 HttpResponse and did a Thread.sleep(2000) but that is wrong as it doesn't prevent the servlet servicing other requests using other threads - once a 503 response is detected, I need to block all threads for at least the 2 seconds.
Ideally, I would prefer the blocked threads not to wake up all at the same time but say a 100ms apart so that requests would be handled in order.
I've looked at the Condition and ReentrantLock but unsure if these are appropriate.
Just create a global (static) date variable in the servlet. When you get a 503, change this variable from null to the local time. The servlet should always check this variable before contacting the external system. If the variable is null, or more than 2 seconds have passed, then you can proceed. Otherwise block the thread (or throw an exception).
Looks like calling Amazon services to me, and it can be managed so easy.
You need a central and managed module for doing it, and it comes like a single module.
The important thing is you should not reach the throttling limitation at all, and if you get too much requests which would reach this value, so you should respond to your client check the result later(as async work).
If the request is kinda important business(such as capturing a payment), so you have to implement a failover with the module too, simply by persisting the request data into the database, so if there is any fail, you will have the data from the database.
If you are familiar with MQ arch, so it would be the best solution where they are designed for this kind of stuffs, but you like to have your own, you may accept and process all requests to call teh external system by the module manage.
first you may have a entity class which carries the request info like
class entity{public String id,srv,blah_blah;}
Second, a stand-alone module for accepting and processing the requests, which would be the context for the requests too. like following
class business{private business(){}// fan of OOP? K, go for singleton
private static final ArrayList<entity> ctx=new ArrayList<entity>();
static public void accept_request(entity e){_persist(e);ctx.add(e);}
static private void _persist(entity e){/*persist it to the db*/}
static private void _done(entity e){_remove(e);/*informing 3rd. parties if any*/}
static private void _remove(entity e){/*remove it from the db, it's done*/}
final private static int do_work(e){/*do the real business*/return 0;}//0 as success, 1, fail, 2....
But it's not completed yet, now you need a way to call the do_work() guy, so I suggest a background thread(would be daemon too!)
So clients just push the requests to this context-like class, and here we need the thread, like following
class business{...
static public void accept_request(entity e){_persist(e);ctx.add(e);synchronized(ctx){ctx.notify();}}
private static final Runnable r=new Runnable(){public void run(){try{
while(ctx.size()>0){entity e=ctx.get(0);ctx.remove(0);
if(do_work(e)==0){_done(e);}else{ctx.add(e);/*give him another chance maybe!*/}end-else
Thread.Sleep(100/*appreciate sleep time*/);}//end-loop
}catch(Throwable wt){/*catch signals, maybe death thread*/}}};
static private Thread t;
void static public start_module(){t=new Thread(r);t.start();}
void static public stop_module(){t.interrupt();t.stop();}
Tip: try not start the thread(calling start_module()) out of container initiation process, or you will have memory leak! best solution would call the thread by init() method of servlet(s) would call this module(once), and of course halting the the thread by application halt (destroy())

Dynamic Strategy Pattern

So I'm writing a web service architecture which includes FunctionProvider classes which do the actual processing of requests, and a main Endpoint class which receives and delegates requests to the proper FunctionProvider.
I don't know exactly the FunctionProviders available at runtime, so I need to be able to 'register' (if that's the right word) them with my main Endpoint class, and query them to see if they match an incoming request.
public class MyFunc implements FunctionProvider{
static {
public Boolean matchesRequest(Request req){...}
public void processRequest(Request req){...}
public class MyEndpoint{
private static ArrayList<FunctionProvider> functions = new ArrayList<FunctionProvider>();
public void register(Class clz){
public void doPost(Request request){
//find the FunctionProvider in functions
//matching the request
I've really not done much reflective Java like this (and the above is likely wrong, but hopefully demonstrates my intentions).
What's the nicest way to implement this without getting hacky?
Do not let the FunctionProviders self register. Bootstrap the endpoint through some application init. call with a list of FunctionProviders. That way you can configure priority (what if two providers both claim they can process a request?). The way you set it up now you need to invoke the class somehow to trigger the static constructor, too indirect.
If detecting whether or not a FunctionProvider supports a given request is trivial consider making it part of configuration. If this is in the request map it to that FunctionProvider. This would seperate concerns a bit better. If the detection is complicated consider doing it in seperate classes from the FunctionProvider.
By configuring a delegate/function pointer you can possibly prevent from needing a FunctionProvider altogether (not sure if/how Java supports delegates).

Semi static field in Java application

I have written a web-service application that has in a main class generated random value per request (for logging).
I cannot set it as a static field because next request will override it.
I also cannot pass it to the every class that I use in the main one (as an argument or with setter).
Is it possible to create some semi-static field - visible for one request but not for every other that go to the web-service ?
You can safely assume that, in the Java EE model, each single request is served by a single thread and that there is no contention by concurrent requests.
Having said that, you can employ a Singleton using a ThreadLocal, let the Servlet populate the value and have the underlying classes access the sigleton without having notion of the threads or the HTTP request context:
public class RandomValueHolder {
private static ThreadLocal<Long> randomValue;
public static Long getRandomValue() {
return randomValue.get();
public static void setRandomValue(Long value) {
randomValue = new ThreadLocal<Long>();
Why not use HttpRequest and store the value as attribute
Save the data in the request itself with Request.setAttribute() and use the corresponding Request.getAttribute() to retrieve it.

What's the "proper" and right way to keep Jersey Client API functions and REST (Jersey API) Server functions linked?

I was wondering how people with more experience and more complex projects get along with this "uglyness" in the REST Communication. Imagine the following Problem:
We'll need a fair amount of functionalities for one specific resource within our REST Infrastructure, in my case that's about 50+ functions that result in different querys and different responses. I tried to think of a meaningful resource-tree and assigned these to methods that will do "stuff". Afterwards, the Server Resource Class looks like this:
public class SomeResource {
public Response resourceFunction1 ( ...lots of Params) {
... logic ....
// lots of functions ...
public Response resourceFunctionN ( ...lots of Params) {
... logic ....
To construct the urls my client will call, I made a little function to prevent Typos and to take better use of Constants
so my Client looks like this:
public class Client() {
public returnType function1 () {
client.resource =, "meaningfulPath");
return response.getEntity(returnType);
Now the questions that bothers me is how could I link the client function and the server function better?
The only connection between these two blocks of code is the URL that will be called by the client and mapped by the server, and if even this URL is generated somewhere else, this leads to a lot of confusion.
When one of my colleagues needs to get into this code, he has a hard time figuring out which of the 50+ client functions leads to wich server function. Also it is hard to determine if there are obsolete functions in the code, etc. I guess most of you know about the problems of unclean code better than I do.
How do you deal with this? How would you keep this code clean, maintainable and georgeous?
Normally, this would be addressed by EJB or similar technologies.
Or at least by "real" web services, which would provide at least WSDL and schemas (with kind of mapping to Java interfaces, or "ports").
But REST communication is very loosely typed and loosely structured.
The only thing I can think of now, is: define a project (let's call it "Definitions") which would be referenced (hence known) by client and server. In this project you could define a class with a lot of public static final String, such as:
public static final String SOME_METHOD_NAME = "/someMethodName";
public static final String SOME_OTHER_METHOD_NAME = "/someOtherMethodName";
Note: a static final String can very well be referenced by an annotation (in that case it is considered to be constant by the compiler). So use the "constants" to annotate your #Path, such as:
Same for the client:, Definitions.SOME_METHOD_NAME);
You are missing the idea behind REST. What you are doing is not REST but RPC over HTTP. Generally you are not supposed to construct URLs using out of band knowledge. Instead you should be following links received in the responses received from the server. Read about HATEOAS:
