How to identify maven artifact for different Java versions? - java

I have a maven project that is compiled for both Java 1.7 and for Java 1.6.
The 1.7 jar is the default artifact, but I don't know which how to identify the 1.6 jar.
I could add a suffix to the artifact id, to the version, or set a classifier.
Which is the preferred way? What happens when another project A depends on the 1.7 jar, project B depends on the 1.6 jar, and project C depends on A and B?

OK, so after some reading, I think classifiers are the way
From the maven docs
The classifier allows to distinguish artifacts that were built from the same POM but differ in their content. It is some optional and arbitrary string that - if present - is appended to the artifact name just after the version number.
As a motivation for this element, consider for example a project that offers an artifact targeting JRE 1.5 but at the same time also an artifact that still supports JRE 1.4. The first artifact could be equipped with the classifier jdk15 and the second one with jdk14 such that clients can choose which one to use.
Then to solve the issue of forcing one jar over an other, in project C's pom, use the <dependencyManagement> section and specify the classifier there.
Hope this helps

you have to declare in pom.xml file the java compiler version:


maven-javadoc-plugin fails on jdk 11 when compiling for jdk 8 [duplicate]

Exit code: 1 - javadoc: error - The code being documented uses packages in the unnamed module, but the packages defined in are in named modules.
Has anyone been able to make javadoc work without having to change the source version to 1.8 (as suggested in other forums)? I'm using JDK v11.0.5 and the issue still present (also with JDK 12+).
Edit: This error originated from maven and thrown by the maven-javadoc-plugin. I have not been able to make it work for JDK 11+ even with the <source>8</source> configuration.
As suggested in OpenJDK issue tracker this can be worked around with defining source on Javadoc plugin:
Adding <detectJavaApiLink>false</detectJavaApiLink> to the Maven javadoc pluging configuration fix the error
I needed the bit from Carlos Santos to make this really work. The complete config that incorporates his answer is:
javadoc produces links to packages you use, e.g. to classes documented in .../javase/11/docs/api. While your comments are in an unnamed module, the targets are not, and javadoc can't combine those two. It produces either a package-list or an element-list file, so you can't mix unnamed modules (packages) with named modules.
I didn't find a way to limit the links that javadoc tries to produce; so you may have to use modules for your own project. This seems ridiculous to me, just to make javadoc happy. I guess this is just one of the reasons that so many people stick to Java 8.
I was able to get my own project to work by using a new version of the compiler plugin and setting the release property to 8.
I was facing the same issue. I was using Java 11.0.3 and org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-javadoc-plugin:2.10.4:jar. Updating the maven-javadoc-plugin version to 3.2.0 worked perfectly for me.
We can use <detectOfflineLinks>false</detectOfflineLinks> in the configuration.

imported maven project tries to use jre system library

ive imported a bunch on maven projects from svn and they all (...a lot) try to use
JRE System Library [JavaSE-1.7]
But i only have
Which i told eclipse about in eclipse.ini with:
-vm C:\Users\myuser\Downloads\jdk1.8.0_102_64Bit\bin
Yet all the imported maven projects insist to use the "System JRE" which is unbound when i check it.
How do you tell maven to use what eclipse knows about? or where does maven get its information about JDK's / JRE'S?
Maven by default uses JAVA_HOME Environment Variable to know which java version to use. Unless you set different one in pom.xml.
Try check every pom.xml of your projects, they must have a plugin section like this:
Executable tag tell maven to use java 6 in this example.
In this case i probably did something wrong while importing it from svn..a second try worked, but im not sure why :(

Why is Maven including multiple versions of the same dependency?

I have a Maven java web app (.WAR) project that includes several libraries, including the Wicket libraries (but I don't think the problem is wicket itself, but rather with maven).
Here's the problem: even tho I only include Wicket 6.20.0, the resulting .WAR contains two copies of the Wicket libraries: 6.20.0 and 6.18.0, as you can see in this screenshot:
Thinking of some conflicting imports I printed the dependency tree using the:
mvn dependency:tree
commnad... but there is no mention of Wicket 6.18.0 in the dependency tree! I also double-checked using Eclipse's "dependency hierarchy" view and I can confirm there's no trace of that import.
I even did a search for string "6.18.0" across the entire workspace with Eclipse, but it's nowhere to be found!
How can I find out what is causing the inclusion of that duplicate version of the library?
Maven doesn't work in this way.
The resolution of more than one dependency with the same artifactId and groupId but with a different version will result to a single dependency (the version used is no determinist).
The presence of two artifacts with the same artifactId and groupId but with two distinct versions in a same lib folder of the WAR is probably related to one of these :
you don't execute mvn clean package but only mvn package.
your use a bugged version of the Maven war plugin. Try to update it to check that.
you have a Maven plugin that copies Wicket jars 6.18.0 in the WEB-INF/lib folder of the target folder during the build of the component.
the maven WAR project you are building has as dependency an artifact of type WAR. In this case, the dependencies of the WAR dependency are so overlaid in the WAR project that you are building.
An interesting Maven issue about duplicated JAR because of WAR dependencies :
JARs with different versions can be in WEB-INF/lib with war as dependencies
Your answer and your comment indicate that actually you have a WAR dependency in your build.
Unfortunately, there is not really a good and long term effective solution to bypass this limitation.
As said in my comment, using the packagingExcludes property of the maven war plugin is a valid workaround for the actual issue :
<!-- ... -->
But beware, using that will do your build less robust through the time.
The day where you update the version of the WAR dependency and that in its new version, it pulls again a different version of wicket, you have still a risk to have duplicate jars with two distinct versions in your built WAR.
Using the overlay feature by specifying the overlay element of the maven-war-plugin is generally better as it focuses on the overlay applied for the war dependency. It fixes the problem early.
As a result, you could define to exclude any wicket JARs from the WAR dependency :
This way is better but this is still a workaround.
The day where the dependency WAR is updated and that it pulls new dependencies (other than Wicket) that are declared in your actual build but with different versions, you may finish with the same kind of issue.
I think that declaring a dependency on a WAR artifact should be done only as we don't have choice.
As poms and projects refactoring are possible, introducing a common JAR dependency which the two WARs depend on and that contains only common sources and resources for the two WARs makes really things simpler.
Well, I figured it out while poking around.
I had a dependency of type "war" in the project:
Apparently (I wasn't aware of this, my fault here) these type of dependencies will include themselves in the classpath by copying all libs to the main WAR /libs folder, but these will NOT show app in the dependency tree / dependency hierarchy.
I solved by configuring an explicit exclusion in the WAR plugin:
<!-- ... -->
Use clean install and the double dependency will probably be gone.
Because other libs can use same libs but different version or you tried different version and didn't make mvn clean
The command mvn dependency:tree is telling you the correct information - what you are looking at here is an eclipse / build issue.
Clear out all the target and build areas in your project. If need be, check it out from source control to a new folder.
Alternatively you can build your project in IntelliJ IDEA, and see if you get the correct dependencies (most likely you will).

Not able to import okhttp project in intellij using maven plugin

I am not able to successfully import the okhttp project in the intellij.
I am using intellij community edition: 2016.1
Maven: 3.0
When I hit make. It shows following error message for "okhttp-tests" module:
Error:(94, 49) java: diamond operator is not supported in -source 1.5
(use -source 7 or higher to enable diamond operator)
The language level for all the submodules is automatically set to 5, while for parent it is set to 7.
When I change the language level for okhttp-tests module to 7 and hot make, ideas shown me following error message:
Error:java: javacTask: source release 1.7 requires target release 1.7
Am i using wrong version of idea/maven ?
Please help.
Also there is no detailed documentation available for importing project/ setting up dev environment on the git repo.
I would like to request okhttp members to create a descriptive file for beginners like me.
If JAVA_HOME is set correctly, Please also check the Project Parent POM file for the compiler Version of maven-compiler-plugin

How do I create an Eclipse plugin release using Maven and Tycho?

I am building an Eclipse project that consists of a number of plug-ins that are packed together. I have create POM files for each component and a main POM for the project. Something like this:
projectDir\releng\pom.xml <-- Parent project
projectDir\proj1\pom.xml <-- Child project 1
projectDir\proj2\pom.xml <-- Child project 2
My build currently works by calling the parent POM which builds everything. Until now I have been building using 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT as the version of the parent POM, and in each Eclipse plug-in I have 0.0.1.qualifier as the version in the MANIFEST.MF file.
I now want to promote my latest version to 0.1.0. From my understanding, this means that I have to go over ALL of my POM files AND MANIFEST.MF files and upgrade the version in both of them (since while the version is defined in the parent POM, it is referenced in all child POM:s).
Is this the correct way to do this or is there a way to automate the whole process and not make mistakes?
P.S. There is the Maven Release plugin but this won't work with Eclipse.
For the version update step of a relase process, there is the tycho-versions-plugin which knows how to consistently update the POMs and manifests.
Just go to the root of your parent/aggregator module and call
mvn org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-versions-plugin:set-version -DnewVersion="0.1.0"
This will update the version of the parent project and of all child projects with the same/equivalent version as the parent project. In your case, these are all projects because the Eclipse versions 0.0.1.qualifier is considerered equivalent to 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT in Tycho.
For the remaining steps of the release process (tagging, building, pushing tags, etc.) just call the appropriate SCM or Maven commands, e.g. from a script. I haven't tried to use the maven-release-plugin for this (and apparently no-one else has).
Please have a look here: Unleash Maven Plugin - Tycho Releases
The Unleash Maven Plugin is implemented as an alternative to the Maven Release Plugin and has a Tycho feature which should do exactly what you need. Furhtermore it is much more flexible, failure tolerant and has an integrated rollback feature.
I will publish some blog posts soon to promote and explain this plugin.
just some hints on how we implemented it.
It can be done with an extra plugin that does transformation of versions in MANIFEST.MF and *.product files. This plugin needs to be a lifecycle participant. #Component(role = AbstractMavenLifecycleParticipant.class) the reason for this is that is must transform and commit before the release plugin starts to look for modifications. Then it must also to transformation back after the release.
The mojo executor plugin saves a good deal of work since it can call the replacer, buildhelper and scm plugin from inside your plugin.
Another important gotcha is that you need to disable to hard coded clean invocation that tycho does by confguring the release plugin to configure the clean plugin to skip execution.
Hope this helps.
There is a new feature in tycho-1.1.0 (unreleased at the time of this post) that should support what you're trying to do.
If you've configured your pom correctly for standard maven-release + added the dep to tycho 1.1.0, you can customize your build as follows [1]:
<preparationGoals>org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-versions-plugin:${tycho-version}:update-eclipse-metadata org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-scm-plugin:1.9.5:add org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-scm-plugin:1.9.5:checkin</preparationGoals>
<completionGoals>org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-versions-plugin:${tycho-version}:update-eclipse-metadata org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-scm-plugin:1.9.5:add org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-scm-plugin:1.9.5:checkin</completionGoals>
<includes>**/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF, **/feature.xml, **/*.product</includes>
<message>Changing the Eclipse files versions</message>
[1] This is taken directly from a tutorial that describes this new feature:
